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Permit Correction Notice 2005-1-19
'"';-:.. -, .~"--'~''''''-~AA''~~~~1'~~~~>"I'_~h~~~~'-t'"''~'".I,........~~"'f"'''YtI~'''''-_~''''''-''T , ~~~~;'~;.%/'~j~,: City of Springfield I Development Services ,Building Safety 225 Fifth Street Job Number Lt.-I.-' !or:;V Date lJO A:dd,res" q 3 q ~'o/ 1"-' Sr-' To " ;..' -:,," I 1 0 I j _""\ 5;.,,f) /,,' tft> I \, l'ci-?1 JI fpt/e.... t1 { , , / ':. (olita>~ J,J}jl.. ~(I rC4,)I,.,/~i,)<? o/' I /'/,' x' /I . J t:, j ,5 <<i/lifp,/,/ Tee- Je flu/- 'q#~/i7I1t',J ( I' t? / !.-/ 1("' .. 'oP1 t;;o , / .. I,,; 'II'. - J] j '/Z/~~4GP_' I , It' '... ) 2. c;;"o'- ~r:> a pi fJ, '/ J;j.l IA'",,- ;rvLC//.,jV'(..... JOt /N.....(,L'~. /L-! ,~'~ fln/ a~ 21 rc-cwJ 11 /";P';; [,.J i tL :""'. J .I ;'. ,~// -~;-)~. ,,/<;:, "ftll~/r' (C~~ ttf..jt/f >;(()~ v '.l '~ / 1,)'1 Inr- I '" ' , 01) r-c,r /ir'J j /jw,;,.,c:. t / J c../If? '->/' It) } k/-~.1 '"' 'i'.-' _ ;1 J C..ed'L v'ttr -/ IDA?,' '90 Q, -' );/, J . 1 I7tAJ/1<l" c:.. J 0,>'1 ;l~ I . b r-C c.../.. _ l ![q J <:-' {.) I :(,.- .Lt:> " ') tf;;;,;; (.1 r CJ !<- L(C :; \ AJC~4 ) ./ .<t;~ () I- 'I"" r/d 5.)11 L/ " ,/ <<' /' ~9i1C' a I- fill ;l/al,6." c_'_. . - . bclolJ I/P /If -f&i 4e.... a~,j fc.jc \~. calendar days. Corrections and reinspection requ~st shall be'made within Call for reinspection . \ / I. < Inspedor (10' , .. I .' ", '. *****::.~.**************** Call fo.r inspection 726-3769 *****, Questions 726-3759 *********************** '. ,.......r,~...,~., _ c:.:_.-..r" ,-:' . :-'j:'..,.~J~";:'l"'-:':'~--:'~:~;',"-:'l,,~::.~tY~,...,,":r'.~\,,\.~~~~l!^..h~,l"~~1"::;...~' -t'}.;.,. -'1"'>"_:""':"'" c^~''':~~ft' 17...."..' ,,~:~€,- I ..~. .' ,. '