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Permit Correction Notice 2005-8-1
City of Springfield / Development Services' Building Safety 225 Fifth Street l" '-'--____.-..,...y.~~ ';"'.' '-~ ,,' ~-. ....,.,._~.._, ,'f ~~,QI-4.~'~~~'-'-"'''"'''''''''''''''''''''--v"''~ " "~~'t\. SPRINGFIELD .WiiL ., "Datr fyl! jQS \LcJ e>~i't~;'Jlit~r>.'/ I ~m~)h.c, &vAk&v~ - ", U Job Numbrr G~ - OOe., -:tt.{- Corrections and reinspection request shall be made ,within C ))l" . . \t-J1f I': " Sd-Grc- a lor remspectlOn _ I t::::' '_ nspector " ' . , *********************** Call for inspection 726-37(i9 **~**Questions 726-3759 *********************** Job Addres~ /' / ( \/ ,I /~ \// 2/ R;g s- '\' s,...-r To ? I (LJ.V"" v oJ--~JD )rJj ,'1 j;}MJJOJ/1, .. b4..(..J,,~c.i Jr.jr 'l/a/vL Jo ,II) ('I'~h'r J90~))-.Jov1 - /) J I ~ D J).. dfrl"' f~~. u:&l ScJllJ10,.-!S '-hD v' [./ ' :3 2- fr\A.y);-NJY1.. s.la-d~o. , ',J. J~Oi Jz-o.t1/~ ' ~ tI I;[;c (J~I'A., ft) ~j- , ' tf :~l calendar days. ~i;~ '\.~k'~:. +...;:;