HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1988-8-22 / '-, -1- ~ '" . . tf~ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Planning and Building Department DATE OF Lr.u<.n August 22, 1988 DATE OF REVISED Lr.u<.n August 25, 1988 Revised letter Vinterowd and with Mr. Neuman based on a meeting Gary Karp on August 23, on August 24 and 25. with Mr. and Mrs. Latimer, Bob Neuman, Greg a site visit on August 24, further discussion APPLICANT Robert J. Latimer Beaver State Prop & Boat Shop 1720 South A Street Springfield, OR 97477 SUBJECT CITY JOURNAL NUMBER 88-08-136. Type I Site Plan, Minimum Development Standards, requesting approval of a change of use from auto/truck related uses to boat and motor repair; outboard, inboard propeller repair; sales of ne.. props and accessories; boat sale .. ~uJ '-Uu~:6"~; and boat and RV storage and sales: The site is located at 517 SOllth--A ~'rPQ~Assessor's Map 17033632; Tax Lot 7102). The zoning is CC rcial; the Metro Plan Designation is Community Commercial. There ..as no Pre-Application Conference. ACTION PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN APPROVAL subject to: 1. Requirements under Site Plan Revie.. Criteria of Approval; and 2. Minimum Development Standards to be met (See Attachment A). VHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE TO OBTAIN FINAL SITE PLAN APPROVAL? 1. A Final Site Plan dra..n to scale is required ..ithin 90 days of the date of this letter. The follo..ing revisions need to be sho..n on or included ..ith your Final Site Plan: a. The submittal of a landscape plan to to be made part of the Final Site Plan to sho.. the agreed to planting area (approximately 650 square feet) to be divided as follo..s: at the north..est, south..est and northeast corners of the site. The names of the plants and trees need to be included. The plants used should be those ..hich do not need much ..ater. The latter should be certified by a nursery person. . . ~ .\ Page 2 Latimer Type I Site Plan b. The location and size of required parking spaces to include ..heel stops. c. The required slatting to be added to the existing fence for screening storage areas and any trash receptacle. d. The curb cut ..hich is required to be closed and the curb to be reconstructed. 2. A signed Development Agreement. This agreement ..ill be prepared by staff upon approval of your Final Site Plan. 3. A signed Improvement Agreement for South 15th Street. This agreement ..ill include language concerning additional landscaping required for the site to be required at the time South 15th Street is improved. This agreement ..ill be prepared by staff upon approval of your Final Site Plan. The items listed above need to be completed prior to occupancy. APPEAL If you ..ish to appeal this Type I Site days of the date of this letter. Development Code, Article IS, APPEALS. Plan Revie.. decision, you must do so ..ithin 10 Your appeal must be in accordance Springfield QUESTIONS Please call the Planning and Building Department at (503)' 726-3759 if you have any questions regarding this process. PREPARED BY ___~ -----, / ~ //:: C;;;y ~a;p Associate Planner Copy To: DRC Members Ralph Johnson Bob Neuman "; ~ . . ATTA~uu""L A FINDINGS CRITERIA OF APPROVAL (Ref. SDC 31.060). [X) DEMONSTRATED COMPLIANCE VITH APPLICABLE STANDARDS OF THIS CODE. Vhen the applicable Minimum Development Standards belo.. have been met, this application ..ill have demonstrated compliance ..ith the applicable standards of this Code. [X) PARKING AREAS AND INGRESS-EGRESS POINTS HAVE BEEN DESIGNED SO AS TO FACILITATE TRAFFIC AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY, TO AVOID CONGESTION AND TO MINIMIZE CURB CUTS ON ARTERIAL AND COLLECTOR STREETS. Vhen the applicable Minimum Development Standards belo.. have been met, this criterium ..ill be met. MINIMUM DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS TO BE MET (Ref. SDC 31.040). MDS ARE APPLIED IN LIEU OF FULL SITE PLAN REVIEV TO ENSURE MINIMAL COMPLIANCE VITH APPEARANCE AND SAFETY STANDARDS SPECIFIED IN THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE AND TO REDUCE PROCESSING TIME FOR DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL. THE FOLLOVING ARE CONSIDERED MINIMAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: [X) THE DEVELOPMENT MUST CONNECT TO PUBLIC UTILITIES. Except for sanitary se..er, the site is connected to public utilities. The site can remain on the existing septic system since there is no proposed increase in use. If the existing septic system should fail, the site ..ould then be required to hook up to the City sanitary se..er system to the south. [X) THE DEVELOPMENT MUST COMPLY VITH THE SPRINGFIELD BUILDING SAPETY CODES. If ne.. signs are to be installed, contact Doug Rux at 726-3759. [X) PARKING AND CIRCULATION AREAS MUST BE PAVED AND STRIPED, AND \/HEEL STOPS MUST BE INSTALLED. The existing site is paved. SDC IB.070 requires 1 parking space for each 300 square feet of gross floor area. The plan submitted sho..s approximately 2,500 square feet of buildings. However, not all of the square footage will be office. The 5 spaces shown on the plan will be adequate. The correct dimensions for the spaces are (9' x 1B') striped ..ith ..heel stops. One space must be marked "handicapped" (13' x IB'). . . , " Page 2 Latimer Findings [X) CURB CUTS VHICH EXCEED THE STANDARDS OF THIS CODE MUST BE CLOSED AND REPLACED VITH STANDARD CURB AND GUTTER, AND SIDEVALK VHERE NECESSARY. There are t..o curb cuts on South A Street and one curb cut on South 15th Street ..hich serve this property. These ..ere permitted as part of previous development approvals. SDC 32.080(1)(a) states: "Each property is entitled to one drive..ay providing direct access to a public street or alley. Separate one ..ay ingress and egress drive..ays and/or additional drive..ays may be permitted based upon a Traffic Impact Study or at the discretion of the City Engineer." The west most curb cut on South A Street will be required to be closed and replaced with new curb. [X) SIDEVALKS MUST BE INSTALLED \/HEN THE SITE ABUTS A CURB AND GUTTER. A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT MUST BE REQUIRED \/HEN THE SITE DOES NOT ABUT CURB AND GUTTER. Mr. Neuman stated that there is an existing 10 foot sidewalk along the frontage of South A Street. There is an existing side..alk on South 15th Street. An Improvement Agreement will be required for street improvements for South 15th Street to include the additional landscaping and street trees required below (These improvements will not be required until a Street Improvement Project is initiated by the abutting property owners). [X) A 5 FOOT VIDE LANDSCAPED PLANTER STRIP VITH PERMANENT IRRIGATION MUST BE INSTALLED BETVEEN THE STREET-SIDE PROPERTY LINES AND PARKING AREAS OR STRUCTURES. IF STREET TREES DO NOT EXIST, THEY MUST BE INSTALLED IN THIS PLANTER STRIP. Greg Vinterowd stated that the required 5 foot landscaped strip along the frontage of South A Street can be consolidated into an area of approximately 650 square feet in the northwest portion of the property. Greg Mott and Gary Karp modified this revision to allow the 650 square feet of landscaping to be placed in three corners of the site. Drought resistant plants approved by a nursery person can be used. In addition four street trees will be required along the frontage of South A Street, behind the existing fence. The landscaping and street trees required along the frontage of South 15th Street (an additional 500 square feet and two street trees) can be made part of the Improvement Agreement required above and therefore be postponed until such time that a Street Improvement Project is initiated. [X) STREET LIGHTS MUST BE INSTALLED. No additional street lighting is required. [X) TRASH RECEPTACLES AND OUTDOOR STORAGE AREAS MUST BE SCREENED. Outdoor storage needs to be screened by a sight cbscuring fence. Only that area which will be used for storage will be required to be slatted. Trash receptacles need to be screened if used.