HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5921 05/17/1999 , . Ordinance 5921, Pag~ 1 . . >- ill Z ce o I- ~ >- I- o ace LL "O;f 0 eLL ill =0,,"0 >I-O~LL. W r1v1 <( LL a:.':{/ao ORDINANCE NO. 5921 (REGULAR) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE METROPOLITAN AREA GENERAL PLAN DIAGRAM BY REDESIGNATING 6.6 ACRES OF LAND FROM MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO LIGHT MEDIUM INDUSTRIAL. The City Council of the City of Springfield finds that: A. Article 7 of the Springfield Development Code sets forth criteria for Plan diagram amendments. B. On February 12, 1999, Springwood Inc., initiated the following Metro Plan diagram amendment: Request to redesignate 6.6 acres of land from Medium Density Residential toLight Medium Industrial, 10. No. 99-02-0039, Tax Lot 700, Assessor's Map 17-02-31. C. On April 20, 1999, the Springfield Planning Commission conducted a public hearing to accept testimony and hear comments on this land use proposal. After the close of this public hearing the Planning Commissi9n considered the testimony provided, including the staff report and all materials submitted in the application. The Planning Commission voted six in favor, none opposed, one absent, to forward.a recommendation of approval to the Springfield City CounciL D. On May 3, 1999, the Springfield City Council held a public hearing on this proposal. E. Evidence exists within the record and the findings attached hereto that the proposal meets the requirements of Article 7 of the Springfield Development Code. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The above findings, and the findings set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference are hereby adopted. Section 2: The Metro Plan designation of the 6.6 acres of Tax Lot 700, Assessor's Map 17 -02-31, more particularly described in Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, is hereby amended from Medium Density Residential to Light Medium Industrial. Section 3: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by.any court of competent jurisdiction, that portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision and that I holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. ADOPTED by the Coinmon Council of the City of Springfield. by a vote of ; 5 for and ~ against this 17th day of May, 1999. APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this..l.l.th day of May, 1999. ~'1A~ ATIEST: -~ ~(2u6'cQv\ " .f Ordinance 5921, Page 2 20'd %96 ZS2ZS8t'Tt'S Ot':60 666T-8G-~d~ . Zune:; De:;~(;,ipaOl& /0'- Spril&G"'ooJ Beginning at the Southwest comer of that tract of land described on instrument recorded on August 6, 1974, Book 293, Page 606, Lane County Oregon Deed Records; thence North 80037'40" East, along the Southerly line of said tract ofland, 204.59 feet; thence continuing along said Southerly line North 77006'10" East 61,23 feet to the True Point of Beginning, thence leaving said Southerly line, South 0021'30" East 1500.39 feet; thence North 89038'30" East 196.18 feet; thence North 0004'46" East 117830 feet to a point of curvature; thence along the arc of a 230.00 foot radius curve to the right, the long chord of which bears North 27033'17" East 212.23 feet; thence North 0000'50" West 43.74 feet to the Southeast comer of said tract ofland; thence following the Southerly line of said tract ofland for the following four courses: North 73000'50" West 68.60 feet; Nonh 64011'50" West 108.90 feet; North 73006'50" West 105.85 feet; South 77006'10" West 41.47 feet to the True Point of Beginning in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. . . 7.0nFrn w'~'n q 'l ~P.7.~P.Q"TtP. yVol ~":Qn ~R/Q7./"n , Ordinance 5921, Page 3 . . / . // / // / ~~ ~ 1T"!!C" l-' ~ ".." SPRINGWOOD ZONING BOUNDARY . .II 0' SO' lIlY 1:5lr 1""'\..---""" - I .