HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1983-2-22 .. RESIDfNTIAL': APPMCATION!PERNIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 9?4?? Building Division ?26-3?53 ;:>-. . Job Location: /00/ ,"\. '/J' \'1(,)?' ~\.{)ro AsaesGorz gap ./1- StdJdi:;.:.sicn: SPRINGFlE1..C ,.. , :Sf- . T= Lot! CJ:')~()C) '['n u) (If) y- n i nCj (1 rrY"p , J8 f.D. l30x 5'b- Phone: .:sd 1 d Zie: . ~..."1Ier: Add.....es3 : City: n n n n V"'l 1YCt;- '7tJ7C/ 97477 Descn"';be il'orok.: Addi ticn k:acLlfouJ p<1-Wfl-fM) [:.1..8 the responsibility of the permit ho~Br to see that alt in$vec=ions are ~ade at the proper ti~€~ that from the street, and that the ::!c.rmit c::zrd is kcated at the front- of tr..e propel'ty. ~?ui!di~~ D{ui=io~ ~~roved pLan sr~lt remain on the Buitding Sit~ at all times. PROCEDUf!E -"'OR INSPECTION RE'QUES'T:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state yOUI' City :J.esigr..a.ted job nur.:bel'~ l'aqu.esr:cd a;",.d when you. wi7.t oe ready foro ir.spcction. ContJ"actcrs 01' C'I..:ners r.c.me end pr.one number'. :..'iZl. be made the; same dc.y~ requests mc:.de aft;:...... 7:00 a:n rJiZl. be made the rn:;xt :JOI'king day. Remade 1. ,'foo-:. 12 .?ome rO .,.J;:)-8 ~ rate of App!ica:icn :'::onz;I'Cc;:;oI'S CeneI'a! PLumbing E:lectI'iccl. NI'J::har:ic::.l. Const~Action L~nder t?1!!ll.1i-reri 1'"'1.~l"'q"!t~:r-,.,<l' O SIT~ LV~P::C':'!G!!: ~o be made excatJ.:::;:t~~n~ .:Jut pnol" tc set forms, Uz'IDERSu..3 ?LU,'.f3I.VC. FD2C7Ff!C.1L -1 ".!EC;;:;','iIC,E,: To be made before any after up of o WOl'k is ,::ciJzred.. o FCOTDG 1 ?OI.HlDATIC:l: To ce ,mee after ~rencr.es are e:::cCl"Jated a1".a fc;rms are erect.2(i~ but prior to pourir~ c::nc~et~. U.'!DZ!1.C.~OU.~fD "?:'UY:.?HG. SEW?:.~. ::I.1TE'.'i', OP.AI:1AGZ: To be n:a::.e p1""~o!' ::0 /i~- l.ir..{J ;rer:che~. CJ o UNDE:RF'!..OO.'? !?:W~~'G -1 :.fEC.f!.A..VICA.L: To be made prier to inataLiation of floor insuk:t:ion or decking, o POST AND 3EAU: To.:,e rr:adc pr>ior to insz;a~l.aticn of [tOOl' inst.:Zaticn 01' decki"" D RorJCH ?!'[F.~ET7C. F!..ECTP:!C..J.f. .1 .'..fECH- AuICA~: ~o ~or~ ~3 to be covered untiL :hcse ~r~Dec=icr.s hcv€ .::€er. made era ap?r?~ed. FI.~::?[.ACE: Prio!" ~o p iacir.g f~cing mccariaLs cr.d .:,~fQre fra:m.r.g inspec- tior.. D o F?A'~T.'!C: Must ~e requ.o!3ted after approv~l of rough ~ZW7~i~~. ?!ect~;- ool & mecr.ani.::a:.. Al.! ~oj-:.r~ bracr~r~ d chi,nn~ys. et~. ,~~3C be ,coI'Tf!)Ze:cd. ,'10 ',,;::)I'_i<. is to ,:,o;? cor.- .:. cec'-Led ur.::i Z this ir:8tlec~cn has 'been ,Toade end apPrQved. Value Address Your City. Desigr4ted Job Number 10: D INSULATION/VAPO.q 8.4RRIE::? INSP'::C'!'ICtJ: To be ;'1!ade after aLl. insu !:;.ti:Jn w..d reauired VaDor barriers are in 'Glace but before any lath, gypsum bca..:...c or wZZ covering is G?PZied, ~.d before any insuiation is concealed. ~---- -- - --- . .=?cce~o; .~ ( 1l()d..4cJ o DR'!"'dALL I?1SP:;CTIO?/: Tc 012 .':".ac.e after aU a:r':Jwa~/.. '!..s in place, au c prior to cr.y t;apir.g. ,~SONRY: Steel location, bond beama, ~;ir.g or ~erticals in accor~ce with U.B.C. Section 241&. :"'OODS'!'OVE: After instal.Lation is ccmp~ec.:zd. ();d Siqr:ed: ~ '7-1.... '"L-9; .~ o D o CURB t!l APPROACH .4P.':;DN: Aj'te:' forms .:;re er8:!ted but pr'""';or to pouring :!on:;rete. SIDEWALK d DRnrsflAY: For alL ccn- crez;e paving wi~hin screet right- of-wcy~ to bc made a;'-;.er aU e::::ca- vating ccmplece & fOr::! ....-ark .i =:ub- base ,T.ctel"";al. in ?Ul:!e. Date: [,isc. ,. E:::::-;ires ?hol'1.~ D D YENC!: When co;;roZ;;te -- aovice ga~es or movable sections ~hrQUgr. P.U.E. ~J1 ~ess is re~b:e JOo address, type of ir.3~ec~icn Requ~s:s received b~fcre' 7:00 ~ AsCROl t DE:.tO&ITIO;V OR ;~::JV:;::" 3UILDIiiGS ~ Sanitary s€".Jer zo:p?ed ::t p~op~rt",. t.ir:e =:J Septi~ tank p~7.?ed ~~d f~l.Zed ~i:h ~~7e: ~ FinaL - :rl'1.en cbcv€ ~te~s are c~~ie~~d ~ and ~hen iencZitior. is c~~e-=e or s-=~~~- tIC'e moved ar.c Fl'c:::-:;i,;;es z(e:;r.ed u~. . Nooi l.e Hcmes :=J :=J :=J Elocking ar~ S2C-~p Pl.umbing connections s.::wer ar.d wc~er EZectl"";ccl. Ccnr.ec~~on - 8lockinq~ set-u~ and plt~bing connections ~~st ce approv€d be;orc request~ng eZec:rical ins?ec;~o~ =.J .4.cces:;c.-g' 3uild~r.g ~ Fi~l - Aft~r ;orcr.esJ ~ etc. are c~pl.a;~d. d.e~;'-..3J SK':.rt':.rlf, D rrJ C9J.2- ~~do ~U'L~ Al.l project cor.a~=~OnS, 3UC~ as ~he ins=atlacion of s;reet =rees. ~c.~~aC~Qn of ;he required 1..anC.scapir.g~ etc., .71Ust be sar;isf~cd. betore the aUI[.DI:;C FI:.'A& =~n be rat:j..l2sc.zd. O. FIlIAL P&U:'.fE!:i'C 0, FINAL ,'{EC;HA:IICAC D. ?INA& 2LEC':.9IC/.L ,0 o FINAL EUILDING: The Final Building !r.svection ~st Oq reauested ~:=er the ?ir~l. Plu~bing El~ctrica!, and Mecha~iccZ :r.specticns ~4UC ~een mad.e and approved. ~AL[' MANHCl,ES AND CLEANOUTS NUS';' BE ACCES3IB['E. ADJUST.'.':::,"! ':0 3E :.~1DE !~T tl0 -::;5':' TQ -;I'::! I :;>,....'" oJ'.:! I i JOB NO. 533CAO( SOLAR.CESS , l::~a: ILot Sa. Ftg. I~ ~~ ::: ~~ve~ag~ # OJ ~"Ol""~es l:otaZ Height Topogrcr;hy l!'!'~:,! I.'''':n I SQ. FTC l~:,:c;! i ! w:r:,~!": I, !.>tc::eSS;J't''J I I I I S.D.C. -- 'i'()'!'A~ ;rALUE ( l,'C::"UC) 1.5: Bui!.ding ?erm"~t State SW'::h.zroge TotaL Cr.a~ge3 I I~~,~ ? NO., ! ri--:ures !R8SidzntiaZ (1 bath) i Scnit:Ir"J Sewer I "c'"." \ ~ PZumbing Perr.:i t State Surcr.arge Tctat C'f'.t::.!"ces 11I'Df '.r?es. Sa. ft~. jNew/EXtend Circuits I TemoCl'CTU Service I :l0. I Ele::t~~cat Pe~t Stete Su:ro::har-:::e Total ChLU'ces I :?2.~ I ?~..:Ice =TU' 5 I E=haus t Heod I Vent F':17I I . I i/OOdSt;.O:J8 :;C. Peror:rit Issu::nce Mecr.anic::.l Femt Stat~ Surchcr~~ ,!,1")~(':7. C1!C2"'J.<?!1 Zt'CRCACH1.f!::iT ! - ......-.... . I~e~~~~~u ~e~os~t Storaqe ,'.h"':ntencr'~e I" '. _ Cr.'lt!... I I C'ta'b~.J.; ISide:!Jaz;,: I- I :en.:e I El.zctl'ical , ! -"'obi la Home Total C"ttar-:cs Lebel I TOTA!; ,t'.!OUNT DUE:" Ccr:-...:;anc':J GrO'J.'::): [,OT TYPE Ir:"Ceriop Cornero PanhandLe Cu.L-de-sac x Value ,.. CHARGE .s. OD ..5 .()D .W c:..'lD C':..iAi?GE .:'~ I I I I I. CHARCE I I I I I I I I I . I I J520 P=qe 2 '.. . L-COG{> REQ.- 'I':.'oe/Cor:st: 3.u::rQorr:s: Lot races - I 2nercr.J Sources i Eea"C I I II II 'I':;r;2 Setbacks P.~. I House I Caraae I!lor~fl lEast $()!.;.th l;;rest I Access. ':later' ~'f?at;<..,. Range Fireo lace 'ilooa3to::a Fees I I I I I I I I. I \ I I Building Value & Permit This pePmit i3 g~anted on the e:press condition that the said..const~Ac=ion shaH. in dL !'es'Oects, ccnf'crm to the :Jrdinar.ce ador::;ted '!:Jy the :;it:; of' Spr--;7'..cf:e~d, :'r!c~:..ci7lg ::r:e 20n:r:a C!'d:r:c.1:.ce, !'eC".A.lc..tf..r:a ::ite ccr:sc:-:.c:::..:;r: and ~;~ of buildings, and m=y beuJuoper~ed or r~vokec ~~ cr:~ ti~e ~~or. ~ic- l,ation of 2ny ?r~vi3ior.s of said Ordir~nces, " \ Inan Check Fee: I Date Paid: I Readpt #: \ I Signed: Plumbing Permit No pereon vhall construct. instal!. atter or change any r~w cr e=isting plumbing ~r drainage sY8tem in whole or in part. unles8 such Ferson i8 the legal, possessor of a vaLid plumber's license. e=cept tr~t a ?e~son ma~ do plumbing ~oTk to properp~ which i8 owr~dJ L~a8ed OT cpera~ed by the ~ppLi- cant. . Electrical Permi t Where State LCJJ require8 that the electricaL work be done by an Ele!Jtrical Contractor. the electrical por~ion of this permit shaLL not ba vatid untiL the Label. has been signed by the Electrical ~ontraator. Mechanical Permit Pi-an C=:.....'....r11"ner L-'ar;e I. I I J I I I I I I HAVE CAREC'ULLY EXA.l1INED -:he corr.plated ::~pli.cacion for -permi.t. end do hereby certify that aU injo:-ma-:ion hereon ::'s true ::1'".:1 cerY'::c~, c:r.d I fg-;r.er cer"ti!'-d :hat any c:.r.d aa >.:ork perlo~ed shal.Z be do~e in ::.c:::or- dance :.lith r:he ordi1U:nCes of the City of Spr-ingf'idd. and ;;nt: LC:";3 of vh~ State oj Orec~n ~$r~inina to the work described herein. cr~ -:hc~ YO occu- P;!!JCY !.JiU- o~ ..TCd.e ,oj anyu 3t~ct::.a'e :Jitr.out; ,~rmis;;ion of the 2u:.ldir.a D-:..- vision. I fu.rther ceri:.i.fy t;..:::.t O:1Zy :::cn:ractors w.d e:;rpl;Jyees !.:ho ar~ in c~pZi.ance with CRS 701.05& will be used en this prajzer:. vL2J.~ ;.t. 4/1 / '!..gn3v .t- 2.-22.. -J-J 'Date .~ ;;"...", -.--- .... . . ?/?EDf.!C:C::O /;/i\"L:'55VE;'E .L)EV/CE. . _,_ _ __ __ _, ",,---=--- ci:Rn-10I/ABLE . --1~"" ,~ ~ pr;OTEGT/VE '--L)-l' "HJ::;- , Q:lVER. ft'A -rEI"? /.AETe:r<.' ~ ~ I' :=L..s- -, '/, '--.1 /ir"",'" W~"~IH~- '- , ~ -mig,Y\I~- (,"PVC -::!i.!/,--=:Jir~~ ;r=111[;~I'ID'~IIIIIIIII. 11111/~lllllllr:=':I~llilllll ;;hil[I~IIIJ~ ...",.. illilc.-:-'ljllll - olIIIDLt;-n _ yl 'LOW - -1; rl~ff \~ j. l~~" ~r'" - - ,V'~' -- ifflI1IABOVE:: ~ROUND ELE:!/ATION .-~P (," PVc. -:) =-- .' NE Plc/A/ E /1()DE.L 575 (1000 q 1'1'1 ) . C"" II t^~':;l/::~ P:::~E DEVICE l=@= --- ,Qr, '~1_1 _ . __I~-r ' - - -~.-. J"r~?ROTECT;VL7 COVEP_ 2--1. . L _,J . PLAN. VIEW. . vvATER METER . ......,,, ,... ."..."...,,~,' ...".,.._."." ,.. ".,.... ..,,,,," M'" '" , , .. _. ..... ...., ~""...._." . ,........,,,....,'.. .".... .1, .,1 .....". ., .. ~PU\NT :'SERVICE-S BLDG. SP- M/jC : CITY WA TER BAC'kFLO\A1 PREVENTOR ~ ,/ PIPING ARRANc,E:!1ENT , 1DOWCORN ING CORP.' DRAWING NUMBER ~. SPRINGFIELD. OREGON I SK-Z83-2 REVISION 2-1&'-83 : 110010 .,..., .~........... . 10__'.. ....,...."...........",.....,,,,,... "'.".'. ,.... . .. ...".~I ."J..'" ~. 'c~. .-\ -." ~ ) - , . ,~.- Basic Installation Instructions ,..... 1. Before installir.g the Model 575 Reduced Pressure Principle 8ackflow Preventer, flush the water lines thoroughly to remove all debris. chips, and other foreign matter. 2. Install the backflow preventer in a horizontal position, with the cast arrow on the side of the device point- ing in the direction of water flow. 3. Provide adeQ~ate space around the backflow preventer so .thal the lest.. cocks will be accessible for testing, servicing, and ~epair:'" 4. Provide a suitaJile drain arrangement to drain off 'spnlage from the relief valve. An air gap of at least two times the pipe diameter must be provided between the relief valve and the drain piping. (Figure 2) 5, Do;;ot pipe the relief valve solidly to a floor drain, sewer, or sump. t:...6. Install the backflow preventer at . 'east 12 inches above the ground or surrounding flood level. (Figure 1 J 7. AI.;;ay;~onsult . local codes for in- stallation methods, approvals, and guidance. ~. OLJtc~oor Installation' The Model 575 Reduced Pressure Principle 8ackflow Preventer may be' installed 'outdoors in areas where freezing conditions do not occur. All the basic installation instructions apply, If the device is to be installed in a pit or vault. obsprve the'. following additional ,"prec!lutions: 1. Make sure that the pit or vault has ample drainage 10 keep it dry. 2: If there is any possibility of freezing. protect the backflow prevanler by providing adequate healing or insulation. .3. Allow enough space in the pit or vault lor tesling and repair of the backflow preventer. 4. Make sure that the installed backflow preventer will never be submerged in water: fI/. neptune 1 [iVA]@ru@~ ~~~ Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Preventer FORM 8607 LOCKED COVER RECOMMENDED PROVIDE HEAT OR INSULATION =- '~ I ----- --......... -~ i~ 'ik~ ... SURROUNDING .__ fl. t FLOOD LEVEL ) c:jjj~ f,&t' AOEOUATE ~ DR~IN FIgure 1. . Above Ground Outdoor Installation ,-.. ;. 'c', .:, ;.. " ~.. APPROVEO -.- AIR GAP- , ..........---- ~2D1A.MIN1MUM ___________ fl _ OF INCOM~~..G PIPE '=l _____. MINIMUM .'... ---- CLEARANCE DRAIN'" -- 12" ABOVE SURROUNDING ;:c . .' .' --- .' i.::,. .'" Figure 2. TyplcallnslallaUon In Building .~_.' Indoor Installation . Indoor installation is preferred in areas that are subject to freezing conditions. All the basic installation instructions apply to such installations. Parallel Installation Where uninterrupted service from a single meter connection must be maintained, IWO or more Model 575 Reduced Pressure Principle 8ackllow Preventers may be conneclCd in p<lraHe1. (Figure 3) Parallel installalion permits testing of back flow prevenlers individually without interrupting service. When two backflow preventers are used in parallel, the total capacity of the devices must equal or e)(ceed the capacity 01 the main line. All the basic installation instructions apply 10 a parallel installation. In addition, make sure thaI adequate space is provided between the parallel devices for testing and repair. For parallel installation of 3" or larger Model 575 Reduced Pressure Principle 8ackflow Prevenlers refer to Model 575 M.5. M-S. or M.10 manifold brochures. "'('. Install the Model 575 ReducBd PrBS5ure Principle BacHlow Preventer where spillage from the relief valve will not cause damage, problems. or be 8 nuisance. Always install a funnel arrangement with piping to drain of/any spillage. Do not connect any piping directly to the relief valve. Placing the Device in Service After installiltion has been compleled. place the Model 575 Aeduced Pressure Backllow Preventer in service as lollows: 1. Stan with both gate valves closed. Slowly open Ihe inlet gale valve until lhe backllow prevenler is completely pressurized. 2. A continual discharge from the reliel valve may occur until all valve surfaces have properly sealed. If a conlinual discharge from lhe relief valve is nOled, close lhe inlet gate valve and let the backflow preventer stand until lhe discharge stops, Then, pressurize lhe device as instrucled in Step 1. 3. If the discharge from the relief valve Figure 3. Typical Parallel Installation y ne~t~~!!~ETER / COMPANY A !..m".<>'....~ 0# ......TU..~ ............oON..' r.O""""AflO'" does not stop in Step 2. remove Ihe inlet check valve and check for .bris. Flush the backflow prevenlcr oroughly, Install the inlet check valvo and pressurize the back flow preventer as instructed in Slep 1. 4. After the backflow preventer has been pressurized. vent all trapped air from both check valves and the relief valve by opening the four vent screws. (Figure 4) When liquid appears at all 01 the vents, close the four vent screws. Do not remove the vent screws 10 bleed air. 5. Slowly open the discharge gate valve. The Model 575 Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow PrnvenlCr is now in service. 5. 11 "spilling" from the relief viltve is noled. check the system lor pressure fluctuations and water hammer con. dilionS.lnstall suitable water pressure reducing valves or water hammer shock arrestors as nceded. 7. After the backflow preventer has been properly installed. te5tthe device (see instructions for delailed lest procedure). If the device fails the tes\, remove the first and second check valves and thoroughly flush the device. If the relief valve fails 10 opcralC property, inspect the sensing line for clogging. (also see maintenance instructions). Clean the rubber seats of all debris and place the unit back in service. [ :~ VENT SCREW Figure 4. Venting Check and Relief Valves (,J 'J REGIONAL SALES and SERVICE OFFICES . ATLANTA, GA., 200 Permalume Pl., N.W. 30318, (404) 355.2880 . DALLAS, TEX., 2512 Program Dr., 75220, (214) 350.5272 . LOS ANGELES. CAL.. 5540 E. Harbor St., 90040, (213) 723-4571 (.J G LOUISVILLE. KY., 9200 Shelbyville Rd., 40222, (502) 426.5070 . NEW YORK, N.Y., 14 Ridgedale Avo, Cedar Knolls, N. J. 07927 (201) 267.7293 . HOME OFFICE: 312 James Sf., Talla.see, AL 36078, (205) 283.6555 PRINTED IN U,S.A, 12/80 2M yFROH <'~ "-,C M 1o/-4IN - - -IT 'i c 0'- Pf/c CITY WA.TER 1'1 G/'~ 5ANITI1/2't SEW:!:' (~n5T'G) ~-ME.TJ:R PIT TQ---c, W 8ACI-(FLOW PREi/6UTOR II II II "-- I ~ '1-'- - '* DO ! I I : I -D- -0-- ..3AG,!/Oi./5E ',1 : . ~ ,'r2."fNAr.GASB4CK-u>". I . " I ~. III A T A - ~ ---~.( SEE _ 'LO PL N ~, ..sCALE ;"='501 , - I _'-.____ II~ l-JOTE:: #'\ --- _. I LA8 ......, ~ ! 'i--1Yi --NE.,\fG:iA:S ____ :,I-"t-t;3-,':;;,"4-f.j..{:_~:;CJ:!!'VJ}~ l it --- --'- -ME.r~--.---- : ~I J kli.\-=J~;;..ACV="'~S~ /11,:-----1"1 . .~r- ~~3IN;:;,~RIEOWO~~M/: I -=SJ;.E:::D~"--'-' ill .--f- "" --' 'i' f: ',". I,V I--l. --.: .' .' U _---:::>,~ -- ~et=sttE.YE ~) .K1.L().d~OC~' t !f?ANS,cO/ZMc/Z ~\W":c.Si: ~ .>~saN.04E.2-1f' I L"4N 2Yz4'J 'L..Q ( . " I " ,~U"'Ofl<ll1 I -- . . ,l . 'I ",lRM' ~:, I. I fU/2!fI!Cl .~- i: n.. . I; I - B U It. f) I Nc; II ..., . I (' ,\ ~. 'I",h , :' D.~cr: II I . NO I f 2.,,/ ~~ - - : - -'=- . t:. - 11:'I.:5t!oP I: I -, (&ARD"-IER DEf.-J. IN/ f2 A W M..1 T C /2 I A L 5 ! :, ^' _~_ ~f.-. I \~~ f!~ 3OJgpM/ _V-u I \" A /I II ,") IM--= II.. .llle:1 1':~/50P5IG N'AT. qAS /;":~1. >~.~~:-..~ ...., I ,;- '.' , ,"'.:'- , /, .. .' ,... ,'- /'.(ilLY ....~.:l;:.,\ ,II \,..v . '{,:i'!'\ 11,- ~~, T ".,\ t~ ~ I - . ;m;-, -.':--.. ; ~--.-... I ',' "._ I, .1" t . I 1 I I ,~ ..., j' , :. Ii; 1!; -'- '~ Ii ','; Ii: ,~',' ','r' \'\'" "." '~UJ J~~~''''' ~.----~./ , . .- I I' I I , : I i I ! {: JA ,01 ()yt:F I : '- l~\;... - 0- f t PA/210NG I I ! i . TJO\tJ CORN\I\JG CORP . 1801 ..50U 771 'A" StREET _ ..sPR.ING F/ELD: OREGON OFFICE' . . <. I': ,\ .. .VI ILL r I~-- coE;,E;..-=-~( - ------ ------- -- ------------ QUiJ12T7 51) I . E)( \ST!\..\(; SYSTEt-1 'J- . . '. CITY OF SPRI~GFIELD , , ~,PPLICATIO" H:D AGREEHENT FOI, SEIER LlXE ROO:<UP Applicatio~ is hereby m~dc by the undersigned property olvncr for permission 'to con::.cct the, fol.~~:n.Ti::g described property to a se\vcr line mmed 3:1d mai;.1taincd by the City of Sp~ingficld, 3~d I agree to pay such a hookup charge as par Spring-' field Code of 1965, Chapter 2, Sectio~ 2-10-3, Subsectio~ 3 and 5 of $300,00 per clia~ctcr inch for ~ny connections made. o PROPERTY DESCRIpTION: ADDRESS: 1801 South 'A' Street Beginning from a point which is 493.54 feet North 890 56' 30" East and 70.30 feet South 00 01' East from the Southwest corner of the Railroad Addition to Springfield, Book 7, page 17, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, Lane County, Oregqn: Running thence South 0001' East 933.44 feet to the North right-of-way line of the Southern Pacific Railroad; thence along said railroad right-of-way on a curve to the right, the chord of which bears ~orth 81~ 46' 28" West 601. 95 feet; thence leaving said right-of-way line Noreh 0 01' West 391. 99 feet; thence South 890. 56' 30" l.Jest 158.62 feet; the~ce running North 00 23' East 454.71 feet; thence North 890 56' 30" East 751.24 feet to the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. Excepting the 'North 113.7 feet of the East 412.44 feet of the above .described property. LATERAL' Based on an 8" line from information supplied by National Metallurgical Sewer hookup charges: ($300.00 per diameter inch). = $ 2,400.00 This agreement does not include the sewer user chagres, plumbing permits, or other such costs to be assumed by the property owner. Further, ,this agreement docs not relieve said property from future assessments for future laterals. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON: ~~;J;lS:07<<~G . , , By: &Mrl>7( .7JI'1J1j r/)4/?",{/ / ~(.//7,,{p d /9'lC/ U ~ D.:ltc: STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss Cou~ty of Lane ) &fA....,.'-C'~ , 19 7<7-; before for ~~td Coun~y an~ Stat~p~rsonally ~r_ - ?___/-C-~_T c;/ kn01~: to ~~ to bc the identical individual described in and who executed the Hithin instrument and acknowledged to be that ,A--€.....executed the same freely and voluntu.rily. BE IT RmlEHJlERED', That on this /,;/ day of mc) the undersigned, a ~ot:a~Yd~b.li~in~ and nppeared the within named ~~~~~~ WIT~~SS my hand and seal this day and year lase above written. ---L~~~j, G 7~v,w-~~Y NOTA..'l.Y PUBq.c W,/VLC- .-Z. / Y 7 )7 My/Commission Expires . r " \ i.~ .'. i I 'c/~-70 ) ( ~ NATIONAL'METALLUaAL 'j ./ ~,;J- PROPERTY DESCRIPTION NATIONAL METALLURGICAL PROPERTY , Beginning from a point which lS 493.54 feet North 890 56'30" East and 70.30 feet South 0001' East from the South- west corner of the Rai lroad Addi tion to Spri ngfie ld, Book 7, Page 17, Lane County Orego~ Pl~t Records, Lane County, Oregon: Running thence South 00 01' East 933.44 feet to the North right-of-way line of the Southern Pacific Railroad; thence along said railroad right-of-way on a curve to the right, the chord of which bears ,North 810 46'28" West 601.95 feet; thence leaving said right-of-way lIne North 00 01' West 391.99 feet; thence South 890 56'30" West 158.62 feet; . . thence runDing North 00 23' East 454.71 feet; thenc~ North 890 56'30" East 751.24 feet to the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. -kon.t-a-i-n s_appr:ox i m ately-1-3,.-8-1-acre-s-)- 'f'~.-/'"-,,,I~" ~, ~ '-~_.~.~ --.r:f'-"-'- --~~ ~~ --'~ - - ZC -_="" -_:'~'''';;''-d'~'7-~i--.. ';;1- /d ~-r;:;;=hd "'" ~ ~ 4 12-, 4- .f- er(;z;:L. ~ clJ." ~ -~ rK7f'" 7 ' '" . ,",-, I ~ ,I '\ . ' . .f-f);)'" '" :9, '. ''-/,,( / " .",,'''V' ' #~~."% 4'-&>/11\ " /". ~ I ~~,<j<"'/'. ''.:J./;Jl'' '<<.to. "';-e:., '.. Jt~O~ :'1 ~ ~ e.- !\) - . . . -! \ .