HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5926 06/21/1999 - . \ ORDINANCE NO. 5926 AN ORDINANCE RATIFYING THE CREATION OF THE REGIONAL FIBER OPTIC CONSORTillM AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT CREATING THE CONSORTillM ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Section 2. Section 3. . b. c. d. e. Section 4. It is the intent ofthe Springfield City Council to create an intergovernmental entity, to be known as the Regional Fiber Consortium, by an intergovernmental agreement entered into by the City and other units of local government pursuant to the provisions of ORS 190.003 et seq. The effective date of such intergovernmental agreement shall be July 1,1999, or such later date as shall be the date two participating units of local government shall have adopted an ordinance ratifying the creation of the Regional Fiber Consortium. The public purposes for which the Regional Fiber Consortium shall be created shall be: a. To assume ownership and control of fiber optic cable obtained by the consortium, or by any member government, that the government, in its discretion, deems it is appropriate to contribute to the consortium; To provide for the members a fiber optic system, or components thereof, that, consistent with available resources, best serves the public interest in an efficient manner; To provide a forum for communication and consultation among members and to provide. an opportunity for a cooperative and equitable sharing of the expenses, data, expertise, experience and plans of each unit of local government; If feasible for and agreeable to some or all of the members, take joint or common action to provide the appropriate level of communication services to the citizens ofthe various jurisdictions; and To acquire such additional tangible and intangible assets as are deemed necessary to fulfill the other purposes of the consortium. The powers, duties and functions ofthe Regional Fiber Consortium shall be: a. Plan for fiber optic system development for the consortium. b. Direct and manage the use of a fiber optic system or systems obtained by the consortium or its members. c. When requested, act as the agent of the members in the preparation and REVIEWED & APPROVED AS TO FORM . ~D~'~ .J '-~~~ DATE: i.:. \ ~ ~ ~ ~ OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY . . . . Ol:'dinance 5926 Page 2 d. negotiation of agreements concerning the acquisition, management and use of the consortium's fiber optic systems. Carry out further responsibilities and functions as provided by the members. Section 5. The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to evidence this ratification of the creation oftheRegional Fiber Consortium by executing, on behalf ofthe City of Springfield, a copy of an INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT TO ESTABLISH A REGIONAL FIBER CONSORTIUM FOR THE OWNERSHIP AND OPERATION OF A FIBER OPTIC SYSTEM, substantially in the form of a draft dated June 1, 1999, with such changes as he determines are not inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance, such determination to be evidenced by his execution of the agreement. ADOPTED by the Common Council ofthe City of Springfield this ~ day of June 1999, by a vote of ~ for and ~ against. APPROVED by the Mayor ofthe City of Springfield this -.lL day of June , 1999. ~~1tA~ Maureen M. Maine, Mayor ATTEST: J 1_ t k~ Lv ~ being first duly sworn, deposes and says that Maureen M. Maine, to me personally known, and known by me to be the person described in the fOE,egoin.s; instrument did sign this ordinance with her hand in my presence this ~ bt-. day of (]~ , 1999. . . . drdinance 5926 Page 3 INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT TO ESTABLISH A REGIONAL FIBER CONSORTIUM FOR THE OWNERSHIP AND OPERATION OF A FIBER OPTIC SYSTEM AN AGREEMENT, entered into by and between the City of Oak ridge, the City of West fir, the City of Lowell, the City of Springfield, the City of Coburg, the City of Klamath Falls, the City of Chiloquin and the City of Merrill, all of which are Oregon municipal corporations, and Lane County, a political subdivision of the State of Oregon, and Klamath County; a political subdivision of the State of Oregon. REelT ALS WHEREAS,ORS 190.010 provides that units of local government may enter into agreements for the perfornlance of any or all functions and activities that a party to the agreements, its officers or agents, have authority to perform. AGREEMENT Now therefore it is agreed: Section 1. GENERAL PURPOSE To form a joint entity (hereafter the Regional Fiber Consortium, or "the consortium") consisting of representatives from certain units oflocal government to carry out the following purposes: A. To assume ownership and control of fiber optic cable obtained by the consortium, or by any member government, that the government, in its discretion, deems it is appropriate to contribute to the consortium; B. To provide for the members a fiber optic system, or components thereof, that, consistent with available resources, best serves the public interest in an efficient manner; C. To provide a forum for communication and consultation among members and to provide an opportunity for a cooperative and equitable sharing of the expenses, data, expertise, experience and plans of each unit of local government; D. If feasible for and agreeable to some or all of the members, take joint or common action to provide the appropriate level of communication services to the citizens of the various jurisdictions; and Intergovernmental Agreement for Regional Fiber Consortium June 1, 1999 Page 1 0[8 . . . Ot'dinance 5926 Page 4 E. To acquire such additional tangible and intangible assets as are deemed necessary to fulfill the other purposes of the consortium. Section 2. MEMBERSHIP A. Membership in the consortium is, subject to the approval of the original members of the consortium, open to any local govemment and other govemmental entities with a contribution to make to the fulfillment of the purposes of the consortium. Any local govemment listed in the first paragraph of this agreement may become a member of the consortium at any time by appropriate action. B. Membership by an entity not listed in the initial paragraph of this intergovemmental agreement shall be subject to the approval of the existing membership of the consortium; The existing members of the consortium shall consider any application for membership and may approve the application whenever the additional membership will further contribute to the efficient achievement of the purposes of the consortium. Such approval shall be a prerequisite for the adoption of any necessary ordinances. The goveming body of any local government may attain membership by adopting an ordinance enacting the intergovernmental agreement. Any other entity may obtain membership in the consortium when such membership is consistent with applicable law and is initiated pursuant to such applicable law. C. Associate membership may be available for any other entity whom the members of the consortium recognize as appropriately able to contribute to the purposes of the consortium. Associate members shall be able to participate in all meetings and discussions, but may not participate in any recorded final vote that creates an obligation for any member. The consortium shall develop appropriate standards and , procedures for admission of associate members. Section 3 FUNCTIONS The basic functions of the consortium are: A. Plan for fiber optic system development for the consortium. B. Direct and manage the use of a fiber optic system or systems obtained by the consortium or its members. C. When requested, act as the agent of the members in the preparation and negotiation of agreements conceming the acquisition, management and use of the consortium's fiber optic systems. D. Carry out further responsibilities and functions as provided by the members. Intergovemmental Agreement for Regional Fiber Consortium June 1, 1999 Page 2 of8 Ordinance 5926 Page 5 . Section 4. AUTHORITY A. Consortium Authority. Except as provided in Article B of this section, the Consortium shall have authority to act on behalf of the members to oversee and direct the operation of any consortium fiber optic system created or enhanced pursuant to the right of way pennit agreements, or other similar agreements entered into by the consortium or its members, and such other responsibilities as may be assigned by the members. The Consortium shall have authority to carry out all functions and duties possessed by the members, either as reserved in the right of way agreements or as otherwise provided by law relating to such agreements, subject to the specific provisions of this agreement. B. Powers Retained by Governing Bodies of Members. In the following areas members reserve the authority to act on their own behalf. Each member agrees to make a good faith effort to weigh the impact of such actions on the overall operation and continuity of the system, and each member agrees -to take no action in those areas without prior notice to the consortium. The matters subject to this retained authority are: 1. Revocation, termination, extension, amendment or renewal of a right- of-way permit, license or franchise for any actions within the member's right of way. . 2. Notice and an opportunity to review prior to the execution of any agreement by the consortium concerning the use, management, control, or operation of any part of the consortium's fiber optic system within the jurisdictional area ofthe member. All such agreements shall be subject to any applicable ordinances or regulations of the member. 3. Any action requiring the adoption of any legislation by the governing bodies, the amendment of this agreement, or the granting or denying of any additional right of way permit, license or franchise. 4. Any decision concerning a change of ownership or control of a system subject to a right of way permit, license or franchise. c. Discretionary Review.No action of the consortium in regard to the following matters shall become final before a period of 30 days has expired from the adoption thereof by the consortium. These actions shall be subject to review by each member during the 30 day period in accordance with procedures established by the member. The purpose of this review is to permit governing bodies of members to understand the consortium's intended actions in matters of particular concern, and to allow the consortium to reconsider such actions, if necessary. The matters subject to this discretionary review are: . Intergovernmental Agreement for Regional Fiber Consortium June 1, 1999 . Page 3 of8 . . . O'rdinance 5926 Page 6 Section 5. 1. Any sanctions to be imposed on any user of the fiber optic system for failure to comply with the tenns of an agreement with the consortium. 2. Adoption, amelldment or repeal ofregulations governing the operation of the system. RULES OF PROCEDURE The consortium shall adopt rules of procedure. The rules shall: A. Establish times and places of meetings. B. Establish a central office for the consortium, which shall have a mailing address, a telephone, and appropriate records of the consortium. C. Prescribe officers of the consortium to be elected by the consortium from among its members. D. Provide for the organization and operation of the meetings of the consortium, wherein each member shall be entitled to select one representative to attend and vote at consortium meetings, that a quorum for any meeting shall consist ofa majority of the members having delegated representatives. The original . rules of procedure shall provide that a decision of the consortium, including a decision to amend the rules of procedure, may be made only upon the affirmative vote of at least half of the members of the consortium. The rules of procedure may be amended to provide that decisions may be made by less than a majority of the members, except that no amendment of the rules of procedure may ever be made by less than a majority of the members. The rules of procedure may provide for meetings to be conducted by telephone or for the attendance of some member's representatives by telephone. Section 6. CONTRACTS The consortium is authorized by the members to enter into contracts for: A. Technical and professional services. B. Construction and installation of any facilities necessary to achieve the objectives of this agreement. C. Provision of any form of telecommunications services to the consortium area, or any part thereof. D. The purchase and ownership of real and personal property. Intergovernmental Agreement for Regional Fiber Consortium June 1, 1999 Page 4 of8 Ordinance 5926 Page 7 . The Consortium's contracts shall be valid when signed by the presiding officer of the consortium, after authorization of such signature by the members of the consortium. Section 7 COST OF OPERA nON A. The cost of operation of the consortium shall be deternlined by its members. In accordance with and subject to the Oregon Local Budget Law, the consortium may make expenditures for the purchase of materials, services, supplies and equipment. Expenditures shall not exceed the funds appropriated for the purpose by the members or acquired through the operations of the consortium. No member shall be obligated for any payments except as previously approved by the member. All obligations of the consortium shall be subject to prior appropriation of funds. B. Any revenues received in excess of the budgeted cost of operation may be reinvested in the provision of additional services by the consortium, or held in a reserve account for future needs, or otherwise used as determined by the consortium. Revenues in excess of operational costs may also b~ returned to the members when such action is . made a part of the consortium's adopted budget. The consortium recognizes that some members have made greater contributions to the establishment of the consortium than other members, when measured in terms of goods and services donated, forbearance in the collection of right-of-way fees, or other financial . contributions. This difference in contributions shall have no effect on membership rights, except that it may be reflected in return payments to members, which shall be roughly proportional to the value of each member's contribution. . Section 8. TERMINATION . The duration of this agreement shall be perpetual. Any member may terminate its participation in the agreement and withdraw from the consortium upon 90 days written notice of withdrawal to the consortium and other members. However, expenditures contracted for by the consortium after the date of notice of intent to withdraw shall not constitute an obligation on the part of the member providing notice of withdrawal. Where a member has the right to collect fees for the use of the right of way, and where the consortium occupies the right of way within the jurisdiction of the member, in the event that a member withdraws from the consortium, the consortium shall become responsible for the payment of right of way fees or for franchise fees or other like charges, in the same manner and to the same degree as would be true for any private entity, unless other arrangements are made at the time of withdrawal. Section 9. MEDIATION . In the event of a dispute or disagreement regarding the performance, terms or conditions of this agreement, unless otherwise provided, the dispute shall be submitted to mediation. Intergovernmental Agreement for Regional Fiber Consortium June 1, 1999 Page 5 of8 Ordinance 5926 Page 8 . Section 10. INDEMNITY The Consortium, and each of the parties agrees to defend, indemnify and save the other harn1less from any claim, liability or damage resulting including attorney fees from any error, omission or act of negligence on the part of the indemnifying party, its officers or employees in the perforn1ance of its responsibilities under this agreement. The parties indemnity and hold harn1less obligations are subject to the limitations of the Oregon Tort Claims Act and the Oregon Constitution, as applicable. In providing the services specified in this agreement (and any associated services) all the parties are public bodies and maintain their public body status as specified in ORS 30.260. All the parties understand and acknowledge that all parties retain all immunities and privileges granted them by the Oregon Tort Claims Act (ORS 30.260 through 30.295) and any and all other statutory rights granted as a result of their status as local public bodies. Section 11. EFFECTIVE DATE .; As required by ORS 190.085, prior to becoming effective, each of the parties to the intergovernmental agreement shall enact an ordinance ratifying the creation of the intergovernmental entity, declaring that it is the intent of the governing body enacting the ordinance to create an intergovernmental entity by intergovernmental agreement, specifying the effective date of the agreement, setting forth the public purposes of the intergovernmental entity and describing the powers, duties and functions of the intergovernmental entity. Not !liter than 30 days after the effective date of the intergovernmental agreement, each member, upon joining, must file with the Secretary of State copies of the enacting ordinance and copies of this intergovernmental agreement. This agreement shall become effective for the first and second member of the consortium . upon the adoption of an enacting ordinance by the second member adopting such an enacting ordinance, and shall thereafter become effective for each additional member of the consortium upon adoption of an enacting ordinance. Section 12. NOTICE. Until notice of a change is provided to all then current members of the consortium, all notice to the consortium shall be directed to: Milo Mecham Lane Council of Governments 125 E 8th Ave. Eugene, OR 97401 541-6824023 fax 541- 6824099 . Intergovernmental Agreement for Regional Fiber Consortium June 1, 1999 Page 60f8 . . . Ordinance 5926 Page 9 DEFINITIONS For purposes of this agreement the following tenns shall mean: A. Member. A local government that has accepted the ternlS of this intergovernmental agreement and has been accepted as a member of the consortium. The original members shall be Coburg, Lane County, Lowell, Oakridge, Springfield and Westfir; Klamath County, Klamath Falls, Chiloquin and Merrill. B. Consortium. A local government fonned as an organization of governments by an intergovernmental agreement having the power to own property, enter into agreements and such other powers as described in this agreement. C. Right-of-way permit. A permit or license granted by a member government to an entity, such pernlit allowing the entity to install telecommunications facilities within the public right-of-way within the jurisdiction of a member government. D. Associate Member. A nonvoting member of the association who may attend all meetings and participate in the activities of the consortium to the extent allowed by law or by agreement between the consortium and the associate member. E. Fiber Optic System. A system for telecommunications consisting of the physical fiber optic cable, the electronic systems necessary to communicate signals along the fiber cable, such other equipment to facilitate the introduction and transmission of a . communication signal, and a means of connection to the source and destination for a communications signal. } SIGNED: THE CITY OF CHILOQUIN THE CITY OF COBURG Signature (Title) Signature (Title) Date Date KLAMATH COUNTY THE CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS Signature. (Title) Signature (Title) Date Date Intergovernmental Agreement for Regional Fiber Consortium June 1, 1999 Page 7 of8 . . . Ordinance 5926 Page 10 LANE COUNTY THE CITY OF LOWELL Signature (Title) Signature (Title) Date Date THE CITY OF MERRILL THE CITY OF OAKRIDGE Signature (Title) Signature (Title) Date Date ~PRlNGFIELD ';/tA.~ Signature (Title) ~ d- \ ') lC(Q1 THE CITY OF WESTFIR / Signature (Title) Date' Date REVIEWED BY CITY OF SPRINGFIELD I} HI ANAGEMEN~ 6-L'1~ -:/ DATE hEVIEWED & APPROVED AS TO FORM \ --, ,\ l::.. ;C:-:3- ~" ,_.\ " \.,SI"-"/\ ., ',',f E__.__ ,~__,i -::, \ (\ (L ' ~...- --- 1..----,.. '-....__..._ ..__...... ;-: C ;" - -, - ;';:,:: Intergovernmental Agreement for Regional Fiber Consortium June 1,1999 Page 8 of8