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Permit Correction Notice 2005-1-26
"W"""~~'''~-'''-''''''''''''''''''''~~~WI\M~~.~~~~~~''~~~~~f<ll',~~''''f''li<"''~~''''~ ~, .u, " ._.. .,~\ ::l.~r~~:"., 'I:' .:' --f"~-.t~~:;~'\l'~i" ;"" .., ". . ,I , ':City of Springfield I Development Services, '" (' /'~.;L;'i~\f'ifi:~~~~~r~~ ;'~". . ->:;.."" SPRINGFIELD Building Safety ~f,' ,L~ 225 Fifth Streett . \ -... _ Date I Ju ~\.-- " To Pluyn4;V\~"::(~""rJ' J1 "t-6!vi" Ji~ ~ OUl :t/)~rtk ~ I ./ 'j/7fP,JLZ /D:O~ '~ Jvvrf- JnJVl)"Vl-V-' bd//J/~ o Job Numbrr /')/ ~ n 1/ IJ c: Joy Addres" -:; 7'.- q f+",!JI'; ) r-, V'l ftovl /L, / OfUl~ 2.1/ t.n l' / t 2, '", '<;/,(11,) J-,.,/\/ I/-t'~.j)/lc. r,.n,j}/~W1//lA ('. .J 1- . . tJ A. +r / (1/ ~ )r.YL ,/1.;-1 /J/J) )~ if k(~. /hZ.H tire- /t;' r J.A~:;')/1 Q! c.c.);o --1 , ;J Ie;q/c~ ((jPal~ :r..../ r~)C\J-, ". '" y , /[C- (0/1 Ii r .1 N, IlL r/ I- 1.0/1/1 c.J:)r;.--. hd..Jc_-r: Pl k )U /I 'e/vt )). '~ /i;,/ /V/' )r; //1 /1#1 I.)"'" / / '. ". . , Corrections and reinspectionrequest shall be made within: Call for reinspection _ V-t( " Inspector ,<::J7vk:.--: .', '. / I , ' ' . ' *****************"f***,** c:al~ fO~,,~nspe~tioJ1 726~3769. "0 . ,,'... n , ',' " '_ "'"_ _, ~'i7,~,-:;;;,I'~....,':',,,>,'-",;:;,~., ,~\,:.;~,:," ':__"f,": j' . .r (r;: fA. h n,l-I' ~ 110;) r . "~ (l) /JI/"( I.J/d /J'of LN\~/:' v ' ./ ,.,' (t I PI ) ( L t.C-< ,-" ?t...*, rJe-jJ-, /. , / () /i" I r-l'O)/tl '1 b.~ d .~/o""" / /L4 r.)J'ytd ' /-0')'- /lYLSS;Li're.-);"u'/AL /v1S.A-cI'/;~ I J ~ IleqJ~ : t- J/(/;r r)p~,;O~/lc-/~i3t.I/P--1 ~ } <SIT falendardays. ,Q~~stions ?26-3759, ********,*******~ :' .', ;-c..,..' ~.}