HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1983-8-8 I . ., RESIDENTIAL" AFP2:IcA7' ION/PERMIT 225 Horth 5ta Street Sp~:ngfield, DrBgon 97477 Bui~ding Division 726-3753 ~ .~.::::e:== .~ lOt sr~ Job !;oc::=i.:m,: ri ~~ r"] r\ J 1 '-I \}h \-JJl. I Li,3C. !/ Siqr.ed:d(~ ~ :Jate: '" x\l If) . P.. ~:2.. n ('- E::;ir::1s Pho~c ASGessol"Z :.fap II Ta::: !;ot # !~ is ~h6 resp07laibiUty ot the permit holdClI" tc title that aZZ in:rpectio118 ar"8 made at the proper ~im&" that cc.ch :Mress is re~:'a jfeonr thsl street, end that ths permit caztd i.s located at the ]Jocnt of tha oroperty. "Bui!di~.g :JitJi=io~ ~r?::ed plan s;..cZZ rer.;a-:n on th2 au-::z.aing Sit:; at aLt.: times. ?t!OC~DUPE FOP. TNSPE(:'!'IDlJ ..::'E'ClUZST:CALl726-3769 (recorder) state your City J.esigr..2ted J"oc 1t'..tr.:ber, job ~CSS:l tYFe of in3?e~ticn l"equestcd crr.d :.;::en :fou. :JiLL be ready for ir.3pccr:ion, ContractcrS or Ot.,')U!r"S' rICl"!e .::nd phone nu.wcr. Requ€sr;s received l;eJ~cr€ 7:00 c ~'iZz. be made th~ same dr:;h reques:s mc.de afta 7:00 a'7l lJiU be made th.e rw=t :>>rki11G' day. ~ ~C:L{ll o D o o D o D o =:J CJ .=:J S<<bdi",;'ic":d~ , hn.n 00 \ ~(\ non ::'"er.\ ~(\)U)~h ~ffict\n\.t- hem Add....s" W"['f') \\rL~~ M, t\r. PI-.or:e: City: ~\ ~ Zip: ~~4()\ n n n n Describe il'ork: 'l~.1 Addition Remodet .'!{'JbiZ~ r!Ol~3 .c:\ rz.. ~ 00 Dcrt~ of Application ':;on:2"ac:;ors VaLue Add.-e S3 GenerazJl ~ ~Mx"" Pl.umbing Electrical. M~har:ic;: l Const~~c~i~ L~ndq~ Oeaui'PDd rr.sr:'",cticnB, O <r'"'" r'l~~:;""""""'''''' 'J' ,., ... .._ _l ~:-_....~""... ~o::Je ma..e e.roavat:.,:m, ",ut pl"'t.-or ~~ se:: forms. o Your City'Desigr~ted Job ,Vumbsr Is: af~er up of D INSU'LATION/VAPO.'? BARRIER I.'lSP::CTION: To be made after aLL ir.sul..::;twn a"'4 required lJaPor J;ar!"ier$ are in place but l:ejcre ar.y Zcth, gyp8Ur.1 beard or wtz. aover-':'ng is cppli.ed, and before any ina-..tl.a.twn ~s conceaZed. U:lDr.~S:'A3 ?!:.l','.f3!:IC. ErcC7.~I';,1L ~ ,'€CF.,J.:IJ::Ai.: ~o be mace aefol'"tl cny wrk i.s .:ovc:oed. FCOTT:itJ ~ F'OV:W,lTIC:I: To be ma.de after trencnes =re e=cavat~d arA fc:rm:i are erect~d, but pzoi"r :0 po:.lrir.g cancre.;.;. V.'''D7!::iC,~:';.'.'D P:'l./,'.f3DG. S~::.t? ;J.1Z'!.~. DRA.:.-.'fACZ: To be r:t:Ce ?r~or :'0 ,;'ii.- Lir.g ::re7tc;...as. o DR';"../ALL INSP'::CT!Q,"'I: Ta be made ait,gr all ri:r>::f'..;a1,Z. is in place, but prior to any tapi.,..g. l-tASONRY: St,gel. l.ocation, aona. beam3, arou~i'PA or ~er~ical.s in ac~or~ce with v.B,C. Section 241E. D U"CERF~CCR P~U~~Z;"C 1 ME~ANICAL: To be ~ade prier ;0 ir.3~a~~t~on oj f1.oor insuZc:ticn or deckir.g. PGST At'm 3EAN: To be r.-.aCc pr-:'or to instaLz..:~"icn of j1eo1' -::.,...:rto1.atior. or decki'l(; . D WOODSTOYE:: ccmpleted. After instal.Zation is o CURE:! .li'PRCAC,?, AP.~N: Afte:- forms .=re ere:.n:ed but; priOl" to pOUI""':'7llJ .=cn...-rete. 3()~'G;; ?:.[J~fB!:.IG. E'':E'~_f?!C~!: .J .'EC.'1- D S!DEWALi<- ,~:JRD'F'ilA:: For aU CC11- ANIC~&: No ~o~k is :;0 be co~e~ed crete paving within street right- ~~il thes~ ~"'$~ectier.s ~~~€ b€eY. of-wcy, to be made after al! ezca- made ~.d ==??l'?".;e.:. vatir.g cO'I'Ipz.ete & forn IIX'rk & =ub- Fr::F?!'AC~: .~or;o ,?l.c.:ir.; .~c.~n.q base :~tel"":'aL in pla.=e. ::::' ::::':,:; ;~r~;' .:::::.::'ii;:;:;;;.~. approu~~ ot rouqn pl.~~~r~~ e1.ec:~- P V E cat & meciza'/'li.::al.. At! roo;r'ing . . . b'l"3.~r.g ~ chin:n.::ys, et;;. I:-l"'.lst 1;. 0 corrrDle~cd. ;~'o ".lOr" -:.S <;0 012 :=cn- . cec:Zed until. tf:itJ i7'lsDec~cn ;...as . b€en ma:1€ anC G?proT,'ed. Da:OL~TIO;V OR .',:Or::; 31!ILDliiGS =:J Sarti <;aroJ Se:.Jer ~?ed at ~O?&!'t"i '/.ir:2 =:J Se?ti= tank. rr.;r.:p;:d ar.d t-:.tl.ed tJi-;n ;~~a~ :J Final - i/hen. chcve i;e:ns are c:;'':T?leted ar~ when demol~~ior. is compz.ete or st~~~. ture moved and ?r~3eS ~l.ear~d up. f.!oo";!e iic:r.es =:J =:J Blocking and Sat-:.lp PZumbing connec:-::ons 8:;::,;er and t.1a=~r ---, Electrical. Ccnr.ec't~ - Bt..cckir.g~ sej-u;: --.J and p1..wnbing O'onr.ectio718 TTr..:st 1;e c:ppr:;vec before request~ng eZec:rical. ir.s?ec;~o~ =:J Ac=es$o~' Eui.!.3.i1'lfJ :J Fi'P..:zl - ,1ft;;r ;::rO'r.es. etc. .are C~l2;;:d. skir-;ir.g, de=,;".s~ o FI,'lAr. PWXB!,','C A~Z croiec: =or.di~iong. ~uc~ as ~he ~ns~aLw=tion of 5~reec erees. ~~~~a~~~ of the required Zand:icapir4, ~tc,~ ,r.ust be satisfied beJore ~~e 3VI!QINC :I~AL ~a'/'l be ~S~~gst~d. PI:I;..! ,'.fS:HA,'II':A[, o. Pl:IAL E!.JILD!NG: T'1:e F:..n.aZ. 5uil.dir..g Ir:3p~c<;ion .~..tst be l'equeor;,gd =.:'-=2r :r.2 p-:.r.:::zZ ?!ur::'iY'''; ~Zectri.::al, ani ~echa~ic~Z Ir.sp€c:iQno ;~a been ,~d~ ar~ ~??rou~i. ?I:1AL ~ZE:;-:RI:::'~ "A:':' :.!..:.:rr.C:~S AND CLEANOUTS .'iUS':' BE AC=::S;:3i.~, AD,I~'S7~~2:,'':' :0 3:: :~1EE' .'" ::0 ::-:-ST :0 ~I:'Y \ ?::~e of 2 I I JOB NO, , : ::;-0-:,'1: I. . <q ::~- .,0..... ''':I" I ~ ~~ 1_.. r-.JDr"''''. j .""""~'" ~ -~... !.oi of $t"r~e3 I ~ .. 7 3_',.'_ I.o..a.. _....:;1n.. i I" ' .OPO~l'G::,~Y I 1""" ~- :--,.. ...... .-' .'..I::::n .-;"~.-::::-" I :-..:r=~!"'~ i , 1....::::t;3S~!".1 :-;r..g Z4!.;:"E \;.D.C. ~.S;: i :.,''::':':.0;::; ;td,ldir..g Pe~t S:.:.~Z Su....:::ha:rg' ':'ot.:l cr.a.;"ges I !:!,~ ~rL-=-u.res Re3idZ11tial (1 bc.:h) S.:u:i't.:::rJ Se'..Je't' 1 ;"'ct.?!' I Pl:Jr.lbir.g PeT:":':"; t .!:a.te Surd"..:z..-;{t Teta! cr.c!'OflS I ::!:,I I.qes. Sa. (";(1. 1,v.tfJ/E--te1'.d Cir!:".Ii:3 !empcr2l"!! Ser.n.ce E!a:::rncaZ P~:om.t se.=..~e Sur:::r.a:rce Tat3! t;',..a:r:::-es I :;~.'1 I ?:.Lr.....=c~ '!7':!'S I E:=iu::4st Hood Vent P::n 'iI:;oastc'".Je Permit I3.su.=n.c~ He:::;..an-:.c::! Pe~;e Sta~a Sur=~c t ~,,~-:~ ":'rcr"t?!J I =:lCP.-;AC.1',"!~''l'1' 1< ' n ' I-SC-.l:-,:-J ;.;2::'C3t.t $tcr-:::tI I ,~a~11e.:m....'7~~ P:!~t ':'c-:-.c:l c;...t::.t''1CS I CUr~C'.lt Is" .. r t.::e..Ia:'-<' I I .t"~"'~e , i E'Z:ec~r'icat :',~e!. , ! ,"'obi Z" H:y:e I ::"T...tL ).....ICU:."l' ;!J~:" 1,.e'l I I I I SOLAR.CCE S S :-:~..l::cr.-::.i ..I:"':"...t::'," :.c'; .-;:; .:r.:ericr ';'Cl""'!e:" ?:::mhC."td.Z03 C~Z-de-Baa x ~':z~ue :"0'1 FEE C."':.4R::Z :iO. I ,'_:.~';'_='GZ ';"t":" C.:!;...1!:S \\.f-.OC> \~~ ?=-;a 2 . L-COG~ R EQ,- T:;~e/Ccr..s-:: ="1c.::':Jcr::s: I '::ot Fa-ees - I I ::l '-, .;:0:-'36 Illo!'~ft lEns;,; ISm.:.'Cn IWest; I I ~."!er"7'.J Sc:ao~qS I j .=:"ea: I I II II II r___:-e 3etb-:zci.:s ':c.:rcce Acct!?ss. :';C~2'(' .":'~::."'~ 3anqe ?-:'l"eokce ;.tooa;;:o~e Fees I I I I I I I \. Building Value & Permit This permit ';0 granted on the erpreSB condition that the said.const~~c~ioll shalZ, in ~lZ r'es~ccts, cor.J~~ to the Ordinance zdopted by the ~~:y of So~;r4~ieZd, ~nc!ud-:.na tne Zonina Crd~r~ce. reaulc:-:.na 'Cr.e ccr.sc~...t~ticn ~~ us~ or buildinas.vane m~' ~~vsu;;oended or r~voked;t ~u t-:.r::e ~~cr. uic- lation 0/ iZY'.y .:n'~vi3ior:s of said Ordir.ances. v. I Plan Check Fee: ICate Paid: IRece;pt #: ISir-ed: Plumbing Permit No pereon ahalZ cc7ts~..lc:, instcZZ, aZtsr or change r=ny r.ew cr e-.-istir:.g plwnbing 01" ~inage syste:n in :.1hoZe or in part, ur.l.es8 such ~erson is the legaL possessor of a val.id plumber's license, except tr~t a pe~son ~ay do plumbing work to propert-;/ which is ot.med, Zeased or operated !'y the appU- cant. . Electrical Permi t Where State [.(z,) requires tr.at the eZec'tr";cal. work. be ticn6 ':Jy an Electrical. Contractor. the elect]M;caZ portion of thia permit sr.az.z. r~t be vaLid until. the label has been signed by the ElectricaL Contractor. I I I I I I I I I I. Mechanical Permit , Plan ~::c:r.nnel' va:;,a I I. I I I r HAVE CAREPULLY EXA..."'.I:'lED the completed appZ::cation jor permi=. =nd,.;- hereby certify that aLl. i'nfO;"'r.'.ation hereon is true and CClTcct, and I .P..trther certify that any emi alL I;;ork Ferfonted shatz. be done in accor- dance ~th the Ordin~es of the City of Springfield, and ~hz L~~s of t~~ State of Oreg.:m p:;r~in.in.g t.J the work cesCZ"":'bcd herein.~ c:r.d :r.a:- .vo ~:CC!J- Fl~Cl ~Zl 02 mai2 OT anu 3t~ctura ~ithcu~ ~2rmiS3ic~ ~f the 3u~rdina rr~- vision.. I f...a-:hero :::~rtiJ'";i tr.::= o~l.y ~ont1'a::"uFt's c:-.d e.-::pl..;yee3 ~r.o ae in ~l.iance with QRS ?Ol.0S~ wiZZ be used on. this projzc= ~D Da=z 3igr:.zd