HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1964-10-29 ,~ 0,,' ~. ~(o ..,' 'a~ .;." ,', " v October 29, 1964 .... ,; ~ OJ, ; ~. t O~ ~" .~ ',~ ,. , .. . Mr. Wi1~iam Haggerty . Haggerty,. Ruff &. Hi(l,: Ac'cts. " 444. North "A" Street . . Sprtngfie.ld, OregoJ.\ .' .~ ,"/ ,0 \'~. :. , .,. -11' C. DearMr . Haggerty:... ., Up~n insi>~ctionori October 28, i964, this department has noted that the alley downspouts for the roof drainage, 'particularly tlle 'east downspout for the Oregon Outfitter's. roof. and the downspout for Walt Laxton Men is': Store roof; haire not Deen connected into the new storm se,.,er' risers provid~d for you in' thea~ley. . . . !>fe feel't.hatyou have been given enough .time to have these connections made, Therefore, .this is an official notice to .have these connections comp'leted by November 6, '1964. ..Trusting we may have your . cooperation, .1 am . Yours. truly, , . Robert'~. Allen. Director of Bui1ding.and.Zoning RTA: mp . " '",' . . .' ... :, . 0\", ",' ~ NSTRUCTI ONS TO DELI VERI. EMPLOYEE D Deliver ONLY to D Show address where addressee delivered (Additional charges required for these sen-ices) RECEIPT Received the numbered article described on other side. SIGNATURE OR NAME OF ADDRESSEE (must olwa)'s be filled in) 4<Jq<,~/v~ ~/j?, x,/// S~SEE'SA~ lATE OroVERED SHOW ~ERE DELIVERED (only jf requestIKJJ /~~C/ " -- . ...._h__ '-- _....: -- C55_16_715U~5_f GPO POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL aUSINrlS 'INALTY 'OR "RIVATI Us( TO AVOID I'AYMINT 0' "OSTAGI. $300 PQSTM....U 0' OHlVUINO OHlCf -- = :-----~--~- -------..- ------------ --~ - ---....~..... ,-.'--.--~_. ....- M ~ ~ INSTRUCTIONS: Fill in items-below and complete instructions on ocher side. if applicable. Moisten gummed ends, attach and hold firmly to back of article. Prine on front of anicle RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED. M'" RETURN ~ TO " . - '" REGISTERED NO. - - c.; CERnFlED NO. ~ 459016 .:.. INSURED NO. " o , NAME OF SENDER Mr. Robert T. Allen STREET AND NO. OR P. O. 80X 344 North A Street CITY, STATE, AND ZIP CODE Soringfield, or. CS5-16-7UU-G-F " '- ~!E!:~IPr [fOR CERTlf ; MAIL-20~ SENT TO <J:) ......, a 0) ll) .q PCe1MARIl William Haggerty, Haggerty,Ruff & I ill 08"".... STREET AND NO. 444 North A St. CITY AND STATE Springfield, Oregon If you wa.nt 4 I'eturn rocelpt.check",hich 11 you want; O lot 8ltow.o 035;. .how. to whom etricted doIw.. to whom when, and addr",.' Eir, chf'JOk. hero ant! when whore d.livered de~pe.red 5(U ,_ FEES ADDITIONAL TO 20e FEE 1~~ l~m 3800 SEE OTHER SIDE o ~ 1. Stick postage stamp.i tp younl.rticIe to pay: '. 20t certified mail fee Restricted delivery fec-50f, (optlonaf) Fir5t~das5 or airmail po~ta8:e . Special.ddivery fee (optional) Either return receipt fee--lOt or.35t (oPlionaQ 2. If ~ou want. this 'receipt pMtmark;d, stick tht gummed'stub on the left portion of the address side' of the article; {eaoing {lie recdpl a!lachea; and present the article to a postal employee. J. If you do 'not want thi, receipt postmarked, stick the gummed stub on the left portion of the address side of-the article. dctach.and retain the r~ceipt. and mail_ the article. 4. If yo'u,want a return rc(.eipt. write the .certifiedwmail number. and your name and address on a return receipt card. Form 3811. and uttach it to the back of the article by means of the K'.nnmed ends. Endorse frout of article. B,ETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED. 5. If you want the a.rticle ddivr.re:d only tD the i'lddressee, endone it on the front DEUVER TO ADDRESSEE ONLY. . Piace the same cndcr..v:mcnt in line 2 of tbe return ret.eipt card. 6. .Save this receipt and present it if you make im. IG---71~47-li"* GPO ~