HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1996-5-3
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The following projoct as submlttod. ~as the fol
Zc.nlng, snd does not requIre specIfiC land U9 .
"225 FIFm S1'RE2t approval. /l tLECTRlCAL PttHIt IJ'I'LICAtION
SI'IlINGFJELD, OREGoN 97477 Zoning L"--" Of1..! fr7
:mSI'EcnON IU:QUE'STI 726-3706,,9;0 5 "'3<:/ OJ 0 City Jo, bNu=ber-1WOl/ ~
OFfICE I 726-3759 "_ ~,() __
1 I ftIO. Authorized Signatur.~..J1:oHp.LErr rl: SCIlEDULE IlELOV
--. j,?",W\TIO..N OF IN~TALLAnON
-.f-.:lIJ !:J/), "tr" 5hL A. Nev J\esidentle.l-Sin,h or ,
~. ~~~"-ION tlulti-F~lIIny per dvelliril: unit.
\oIUU Service Inclulledl .'
tln ~ t_:i!1/p21Jn Itellls Cost SUIll
- , ~
. /) JOB J;lESClUI'TION. '. -L' 1000 sQ,ft. or leu
(()/J}67<' fn /?d-#' OI-.u,tllll5- ~W /h'7'4/rpt"P'1~':l:ach--addlHonal'500
:L. i_J1J!-7' I, fiq. it or portion
1V1j/'f'" IPermlts are non-transf~rable and expIre ther.eot
if york is not started 'vi thin 180 days te.ch Kanuf'd'lIome or
of issuance or if, york Is suspernled for Hodu1ar DvelHnz
180 days, Service or Feeder
Electrical Contractor l.R. Brabham, Inc.
Address 68 West "Q" Street
City SprinQfield.
Phone 747-6638
Su~eryIsor License Nu~ber 14735
Expi~ation Date 10/1/96
Constr Contr. Number 08699
~xplration Dat;--r2/18/96
Signature of Supervising ElectrIci~
~_._" ./-8~
/ ,I )AA L1 D.
Ovners Name~~A?l>t.:.
Addreueh /IIew,~-;&J'f)Y ~Fe;-v~
ChY~~' 'It I'h~ -h, 7'1J,fOO()
~TALU.tION ~ q~1-'()/1t
the instal'latlon is l>elng lDa~e on
property I ovn vhlch Is not Intended
lor ,ale, lease or tent.
Ovners SIgnaturel
DAtE. -5=-3;q0.----;--------~: '.
JUlCElrr II ::z I -:z, 9' /J
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. _ ~S 85..00
$ 15.00
$ 40,00
ServIces or reeders'
Installation, Alterations
or Relocation;
200 emps or less
201 emps to 400 amps
401 amps to 600 amps
601 amps to 1000 amps
Over 1000 amps/volts
Reconnect Only
$ 50.00
$ 60.00
$ 40.00
C. Tempore.ry Services or' leeders
Xnstallatlon, !lteratlOILor Jlelocation
200 em~s or less $ 40.00
201 amps to 400 amps - $ 55.00
Over 401 to 600 amps $ 80.00
Over 600 11ll1ps or 100v VOlts see liB" lIOOve
lIrench Circuits
!lev, Atten.tion or ExtE:nslon Per Panel
One Circuit / $ 35.00 35.00
Each Additional -----
CI rc.ult or vlth Service_
or Feeder hrnlt .:;, $ 2.00 /0,00
E. Hiscel1aneous (Service/feeder not Included)
-Each fnstalh.tlon .
tUlip or Illfgetlon $ 40.00
Sign/Outline Ltghtlng----- $ 40.00
Limited Energy/Rts S 20.00
LtCllted Energy/ColII1II == $ 36.00 -
. t/6: ()() ,
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. 1-f _9. )p()
SI: StIlte SUrcharge
3% Administrative ree