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Permit Correction Notice 2005-9-6
~ -., '.'... t:' ,. .":JI) '] .-- '"-~- ,. ., - ~~~~~~r-"~.....,,.....~~~~"'~' ~~\.I'''~M~~ '~~--.v-~1 :'\ '. ' ';~$fli:~, ~\~r~~;~l:i1,..,~ ._~ , ' City of S'pringfield / Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street Job Number /,,, ~- QO ~-6 ~, fl.ft",1 1:k",LDr ~/. Datr GJ /~ /or ' ~:-......: .' ',,';W To ' (),.; 'N..,'-' Job Addres~ f PI U<)6 {CA..-oJ;.:: J-ri::.-; II fi iSs 90S. d-o b& L'OV\<- J..~d-J.....~ Lf s.~.P L7Yl ./ } ver,J-Jr.4 . -../ C.I,J hUI ~ j./~JJ )'( /:,' O).,.,c lc;., ~_~ h horJ 7c",,);u J \ r 'S r JL"l '--i- ,/ ..,/' iI j .. ,... ~ Corrections and reinspection request shall.be made within' calendar-days. Call for reinspection _ '/'i~: Inspec~or ~ kw_/ , . *********************.** Call for inspectioll 726"'3769****~. Question~. ,726-,3759 *********************** i ;or,