HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-4-4 EO-1l4 .. RESIINTlAL': APP~ICATION/PERMIT 225 Yorth 5th Street Spp1~ngfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 SPAINGFlELD . .. Job Loc.:ztion: 285 74th St. 17-02-35-42 Springfield, Oregon 97477 T= [,at # 116 AS$esaor.: .\!ap il- Subdivision: Beanel Acres 0~'nel': Empire Financial Services Add.....es3: 895 Country Club Rd. City: Eugene, Oregon 97401 Gl n n n ."~.l LdT" 4" A-200 Ph""e' 686-8075 Zi1=': DescI"";be flat'k: Add~; tic" New One Family Residence w/attached Garage. RemodeZ ,'fobi!a .":!cma Ca~e of Applicaticn Mar.ch 18, 1983 :.'ont;rcc'tol'S Va!ue $52,700 Harsch Construction and Development Company Addr.zS3 General PZumbinq E:l.ectrica1.. Mtlchar.ic::l. CO"st~~c~i$n L~nder ~ .~cce";~t.~ ~ l;go ,~ (d){o00 , 0< Siqr:.ed: Date: t/:y$2n ""'> &isc. F! Phon.~ ~ir~s 485-5902 [t- is the respamJibility of" eha permit hotder to see that az.z. inavectians are .~ade at the ?roper ti.'1I€., that ~ch ::.dCress is re~:e j'rom the street, and ;hat the :Jcrmt c:ll'd is z.....-cated at the [1"07tt" of the ;;l'operty. "~ui!di....q ~ui=io:-: ~-;:l"Q't;ed pl.Cn sr..=ZZ remain on the 2uiZding S-[.t,s at all tUn€s. P."?OC2DU.~S POR [,'/SP~C1'ION R2Ql/EST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state you:r City desigr.ated job nw;;ber, raques'(;cd a~.d :.:he11 you w'a Z be :>eady [01' ir.spccdon, Contractors 01' Ot..'ne::--s r.cme cr.d phone nur.tbcr. :.'ilL be roade th€ sCJ:':.e d.c.y~ requests mcde afta' 7: '10 am !Jin be made the ncxt :.;orkin; da~. r)~mJi""'r1 rYO.5":~~ti(,;1"'q O C'......t" P'ISP~""""~.]'" T' . ....11_.:.. .:......_. I., o:Je r.x::ae e=cavctivn, ~u: prier tc aet forms. af-=er up of o U:'JDE:~SL~B ?['UH3I.VG. 2L2C':'RICrl!. j ,~.'ECr.,J,.;liC;'L: To be made befo"!'e any wol'k is O;:Qvcrec. ~ F'COTDG ~ E'OutlDATIC:l: To be ~ after ~renche$ ~e.ezc~Jated ar'A f:;rms ere erected~ but; prior to pou.....--ir.g ccneret.;. ~l V."DJRG_~f)fJ,'.'D ?:r.;M2D'G, SE'./2R. W.1TE".1 DRAINAGE:: 7:0 be ma:ie pt""~cr ~o fiZ- l.ir.q r;rer:cr.ez. [[] UNDERPr,OOR !'!.U.'..'SJ:1G -1 NECHA.VICAL: To ce ~-ce ~ricl' to ina:aLLation of f!OOI' insu~~ion or decking. ptJ8T A1VD 3EA.U: To be made p1"'"~or to ins:aZl.aticn of floor ir.stolation or dilcki"(;. [~J [K] P.O'JGH ":J!J.J.'APT:.r(;. ~!..E~r';!C.4,:. 1 '..fEC,9- AilleA!.: ::o.:;ork. i3 :;0 be COl:ereC ur.r;i~ ;r.ese ~~$~ec=ior:3 ~ve beer. made ~~ ~?rQv~~. FI..'::.S?L;J.C'2: PriOI' to pkcir.g f'c:.cing mctenaz.s ar.d before franir..g inspec- tior.. D ~ P.Z4...l~I.'lr;: Muat;:e !"equeated cf':ero appl'ou~l of rough pLWT~ir.q, eZec:ri- caZ j :r.echani.:aZ. AZ! "!'Qof-:.r.g bracing d chi.~~ys, et~. .~~s~ be . corrroZer;ad. .'/0 :...;:n',< i3 to be con- ~ ced,ed ur.:::i L ~hifJ insvec-:icn r.as . been trade ~d app1'Ot..ed. Your City. Desiqr.atcd Job Numb€1' 13: [l] iN5Uf.ATTON/VAPO.9 BARRI::!? IHSPEC'!'IGU: To be :nade afte!' aLl. insuZ.::tion ar.d required vapor' barriers CIl'e in place but before any lath, gypsum beard or /JaZZ covering is cppZied, c:r.a befol'e any insulation is conceaLed. job ad&css, type of ir.s:Jec-;icn Requests received c~fcl'~- 7:00 ~ g 31 39() I DcnOLITIO;,! OR ;~,'DV::; EUILDI'-iCS :J Sani -:.a::r-rd Se'Jer' ::ap?ed ::t ~:;)P~?'-:--:1" Zir:e :J Septi:: tank P:"'7ed 'Z:".d f:.ZZec :..'ith g7'$.::ez. ::J final - ~~n abCV€ ~te~s ~e ccmnZetec ar.d when i~oZ~tior. is com~Ze=e Qr s=~~~- tUl'e moved w.i!. pl'~;:3es =le.::ned up. I Mobile Hcmas =:J =:J =:J EZocking ar~ Set-u.p Plumbing connec~ions sa.;el' ar.c water o DR~WALL InSP~CTION: To be ~ade after all CrytJa Z l "is in p !.ace, bu'(; prior to any taping, I~SO~1Y: Steel location, bond beama, grou ting 01' ver"tica ls in. accordance ~;th U,E.C, Section 2415. ';./OODS'!'OVE: After installation is ac:rrplet€d. Electrical Connect~on - Blocki~.q, set-up and pZwnbing connections rrr.,;.st be crpp!'cl-'ei. befol'e requesting eZea:;ricaZ inspec=io~ o ~ [!] CURB & APPROACH .4P.r::ON: Afte:- forms ae 8l'ected ou.t prior to pouring :!on.::rete. =:J ] AcceS30.'O' Buil~:.r.g Final - Aft~r ~~rcr.es, etc. are c~pl2;~d. 3k~rting, dec;"-..3, ~ SIDEWALK & DRnrcwA?: POI' all ccn- crete paving wi~h~n stl'eet l'ight- of-wcy, to be made attel' aU e:cca- vating complete & form '-'-'Ork & :::;ub- base /7lcterial ,in place. o AU project cor.ditions, :iu.c':: as the i,ns:;a!lac:ion of s=reet :1'ees, .:::::;;Zac::'on of :he required l.andsccpir.g, etc.. must be sa~isf-:..ad befol'e tr.e aUILDD'C ?I::AL ~an be r2q"..I.3s:ad. [l].. FIUAL P[.(./X3I:IG ~.A l. FI:lAL ,~!EC.::/..'IIC/.L ~ ?I"'AL 2LEC':.9IC/.:' .':=J o P!NAL BUILDI.VG: The Find BuiZ..d-:..r.g rns~eetion .;::J.st O~ reaueatec =f'-;er cr.e _':'ir.al ?Z~bir.q Electrical., and .'-fecr.a."':.iccl Inspecr:{.cna ;'.avc been ,'nade ar.i' -::pprcv~~'. D ?ENCE:: ~er: comptote -- ?rovide gates or ~ovable 3eeticns through P.U.E. .A[,t- NANHC~ES AND CE,EANOUTS ,'lUST 3E ..4C;:ESSIiH.2. ADJL'S7:E::'!' '!'O 3E .'.~1DE l!T t.'O -:::S':: T? CI':''! I ?='-;.:J of:1 D I JOB NO. q. ~rYl 0 SOLAR A4tESS , i Zcr.e: I Lot Sq. Ft.;. "St:> I' '~ ::= CJVer".c 2 ?~... ,# OJ :::...o!""~es I lTota~ HeiGht ~~ , I " I Topogro;;hy t:>-2~.... I]cC"J.:::anc:J GZ'O'..t:::;: I'FE:.J SQ..;'TG ,~1ain /3~ 4'~8 ~~C2 I I C'ar:-=l't I I ..J.c~essol"'" I I I S.D.C. I 'i'OT.J.L ~'ALUE 1.5 = ( 1)C"UC) EuiZdin{J ?el'm"'~ t State SW'cn:.rrge To-:al. Cr.ar-ges I I~!M I Fi--tu:t'es laesidentiat (1 bath) j Sa.it.::J.'!"J Sewe'!' I ;/c:.t:e:!' L4.PP.J'.n"N"L Z".H;iO / NO'1 / PZumlr;ng Pem::. t State SW'cr.c:r-g€ 'feta!. O.c:raes I I-::EN I.YO. J xl I 1)( I I.qes. Sq. fta. J '5716 I Nc:w/Extend. Cir!:U'its Tempc'I'CTlj Service ElectricaL Pe~t St.::.te SW'ch.a:1'G€ Total Cir.arces I 17!.~ 'C I .'=':;' ,i~. P:.trr.ace ETU 's E:haust Hood I I Vent F:m ~ '1.- ;toads to:)e / Permi t Issuance Mecr.anic::zl. Permi t State Sl"I.1'chc....""'!1C To't;r.! C'r'CT'lJrw -- Z:/C'=:CACE.'.::::!':' -- Ie'.. D . l~eC",.(~.~..u epostt Storaqe . I Maintenc."'.ce I p " .CI"m"!.... Tetal C'flC.'I"U!S I Cur:'C"..I.'!; I Sid2WaZk. l.,;,en:::e j EZecr:.ma ~ , (,\tobile Hame '2"2 . J!}/ Label. F~~ LOT T'!?S Interior L Corner Panhandle Cut-de-sac x Value ! I I I I I S":<. ,?4>,,,,! I~~. SttJl, I I /.,3: _61 t 7.7~1 I 2t>".. 7~1 CHAPGS :z,!". ... It!>. - .%". - / .~.:> I I '3~,"Ipl. Ci~J?GZ I '2S-: -I I /A.-I I :3'S':"--' /.~pl ~.Y~I. CHARGE I I If. S"t> I ".-1:> I S:-I I /t:J. _0 I -:Z&St> I /./'1 I I <.it. '-'I- I, /'I.~"1 J >-72 .'2c::> LsP.~. F~l'dE 79~.~e> I -r;.,,,, ?~J'TFEES $J3.72 ImTAL Ai.!OU.'IT DUE,' sf" /12~.~~ P:=aa 2 . L-COG~ REQ.- rJ 5 ...... J'/ y~ " .......". . 3e6-?or.:s: T:"DS/COr'.3r;: "ces . H~~W 5etba::ks : rL;e~ I Cc:raae 12/' I I "~'I 2c::l' I rco I I p,:" iuor<;h lEast ISouth ]flest I 1 ~nerau Soti.:!'-.::es I I II II IIY II 1':;~-2 ,"'lea!; ~L&?T. " C:~. I Access. I I I ';later .~Ra~;H' Ranqe .. z:'ireviace Wooao ;;o:.:e F:JeS Building Value & Permit This permit in granted on the e=press ~ondition that the s.did. cons-cru.c:::ion shaLL, in all respects, conform ~o the Ordinar.ce adopted by the Cit~ vi Spl'inaf'~eZd. ~;ncZud.ing ;he :::onina Cr'din.ance, r'eauZctil~a the ccr.s;;:>:tQ~::cr: ar.d u;~ of buiZdi~4S, cnd m~y be~Juaper~ed or r~vokec ~t cr.y ti~e u;or: vic- Zatien of ~y prQVi3ior.s of scid Ordir~nces. I Plan r;l7r~ck Pee: $57.90 Date ?a~d, O' 2./- 5i'." IReoc~pt #: ,:z /~/)i'o O('~ I Sirr-ed: 4c~ Plumbing Permit No person Dhall ccnstruct~ in$talZ~ a~ter or change cny ~~w cr e=is~ir:g plumDi~~ or drainage syste~ in ~hole or in part~ unless such ~e~son is the Zegal possessor of ~ valid plumber's license, e=cept trAt a pe~son ma~ do pZumbing :Jork to propert-d which is OLJT'~d~ leased or operated by the appli- cant. Electrical Permi t Where State Law requires trAt the elecw:"caZ !Jork be done by an EZect'l"":'caZ Contractor, the electrical por:.ion of thi3 ?e~it shalZ. r.ot be vat.iC until the U2bel nas been signed by the EZectrical ~ontractor. Mechanical Permit ~dn~::r- ~ff~-... 1(.'1. S"3 ,,.!ar;e I lfAVF: CAREFUL[,Y ~XA.'.fINeD :..1.u2 completed :::;plication fvr permit, C'r'.d de hereby certijy that all information hereon is true a~4 corrcct~ ar~ ~ fur-;her certify 'that any c.r.d all :.;ork. ;:er/o~ed 3h.al.l be do:1e in cc::or- dance ~th the Ordincnces of ~he City of S?~~ngfi~LdJ and thz [a~3 of ~ha . State of O~ecQn o$rt~inino to the work desc~ibcd here~n, er.d t~~= yO accu- pt.Hey wizz b~ made of cny~ac~~cc~e witr~u: ?erm~33io~ of the 3uiZdir.g !r~- vision. I further ~ertifd tr~t o~Zy ~cr.~a~co~S ar.d ~Zvyees Wr~ ~-g in ca~pZiance ~th CRS 701.05E will be used on this pr~j2at ~4/flL/ Dat.