HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5915 03/22/1999 . .' . .: ~ I I i (EMERGENCY) I AN ORDINANCE REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY IN GLENWOOD FROM EUGENE ZONING DISTRICTS TO SPRINGFIELD ZONING DISTRICTS CONSISTENT WITH THE METROPOLITAN AREA GENERAL11PLAN TEXT AND DIAGRAM, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. I i ORDINANCE NO. 5915 I THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ! ! I Section 1: The Metro Plan diagram and text, as amended, determine the zoning of land within the jurisdiction of Springfield. : I , Sectio~ 2: The jurisdiction of Glenwood was transferred to Springfield on December 12, 1998, through joint adoption of a Metro Plan amendment by the cities of Springfield and Eugene and by Lane County (Springfield Jo. No. 98-09-199). ' Section 3: The property subject to this zone change action was tran~ferred from Eugene to Springfield by the Lane County Local Government Boundary Col!lllll-ission on February 4, 1999 (Boundary Commission File C SP 99-07). ' Section 4: The Findings of the Springfield Planning Commission (]o No. 99-02-0030) have been reviewed and are hereby adopted in support of the rezoning of land described in Attachment A of this Ordinance. Order No. 99-02-0030 is attach~d hereto and incorporated herein by reference. i i I I Section 5: It is hereby found and determined that the rezoning of l~d as specified in the attached Planning Commission findings and Order is a matter affecting the public health, . I safety and welfare and that an emergency therefore exists and that this ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage by the Council and approv~1 by the Mayor. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield by a vote of 6 III favor and 0 against this 22nd day of March, 1999. APPROVED by the Mayor ofthe City of Springfield this 22nd day of March, 1999. ~ ~~~~ Maureen Maine I Mayor I ATTEST: l I (\,QOi"'\ ~ ~ CIty Recorder REVIEWED & APPROVED A TO~~M~ ~\ DATE: '3 \ . or 3- OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY . . . MEMORANDUM Cit~ of Springfield ! I I I To: Springfield Planning Commission Gregory Mott; Planning Manager March 10, 1999 Rezoning of Transferred Glenwood Properties From: Date: Subject: I ~SUE ! Property within Glenwood (formerly within the city limits of Eugene) was r~cently transferred to Springfield by the Lane County Boundary Commission. The Boundary Corhmission has no authority to rezone property, therefore Eugene zoning districts still apply to this land even though this land is now within Springfield. The Planning Commission is requested ,to correct this situation by recommending a change to Springfield zoning districts most duplicative of current Eugene zoning districts. I DISCUSSION In December, 1998, Springfield, Eugene and Lane County transferred jurisdictional responsibility of Glenwood from Eugene to Springfield by amending two separate sections! of Metro Plan text. One of the direct consequences of this Plan amendment was the need to transfer any incorporated area from Eugene city limits to Springfield city limits as quickly as possible. This transfer occurred on February 4, 1999, at the direction of the Lane County Local GovemmentBoundary Commission. The Boundary Commission action becomes final on March 22, 1999. The area subject to transfer is approximately 223 acres, is mostly developed land is well distributed throughout Glenwood. The matter before the Planning Commission, and on;March 22nd before the City Council, is the rezoning of this land from Eugene zoning districts to Springfield zoning districts. The accompanying staff report, findings and conclusion includes a map of the subject area (Exhibit B) and a table showing each lot's size, refmement plan designation, Eugene zoning and comparable Springfield zoning (Exhibit A). Exhibit A indicates that aLl,of these lots are designated on the Glenwood Refinement plan for industrial or commercial zoning, but seven are zoned residential. The staff report recommends Springfield residential zoning for these seven lots ". .. until at least the public hearing on Springfield adoption of the Glenwoodl Refinement Plan. This action," the staff report says, "is taken deliberately to elicit more direct and wide-spread citizen involvement in this process." The other 61 lots in this action are recommended for commercial or industrial zoning. I I I Based on the findings and conclusions contained in the attached report and exhibits, staff requests the Planning Commission forward a recommendation of approval of these p~oposed zone changes to the Springfield City Council. I I CONCLUSION ATTACHMENT 1-1 ...+ '?, . . . ZONE CHANGE APPLICATION"", STAFF REPORT, FINDINGS AND CONCLUSION Location and Description of Subject Property: Exhibit A lists each lot and parcel by number and Assessor's Map; by current Eugene City. " zoning classification; by Metro Plan diagram designation; and by proposed Springfield City zoning classification. Exhibit B (map) shows the location of these properties within the Glenwooddistrict. The total area affected by this proposal is approximately 180 acres. The Springfield City zoning districts that apply to these properties'include Light Medium Industrial . (Eugene 1-2); Community Commercial (Eugene C-l); and Low DensityResidential (Eugene AA). i I Criteria of Approval: , I Zone changes within the City of Springfield are subject to criteria found in Section 12.030 of the Springfield Development Code. These criteria read as follows: ; (1) Consistency with the Metro Plan Text and Diagram; I (2) Consistency with applicable Refinement Plans, special area studiesiandfunctional plans; and (3) That the property can' be served by 'the orderly and efficient extension of key urban facilities and services as prescribed in the Metro Plan prior to or injconjunction with development. I , I I Applicant and Local File Number: i The applicant is the City of Springfield Development Services Department on behalf of the Springfield City Council. Journal Number 1999-02-0030. The City Council initiated this request on Monday, February 1, 1999. i.- I I 1-2 . Background and Context for this Action Metro Plan . Springfield, Eugene and Lane County jointly participated in the preparation and adoption of the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan in the late 1970's and early 1980's. One result of this joint effort was the determination that the responsibility for Glenwood jurisdiction required an objective, independent analysis that each jurisdiction would p~icipate in and jointly adopt. This study was completed in 1984 and concluded that Eugene, not ~pringfield, was responsible for providing urban services to Glenwood. Since the provision of these services comes almost exclusively through annexation, Glenwood would eventually become a part of the City of Eugene. I 1 I The three governing bodies and the state of Oregon concurred with this d~termination so in early 1985 the City of Eugene began work on the Glenwood Refmement Plan. in July 1990, Eugene and Lane County adopted the Refmement Plan thereby establishing new l~d use policies and specific zoning districts for Glenwood. This jurisdictional responsibility remained with Eugene until 1998. On November 16, 1998, the City of Springfield and Lane Coubty adopted a Metro Plan text amendment transferring jurisdiction of Glenwood from Eugene ~o Springfield. On . December 7, 1998, the City of Eugene adopted the same Metro Plan text amendment. The first "test" of this amendment occurred on February 4, 1999, when the Boundary Commission, at the request of the two cities, transferred incorporated territory within GlenwOOd from Eugene to .. Springfield. This action was approved unanimously and as of February 24, 1999, no request for. a remonstrance election has been filed. . :. I I Zoning I i The transfer of Glenwood jurisdiction through the Metro Plan amendment process has created several "gaps" in finalizing all land use authority transfers. Glenwood h~ not been rezoned to. Springfield zoning districts, either within the city limits or in the urban tnp1sition area. This is not a violation of the Metro Plan per se because existing Eugene zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan diagram. However, the City of Springfield cannot administerlzoning districts it has not adopted, and the City of Springfield has not adopted the Eugene Code or the Glenwood Refinement Plan. . . I I This circumstance exists throughout all of Glenwood, not just the incorpdrated areas. All land in Glenwood carries Eugene zoning districts adopted by Lane County in accbrdance with the provisions of an intergovernmental agreement with the City of Eugene. rlane County can rezone this property to Springfield zoning districts (in confonnance with the Metro Plan) after the agreement with Eugene has been amended to delete any reference to Glerlwood, and once the agreement with Springfield has been amended to include Glenwood. Refinement Plan . A further action necessitated by the transfer of Glenwood is adoption of the Refinement Plan by the City of Springfield. This action, which includes a citizen advisory cobmittee, is underway and is scheduled for public hearings during the Summer and Fall of 1999[ The existence of a refinement plan is not a requirement of state law, but is often a practical ~ecessity. If tIte acknowledged comprehensive plan lacks the specificity and detail that allows for certainty and precision when making land use decisions, a refinement plan becomes in~ispensable. This is 21-3 . why the refinement plan was prepared originally, and this is why the elected officials of Springfield and Eugene agreed that the refinement plan should be "converted" into a document that could be adopted and implemented by the City of Springfield. Until this part of the Glenwood transition is concluded, the Metro Plan, which the refinement plan mimics at a finer level of detail, will be used as the overriding planning document upon which land use decisions will be based. The Springfield Development Code, which received "post-acknowledgement" approval by the state for conformance with the Metro Plan, will provide the regulatory basis for land use application review. Zone Change Criteria This request involves 68 tax lots that, in the aggregate, total about 180 acres. One of these lots is zoned C-l; seven are zoned RA; and the remaining 60 lots are zoned 1-2. The Metro Plan designation for all of these lots is Light Medium Industrial, however, the Glenwood Refinement Plan designates 13 lots as Commercia1lIndustrial Mixed-Use. . This refinement plan designation was found to be consistent with the Metro Plan designation. An additional finding detennined that Eugene 1-2 or C-l zoning districts were equally suitable for implementation of the mixed-use refinement plan designation. Springfield's Light Medium Industrial (LMI) and Community Commercial (CC) zoning districts are comparable to Eugene 1-2 and C-l districts in terms of purpose, intent and pennitted uses. This report recommends that '. Springfield LMI zoning be applied to all lots currently zoned 1-2 even if the refinement plan designation is "Mixed-Use" because translating current Eugene zoning to the most analogous Springfield zoning is the most direct and equal treatment available. .. The same rational holds true . for the C-l10t being zoned to CC and the RA lots being rezoned to LDR. Springfield's scheduled adoption of the Glenwood Refinement Plan later in 1999, includes an opportunity to rezone property in conformance with the refinement plan diagram, including applying a new, mixed-use overlay district. The City will work closely with the property owners in these areas to seek a more permanent solution to this issue. CRITERIA 1: CONSISTENCY WITH THE METRO PLAN TEXT AND DIAGRAM Section II-C of the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan reads as follows: "C. Eugene and Springfield Jurisdictional Responsibility The division of responsibility between the two cities is the Interstate 5 Highway. . However, state law (1981) provides a mechanism for creation of a new city in the River Road-Santa Clara area." Policy 5.b, Pages IV-2 and IV-3 of the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan reads as follows: . "5.b. A site specific Ty,pe I Metropolitan Plan amendment that involves a UGB expansion or Plan Boundary change and a Type II Metropolitan Plan amendment. between the city limits and Plan Boundary, must be approved by the home city and Lane County (Springfield is the home city for amendments east of 1-5, and Eugene is the home city for amendments west of 1-5). The non-home city will be sent a referral of the . \ '3 1-4 . . . proposed amendment and, based upon a determination that the proposal will have Regional Impact, may participate in the decision. Uriiess the non-home city makes affirmative findings of Regional Impact, the non-home city will not participate in the decision." These two Plan citations vest Springfield with land use jurisdiction "east of 1-5" which clearly includes Glenwood. Land use jurisdiction includes zone changes. Because this land is within the city limiis of Springfield, Lane County is not required to participate. Chapter I, Section D. Use of the Plan "The Metropolitan Area General Plan is a policy document'intended to provjde the three jurisdictions and other agencies and districts with a coordinated guide for change over a long period of time. The major components of this policy document are: the written text, which includes findings, goals, objectives, and policies; the Plan diagram; and other supporting materials. The Plan diagram is a graphic depiction of: (1) the broad allocation of projected land use needs in the metropolitan area; and (2) goals, objectives, and policies embodied in the text of the Plan. Some of the information shown on the diagram includes land use categories, urban growth boundaries, and major transportation corridors. . . The degree to which the General Plan provides sufficient detail to meet the needs of each jurisdiction will have to be determined by the respective jurisdictions; and where conflicts exist among the General Plan, refinement plans and existing zoning, each jurisdiction will have to establish its own schedule for bringing the zoning and refinement plans into conformance with the General Plan. It is recognized that the needs, priorities, and resources vary with each jurisdiction and that the methods and timing used to implement the Plan will also vary." The proposed Springfield zoning districts (LMI, CC, WR) closely duplicate the existing Eugene zoning districts of 1-2, C-l and RA. Some of these properties carrying these zoning districts are not in conformance with the Metro Plan or Glenwood Refinement Plan diagram designations. Consistent with the preceding Metro Plan text citation, the City of Springfield is deferring }OO% plan-zone consistency until at least the public hearings on Springfield adoption of the Glenwood Refinement Plan. This action is taken deliberately to elicit more direct and wide-spread citizen involvement in this process. Chapter I, Section E. Relationship to Other Plans and Policies "In all cases, the Metropolitan Plan is the guiding document, and refinement plans and policies must be consistent with the Metropolitan Plan.. Should inconsistencies occur, the Metropolitan Plan is the prevailing policy document." Chapter II Plan Principles "4. Comprehensive plans identify and establish the Plan zoning consistency ~oncept and recognize the importance of timing concerning implementation techniques. ,,' Implementation techniques, including zoning, shall generally be consisterit with the '41-5 . precepts established in the Metropolitan Plan, which is the broad policy document for the metropolitan area." "5. The zoning process shall be monitored and adjusted to meet current urban land use demands through the planning period for all land use categories." "6. The Metropolitan Plan is based on the premise that Eugene and Springfield, the two existing cities, are the logical providers of services accommodating urban levels of development within the urban growth boundary." The proposed action to rezone these properties with Springfield zoning districts is consistent with these principles. The zoning on 61 of the 68 lots is consistent with the Metro Plan diagram,' the question of timing is predicated on the need for Springfield to administer this land now (beamse it is in the city limits), but also honor the Glenwood Refinement Plan citizen involvement process currently underway; and providing Springfield urban services to these properties cannot occur without Springfield zoning districts. Chapter III, Section B. Economic Element "6. Increase the amount of undeveloped land zoned for light indus~al and commercial uses correlating the effective supply in terms of suitability and availability with the projections of demand." . "7. Encourage industrial park development, including areas for warehousing and distributive industries and research and development activities." "8. Encourage the improvement of the appearance of existing industrial areas, as well as, their ability to serve the needs of existing and potential light industrial development." "10. Encourage economic activities which strengthen the metropolitan area's position as a regional distribution, trade, health, and service center. "13. Encourage compatibility between industrially zoned lands and adjacent areas in local planning programs." By providing each of these parcels with appropriate Springfield zoning districts, the . opportunity for development, consistent with the Metro Plan and Glenwood Refinement. Plan becomes possible. The meaning of the expression "consistent with" applies not only to the application of Springfield zoning, but also to the ability of the City to implement these preceding policies within the meaning and purpose provided by application of the Springfield Development Code. From the Metropolitan Plan Diagram . ''The Plan diagram is a graphic depiction of: (1) the broad allocation of projected land use needs in the metropolitan area; and (2) goals, objectives and policies embodied in the text of the plan. One cannot determine the exact desigt!ation of a particular parcel of land without consulting with the appropriate local jurisdiction. . s 1-6 ''-" .l-?--:'~t~3::' ~'~'~~~$!~~~_'t' . Local jurisdictions make more specific interpretations of the general diagram through refinement plans and zoning." The proposed action uses the Metro Plan diagram as the basis for most of the zone change recommendations. Not all of these actions are in conformance with the diagram, however, the ultimate timing of appropriate zone change actions is based on other issues, including citizen involvement, provision of services, supply and demand and other principles and policies of the Metro Plan cited throughout this report. (2) CONSISTENCY WITH APPLICABLE REFINEMENT PLANS, SPECIAL AREA STUDIES AND FUNCTIONAL PLANS; AND . The Glenwood Refinement Plan is the only other planning document applicable to the properties included in this action. However, the City of Springfield has not adopted the Glenwood Refinement Plan therefore cannot currently implement this document. The City of Springfield and the City of Eugene jointly adopted the "Glenwood Transition Agreement" that in part states: ''The parties recognize that the Glenwood Refinement Plan will remain in effect following the adoption of the Metro Plan amendment transferring jurisdiction until further amended by Springfield and Lane County. The Springfield City Council will promptly initiate necessary proceedings to consider . ameriding the Glenwood Refinement Plan to recognize the transfer of jurisdiction. On or before September 30, 1999, Springfield and County will complete all necessary review and take final actions on proposed amendments to the Glenwood Refinement Plan. Thereafter, any changes to the Glenwood Refinement Plan shall be subject to the existing process for amendment of such plans." To this end, the City of Springfield has prepared a work program, including a citizen involvement component, that establishes a Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) and sets forth a schedule of public meetings with the CAe. The charge of the CAC is to relate policies within the refinement plan to policies within the Metro Plan or recommend to the Springfield City Council adoption of policies unique to Glenwood. The zoning districts proposed in this action are nearly duplicative to existing Eugene zoning and do not allow uses or activities in contravention to any existing Glenwood Refinement Plan policies. This is a certainty because the zoning codes of each city implement the Metro Plan and the Glenwood Refinement Plan cannot contravene the policies of the Metro Plan. (3) THAT THE PROPERTY CAN BE SERVED BY THE ORDERLY AND EmCIENT EXTENSION OF KEY URBAN FACILITIES AND SERVICES AS PRESCRIBED IN THE METRO PLAN PRIOR TO OR IN CONJUNCTION WITH DEVELOPMENT. . The Boundary Commission must consider this same criterion when reviewing an annexation application. The staff report for the transfer of this land from Eugene to Springfield (Boundary Commission File C SP 99-07) is responsive to this criterion and is attached as Exhibit C. " 61-7 " \~'Ji~~> r~~~'~r~~~j-;.:~$.~. ~~T\'~~.;~~ ,<1: ;i:r~"(~',}'?~. ~ Conclusion and Recommendation . This action is necessary to achieve planning and building jurisdiction of the land transferred from Eugene city limits to Springfield city limits. Application of Springfield zoning districts establishes development regulations adopted by the Springfield City Council and implemented by the Springfield staff. Without this action, Eugene zoning districts remain in place and Springfield does not have the authority or appropriate agreements in place to administer the Eugene Code. This action is consistent with existing zoning. Each Eugene zoning district has a similar counterpart in the Springfield Development Code. This relative match exists because both cities adopted the same comprehensive plan and both cities rely on their respective zoning codes to provide the primary implementation of plan policy, particularly land use designations. This action is not insistent upon absolute plan/zone conformity because of deference given to a citizen involvement process that will not conclude until the Fall of 1999. This citizen involvement process will culminate with a number of recommendations regarding changes to the Glenwood Refinement Plan to make that plan consistent with zoning and policies adopted by the City of Springfield. The rezoning proposed in Jo. No.99-02-0030 does not make this property any more or less conforming to the existing refinement policies and land use designations. Staff recommends approval of the zone changes requested in this application. . . 71-8 "'"''f.i,.s;.',"';+'/..:..,,:';>!r:<';~-''' . ,'~'Glenwood Zoning Matrix for Properties Within the City Limits Eugene Zoning to Springfield Zoning 'l'*-,~ . . "Cjl:':j~\';I{Cxc)ii) . " "[ "I - '! - - r - --':r ,.. ...' - , - 'I , ;:~:!:-:'~I::j,',f~n-' ! '! .*'(~' '1 ._____. *:~~I~_ :?tt~,;, jl irl .l ,,__~\t);~~;) __,_ ! ~~bJ.c};:3.~W~,__~~,L;~;")!~A'!, jl':3;1!~1~~J;;r;:~.~))'~)i'.!~~ CIM 17033433 200 1.820000 1-2 LMI , CIM 17033433 300 1.noooo 1-2 LMI CIM 17033433 400 1.220000 1-2 LMI CIM 17033433 500 0.820000 1-2 LMI CIM 17033432 600 0.790000 1-2 LMI LMI 17033434 301 18.050000 1-2 X LMI CIM 17033344 100 0.820000 1-2 LMI CIM 17033344 200 0.390000 1-2 LMl CIM 17033434 500 9.170000 1-2 LMI CIM 17033433 800 6.640000 1-2 LMI LMI 17033344 300 20.410000 1-2 LMI LMI 17033344 600 1.620000 1-2 LMI CIM 17033434 500 9.170000 1-2 LMI CIM 17033433 800 6.640000 1-2 LMI CIM 17033434 400 . . 2.740000 . . 1-2 X LMI LMI . 17033344 500 0.810500 1-2 LMI LMI 17033344 2500 0.630000 ' 1-2 LMI . LMI 17033344 400 0.631700 1-2 LMI LMI 17033434 1800 0.369200 1-2 LMI LMI 17033434 1700 1.460000 1-2 LMI LMI 18030320 2000 4.080000 1-2 LMI LMI 18030320 100 10.250000 1-2 LMI LMI 18030320 2800 1.180000 1-2 LMI LMI 18030320 2700 0.125800 1-2 LMI LMI 18030311 4200 0.700000 1-2 X LMI LMI 18030320 2003 1.670000 1-2 LMI CIM 18030320. 100 10.250000 1-2 X LMI LMI 18030312 600 2.870000 1-2 X LMI LMI 18030311 4100 0.840000 1-2 X LMI LMI 18030320 190 15.210000 1-2 LMI LMI 18030312 3500 0.573900 1-2 X LMl LMI 18030312 3600 0.079700 1-2 X LMI LMI 18030312 900 0.565800 1-2 X LMI LMI 18030312 1500 1.073300 1-2 X LMI LMI 18030312 1600 0.675100 1-2 X LMI LMI 18030312 1700 0.413200 1-2 X LMI' LMI 18030312 1000 0.215000 RA LMI or LOR* LMI 18030312 1100 0.204700 RA LMI or LOR* . *Site visit will determine appropriate zoning designatlon.1-9 E)("HIBIT Ii.. . . . Glenwood Zoning Matrix for Properties Within the City Limits Eugene Zoning to Springfield Zoning ----~~~4 ;f~iWci~:it \ r -- -- T - -- f: :- :: 'I -- lH--:1 - - ---. . , ~'3- f'1'31;@' -. ! ! f I ..;1 \ I "' r' ,I - l :;rt);l~) .I :ttl~-~cT'@' ; :1-'::ifi;lI~(lj~@UG) ;Zc)11=-: :1 !.._;'m ~.t1:~ ~ . I :li" -- .~. __ . I - -- ._1-.: _ .t-_..- -- -- _L__--- LMI 18030313 101 6.480000 C-1 X LMI or CC* LMI 18030311 4700 0.570000 1-2 X LMI LMI 18030312 1800 0.825300 1-2 X LMI LMJ 18030312 .3000 0.199800 RA LMI or LOR* LMI 18030311 4800 0.230000 1-2 X LMI LMI 18030311 3700 0.960000 1-2 X LMI LMI 18030311 3600 4.130000 1-2 X LMI LMl 18030312 1900 0.259300 1-2 X LMl LMI 18030311 4900 0.230000 1-2 X LMI LMI 18030312 2000 0.180000 RA LMI or LOR* LMI 18030312 2500 . .0.415000 RA LMI or LOR* LMI 18030312 3400 0.249600 RA LMI or LOR* LMI 18030314 1300 0.800000 1-2 X LMI LMJ 18030311 5000 0.228800 1-2 X LMI LMI 18030314 1800 0.226600 1-2 X LMI LMI 18030314 .1400 1.419700 1-2 X LMI LMI 18030320 600 9.670000 1-2 X LMI LMI 18030314 1900 0.289800 1-2 X LMI LMI 18030313 200 1.909000 RA LMI or LOR. LMI 18030314 201 0.240000 . 1-2 X LMI LMI 18030314 2000 0.980000 1-2 X LMI LMI' 18030314 1500 1.830000 1-2 X LMI LMI 18030314 .1700 1.610000 1-2 X LMI LMI 18030313 500 0.680000 1-2 LMI LMI 18030314 2001 0.800000 1-2 X LMI LMI 18030314 1600 1.744700 1-2 X LMI LMI 1803031300 700 1.220000 1-2 X LMI LMI 18030340 200 0.619700 1-2 X LMI LMI 18030340 400 0.670000 1-2 X LMl LMI 18030340 500 1.364800 1-2 X LMI *Site visit will determine appropriate zoning designation 1-10 . . N A o . SOO 1000 Feet . ZONING _LMI ~ LMIorlDR. ~ LMI orCC. . .su. lIU/twIJ/ ~ """""* DIIna'~ '''''-7. 1999 '" -, GLENWOOD Transfered Properties, Zoning y EXHIBIT B 1-11 '," ' '" ,~' ~"...." , v\~ ".. . This proposal is consistent with boundary commission policies and this standard. Make boundary commission determinations which are consistent with acknowledged local comprehensive plans. Assure an adequate quality and quantity of public services required in the comprehensive plan to meet existing and future growth. For major boundary changes, there must be assurance that the proposed unit of government is financially viable. ORS 199.410(1)(d), 199.410(3)(b) and (d) The proposed transfer area is within the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan urban growth boundary. Jbe Metropolitan Plan was acknowledged by the Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) in August 1982 and has subsequently been amended. In December 1998, the Metropolitan Plan was amended by Eugene, Springfield, and Lane County elected officials after re-evaluating the earlier 1984 detennination that Glenwood should be within Eugene's jurisdiction. The plan amendment approved in late 1998 changed Glenwood jurisdiction from Eugene to Springfield [amendments to Chapter II, Section C, page II-C-l and Chapter IV, policy 5(b), page IV-3]. The plan amendment process was completed December 28, 1998, and the plan amendment is acknowledged. . The area proposed for transfer to Springfield is designated for commercial-industrial mixed use an.d.li.g~~-~edium.i~du~trial use. in the Metropolitan Plan and Glenwood Refinement Plan. Th~ transfer area is zoned 1-2, light-tnedium industrial; C-l, neighbOrhood' commercial; and RA, suburban residential, in the City of Eugene. After the transfer becomes effective, Springfield will rezone the area to LMI, light-medium industrial; CC, community commercial; and LOR, low- density residential, consistent with plan designations. The Glenwood Refinement Plan will require revisions to make it compatible with the Springfield Development Code. The city anticipates the process will be completed by September 1999. If needed, the Springfield Planning Commission will be asked to provide a fonnal interpretation of the Springfield code to resolve any interim conflicts. The following services are provided to the transfer area and will continue to be provided as described. Water - The area proposed for transfer is within .the City of Eugene and provided water service by the Eugene Water & Electric Board (EWEB). Upon the effective date of the transfer, the area will be withdrawn from Eugene and simultaneously annexed to Springfield. Water service ~.ill be provided as directed in the Glenwood Transition Agreement". which states that EWEB will'.' continue to provide water service to the transferred area until such time as EWEB and the Springfield Utility Board (SUB) execute a written agreement to change the water service provider. Pending .such an agreement, Eugene and Springfield will each receive one-half of all payments in-lieu-of taxes made by EWEB for territory currently in the Eugene city limits following transfer to the City of Springfield. . . The general managers of SUB and EWEB submiued a joint leller expressing their commitment to ensuring the orderly transition of water service after the area is transferred to Spri"ngfield. The managers note that the two utilities have been resourceful in the past in resolving issues in . LCLGBC Staff Notes - Feoruary 4, 1999 / Page IY-D-9 . EXHIBITC 1-12 . be annexed automatically into the Willamalane Park and Recreation District in accordance with ORS 199.51O(2)(c). The City of Springfield receives park and recreation services by being a part of this special district. The park district does not anticipate any difficulty in providing service to the transfer area since it is primarily developed with industrial uses. Schools - The transfer area is within the Eugene School District #4J and the area will remain in this school district after the area becomes a part of the City of Springfield. Wastewater - The transfer area is currently provided wastewater service by the City of Eugene. Upon the effective date of,tbe transfer, the area will be withdrawn from the City of Eugene and simultaneously annexed to the City of Springfield. After the area becomes a part of Springfield, wastewater service will be provided by the City of Springfield. The . Glenwood Transition . Agreeq1ent sets forth a reimbursement schedule which directs Springfield to reimburse Eugene approximately $1.6 million in infrastructure investment in Glenwood. The two cities agree to request amendments to existing agreement to designate certain lines as "regional" facilities to handle effluent from more than one jurisdiction. The designation will not have any physical effect on the current service, which will continue uninterrupted. . Stormwater - Upon the effective date of the transfer, the area will be withdrawn from the City of Eugene and simultaneously anne~ed to the City of Springfield. After the area is transferred to the. . '" - 0"' .. I... ..' o. . . ... City 'of Springfield, the. city will assess the need for improvements on all the transferred temtories. Over time, Springfield will provide for orderly improvements. The only. curb and gutters currently in place in the transfer area are on 17th A venue extending from the west side of Henderson to the east side of Glenwood Avenue; on 17th Avenue from the west side of Glenwood Avenue to the end; and on the east side of Glenwood A venue from the south side of Franklin Boulevard to the south side of 1 ih Avenue. The city will maintain these facilities after the transfer. Streets - Those streets in Glenwood which are currently in the City of Eugene will be transferred to the City 9f Springfield upon the effective date of the transfer of territory. The legal descriptions and assessor's maps of previously annexed territories give a complete, detailed description of those streets for which the City of Springfield will be responsible. The major roadway servicing Glenwood is Franklin Boulevard (State Highway 126). As a state highway, its maintenance, including traffic signals and street lights is the responsibility of the. State of Oregon. The other public roads in Glenwood fall into three categories: (a) streets for which Eugene has assumed responsibility; (b) Lane County roads; and (c)' public roads with no maintenance. A portion of 1-5 is included in the transfer request. 1-5 is a state highway and will continue to be the responsibility of the state. Solid waste management - Private firms and individuals collect and transport solid waste to the Lane County administered landfill. After the territory is transferred, franchise fees will be paid to Springfield and providers will continue to provide service consistent with the Springfield Code. . Communication facilities - Various providers offer services in the Eugene-Springfield metropolitan area. LCLGBC Staff Notes - February 4, 1999 Page IV -0-11 both wire and wireless communication Existing providers and those entering the .. 1-13 ~ . . . . . ";::'::,;~'~~:: : 'v BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD REQUEST FOR ZONE CHANGE ] JO. NO. 99-02-0030 ] FINDINGS, CONCLUSION AND ] RECOMMENDATION ] NATURE OF THE APPLICATION Zone change from Eugene city zoning classifications of 1-2, R-A and C-1 to Springfield city zoning classifications of LMI, LOR and CC for property identified on Exhibit A. 1. The City of Springfield City Council initiated the following zone change request: Applicant - City of Springfield, Journal Number 99-02-0030 2. The application confonns to the provisions of Section 3.050 of the Springfield Development Code. Timely and sufficient notice of the public hearing, pursuant to Section 14.030 of the Springfield Development Code was provided. 3. On March 16,1999, a public hearing on the zone change request was held. The Development Services staff notes, including criteria of approval, findings, and recommendations, together with the testimony and submittals of those persons ... testifying at the hearing or in writing, have been considered and are part of the record of this proceeding. CONCLUSION On the basis of this record, the requested zone changes are consistent with the criteria of approval of Section 12.030 of the Springfield Development Code. This general finding is supported by the specific findings of fact and conclusion in the attached staff report (Exhibit B) and attached hereto. RECOMMENDATION It is RECOMMENDED by the Planning Commission of Springfield that Journal Number 99-02-0030, Zone Change Request, be approved by the Springfield City Council. This RECOMMENDATION was presented to and approved by the Planning Commission on March 16, 1999. Planning Commission Chairperson ATTEST: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ./ ATTACHMENT 2-1