HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-1-25 .. RESIeNTlAL': APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Sp"'~~4fieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 SPRINGFIELD ~. .'10 , ., ,lob Loa::.tiorl: 305 North 74th Street AS:JesGorz .ltap H 17-02-35 Tcz Lot tI 107 Subdi:.r~sicn: Lot 4, Beanel Acres 0_.."e1': Empire Financial Services .-tddress: 895 Country Club Road Pr.one: 686-8075 City: Euqene. Oregon 2i:::: 9740l fXX1 il n n ".....l Add"': ticn Desc1"':"be I.'ork: Single Family Residence with attached garage Remodel .'100-:,!o? ,qcma J:a.r:e of Appli~ticn c.'ont=I'act:or8 l-l3-83 VaLue 59,l86.00 Address Lisa. " 895 Country Club Rd. Gen,"a! Owner/Harsch Construction Company, Plumbinq Electrical. Nschar.ic.=l Const~~c=ion Lc~er e- .=?cce-::;l:: .ii 'lQl5:':{Wq- ~~&:b,~3 \ /' "I ' lV' siar.ed'~l~J " _ Date' /~....~-h3 E:r::;ircs Pt:on~ 4C!~-~~UL It.is the resFonsibility of the permit hoLder to see that al~ incpections are ~adG at the ?roper t~~€~ that ~cch ~ess is readab:e Jrom the street. and that the pcPl1Tit c:ll'd is t..."'Cated a.t the frent of the property. kHui!.di.",..tJ iHvi:;io':": >;::p;:l'oved F!..an s;..:::lt remain on the Building $i.t;z. at ::1ZZ times. ?'?OCEDUF?E POR nISP~CTIOll R.:"~ST:CALL 726-3769 (rE:corder) sta"t€ yOUI' City desigr.:1ted job mo;;beI', J'ob C1Cc.rE:SS, type of ir:3;;ec;icn I'aquestcd ar.d when you win be ;oeady for inspccdon, Contractors 01' C't.;71€r'S r.c:me erA ;hone nt..<mbcl'. Requests received cefel'€ 7:00 ;:;:'i ~'ill oe made the same dGy, requests mcde afta' 7:QO a-n wiZZ be made the nat :.;orkin.; day. ~:?'1!li;:t:lr1 7>,,~r.~f't:i.r."'1~ O OI'T'CO ....'sp..r,.,,..o"', T' . ~ ~_ ":". .:... ~ J.. .0 oe maae e.:rcavat~"nJ ",ut pnor to set forms. D after up of WIDE.9.SL;"B ?U),'./3!:VC. FLEC?HIC,IL <3 NECH,J.:JIC;,!-: To be made before wo:rk is ~ovcI'ed. IXXl ~ POOTI;.'C ~ ."'OU,'IDAT:C:l: To be r.r:uie afteI' ~rencnes are e=c~Jated ar.d fOI'ms are erected, ~ut prior to pourir~ c~ncr'et~. UND2RC.=:OU.~'D P!:,U,'.fED"CI SE:/2P. ;.r.1TE.'1', DRAINAct: fo be rr.a.:ie prier to :U- Zir.g r:rer:ches. [Q]. @] U.'JDE.':!P:'OOR !'Ul....'EI.'IG ~ MECHA.VICAL: TQ ce ~-ce ~ricr ;0 in3~ci~r:ion of 11001' insu~r;;icn or deCking. paST AND 3EAU: To;,e n;acc Pr"";OI' to in.:n-aZLa:-cicn ot f100r ir.3t.;Zatior. or Moki,,!;, ~ @J RQr.rCH ?UJ~!E!!:lC. ?:EC"T.~~CA.[, 1 VECH- AilICAL: .';0 "..)01";':' ~.3 to be cocer'ea ur.;i~ ;~E:S~ :r~~ec=icr.s ~ve beer. made ~d C??r?~~~. FI.~~?LA~Z: mor::o pZac";r.g fc.cr~ng mcr:eria~s ar~ befare fr~r~ inspec- tior.. D [E1 PRA..'!T:IG: ,'.fust be :-ecuened cf::er approv~l of rough ;l~~ing, ~Zectri- caL :3: mec;'..ani~aZ.. AL~ r'Oaf-:"r..g bracing d chimn~ys, et~. .r.~sr be . corrrolerad.. .'10 -.;;:lrk is =0 0/2 can- ~ cec:led ur.:il this ir.soec:icn r.as 'been made end a~prQ~ed. Your Cip;. Desigr~ted Job I~~ber I~: . [XX] INSl/LATION/'lAPOR "BARRIER IHSPECTICN: To be rnade after all insul.;;:ti.:m erA raC["..tired vapo!' !;CIrI""~e!'s a::re in place but hefore any Lath, .gypsum cccrod ~r wz.z. covering is cpplied, (ZT',d before any insulation is concealed. 830203 f D2NOLITION OR .'.:DV:;:' 3UILDI;;CS I Sanitary Se'.Je!' capped ::t ~~?PO::1';--i Zir.e ~ Septi~ tank. p';.i,."7ed a-:'1d. f-:.Zlc1Ci :Jith ;;ra::.:e~ :J PinG.l - :lhen abCV€ -:.te::-:s ere cC:~::Jz.eced. and ~hen ~e~clitior. ia c~?~e;e cr st~~~- ture moved ar~ ?!'~$es cleaned U? , ;t!ooi l.e ;'~.c"'::es ::J 3Zockir~ ar~ Set-~? ~ PZumbing connec;i~ns s~er cr~ wa~er ::J EZect~~c~l. Ccnr.ec;-:.cn . BLockir~, set-u:J and :>i:unbinc com:ections r.r...:st =~ ,z::I:;l!'.:n;ec befop~ requ~st~ng eZec:~~caZ ~ns?e~~io~ =.J Ac.::'esGo"li' 3uU.:iir~ :J ;:,~'",_7 A......-r ..............:.'s . ...'.......... - "';~... :---:" ~'.. , eta. are c=.m?l~:~d.. aki:-:ing, c.ecr:s, any EJ DR:!WAL~ I!,'S?=CT!O:V: To be r..acie czfter all &,4!all is in place, but prior to any taping. D W. FIlIAL PLW,f8I:lG C1J. FIliAL !-fE~HA.'1ICAL All crojec~ cor.d~;ions, J~C~ as ~r~ ~ns;aZlction af $;reeC =r~es, ~~.~!a~iDn 0; =ns required landscc:pir.g, etc., .'mIst be sa-r;isf-:.ad o.::/ore the 3U::'OI::C ?[.:'AL =cn 3;;e r211~2s=.2d.. w. ?I.'1AL 2!.!C':'.9IC:':' ,0 <i> FINAL BUI~DINC: The F~naL BuiZdir~ Insvection ,~sr: b~ reouested ~f;er the :ir~L ?Z.~~bi~ ~l~ctricaZ, and Necr.a~icc.Z inS?eC1;ion~ ~.ava ~een ~acie ar~'::?prcv2d.. o ,~so:~?:!: Steel. tocatior., b~~ beams, grouting or verticals in acco:rdance ~~eh V.B.C. Section 2415. ~AU MANHCLES AND CLE:..NOUTS :!VST BE AC::2SSI2f.2, .~EJ!..'S,;":.r:::;'!' TO BE :.~!iiE ::T :,:0 ~-::S': T? :;I':':! I ~M"e ~ ;';OODS'!'?VE:: LXXI x,':-rpZet€d. After instaLlation ~s @1 CURB & APPROA.CH .A.?PQN: Afte:Z" foms CJ"'e ere~te:i .?ut: .;n>ior to pC"'~ring -=on=rete. SIDEWALK d DRT'.T,./AY: For aU ccn- cre~e paving ~i~hin street right- of-wey, to be mde a;'=er aU. e:::~c.- vatina ~cmvZe-:;e J f'or:n '..:ark ~ ::uh- base ;',cteri-al in pl.a~e. ~ D ~: Wher. co~pz.o~~ -- ?Tovide gar:e:s or ~ovabLe aeccicns through P.U.E. D of 2 , P:::ge 2 SOLAR AeSS GCC".t:::lanc"..J GrG'.4-:;!: R 3 LOT T:rpE Interior I JOB NO, Rin?n1 12cr.a: RL I Lot Sq. Ft.;. ,~ ~f !ot ~.:J1)era.g~ ',i of .5tOT"";es I Total Heieht I . I Tcpo'ii1'C:'?hy . L-COG~ NA R EQ,- YES--OK Bea-oorr.s: 3 I EnerGlJ Sour'<:::es I h'eat tlect. I ilat~!' _::p.r:.~;?"!' I Range I : X I ~~~~~ ;~~: II I T;pe/Cor.st,' VN ,Jest T 8675 - 13%+ 2 22'6" 0-2% I Lot Faces - I I?:". I"orth East 150'..:th IWest Ti.Jce LIj [ Setbacks r.O::'S8 tearGae i'+' ilf' 41' -j', , I Access, I I -r Corner PanhandZe O.tZ-de-sac W' Fees I SQ.?'!'C I l545.78 462 x I Value I 35,30154,566.00 I lO.OO 4,620.00 I I I I Sq .l86.00 I 887.79 I. , 207.00 I 8.28 215.23 I I'!'E.~J I"."'in Building Value & Permit I 'A::!>":C~ i ! C..11':,~rt This permit i3 granted on the e=press condition that the sdid.const~.tc:~on shall, in aZZ respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the Cit'd of Sprir.gf:e7-d. :.nc~udin.g the Zon.ing Cl'd:r.a.nce, l'eguZGti}~g the ccr.s:;:":jC~::';r. ~A ~$e of buildir~s. and m=y b~ Ju~per~ed or revokec at ar.~ t~~e ~;Qr. vic- l.c::::icn of' zr.y pr:Jvis.:or.s of said Ord~r..ances. I, I :ic~eSSQr" I I I IS,D,C, I NOTE: Plan review fee of $60,90 was paid l-l3-83 for oriainal building permit value of $58,l26,OC Revised plan submitted l-l8-83 upped value to $59.186.00, so additional plan check fee due of $1. 20 7'O~.4.& :'AUJE: ( va:.:.;;) ),5 = Plan Check Fee: 60. 90 Date ?ailid3-83 Recdpt #, 6026l IS0"-ed' Ci ndi e Euilding ?er.r.i t State Surcharge ':'otal Cr.a..-gea I I~",V ! E'i---!:w'es 1 Residential fl bath) i Scmit:l'r":f Sewer ! ';later \ NO.1 C/lARGE FE2 Plumbing Permit No person shall c~~truct. instaZ!~ a!ter or change GnY r~W cr e=is~ir:g plumbing :Jr drainage syste~ in ~hoZe or in part. unless such ~erson is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license. e=cept tr~t a person ma~ do plumbing ~ork to property which is o~~ed. leased or operated by the appli- cant, 25.00 1 I 1 baBh 2 / , 20.00 45,00 1.80 I 46.80 I. Add't Pl:mrbing Perr.:"; t State Surcr~e Tetal C'ru:.roes CHA.RGE III'Df I,~es, Sa, fta, l545 IN~/Ertend Circuits I Tempcrary Service 1"i~'1 I 1 I ;'::-.. I 1 I 1 1 I I , . I I I I I I I I I I. Electrical Permi t 25.00 Where State LGlJ requires tr~t the et.ectr"';cal. work be done by an Eledroical Contractor~ the et.ectrical. portion of this permit shalt. not be valid until the label has been. signed by the Electrical Contractoro, lO.OO 35,00 1.40 36.40 Eleatrical Pe~t Stete Sura;..arae Total C'fUll'ces \ .,." ?o.a7.a.ae 2TU' S I E:=hca..t.s t Hood. j Vent Fan I . ! i/:Joasto"Je ,','c. I I 1 1 4 1 CHARGE ;;"':"::" Mechanical Permit 4,50 l2.00 5.00 3,00 lO.OO 11.50 1. 26 32.76 PeY'n"i t ISsuaJtC2 Mea,..anic::.l ?e't'mit State Surahc:::'oc '!'o~c. Z. [1..arIj(?!1 -- 2."CRCACHXE:/':' -- I- ' D ' I .:.eco.lr', tv 2:70St. t l-20-83 Lorne H, Pleger PI-an Z::c::m.nero l/aJ:;,;? Storaqe I I HAVE CAREFULLY E:XA..J,fINED t,~ aorr:pi.~ted =;;plicar;ion fot' permit. end Co I' hereby certify that an info:'r.'1a.t~;on he!'eon i.s true c:r.d ccr!'cc"t. ar.d I fu.rther certify that any ar.d all ~;or,1(: perofo'rl1ed shal.l be do71e in cr.caar- I dance :Jith the Ordin::znoes of the City of Springfield. and =h~ La-..;s of thG 4 State of Orec~n Dzr~inina to the work desc~;bcd herein. cr~ thGc NO accu- I Pt..'/CY Wi l ~ b~ rrr::de of any" 3truCt"U1'2 wi thout permission of the 3ui Zdir.g !)-;- vision. I furthero CJartifii that o:'1ly c:cntra~tors and e::1pl~yees who ere in I oomplianc:e ~ith ORS ?Ol.OSE will be used on this proJ2ct I ,'-!ainteru:r.:Je I" '. .crnn... Total C'nar-:cs I CurbG"..It ! Sidewa Z;c i Yo"'" j El.eccrica Z l4.64 23.28 22' 194' Label !NobiZe Heme I Plan Ck Adjustmen~ TOTAL PERr,mS/PCF I I TOTA!: AJ.!OU.'/T DU~: 4 I! &;$~ l,20 I 370.36 ' l,258.l51 tl/lJ. ; s. /9 fJ /pt. 5ign3d