HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1983-8-8 . .. RESIDENTIAL" AP?.c,,:7A7'ION/PERM-IT 225 North 5th Street SpP';ngfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job !.oca:i.:m: dJJ_~ L.1\ . AS3eSGOl'3 .'1::rp 1/ Subdi'~8icn:~~ /4 SPRINGFlELD , 14#... tJO Tc= wt .1# l 1~ nn 0 Q. I. c;Al' J\ 0 [J "~.r:\ ~~\'''' ~ff\ctnHr-hCJ1l Add:eS3:)~ \Ir~~,.v fu"), t\r. Pr.or..: City: ~.\ U~ Zip: ~r")4f)\ n n n n ',...., Additicn R2mOcel .'-100i28 :~O,''!'/3 D~~ of Applicati~n Con:rac:ors c"".""r J ). \ "")C'\QX'" Plwnbinq tldctr;ca l Me=har.ic.= ! Co~t~Ac~i~ L~nd~~ Describe rl'ork: Value ~ '2.7'\ 00 . I .:::;;::e::;-; l{\lc:.,,~ Add,,'ess ~ Siqr..d:~ I ~ .) Dat.:,-~ If) . S!=l. R:z.. (\ f Li;u~. .:; Fr.orte EroiPlis !~ ia the responoj.biZity of eM permit holder to see that aU intJpections are madf2 at -::he proper ~im~, that .-:ach =.ddres8 is rea.:::az,:., from eM street, and that the permi t ca::rd is t..:x:ated at the front of the property. "BuiZ.di~.g :r;l}i::io,:,,: approved plan sr.cZZ rma.:n on th2 Euitding $~t.; at aLl. times. ?'?OCED('P.S FOR INS?EC'!'IQll RtQrzST:CAll726-3769 (recorder) stcte your City desigr..:zted ioe 1't'..D7.ber, job adi......css, type of in3pe::-;icn l"squested a:o-.d :..l.':en you :.n:z.z. be ready {or ir.spcc:ionJ Contractcl's :)1' Ot..'ne:os nc:ne end. phone 7W;:OtOcr. .J:?e(jU€sr;s received ca;crg 7:00.:::: :..'iZL be made the same dt:h requests mcde. efta' 7:()O en wiZL be crzde the n.c:t :.xlrki~ da:i' ':fOf..'Gf:" ?~r.,~$!:.tc. .:':2~?!C~': -: N?:C.'1- 0 SIDE:WA[,l{ d [)Rr.'F'JA!: For aLl. con- ANICAL: 30 ~~k is ::0 be cove~ed crete paving wit~in street right- w:::iZ. r;hcs~ .;r.5=,ecticr.s ;...=v<.:! ::eer. of-wcYJ to be maie a:~ti!r aU e:r:ca- maee :me ;ql?r?'Je.:. vatir.g ccmpZete 3 lam work & 3uD- FI.O:::2PUC!: Pr--:..ol':O ?'Lc.c-:.r"g .~c.::ing base materiaZ in ?la.ze. ;::~::;. :::, ;:~o::~:::~ a;:::'C~-. g;;;;: or "';::aN:P ;:~~i~~s ~~:;h G??rou.;:.:. of r~ql'l pZwc..cn..n.q, .t~ec:J"":.- P U E caL & mechanical.. AL'! :oooji.,...; , , . b~O"";l'.q .5 chimno:ys, de. .':T...tst: ~e D corrroZ,.n;cd. ::0 '.lOr", :'8 to oe ccn- . cBc:Zed untiL thi.s insoec::icn ;..as . been mad~ and. approved. .r/;:!gu,:.,.crl... r",~",pr!'J';ir."!..~ O SIT~ I:'/~P~C':'!?v: ~o be rrade after e::'aav,:"t:"':"'J .?toll:: pl"'l.Cl' tC' Bet up of ;:n-ms. o UND2RS':;A3 ?!}.','.f3I.'/C. F;!2C":'5?IC,lL ~ ,'1EC?',J.:JIC,.1,[.: 7'0 oe made be:-:'ot't!' any lX'rk is ~ovc:'ed. . o FOOTING ~ FOU:lD,1TIC,'l: To be r-r:zae after ;.rencnes are e:::~avat~d a7"A ferms aI'e erect2a, but pr~r to pou.rir.g CCncret..:. U.'!02fG.':fOJ.'.'D ?!.T.:,'.f.JI:l(;. ~..;::R. :.t.l?'!R. DR.E3AG2: 'To a6 r.a:z.ie ?l"":'Ol' ;'0 J-'i.~- t..i.r.g -;rer.er.as. D o UNDE.~Fr-CC.r{ P!.U,'tSr::C 1 ,'.fF;C!!ASIC).!,: To be ~8 prier ;.0 i7!3t:a~z.at-::on of fIoor :.nsui:a:icn -'1" deCking. ?1ST AND 3'(;~'1: To be r..aCc pr""';or to in.stalZ,.:;.{.cn of 12001' i7'.8tolation or decki",. o o D [] Your City. Desigr.ated Job Number Is: o INSULATION/VA POP EARRIZFi D!sPF:CTION: To be m2.:ie after aU insuk:twn IX".a l'equ~red vapor c~ers are in plaee Cut bejere any la"tit, gyp8Ur.7 board 01' wl.I. cover--:ng is apptiad, and befor'e any i7UroAlaticn ~s conceated. ~~()\\~ Ot,~:OL~TIO;'! OR .~:Ov::; 3UILDI;ifJs :J SanitaJ"'i Se:Jel' ~ap?ed. =.t ~O?&rt"i Zir.a =:J Sepr;ic tc:nk p".A1?€d w.d fin~d uith ~.:ei. :J tinaL - :."hen abcve ite::'ls are cC":1pz'eted ar.d when :12r.lClitior. is compLete or st:'"...:~ ttc'e mov-ui c:nC pr~3e8 ::: l~.:;r02d U? MQb~~!o'J 2c:r:es =:J =:J al.ocking and Sat-~p Plumbing connec~ian8 sc:,;er end wa::al' o DR~"/ALL I!/SP~CTIQ;I: Tc be made after all Cr;j?Ja1.1o ..8 in place, but prior to c:ny :api7"J:). MAsONRY~ SteeL Zocation} bond beam3, grouti~4 .or verticals in accordance with f).B.C. Section 241e. iJOODST07E:: After installation is ccmpz'eted. ' ---, Electrical Ccn7!ec~~on - BLockir4, set-u? ---1 and riLumbina c.:mr.eetions rrr~3t :;e a'.?~r:::;;2d before requ~st~~.g e!ectrical ir.8?B~~i~~ =:J :J AcC'esso~' sui!..:ing Fil'~L - Aft~r ~~rcr.esJ etc. =.re e~~eted. skir:i1'4J ae=.:-..s, D D o CURE ~ APPROAC.r: .~P,~N: Aft.e...... forms =.re erec;.ed out prior to PO'Ur"~ng .:o~rete. o All ~ro;ecr; cor.di=i~ns, ~~C~ aa ~he ins=aLZation of $=r~er; :rees. ~~~!c=~~n Q; the required z.and3ac;pir.g, eta,. .T.Ust be satisfied before :;.;'.e 3UIr=I,','C fI::AL ~an be !"~q-.J.gst.;d. [] Fn'A!.. P!.U,~~I:"G =:J F'I:l;..r. :.rE~RA:1ICAf" o FI.'1AL ~:S:::.~!C:.r. :"=:] o J!,'lA.L 3:.JILDn:C: The Find .9uiLdil'.g Ir..3?e:::~ion .~.l.st be !"eque::;:.za -=:~=2!" ,;r..e .?ir..:::l. ?!u.':":bir.q ~t~c~ricat, ani ~echa~ic-=L ir.spec:iann ;uwe been made ~r~ ~~~!"ov2d, .A':': ;.!A.'mC!..2S AND CLEANCUTS ,'!US'!: Ee AC:!SS:3f.E, A[),.J~'S7:.':2:lT :0 3! ,~~E".: .'~T .':0 :':ST TO cr:'r I ?~'i2 of 2 I I JOB NO. ! :.;-"':c: l.:.ot $q. :-.... ...,. !: :;f :G~ C:.J'!r-=== I . !.:a of $:.;)r-;e8 I ... ... 1 :J ~~. ~:._ I .:::l...CI. -....:,0".. i I :O?O~hy I 1--'" L"'in I "''''.O~2 i I :".::r:-Cr>':: i. 1.....:::C3tJ:Jro.' .=;.t-:r; :."::;:".~r; ?A!:::'"E !;.D.C. 1.5 :: i:::::.;,,;,;,t:/ ;uitdir-? Pem.t St,:;,i Su....:::r..:r:rge ':'ot.=.l. ~.a..-ge3 I:~:.v !"i- -::ures ',','0. ' ReaiCentiaL (1 bc.:i:J Sc:r:.i.t.::.r'! Se-..Jer I ;;O'2~ I ?l:.ombir.g Pe~;t S:.a.til Surer..:...-;e T:taZ C'r,c!'':1es I :~::.J I :iO'1 1.l:?eso ,t:j('J" r-i;o. ,vaJ/E--tcnd Ci~.4i:8 '!'e:mpcrZ"Y Se:r-nce S!c::rnca! p{!~t St::te Sur~;..trrce T~t.:zZ Ci-.c::r:es I :r2,',f Pur.....:::C.ol !!':U'S !:=haus t Hoo.:! V~t :::::n. ;J~ds tc-.;e Permit; IJsu.::nc2 ."le::r.c.n-:.c::.! Pe~;t Sta-:J Sur=~€ ?".,~~! ':1-.C"r'!t?!J =:lCR:;'ACh'XE.~'? Se~.4r-;~~ D2~CJit Stcr-:'=fI I ,~cin~€?t-...,..~~ Pc~: 't'C':t:l. ~L:."!"'1CS I . ! C'ur.::lC"..l:; Is" .. r t.Ce'..Ia",< I ; .:Ocr:::e . 1 SZ,zc':ric,::t ':.;.:,,,!! ~ .\foci Ze ,:{~e ':'TAL J..:.!CU::T ;u.::.. SOLAJPCCESS _::':::",...t=Cr.C:J ....:"-:"..l:=: :.,;=: .~':'?s :r::er-:':c!' :or"!e:" ?zr.;'.c.~.dl03 c:...Z.~de-sac x :.:=~ue C.::'4.P.:JZ ,~..~';_='GZ :IC. t :'~:" :;I!;...='::~ I ! I I I I I I\~OO i I I I \~~O ?-::.;a 2 R EQ.- ?...:Je/c.::r.s~: I [.0: t::'C2S I =~:=':ZCit:3 I ? D. I h'ouse -:~c.ce I~::;a I SO'AZit I IWes" I :aes I I I I I I I I. , I I I . L-COG~ 3~c...""~cr.-.s : I I ::....er-:r'J Sv.<r~€S I I .i'ea: A~cess. I ! (letar' H",~-;;>!" I I .=?anqa I I Z:.reolc;ce I I 'ilooa:; ~at:e II T:J'::e Building Value & Permit This pe~;t i3 granted on the express condition tr~t the said.conscr~ction Sh4r~, ~n ':ZZl res?~cts. cor.jcrm to the Ordinance c.do~ted cy the ~~ty of Sp~:r~:~eLd. ~nc!ud~ng the :on~ng Crd~r'~.ce. r'egutc;~~g ~r.e CCr.8~~A~t~cn ~~ ~$e of =uiZdings, and m~: a€ su~pended or reuckec c.t cr.y time ~;cr. ~ic~ Zction af ;r.y ?r~uisior.s of said ordir~es. I P!.an Check. Fee: I Ca;~ Paid: /Reczipt #: !S,:g"ed: Plumbing Permit No pereen chaZ.Z Ccns~Act, instcZ!, aZter or change any ~~w cr e--istir.g pl~~ing or drc.inage syst~ in ~hoZe or in part, ur.less such person is tr~ legaZ pOBsessor of a vaZid pZumber's License, ezcept tr~t a pe~son ma~ do pZl.4mbing work to propert":{ which is oumed2 Leased 01" operated by the ap?Zi- cant. I I I I I. I Electrica I Permi t Where Sta.:e La:.J roequires trat the el.ectl"~cal. work be dLJn.e !Jy an S!.ectrical. Ccm'trac:oro, the eLectrical. portion of :hi3 permit shal.l. roOt b8 valid until. the Zabel. has been signed by the Etectri.caz. ~on.tractor. I I I I. I I I I I I I I I. Mechanical ~ I I I I I I. I I I Pl.c:n '::z=nirlel' Permit l/a;a I HAVE CARS..':'fjLLY EXA.\!nl~D t,f.o"g c~~eted aD:;llication for :Je!'l7fi:. c:nd de hereby certify that aLl i~fo~~tion hereon" is true a~.d ccrrcct, and I fuzothel' cer:ily that any ar.d aU 1l:ork F'erf'o~ed shalZ be do-ne in aCCor- dance :.,,:ith :ha. Ordin::mces of the City of Springfield, an:.: ;h~ Lc.,;s of ;;;:3 State of Oreg~n p$r~ining to the work described herein, cr~ tr~t YO QCC~- F.~:ICl :Jizz. oe! ."lU.:::e of anlJ 3truCt'.U"2 '..Jithcut l:l3:'t:'l'isJ'ic:"l. ~j the 3u.iZdin!1 Di- vision. ! fur~her c~rti!y t~~t o~~y contrac~ors a;~ ~~~yees ~r~ cr~ ih ~Ziance ~th CRS ?Ol.05~ wiZZ. be used on tJr;s projsc= f) ! ~ 9( Da:e