HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1971-1-16 ~ ~.~ n - -:.. ~ " ' '- rj .J . .. , CITY OF SPRINGFIELD APPLICATION AND AGREEMENT FOR TRUNK LINE SEWER HOOKUP Appl ication is hereby made by the undersigned property owner for permiss.ion to connect to the following described property to a trunk.line sewer owned and ma i nta i ned by the City of Spr i ngf i e 1 d, and I. agree to pay such a .hookup charge of $3.40 per front of the property for the first 150 feet in depth to be served by such trunk line sewer in lieu of an assessment against the described property. An additional $0.02. per square foot will be charged for any additional property beyond the first 150 feet. Property Description: Address: I"l ~~n M 3~ree~ SpringfIeld. Oregon See ettac~ property deser'ptlon. ---- r '" .' '. 191.95 x 3.1,0".. $659~43. $691.57 'N'" It v.u.:.. j". ,.. .' This,agreement,has been computed as being one-half (t) of the equivalent cost of an eight (8) inch latera 1 san i tary sewer at the rate of:: $3 ~40. per abutt i ng front foot and does not include the cost of a house connection to said trunk sewer; sewer user charges, plumbing permitS or other such costs to be assumed by the pro- _ p.erty owner. Sewer hookup charge: ($3.40 per front foot) $ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. OREGON By: PROPERTY OWNERS: tf~/lI'\c,,~ / r. ~?/, ! L'/-J f}O;, -f)J /:.: If. ('':::-:J.t(~.........;....? Ya...lhrl"9.~ ;;:-,~{ V .. ~ \\ Date: STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss Countyof,Lane ) BE IT:;~E~fi:i~.~RED, That on the 'u~ders'i,gri~.d,. a Notary app'ea'red, .the"i-IUI;1in names ~'/" ~:;~;;.c::~~:.;..... :~:.- - . this -,f day of ,'.:? ..1 .',,', I. I,. t.~ , Public in and for the said County and , . ..1 ~:;:.'.....' t'~ ," ..., , ' 19~, State, before. me, persona 11 y ,.... ',1 t knOwn to:me to'be .the identical individual~ described in and who executed the w,hth'i'n')insti<a-rilent and acknowl edged to me that j, executed the 6ame free 1 y and v6i~ntari l-Y.' ...:..'. "~f~: ~ . ~ ...~,- . WITNESS'~y hand and seal this day and year last above written. ..n ,. '\ l.. '.' ..:.-,_ ,'''' ... ~ / r~~- >'I'~; i it: '/,v --'--. f / Notary Public / 'r ~/ .JL, 1t11/ , My'Commission Expires . ~-." ~. " r--:--~~- -. . -- ~- ~ ". ~-~.F-~~ l~O::S~~~~:'~T.~~~::~:;:;~~~'~:;-;i:~;i::j:~~::-~::;::::':i:~~~1~~r;::a;:~;;:~:~:t:11~e b~~~;~ .:' as hcr-&inafter spe~ified, the seller' l1ereby agrees to sell to the buyer and the buyer agrees to purchase from the '~cller the fo!lowing d~scribed real estate, situate in tile County 6im_h.~_~.~.~.~.~_~.49.~.~_~.~_~.:":"_.~~.~.~_~.~_":':.~~ State of...._.:""',~.~~Or.egon~.~_~.~.~_"='=~.J to-wit: That pa~tien ef the fellewing that lies Seuth ef the Seu~h line ,ef Seuth A Highway: Beginning at a peint en the Seuth beundary line ef East Main Street in the Town ef Springfield,Lane Ceunty, Oregen, 1861.66 feet East from the Nerthwest carner of the Isaac Briggs Donatien Land Claim No.. 83, Netification No. 7605, Tm~p- ship 17 Seuth, Range 3 West ef theWillamette Meridian; thence West 193.95 feet; thence South 652.18 feet; thence Sauth 790 59' East'19b.12 feet; thence Nerth 689.93 feet to. the paint of beginning in Lane Ceunty,Oregon; subject to: 1. Easement fer transmissian line,including terms and provisions thereef,granted by Niel L.Pellard and Elsie M.Pellard, to. Maun- tain States pewer Company, by instrument recerded June 16, 1949, .in velume 397, page l50,Lane Ceunty Oregen Deed Records,c1erk's filing no.. 95629. 2. Slope easement,including terms and previsions thereaf, in cteeq frem Nielsen. L.Pellard and Elsie M.Pallard,husband and wife,to. State af Oregen, by and thraugh its State High\~ay Commission, recerded Oct. l7,1952,clerk's filing Ne.8776l,Lane County,Ore- gan Deed Records. ~. . , ~. '" ""-. ~\ \ 'I ,. \ --~~,. - ""- ) ....... ~-- " #,' .' v' . .~ ~- -..-- ----- . - :.W.--.-: to: :~,:,t~"~~~~~~""lW-";'" ,~ . . r,"'; " E A S E MEN T THIS INDENTURE made and entered into this 6 tte day of by and between e:C"f:-I~~ !/1a1'/t9;'IC:?,.I:"HC-' hereinafter relerred to as tne l>ran"tors, ana (" )/1f7.ft/IJP. I"J/"/ , hereina t rererrea tlcl~ /et/', 19 r;;e:; (~/('). to as the Grantee. WIT N E SSE T H : That the Grantors, for and in consideration of one dollar to them in hand paid, do hereby grant,., bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee, a per- petual 'easement Q (rtvc~) feet in width, together with the right to go upon said easement area hereinafter described for the purpose of construct- ing, reconstructing, maintain~ng and using a sanitary sew~r which may hereafter be installed on the following described property, to-wit: Beginning at a point 689.93 feet South of the South right of way line of Main Street, 1861.66 feet East from the Northwest corner of the Isaac Briggs Donation Land Claim No. 83 in Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence South 50.0 feet; thence West 5.0 feet; thence North 50.97 feet; thence South 79059' East 5,09 feet to the point of beginning in Springfield,"Lane County, Oregon., TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above easement to the said Grantee, its heirs and assigns forever. The actual consideration fbr this conveyance is one dollar. SIGNED by authority of poration affixed, this , the~Board of Directors, C t..:l day of pec.-_t_.__ with the seal of said cor- , 19~, . ........,... ,'. . 'f -:... ~ -" ,- ............ ...., '''" ~., ;. .-:- ."~ ..~.".~~-...~~~.~...<"":::..... ~.."- ,,~)tATE ~6F.-OREGON .."'...........--......,- County of 1 AttJlE ! Personally appeared k<?:<(#e ~ r7; v;. k-.,t'Jr and. JP-<;/( e, A"vel,? ' who, being sworn, stated that the former is tne President ~nd tne later is the Secretary of Grantor corporation and that the seal affixed hereto is its seal and that this Easement was volun- tarily signed and sealed in behalf of the corporation by authority of its Board of Directors. ) ) 55. ) ///~~~-dL~~ fles:. (SEAL) "/):i4C'j? ~~/ ~(SEAL) /-/ I, .// (k~'e4+t6...,. 6' , 1ge€? , '-- ,,' ~ - . ~....-, / . ':"_""~. , ::..:.: '"~ ".:-"' ':" ~ . : ~ \~A0>4"_l f! a/~ r/o.,~rr lTubl~or Oregon ~ . My\.9immission Expires: . My CommiSSion ~ . .' ./W/~II 14. 1~1t .. . ~: .:.: ..... -:.--:::--. l." .. .: ..., r,.",_", :. Easement i \ I I I 1 , .\ . .,,'" " ,~" ''(7 )" i~ ::~~ ",~"t;,Tt~ l/ f! '" . .r-' / ':D /;i, /"" '" "~ ~ 8" J -, HI 4.,,< <.> I '. I .., ~ " ~ [,: .'" : ~ I.~I "J'" 4.'" ~ I /... ~ ~ ______ ",oJ;, .I '",. ~ 6.1! ":~'/~I~ ~II, TJ__ ,_ ~"n-\ . -' ~ "" ~ (m" ( _",46"i~~. 465,8 \\ t . \. - ~ 1\ ,.., i, - ~Q\\ ..::;,-".--=-- -.:~ -~:;:';'2 L.;/ Curb -'-":':_-,,""~..:::: =~=-::=..:-;~,;;-=_\ 'S"A>,-,r ~b'..__ l '. -- - - --~---.,., , , , .L ____~_, a.' - ~==:=:;~~~~=4.":-- ~ i 46'~el --;---=-'-~-~.- "___'''. f == I r;"f?""h, - --==-n ~ _ ~-==_-::.-:-=: _.. '. I _ .. _ _ , . __ r-.J 1\' /,~,... L: . ", :',' H;_//t ' I I ,."...... J , ~ _nn",,/ ; . J' ,... V'. ." ,- lr-,-;;---\\~-..J ~ C ii;/ \ ..::::::.-::--': ~ U"..fo ~I __ 46'.6 I 46'0 ...",~""- -...... , I ~_-=~~ ........"- -~-( '. n-l:~~~~~\.,~!,;~~~~.__. 46'0 " 6". . 1'-. '-...... """"='_ _. __..~_ ' '-. \.' '--"'- , . 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'464--- ~G3. " <1G3.4 ... --'--. \, 4/$G.t:> , I / , 34 ."",11;$2,45 q, ,$. 4G7,4 /1-3' . ,"" ASZ'Z I.E'T "(<'.'1 ~ </6R.e 46.9.4 ---~-- , '" c: - ~ " n. i / ( \ \ 465.6 .37' /'H ./'s~,Z' ,.e. ~ ~'\ . ,. 1164.5 G~ ~t> .,0 S . D .. .~----.- --------~ ~ . ~- . . -rfl'll''''''''''',:'' . ,_ . awPU~ - \ 1 ,.....H, ~.~" . REG '\; 1333 South "A" Street . -.....