HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-1-13 .. RESID~T1AL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 . Job !.ocanan: 21$ 74th Place . ABCeSGOZ'3 i'1a.p II 17-02-1S Beanel Acres SUbdiv-:.sion: 82-EO-140 SPRINGFlE1.C Tc:r Lot # ~ 12.8- ,ct.."r I~ Address: 895 Country Club Road Empire Financial Services, Inc. Pr.ane: 686-8075 ~el': City: Eugene, Oreqon fXl n n n ,']""" Addi don NEW SINGLE GARAGE. RemodeZ :!abi Ze Rama 1-11-83 Date ot Applicaticn (.'ontl"act:ors General. Harsch Construction and Plumbing ~tect7"ical. Mechar.ic::L Construction Lender' Zip: 97401 t &J~~ Describe r{ork: FAl1ILY RESIDENCE W/ATTACHED (1340 sq.ft.) '10 Value $51,584.""" Address Development Company Rcce-:'::it .'! ~o0H0 eJ~tL, Si~~. Da~e: / /- /U-o:."i Lise. ., Phol1~ ~ '(flY- ;;~e>~' E::r::;ires It is the 1'espontJibiLity of th8 permit heWer to 866 that all i1Wpectio718 are r.:ade at the pro?sr time, th.at &:;~h ~es8 is reada.:,;,e jrom the st!'set, and that the permit aard is tocatsd at ths fl"Ont of the property. It!Jui!.di''''4 cx.vi::io":":. crpp'l'oved plan shaZZ remain on the Bu-i.Zding Sits at alZ. times. PROCSDW~E ~9R !:VSPECTION REQ[JC"ST:CALL 726-3769 (rccorder) state your City designated job rt'..o;;ber~ job ad.i:focss~ type of ir:3pec~icn rsquestcd ar-..d lJ!:en you win be ready for inspcation~ Contractors or OI.me:-s nc;ne .:=rr.d Fhor:e number. Reques:s rece-i.~ed before 7:00 a::'I :..'il.l. be rr.ade th& same dcy~ requests made afta 1:00 am TJi.Z1. ba made the n.cxt :.iOrkin.; da~. R;'!ml':"'gr{ T"'Jmtu!~~:.r.,.~q O SIT~ I.Y~PSC-:ION: ~o be nruie exca'Ja::t.onl .!rnt pr"ter to set . forms. O . UllDERSr.AB P!'UMBING. ELEC7'RIC.1L a :,fECHA.,'l:C,J.L: To be made bejore any IJOr.i( is :1o'IJcred. after up of [EJ FOOTING! .:"OUND,1TICN: To be r.r:J.de after trencnea are e:cavated znd forms are erected~ but prior to pourir.g ccncret~. o UN!J'!IRG:qOWfD ?:'U:.fEI:VG, SS:''2::? iJ.1~~.':?, DRAINAGe: To be ,'T'ade prior to fi.~- l.ir.g trenches. [EJ !.lNDERFWOR Pf.U,'tSI:1G ~ MEC,t{ANICAL: 1'0 be mad.a prior to inatal.Zanon of fioor insulation or decking. POST AND 3EAM: To be Ir.ade prior to instal.l.a:tien of [Zoor inat.:Zatio71 01' deokiru; . [K] [K] ROUCH ?U.P.!BI:"lG. 2r..ECTRICA[ & ,'.fECH- ANICAL: ,Yo '.XJ!'K. is ::0 oe co"/':eret1 w:-:i Z :;hcse ir.s;?ectior.s ;...:;vq. ~eer. rr.ade c:nd apF!'oved. FIRS?LACE: Prior to p'lc.ci,...g facing material3 and before framing inspec- tier:. '1' X r FR4}fnlC: M'.4st be !'equested after approval. of rough ;;Zwr.bir.g~ 2Zectri- 001. & mechanicaZ. ALZ roofi,..g braeing d chimnc;ys, etc. lIr'..lst be corrroLetcd. ,'10 :.JO"!'k is to be con- ... cea'Zi2d until this inspecticn ,..as 'been made and' approved. D Your City. Deeigr4ted Job Numb~ l3: [R] INSULATIONIVAPCF{ 8.J.RRIER INSPECTIO,'l: To be mad.e after aU insul.::::twn c:".d r~quired vapor carrie~s ar~ i~ place but cefore any lath, gypsum board or wZZ coveriTUJ is appZi.ed~ and before any in3u1.ation is concealed. &30//3 I DE.'.fOLITIO!! OR ;~,'OVE~ EUILDI....CS :J Sani tapti Se'..Jer ~tI?Ped ::.t ~opc;r~' Zir:e :=J Septic tank p:",-:,?~d 'X"IIl .t'i-ZZ2d l,.rith ~::.:;eZ I Pinal - rlhen abcve ite.~8 are c~,"iIDZei;cd -.J ar.d '.JheTl .iemc 1 ~~ tior. is camp .te -:e or s t:::"'l...~- ture moved and ?remi3es cLeaned up. 'Nobile Hc~es :::J BZocking :::J P!wobing :::J EleccricaZ Ccnr.~ct~on . BZockina~ set-u= and pl.umbing ~onr.ections ~~st t~ appro~ad . beforc request~ng elec-:rical. inspectio~ and Set-:1p connections -- s~er c:rJi lJa-=21' ~ Acces$or'.i Sui z.c.:.ng I Final - Aft.:r ;~l'cr.es~ sErt-:.11fi, decJ.:.s~ --.J etc. are ccmpZa-;o;d. D All, project cor.di=ions~ Juch as the ins=aZla~ion of s:reet :rees, ~~~Z~:;~vn of the required l.andsccpir.g~ etc.~' must be sati3jied :,cfore the 3UrLVn;G fl:JAL ~an :.e r3quest.2d. ......., ~ FI,'lAL PLU!.m[i'lG i xl FINAL MECHA,'lIC/..L GiJ . FINAL ~LEC':RIC;'L i:=J . o PIlIAL BUILDINC: The Final, Bu.ilding Inspection rn.L8t be r>equested :::.~':er the ?-i.nal PZ:mrbing El.ectricaL. and Mecha~icaZ Inspections have ceen made and approu~d. DRY'tlALL IllSP!CTION: Te be made after aLL drywaLL is in pLace, but prior' to any taping. O ~SONRY: s:~eZ location I bcmJ oecm:;~ grou..'I.rtg or verticals in accordance :Jith U. E. C. Section 2415. o [R] 'NOODSTorre: cc.'11pleted. After installation is "ALL MANHCr.ES AUD CLEAHOUTS HUST BE ACCESSIBLe, AD,iUST.'!2,'/T TO 3! .'.t1DS I~T NO C~S'I' TO f'T"'V I ?:::~e of 2 o CURB 3 .t..""1p."!:?CACH AP!?ON: After- forms are erected but prior to pouring .::oncrete. SIDEJ-IALX .& DRnTWAY: For all con- crete paving within street roight- ol-wcYI to be made a;'ter all exca- vating CCJTTPZete & form work & =ub~ base rrc.terial in pla~e. ~ o ?E:NCE: :./her. cOmPl~te -- Provide gates or movable' sectiens through P.U.E. D JOB NO 830//'3 SOLAR.CESS Occur:anc:J Gl'O'..l'O: 1 I. I 1 I I I 3 I::? ..:>91 ~)Z/~ 77'3.77! fJ I C>$~-:J?') I Z07te: Lot Sq. F~. ~ ~f tat C~er~g& # of Stor":es TotaL Height Topography ~~ ::< ;;('"7.... I /..< ' O--:2.~"" lITeM l....bin I Ca'ace I !C~cr:: I ! ...lccessoZ'Ci SQ.FTG /3 '/2> '1.:>C> :J.). ::>> /P."t:> I I 1 S.D.C. TOTAL VALUE (VC.I.UC) 1.5 :: Building P2."Pmi t State Sta"ch.:::rge TotaL (;1u;:r'ges lITEM Pi--tures IResidential (1 bath) Isanit.:z.r"d Sewer NO. 1 Wet:e!' tiPPa~,f~'"k-7~ / Plumbing Perr.:i t State SW"cr.a..roge Tota~ Chc.raes lITEM I.qes. So. ftc. /"3 '1~ I NGW/Erlend Cil'C'.l.t ts I Temporary Service I iiO. Electrical, Permi t St::.te Su:rcha:r~e TotaL C'tl1X!'-.::es IIT!M NC. I ~,~I:" I Purr.aCta ETU'B I E:hcn<st Hood I I "3 ~G; I Vent Fan I . I I WoOdStO:J8 Perm";t; Issuance Mechanica! Perm-:-t State Su:rr:hcrae T~ta! r:'Nrr'Ul:) EllCRCACHNE.'!T -- 1 SSC'wi.I"": ~ Dz':!os7..t I Stora.qe I Uaintenancf5t I Permit TotaL Chc.rocs C".a'bcu-: l-~G' 41''5' Side'..JaLk Fen::e ElectricaL LebeL ,'t[obiZe Home 7;;rA-L ~~,7:j I TOTA!; AMOUNT DUE:" FEE FE:E LOT TYPE Interior Corner Pan!land Ze Cul.-de-sac x VaZue I 'I73~'I. ~ '1.#0.-1 /" I 1 I . S"/'~'Y- SAOI 177~;;>7i. I /<9/. - 1 7.6'11 19$.6'7\ CHARGE f I. -;zs: ....".. 1 1 1 /tt:?~ ~~-- I. yc 1 36 rc::> I. c.=tARcl ,,:. I "<:):_C> I I 1 I :z~--l /.0-1 ~~ . "0 I . I I '-I.5"e:' I ~.*"'-I 1). ..... I I /P:..... I ':Zs.scl I./if 1 7'7.6'-11. I. C!1.AFiCE 1'1 '10 ?dP ?~qc 2 . L-COC'" REQ-~e.s ~A". I Lot Faces - I I P. L. j!lor~1! lEast ISou th IWest ':.':;!)e/C:;r.st: N_W. a~~o~s: I I =nera:J SouI''Jes I i .'ieat I I II Ii Ii Ii T..=,€ Setbacks House I c;;;e I- ~/ I Access. I I 1 Wate'!" Hp.at:?!' Range Fil'eow.ae ilood.;:;tove -;-ol; '7' V:::> Fees Building Value & Permit I1:is permit i3 granted on the express condition that the sdid. c011stl"'.tction shaLZ, in an respects, conj''::Jrm to the Ordinar.ce a.dopted :'y the City of Sp~;ngfietdJ ~nc!ud~ng the 20ninq Ordinance. reguLcting the ccr.st~l~ticn ar~ ~~e of ~uitdingsJ and m=y be 3u~pended or re~oked at cr.~ t~~e ~?or. vic- la:icr. of' any provisions of sa-:..d Drdir.cnces. I Pl.an Check Pee: Date Paid: Receipt #: Sigr:ed: $57..30f1 tv2 V.W I L 11ijt.('I . I I I Plumbing Permit No person $haZZ conSt'T"Uct, instaU, aZter or ch.ange any new cr e:::istir..g pLumbing or drainage system in whole or in part, unless such Ferson is the LegaL possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr~t a person ma~ do plumbing work to property which is owned, leased or operated ~y the appLi- <=It. ./ Electrical Permit Where State l.a1J requires tr.at the electrical. work. be done !Jy an E:.a~t1"";caL Contractor, the eLectricaL portion of this permit ahaLt r~t be vaLid untiL the Label has been signed by the ELectrical ~ontractor. Mechanical Permit ~~~~~ - ' .::.=.....""'1't2.nel" --,...-- 1-/3'-8s iJa<;a I HAVE CA2SPULLY ~XA.'.JINED the cC",?Zetad application for pe~e, cmd c!o hereby certify tr.at aLL ir.fo~ation hereon is ~Ae ard cCl'r~c:, =nd I f".J.r"Cher certify that any ar.a aU work perfo~ed shall be done in. ac~or- dance ~th the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and th~ LC~3 of tho State of Cl'eg:Jn p$rt~ining to the ~rk de8cr~bcd herein, end that NO CCCU- ?~~Cy ~ZL be made oj any structure without ~~rmi3sior. oj the 3u~ld~na Di- vision. I further' certif~ that o~ty aon.tl"a:.:".;;ol"s a:-.d e:;rpZ.;yees who c>e in: ca~pZian.ce with CRS ?Ol.05E ~iLZ be used on this projzct Signzd ta=e