HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1979-10-11 ~\ 1 JOB ADDRESS: I I ! TRS, TL: POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE 424 South 79th Street, Springfield OR LC 1403-79 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # 17-02-36.3, tax lot 4000 Subdivision: This permit for the referenced property is hereby DENIED. Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed. Violation can result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's Infraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. Applicant/ Address: Owner/Address: Contractor/ Address: Contractor's OS # denied ~onstruction ~l!il by this permit: . Water Supply: PLANNING DIVISION WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Byron Hoeper, 424 S. 79th St., Springfield OR 97477 same Telephone: 741-1291 Telephone: Telephone: Total Construction Value: Repair SDS # Bedrooms: # Plumbing Fixtures: # Employees: Zoning: Partitioning # Parcel # Minimum required s1ructural setbacks; from: centerline of road, front: side exterior: ; interior property lines: ;rear property line: Special Instructions: Parcel Size: ; centerline of road, For information call 687.4394, Site Inspection # Ins1allation specifications: lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches: Special Instructions: gal. min. septic tank capacity; Setbacks Septic Tank lerior property lines 10' e of road right-of-way 10' uilding foundation 5' Wells, other water sources 50' CONSTRUCTION PE RMITS/INSPECTION DIVISION Directions to Site: Date Issued: 10111 /79 ('l;c;...11. Drainfield 10' - 10' 10' 100' 687-3954 For information call KIlXlOlllll& between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., Garv Colwell Denied. Applicant did not submit required specifications and plot plan as specified Type of Construction: Instructions: Use Classification: Group: Fire Zone: For plans information call between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., For inspections (see back of this permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. bne county ~ r DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBliC SERVICE BUILDING "'?J; C.6~T ,~T'_^ 6H'=I\'r ~r.: F=llnr.:f\''= nql=(:'n"I07M"!"" By: ~ " ------.....~ ~~,~ .(J':~""-J,s q 2 L/ _/'4'~p:'Range, SectIon, Tax Lot ., p .~~'slon Lot 1~ '1ppl icatlOn for -(;,' ; "L~ :JC n: I r ';-;Il.~ l'Yl ,- Structures now on the property LI",:c ~ ""}..;Jrr 'K...':::."" nIAl\...",'.l;.h Proposed use of property: (jjJ. Residential /~/ Commercial /~/ Industrial /~/ Publ ic Affidavit: I, -~'lb'"I'.V\ Wt"\? {)pV- . hereby certify that this information;s true and accurate. 1- -j (plea"se print) If this application is for an agricultural building it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and Lane County Code Chapter 10 {zoning} and for no other purpose. I have the following legal interest in the property: " owner of record; contract purchaser; lessee; holder of an exclusive option to purchase; . duly authorized t~act for the ow~er.,who is knowledgeable ot this application. Signature/Address,/<" _ _ ../ /1.'.7 . ,;.J::;I! <:, -J"W "f _T~l~p;;one /:0' ......"./L "Q J or Date notify: I"/. Applicant I;{/ Owner I-I Contractor Qx.: !6'(mail 1../", .it ,,-.p 1,.0- q I (I ~.. ,e, ~ -;.J (zip) q 7l/""" Phone (zip) .DEPARH;ENT OF ENVIRONI1EIHAL IIANAGEMEIH . PSB, 12S EAST 8TH AVEnUE EUGEllE, OREGON 97401 <:;0. ,'1 ~ ~J. 1/_("'\7- <~r;, City 3.0 'SiF___! 4mT) !.Ll'~ J}/03"- ~11 . Assigned Numbers Block I i I ,I When permit is ready Owner '7? ....,.... Contracto';:" "1. '''J;:J (zip) 17'/77 <-/7-. 79 o phone ItJl -12'11 Phone Contractor's 05R# Plumbing by If Commerci a 1 : Residential: # of stories # of bedrooms ~ 51 test holes re~ DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE # of employees # of units SOS: I-I Existing, I::;:-/,..proposed, co- BP # SI # 70)-~14 rr-]).~u.W.t .... __ -. I Fee Code Description Sq. Ft. or # of Sites Unit Cost Valuation II Cash ~J//tJ N! Check #, -.--_/~ T\ . _/.,----) 'Rece wed by . /". .. __ _ . ,t/ -';::::-;-- - , . Water Supply J uf'!Q _ Proposed ~ Existing _____ Year Installed Total Valuation: $ Plumbing fixtures at $ Sewer/water conn. at $ each, each Fee $ ~c;- tx" $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ $ $ $ .A/-.- ~ $ -'X...,.. '/ ;;~A'J./?// / / 1-:;/ -""...-- ... ,'" /? , . / A--~,/ .~~, -- Subtota 1 4% State surcharge Pl ans check fee Change of Occupancy TOTAL PERMIT PROCESSING Minimum setbacks: Zone ~?". //) Part. # r '<f~ V,...... , v l.,/tront Y)//J r --/ 1.. side Parcel # HJ/// ./. ; lnt. Parcel Size 4 !.0 all_/ , ; rear /1 L .. ~ ~'2 Comments_/).' ~,. ~/~ .,(/....,,,.AY""/ /~.,.~~...9? ~_ / /.JI'.' I~" ./~",/~_J'_ ,,~V ~"""'_../"P.-4 To be typed o~ermit P" -.-/: -.........; - V' - -.....-" --, .-- ~ 7":---' ~~.2/C?-;-_'-7"- -/ V . - J ".-- - -/ ,(- By _~~./ (7'/ Date ~~/ 7-7<t/ . / :./--/i' ft. of drainfield; max. depth of trenches: .. WATER POLLUTION CONTROL Installation specifications: gal. tank; To be typed on permit ~ [)WILi) lJfJj?(IC~Al'T V, 0 AI"'!> .:0 c..P~./It:-It::4r/'''()< ~FJ A:)""fr" ~U(1-A.J ~P......,.,r p~)//U/I> .J-< 5I'Uu:-/;.L) Telephon~ A I('Vn'Y\~'r. _ _ _ _, ' c._____ site r.,.,.-+ I--It, I-f ~_ .J' Date /D-9..7'j' '-'i1rrl,..." (-<x,ro,<rl-1 , "J-- . - .. Di rect ions to h~~~. C/ SIFO / Plans to: ep&) set(s) WPC set(s) Date Requ ired Hold 51 ip to PCC Date Comp 1 e ted Date to pce /~I CP& 1 /y"\o,IPC ci Planning /~/ Public Works ~/ Elevation /~/ n/a CI Address () Facility Permit /~/ Environmental Health ~/..::J Lf ~I , FOR INFORi.\ATION about progress of your appllcation call: Permit Control.Center 687-HElP (687-4357) TRS, T' .Plot subdivision Lot . . . i. Plan Block Vicinity Map " . 11 "74-15" Job Location Permit (J Permit D Permit (J (Address) 1:;. ~ For For For /9$ sl . Permit (J Permit D Permit D c,.f-.. 97f177 For. For For Sp7c! / 50 . "..tJ;-50' ~:r'l .~ 1M'lL .l3} - L,C;'- '5,+, ,,- \.0 ,^ ~ :,. .'C ~ i- f' / . 16" ~\\ IB~T"" 6\;-1\..1-.1 --\-- 1'iD V) f'\ \:)- J ~ N "\: 1tOLD . SLIP ~ne county '" APPLICATION # Le.. 10/0 J. - 7, r 1.~~~'tIY\- (~1/ .If,,L~ -.-f 7'r'-<4fI -d'~...,~/ 0.... 97'177 ,~" Zip Code v Name Address The Lane County Water Pollution Control Division cannot prDceed with processing your application because: 1. IncDmplete application (items deficient). Address andlDr directions to application site. PropDsed Number of bedrooms in dwelling. Approvable plot plan (see attachment). Notification of date test holes will be ready. 2. Verification of existing system required (memorandum explaining this procedure attached). 3. Two test holes (2'X4'X5'deep) required for expansion or repair of existing sewage dispDsal system in the area of the proposed drainfields. Other: ~~ ~,~- ~c:f-/~0:.J:s.n'''!.' ~.u pM ~ ~ /1;fTI...v ~ c.-{;j ~./ .~,;v' ~ ~,(/ I' ' , I 4. ,~ a.- I. ,,_' / .,,;; t;~t~ :' L./ ..ct.-..;- ". 5-,1./- 79 M74-1Bl WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION I 125 EAST 8th AVENUE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING ENV I RONt~ENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENTl 1 EUGENE, OREGON 97401 687-406 . DEPARTlIENT OF ENVIRONI1ENTAL 11ANAGEMENT. PSB. 125 EAST BTH AVENUE EUGENE. OREGON 9740l Job Address t...J :2 4 SO. 'Ill j):i j;J. _ il:lJt$l :3Cr' 11'1~llfl~'il~;1:!~!%l1!!iilt'~ifl~ -I( -~Z- - 6C,. i.tij})1j .1J~ SIiIn.~ Application for ="" ;11 ."'1 I J' '."'-1.1 If ) 'YI) - Structures now on the property -.bII.tJ".<_...... :>1 R....::._ r"'Lt..\.- ~""b<;P ,)!i:1l1l\l$1IlflUtWiijllW~iiilI~ilWt\lq 11'-1. J\i!i$MllliiifGl!1 n itmlril\1ilii ("/1fi'ljl"'itWl'ii1P 1_-1 ;1l.11.'....tf....l.....:.i...'.il...~.+.' t:;;i'~::;.;;.w;,.~.:;;I\~ '...''"H.:~p~;.,...,.'''w., ,~e;~~;.~~;~;;; that this inf~rmation is true and accurate. tIlJ!!~~!Ullt1!ltJ If this application is for an agricultural building it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and Lane~Cpunty Code Chapter 10 (zoning) and for no other purpose. I have the following legal interest in the property: )( owner of record; contract purchaser; lessee; holder of an exclusive option to purchase; duly authorized ~ct for the o~erl)Nho is knowledgeable of this application. / Signature/Address ...-{'''l U ~ /I A/e> ,; ~tj S-", -'}qj::l:/ ~. Sf"I;/. (ziel 9) '177 .(.lephone /t;J.'7lJl-/2<1/ or Date ,"'--/7-79 notify: $. Appl icant 1i?J Owner C~ Contractor ~: gLmail CI phone i::l;'_:tP-t'y-- <.IZll -:y. "1qjtlY-I. (lin) c:Pl(7~ Phone ,41 -/2qr (zio' Phone "'5p 1=cJ. 4(JlIfJ iUaa@ :ieJJSl~.IMIiJ. /L -Jl?V25 ;;/1' i [atM:milf(;iNUffi'~~ng When permit is ready Owner ~I"ll,^ Contractor Contractor's 05R# Plumbing by If!f~1 t6\l~' Iji'f~jbfliiW DU NUT WRIT[ B[lUW fHIS LINE # of employees IfJf!r.{:~M~!~~l :Soot! I I Existing, ....... lj;(P'roposed, :111i~ii lIil ~ ~;s~::::::~~l\!]J~li~~j ,~ 51 test holes ready BP # '7'\' SI # _7r:>- .~~ ~.tJ~ Valuation Fee $.~~ $ $ $ /7 ./ /) / /o/A/~/ -~/-!"p4 pe> - TOTAL $ each $ each $ $ $ $ $ $~.b-: ~ Sizen?}6 ~/,_./ -'''c'''' ==1ft/It) MI~M;~i:j;jj ~~ Ibltli~~W* f .- . ,- Rec;;:~d'''bY~ d#) . Water Supply ~ Proposed ~ Year Instal led Total Valuation: $ 11I~111~~r.tii:: : Subtotal Existing _ 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of Occupancy ... zone~r;/(J Part. ##~# ii.6-;:on{ .. ; 'i., side -",v0:7'l~/?~~#/ #__V ,-?A/ /n (:/~~M~..4'~d7~ To be typed on p it / /" ./ /'" By ~ ~ ./ /:C/' Oate,.s-=/ 7-;7 CP&I Type Group Fire Zone #use ~ificat~rf' To be typed on permit PERMIT PROCESSING Parcel # H/,-f ; into Pa rce 1 j rear Minimum setbacks: For plans information call (area inspector) D,;:-~:.tions to site t1t d,. A ACf("~JY)7" J fL' rY!I J ">P .. Plans to: CP&I set(s) WPC ----- setls) Ht.1)-(()T 70i:h (}?lcg.tJ) .~ Date Phone rGsfnc.k:s,.~l9iv By CI SIFO Date Required Hold Slip to PCC Date Completed Da te to PCC I-I CP&I Il. WPC LI Planning ~/ Public Works CI Elevation I~I nla CI Address /~/ Facility Permit /~/ Environmental Health , S/ d-lJ-- FOR INFOR~~TION about progress of your application call: C74-171 Permit Control Center 687-HElP (687-4357) \, '. OEPARTnENT OF ENV I RONI1ENTAL 11ANAGE~IENT. PSB. 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE EUGENE. OREGON 97401 Township, Range, Section, Tax Lot Subdivision Application for .l"-~..-':-C:l=:"~' _4~' Structures now on the property Proposed use of property: /~I I. ! .. .-' ,.. 1 I-.f \ City ; .-,' ,</":; ~J C Lot :r I . ...~ (;/')l") Block i .. Appl ;cat;on # " /,' '. . :' j ., Assigned Numbers Job Address '~I.J I-I C.r ,', ~~ ~~ . '-', , ;J, , I. ~ II \(~I-." ; 11 , .. .. ( \! \- . ~. Residential CI Comereial CI Industrial LI Public Affidavit: r. ;-,,..., ..? , . , , hereby certify that this information is true and accurate. (please print) If this application is for an agricultural building it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and Lane County Code Chapter 10 (zoning) and for no other purpose. I have the following legal interest in the property: ~! owner of record; contract purchaser; lessee; holder of an exclusive option to purchase; duly authorized :~act for the owner, ;who ;s knowledgeable of this application, Signature/Address ~' ". ,. _" __ ) , ~'''-'''' -;".' , ) ~ " , . . , .--'" (zip' I. Telephone .~_~ '71J1 I,', J When permit is ready notify: /i?/ Applicant 'l~/ Owner Owner ' J , Contractor /~/ Contractor Date IZ; ma il -, - -, " /' 'j or Ie.i: (zip) (zip) CI phone Phone -, Phone , I Contractor's OSR# Plumbing by If Commercial: Residential: # of stories # of bedrooms ~ , > SI test holes ready UU I~UI ~Kllt:. ~tLUW # of employees THIS LINE # of SOS: units CI Existing, /yI"Proposed, Unit Cost BP # SI # 7CJ- ....::14- {, -- . ":"'\ / L \ . 'f' " '.-/?.Il~~_~/\. , Fee Code Description Sq. Ft. or # of Sites Valuation Fee S ":?G~- $ $ $ :5 ., . .~'t;./{ ..' "./ r -~ Total Valuation: $ $ :=It J/ It} Plumbing fixtures at $ each $ 0 Cash Sewer/water conn, at $ each $ ilif Check . /' " )v/ Subtota 1 $ ,\ Received bv ~~ 4% State surcharge $ - - r' I Plans check fee $ Water Supply I ~},~.~r ~ Proposed ~ Existing _ Change of Occupancy $ - /-".- Year Installed TOTAL $ '1 r, PERMIT PROCESSING Minimum setbacks: ':" ./ Zone __ - .. 4' i., /fr~nt ) '"- //} '-' Part. # I/J/J G., s'idl Parcel # ,,'/1/1 ;' int. Parcel SizeA y~ - , rear .-- -~ ~,-+'...' ...-/' Commentst -,..~ To be typed on .." ~ " .. . .~"" , ., , ....r." , I ~'"''''_.' - _.~~" '.~---- .:?(./ . ../ --. ,:/ ...~ c ~ _,'..' '" By . , . " r . ''.,. .-' /. ./ r / permit , _ ,r'- __~. ... d/f// ,/ -~- ~/y Date ~ .., ./ ;; ,'y" :"lfll'L C/ SIFO /_ / CP&I tJf WPC t/ Pl anning /~/ Public Works () Elevation () n/a ) I ryCU! I ( V,r r f ) f '../ ).; ~ I ,{,r:r I" , <.:. l ...., iii. : I \ ~ Directions to site r11 . .\I(~""'rl'-1" ~ \, ,,! -' Plans to: CPSI set(s) wrc set( s) Date Required Hold Sl ip to pce Date Comp 1 e ted Da te to PCC , .' If , I CI Address I~I Fac i 1 i ty Permi t I~/ Environmental Health FOR INFORHATlON about progress of your appl ication call: Permit Control Center Gal-HELP (687-4357) 33 -. ,~ i 1 . . i. . t ~,\ .. ,. . ., . . . ~ ~~ . . . " ". IG . ' '. 'I ,.- rJ 3 ~: ' '. -,-e -'- . ~. -!. .1 . 1--'-- .' !!L-- .' 15 :I .1 . !!. ., ~\-__ _ .__ . _ __~LANE .COUNU DEPT.ENV..MGLRECEIPT _~ _ ___________1-403.7.9 .1 APPLICANT HOEPER BYRON DATE 051779 TAXLOT 1702363004000 SUBDIVISION LOT BLK 27: NEW-BLDG.-TYpE--- _ USE-R~NO-BDRMS-03-NO.UNU:S .001 NO_STORIES_NO_BLDGS ,M1 .i CODE ApPL NO ACTION DESCRIPTION SQ FT UNIT COST VALUATION FEE DAYS , BP '. !! I---Bp------ .-,,---... -..~--- .-- I BF' ., BP "'I" BP PL. _NO._EX XIURES.: i MECH .' SUR !!. t' - n.F.'CK , SDS .1 " ~ .1 _.NO.. CONNEC.lORS.:__.. .__ __4...0.0._EACH..E;;_. -.-- -. -.- -- ". MECHANICAL FEE STATE SURCHARGE 4% ..F.'LAN_CHECK_EEE. _ ___0:>':.. ____~ LC 140379 SDSR 25.00 . ___.0 o o (~ o o o " .. SIFO CPI WPC PLAN ELEV AD DR FP COMPLETED BY ENVH TOTAL FEE** 25.00 CK ,!. , . L___._._ TRS. TT. Plot Subdivision Lot . . Plan Block . C74-150 Vicinity Map Job Location (Address) 'f J. '-/ SO, /9)li '[;j Sp';:c! c"f-., 9707 Permit /J For Permit /J For. Permit II For Permit II For Permit /J For Permit D For 'Ant. sr+. -&0'- ['\ '" ~) ,/ IC" ~\\ f"Y"\ I 6 vJ.e~" t.# --\... V) l:L __ '" J , 1'-10 ~ N - C--