HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-2-28 82..EO-139 . -- RESIDENTIAL-- APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job Loc:J.tian: /oJ ., 237 74th Place, Sprinqfield. Oreqon As,aesGors 1l1ap 1/ 17-02-35-42 Subdivision: Beanel Acres T= r.ot # 129 r1 tf-:t! l ~ J- ~er: Empire Financial Services. Inc. Phon., 686-8075 Addr.." 895 Country Club Rd. A200 City: Euaene. Oreaol1 rxl n n n .Vm,J Zip: Q'7Ilt11 Describe h'oI'k: NEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE W!ATTACHED GARAGE Addition Remodel. ,'!ob{. Za Flame Date of AppLicaticn ~.:ont:ractors February 10. 1983 Harsch Construction General. Ptwnbing etectrical. .'-!B::har.:ic~ Z. CO~8truction L~r~er ,2'J Sc',. 7/~, ~o Val.ue !;:~9 ;!:;!A Addres3 895 Country Club Ro_ A?nO . , "1 (/1 I IX) Cl!(} . .:rcce:::c .; 7 Siqr.ed: Date: cd1([)~~ -;)'1 Lise." E.::::;il'C$ Pr.onc ?q<;'ln Q I~() /R? (Renewed)' AQL1_?tlrlE; [~ is :ns responoibitity of ths permit hoLder to see that al.Z incpec:ivn3 ere ~ade at :he proper :im€~ that eccn ~B83 is l'eadao~s il"Onl eM street# and that ths pcrrrrit aa:rod is tocatlld at thll f1"Ont of the pl'OpSl'ty. .8ui!d.i!'".g Lr:lJi~io!": cpprot:ed plan shatt l'emain on th.. BuiZding Sit.; at dZ :i.m~s. PROCEDURE FOR INSPeCTION RSOUC"ST:CALL 726-3769 (rccol'dllr) stat. your City 1I1sigr.:::.t;zd Joe r:ur.:be1', job acc.rcss, tyl''' al ir.~PQc:ic?l r~quosted ar~ wr.en you will be ready Jar inspection, Contractors or Cwne~s nc~e ~nd ~hone n~cr. Requ~s;s r~cei~~d before 7:00 ~ ~'itt b. r.ude the same dcy, requuts mGde after 7:00 am 1Jil.Z b.z made t,':e nar: :.JOrkinq da:t'. 8e:n:.'~:":"'st r"1n1"<':~~r.r"', O SITS !N5!EC':':O.V: ~o b~ nrlde aft~r excavar:~an, but p~cr :0 set up of forms. O UNDeRS'LA,B PLU,',[3ING. ELECT8IC,1L & .~!ECH..L'IICAL: 'To be made before any work is ~ov(!red. fl] FOOTING ~ FOUND,tTION: To be m:lde after trenohes ~re excavated and forms c.~e erected, but prior to pouring ccncre:~. ~ U.WX;RG.~OU.~'D ?~L'M!JI:VG. SEWER. .:I.1TER, D.r?AINAGE: To::e:n:z.de pl'io1' :0 fH- u.r.g trenche:;. [ZJ UNDE.'?F[(JOR P[.U!-!BI.'/G ~ MECHANIC:'L: To be made prior :0 in3ta~~tion of floor insuZeticn 0:' deckir.g. POST AND BEAN: To be r.adc pr-';or to insta~~ticn of j1oo1' ins~Lation or dacki7tfi . [lJ [K] ROUCH ?Up'I!U:!C. E:!.EC':'_~!CA.~ ,I, .\fECl/- ANICAL: No ~r~ is to DC covered ur.ti~ thcs~ ~nsoec:ior.s h~v~ beer. made 11r~ apprQve~. F I.f?E'P!.ACE: PJ-.:or to p lc.cir.g raaing materials and bejore framir.g inspeo- tior.. o 00 FR.4.HINC: Must ~e reGuBsted after approv~l of rough pl~~ing, ~lectri- ca l ,j meciTani.::a l. A l Z. roo f~"'..g bracing ~ chimn~ys, at~. ~~sr ~e cOmPleted. ~o ~o1'k is to be con- ~ c.c.hd unci Z. this insoecrion nas . been mad..z c:nd approved. Your City. Dsoigr.ared Job :/umoel' Ia: [l] INSULATION/VAPOR B.4F?RIER :.'IS?ECTIO<'l: To be made after aL~ insuL~ti~n ~4 required vapor carriers :::re in ? Lace but celore any lath, gypsum beard or wU covering is cppZi.~d, c:nd befere any inouLatum i3 conceaZ.zd. ~30Lo'7/ I !:Et!CLITIO;';' .JR ::ov=; :UILDZ:ia5 :==J Sani;~-d 3~~er ~apped =t p~op&r~i Zir.a ~ Sepri: ~cr.~ p~~Gd ~A :~lZad ~ith ;ra~ai ---, Final - ~~en cheve i;~~s are c~~leted ~ ar.d when i~Zi:ior. io compt~:e or st~~~- tu:'e ~eved a7"~ ?r~3eS ~le~ed up. I Nab t.z h."cmes :::J 3Zoc~ing ~ 5~~-~p ~ PZ~ing ~0r.n8c:i~ns .- a~~er ar~ wa:8r :::J SlectI'ic=Z Ccnr.~c~~on - 8tockir~, sat-up and pLumbing cor.r.Bc~ions ~~st =8 ~pr~~Bd before request:ng eZ8c~ricat ir.s?ec=io~ =:J Acces.::vr:," au.il.d-:.n.::" I Final - ;tft~r ;~rc:f:Bs, sk~r't-:.ng, decks, ~ et.::. ~e c=mpla;~d. o ALl. project cor.di:ions, ;;uc.z.. ad ~he :',ns-ca~Zci:t~on of 3:1'eet :ree8, .J:;:~p!o:-:'.:m :;)f tns rflqu.ired landscc:pir..g, etc., "r.tIS: ;:g sac-:'3fiad :;.::fo"!'e the 3U!LDI....C ?I.'!Ar. ~an =8 r2q"J,zstsd. ~ FINAL PLU!.fBnlG lX1 FINAL NEr:HA,"ICAL iAJ FINAL ELECTRICAL ,e:J o FINAL BUILDING: The Final BuiZd~,~ !n3?ection ~J.St ba "!'equeatea ~f:er the Fi,..~l ?:umbing Electrical, and MechanicaL Insp~ccionG i~vc been made and ~??rolJ2d. 00 DRJ"JALL INSPtCT!ON: Tc 'ce ~ade after aLl dryuaLl. is i,l pwce, but prior to eny r:apir-s. "'AU NANHOLtS AND CLEANQUTS HUST BE AC'CcSSIS!..E, A.DJU5-;.'..~:!'!' :'0 3E :,'..1I;E I"" ;','0 :-:57.' TO CITY I ;;)~,~tJ of ~ o ;~SONRY: Steel Location, bond beam3, grouting or ver:icaZs ~n accordancs with V.3.C. Section 241~. WOODSTOVE: After il18taZ:ation ia ccmplet€d. [l] ~ CURB & APPROACH APRON: A,tte:> forms are erected but ;wior :0 ?OUF'~ng ;JOn.:1ret~. SIDEWALK ,~ DRnT..'J. Y: tor a II con- crete paving 1Jir:hin s:-rect l.igh't- oj-way, to be made after a!: ~xca- vating ccmpZste & lor;./ OJOrk ,~ :;u.b- base material in ?Za~e. [K] o rENC'!: Wher. compl,H~ -- Provide gates or movable 3Bccien~ :hrQUgh P.U.E. o SOLAR ACCESS REQ,- ~e:~ - 0./0(', OccuparlC1l Grouo: ~ -:I ~ ~"1-/ T~'")e/Co"'.8t: ~I -17 WT TYPE, ,I Lot Face. - "VE--5 r ... ..... .x.. I Setbacks - CO ....0 [nt."";or I P. '. 'H ' u OU8B Caraae Aocess. I Cornsr.: I INOl'th S'" J'I'..."l" pa7lhandl. l~n8~ '2 J ' ~..,.~_ South c- ~ CuL-de-sac:: . IWest I JOB No,B3~671 R-l.. I Z071,: Lot Sq. Ft;;. ~ "I ~ot C.:nulrag& # of Stories TotaZ Height Topogro;;hy I ITEJ/ I ,~tl:in l~ac2 I I Car:;'Cl't I I .-Icce8S01"~ I I Is.D.C. SQ....TG I X I,.s-, 30 I/c.... I I I 13/~ '1'/0 TOTAL VALUE (t.lC:'U~J 1.5= BUilding.' Fermi. t State Surcharge TotaZ ':ha~ge3 IIToM 1,"0, ; III FFE FL"'"'t:'ures l?~8idzntia.Z. f1 bath) I Sanitary SeWer I :.'c:tll!l' Jp.Drr/~NAl.... ~TH' I PlUmbing Pard. t Stat8 Surcr.a.rge Total.. Charaes I :1'EM R88, Sa. rta, 1,?/;4 N;;w/Ert6nO. Circuits I Temporary SB1Vice I i7'I I I I I I I FEE Et.actricaZ PiZrm1.t St;.:te SU1'~harQe Total Cha:rces Value I ~3"?,.scl 'to f~,."1 . I I I Se>.7/3.~1 17~.7" I. I 189."0 1 ?~, I r/~. S(/J I. CHARGE "2 s;. "'''''' I I It:>, DC> 35: ..... I, 'i~1 ;:$~.'fP I. CHARGE 7:'S. - ~~O. 1.0" <~. ... I ITZU ! ?urn:zce ~U'S I E:haust Hood I Vent Fan I ' I WocdstoiJe NO. FSE CUARCE I 313.00 I I I Perrrrit IS!lUC01C8 Medumic.:: l. perrrri t Stats Sta'charae Total. Charaea I -- e!lCROACHMENT -- I S6C".a"";tI./ Dgpa3it I Storage I Maint~Q Permit Total. Charaos I Cta'!lcu~ i Sidewalk I Pen:)B I EZectrical. Label. ! .'''obila Home :Z7' I '1. So I ~. ...a s: .. CO I~."'O ':<8,5"~ I./~ <"."'11. /2"; co 7.CO i SP<:::. ~X'O)(~ .#-96V<E 7~~. ?D 7Or--f<... ,P~Hn~ ~,~ ITOTAL AMOUNT DUE.: P /t:'~T3C P:::ga 2 J 1 L-COG~ .~-N '3 Bedrooms: EnerotJ Sou.I'Ces Heat TIlDa e<..ecr <<..Go. t" I ;Z,,' I :xl II 'ilatp.l' _1.IP.(]tIH' Range .;'il'eplace WoodOJ tove .. .. Fass Building Value & Permit This pel~t ia granted on the e--press condition that tr~ sdid.const~~ction shatt, in azz. !'espcct:3. conform to the -'Jl'dinar:ce :u1opted by th. Ci.:y of Spring,f'ield. ~naLt(ciing the 20ning CTdinar.ce, l'lJgulc.ting the ccnst'!'"',4cticn and use of buildir~s, and m~y be ~uapended or revckec at c.r.y time upon vic- lation of any pr~vi3ior:s of said Ordir~nces. " t~ (" f, ,il .L f ." '), 'I!J " ) l. II " " ":' i i: t "' 'Ii '" I ;: 1 "'~ . . ~ I' , ;!~ . I , ~ , ~. r r . f [ f , , ! i ......,-~..:'\, IPlan Check Fee: $56.7[J ICacc,?~':d, r4 - J( ) "h-<" I R.aeipc #, ,~t1r>.J...C1 Ln ISi~:'d' ~t fY},_ - Plumbing Per-,mit No person DhalL constn,ct, instal.!, aZt4r or change any ~u or e--isting plumbing or drainage syste:n in :JhoZe or in pax'-t~ w:l.ess such person is ths legal. possessor of a vaLid pl.umber's license, except tr4t a pe~son ma~ do pLumbing uOl'k tol property which is owned~ 'leased or operated by the appli- cant, -~~'- Electrical Permi t Whers Soots LaLJ requires tr.at the ol.ectrical. work be done by an Eleatrical Contractor, ths el.ectrical. portion of this permit shaLL ~~t be vaLid until tM label. has been signed by the Et~ctricaz. ~ontractor. . Mechanical ( , II f , [ , " , " '. i Permit , / , I " , ! :;{,.~~~c-_~ PUin E;xalTf1,.r.er ~ ~ - ~ =< - .~v-6""3> t 00<8 , I HAVE CAREFULLY EXANINED ths com;;Zated application fol' permit, =rni de I.. . hsreby certify that al.Z ir:fO':"ma.tion hereon is trus and correct, an:i I t.aothe.r certify that any ar.d an work pel'lo-r.ned shall be do~8 in aCOO1"- :. I dance :.rith the Ordin::ncea of the Ci:y of Spl'irtgficl.d, and th& La:.;s of th~ . . State of Or8g~n pzrt~ining to the work described her8in, and that NO OCC~- PANCY will be nt::Ide o[ a.ny 8truetur~ without pal"rnis3ion of ths 5uiZding 01.- l vision. I further ~ertil:i th::::t o:"tly ~ontraators ar.d ~z..,yee8 w1-.o are in compliance with CRS 701.0S$ will be used on this p~jgat " i j'j//~J " .i ./ /;7Jh-? Date / /