HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecial Inspection Fire Damage Report 1985-8-28 .- "<.' l.'l' . .'. ,....,..,. l~ ~ . .'1 ' , .' . . .' SPRINGFIELD .' . , . ' ;>; '. , ,. ,'.. .,,;'CITY OF SPRINGFIELD · ',;:: Office of Community & Economic Development :'~~);~:i(k,"":', .. ...........i. .",'.>"'),1.',,',', ';"..I,,',CERTIFIED LETTER ." ';~:-~~XL ~'1:',.'_; ,.',.:.:,..:;::;t~; August 2B 198b ".t, " .j" ..~{tl,~'.r'~:'"\i''' ",:'! ;~.:;l)::i " . \', . ,,;~~~t!~':~!~~;>/:~/~;~;;P~}';:i.>:.:,:(..,::.', . . ;,,: ';"~' ' .~:,., . . ,... ..', .... ','I"~,. :'.,.'" . .:", ,Mr. Don Hong ".,}: . ", 34956 Seavy Loop #4 """',. . Eugene . Oregon 97405 Planning and Developme~t Department .' " .... \ . . ""'.';' "'. .' , .' , -.. ',' ." ", '," " " ....' , '". . . " OJ;.:... "\'.'," ,. : \ ,,;,.';.1 . '. i} f ' ~ .' ,~ . .c "'. J~ ; ,.., , " " . ' . Re: Fi re Damage Inspection at 1565 II A"Street. Spri ngfi e 1 d. Oregon 97477 '.. .,J' ...., ';'E~.l~f..':,' '\/\-', " Dear Mr. Hong: .; """-'l;:': '. \>.!{:' . .i..;:Ci ,"""\' ,J' At the request of the Springfield Fire Department. the Springfield Building Safety Division conducted an inspection at the above referenced address. The following items were found to be damaged by the fire: '. I .'.' ~ . .' !..-' ,. . '.' . I!.' , , , - ;" ,...:..' Structural '. ~: . , .>:-.;.;' :' . .' . '~l., ; 1. The exposed facing on the kitchen ceiling gypsum burned through. diminishing its structural resistant characteristics. The gypsum board replaced. board has and fi re must be 'I" , /.1 '. '... ".\', . r', '. " . )/,:~~/:_;:"':,'j, \'; ,~. i ~, r,' '. 2. Reinforce or replace damaged and studs in the cooler area. ceiling joists. wall plates '1-.. " ." ., ,',' ,. 1. Electrical wiring on ceiling areas _were damaged by heat outlets and switches were Replace all damaged wiring and of the and fi re. al so damaged equ i pment . '.'. ;:': i :J\~~I.~:t-, '. . kitchen and cooler ;;1"<':', Light fixtures...... by the fi re. ,",-' Electrical ."., .", ,.... ., . \. . 2. Provide and maintain 36 inch electrical panels and equipment. clear working space around ">'. , , , :...... " ~. ,:" .1..' \; ....:J~~<.N."..,' ::~;;. ~., ,. ~ t.. .. ".',' . If the continued use of the building as a restaurant is in . ;', quest i on. we recommend that repl acement materi a 1 refl ect the new.,', ..' use requ i rements. A change in occupancy will requi re inspect ion'. ','." '. of the premises by this office to determine any modifications "". which may be required by code for the intended occupancy. Permits are required for the structural and electrical repairs .~', .' . . ." ,. . ....., \..,~. .225 North 5th Street . Springfield. Oregon 97477 . 503/726-3753 . ~ -. l ~ '7-: .:;. . '.' ~ - ...1., ,:'.' . . \ .' ':..,'.:' .: ,", .' ! ...... ,.... ~ .-'", . Don'Hong August 19, 1985 Page Two noted above and necessary permits and replacements .}:/jt~: .Silret,Y, :'~od~s. _.-."- .__.--- -- .'-- may and are , . ,.1. '., be obtained from this office. Requesting inspections will assure that your repairs installed in a safe manner in accordance . We. will check on your progress in 30 days' from .the date of this . .'letter. ".For .further information, please call 726-3753. '" '-..:1 '.': i ,Sincerely, . .': .<' ".' ::'~~::-'" . Don Moo re Structural Inspector 11485 ,'" , . ". , r:; ',;:: r,'.,' , . , ",'-;" \.: I :'. . :(j!l,/J11~ . Jim Matteson Electrical Inspector " ., ..' , , "" . ..,', '.' " "I. .' "," . ",.'::. .' ,.1 '. . . , . ~ 1. The 'oHewlng 5e.....!ce is requested (check one), i-" [XJ Show to whcmand date delivered ............... l.JiL. I ~ ~ 0 Show to whom, date, and address of delivery o' [! :r ;." 2. D RESTRICTED DELIVERy........................... ~ (Th,mtrlctftJdttlveryfulscharQ9dlnac/dit!oll (. '.J ~ 10 tflB return rea/pt f".J I}c.'_." ; ~1 - ~ 3. ARTICLE ADDRESSED TO: Mr. Don Hong ~~~~ge:e5~~q5goP9~a05 ; 4. TYPE OF SERVICE: ARTICLE NUMBER D REGISTERED D INSURED I!9CERTIFIED DCOD D EXPRESS MAil '1 :, (AIw'YS obtain slgnalure of .ddrossoo or .gORt) II) I nave received tho arttcte described ~8. ~ SIGNATURE DAddressee ~orlzed agent i\ 1I.~,l,./ .;tJ;'~.?,,,,, V,5' DATE OF DELIVERY '.k POSJMAR~~;~ . i ~ r ? ,;) . :<\;r'/~~'~:!;.; i .~ / . ,.!:ij ~Ue '.'4; .. :6. ADDRESSEE'SADDRESS(Oo~""''''''''1;'( ,Q:A(jA": !!l . bfi;~~ ~, e. ' ~~lJ,m .i;:i; ~ f............~ I.~J;",' ". ," ""'..,,., ........... ........., ...., ...... .~". LO. .~"" I' ~ 1 _, .. ; 1. UNABlETO DELIVER BECAUSE: . ,7a:~ENPLOYEE:s' ~ ~ ~""':'1NITIAlS" '" ' :; ~ ... .- ~.. <i> ." o 3 ~' ~. - . .. . SENDER: Complete nems 1, 2, 3, and 4. Add \'Our address In the "RruJRN TO" space on reverse. 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