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Permit Correction Notice 2006-1-4
~,~~~~~;q;~~~~~~~4f~~',~"',:~~~~~~'~~ ..,' .. " ","'"" , ~', .",J,.. SPRINGFIELD ~'#..f!I;, ~."'l';;"'I:' ,Sb. ~ Cit)' of Springfield / Development'Services Build'ing Safety , 225 Fifth Street Job Number C S- Or{J~ 90' .q~s-'- T' S.r Date' ',/ t{)1Jh /;~)N/- / fJJf//~j/"L'" fa" cJ.TA-%:r ',' I V - Job Address ./", VI., To . / "'''''':~l?i /iu Vl re..J t {ut. ' Wi }VI__' fJ J /J /, t.. b I 'J ,f?-~~ ()ts~, frbvJ~' Aa;jc4J,JtfJ~ V4/ve, o~ '/nld tJ4Jr ;.;.;,r10 ',. '. fZ7tJC'L, /0/ Dt~Jllb ~ '(p'/(/( ~/a /(^~~ b)it.s /. l2hrr~~, "', : ' ,: J;tt ~,' f&lYlnifl~' , r./IO ,'f)O"':C~'j,,):r':,h;,'j';'\(/jJ."J:~j,.. d/o;'Jk;,.;j)~:~Ii~i'* ~/JJ4i( " ,'.' " 1" ,:1. ,',. "',,, ;. -:"', ," " , ' ", ' , ':.... I.', --- ",' ,: i', ,lJI? io ,"jA,WI{"~'k6ff':::j~Jor'j"""",,-':':.:, .. ' .", ..' " :" "L,.Jr:., ,,:.J40;~,..,,_ '~'if, -,'(0 fJl;.~,'I:iJd iJe'&' ,~: r:~osiij;( ': . ':-. ,'" . , ::;,";l,; (r~~J::':':"',: .', ex-hr-/D/':O'? !>i.)) (J,,,..c'O/' l'tk~4t>..-' .qGl/.:(f~ ~ U' v !.~<l't'~-'(' ."'''',' ,;f!'J (Ir~ jJ~~i-J~'~' .'- '.., 'r . :-,' ..;,' \ f, ',' D/'~/' ,'. ,,".: "': ";,,~,,,;,::\,,':\""" .. ",..,'t1i"""""';' .'F,,:,,':, ..<:',.., ":,.t'.,r;j,'.;'~;,"( r-"'/""c" ""-'j)' . '....r~,'. ':- j".,.,:/,,' ",' / , "::: """'I/"'"'..:':,)i",~,;.t,p:..,,.., "':, ~,(/'t!CJ/"." ,~' . '~!~\~A ..,'.' ;; .,,~'\ .j. ./.,::. >.',., . .. ."., , ~ . ;fIl:~~]1i~{~::~~~~j;X;:~~~~ltt~;1~~i~~l~~ltigli~~~i~1~:~i:~~,~~V.t1t~~t.~!~:.~