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Permit Correction Notice 2006-5-10
.'...-.,' :'-'<(""" ",;-".. ."/"'.,':.';'-.<-/ . " 'jI, ..~, City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety , 225 Fifth Street TO:', / V / , I \}'7 . /..../1 IJ/...JU// Date: r- 110 / 2f;ofb ' Job# _ Cr;- . - (! 12_ C Address: /lff::,r- jOft- 5;./ . f,::;/ Inspection Type: r/""",1 )/{I /1,. .s.Ju,t? . f1eLlk.-l OIi?//1~ I VAS. ,kc J k/f <;. J / Jt:(ZFf in? Dv,-.leu( ..fo .e,YrkrJo'J'"' e;-L If;/),.'ii,<- M. H-, /iwrk a..j/~f~ I ~ .bJ/'.ao- _ ~ (VI~~ ~//(/#4r .t',~ Corrections and reinspection request shcall be made witl:lin C ccalendar days. Call for reinspection [SiJyes DNo Inspector <;k.<'!:,/ .Date: ",,,,,,,,,,,,,"'''''''''''''''',,,,,,Call for inspection 726-3769''''''''''''",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Questions 726-3759",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,