HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-5-4 ~ IrISPECT lOll 1716-3769 . Job Address ~d>7 ~';g' 5) 2 "Ltf <f 7r LIlY uF SPRIrlGflLLU l\Blll~TlON APPLlCATlON/PERMIT E!IERf;Y SOURCES: J Ileat l"Iater Ileater RanI'Je . INfORllAT:.:1 u..=. 7,6-3753 So. ftq. Hain ~q. rtg. Access. Sq. Ftg. Other /let., Add Al ter ~eD. --rence Demo Change/Use Other - - . 77't- ~..nr; ,,.. :.::- ~~ ! I~: i~l I~ II (phone no. J I.egal De~cription Owner 6 b iJ~ mJIo ~ "<id,ess!, (J, t5i'J Y ,"5--z.. 0/:Jr"//7~'e1c( Construction Lender Pnonc ValUE: of Hark: "2' 73C::: ...-e Gui ltdna Permit tnfo: Descnbe Hork( l.e.. f'Aes;;je :'~araQe) ~L At.- / 1>h~ 7f -<./' dO irl -11- ;. (1 ics. nD.) BUIld Single AJdres5 OESIGrl TEAll (nallle) Phone (address) (exnires) Primary Structural Electrical !1echanica 1 CONTRAClOR.YJ {name) General ttl1f~ Plumbino ~~cBj;/K;:;;'~') 1/4/J /Il/ h~~~; a / / C:40k 7 (pxoirp<:; \ /2/rf9 PLUllfilllG ELECTRICAL 'IL J:Jil\.RGJ rilL MECHANlCAL (nhonp nn I 3l!..I=-O 7v'9! I I I I ~/^.e.-.. Electrical tl~chanical -.--ill!..:. I FEF I l':UARr.F .1l0 SQ. FT. furnace/burner to aw's 1.ilL J:IlARliE. I I Each single fixture Residence of Relocated buildiru) (new fix. additional) INew clrcu~ts alts. or cxtenslons I SERVICES I Floor furnace and vent Is.F. r.esidence r 1 b,th I Duplex (1 bath) each Recessed wa 11 ~nncP hp~tpr nnd vpnt Additional bath I I I I ITempOrary Construction Chanqe in existing rr>5-idpnrt: mult1famlly, con~. or Indtl<;tria I Sewe r I Storm Se\'/cr I Of COI<ll. II NO. FEEDERS Insta II/a 1 ter/re locate di~trjh. fppdpr~ amps, I Apol iance vent ~POill'atp Stationary evaa. cooler ~ . Vent fan ,"ith sinole duct I Vent systerJ apart heatina or A.C. I ~lechanica 1 exhaust hood and duct I Uood s.tove/heater I I I from ~!ater service Of amps. I I I I TOTAL CHARGES I TOTAL CHARGES \.IlIEP.E STATE l \\~ REQUll1ES that the Electrical \"lork be done by an shall not be val iJ unti 1 the label has been signed by an Electrical ISSUAIICF OF .fR'IlT TOTAL CHARGES Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit Supervisor and returned to the Building Division ' I HAVE CAREFULLY EXN1H/CO the completed aprlication for f')crmit, and do hereb,v certify that all information hereon is true and correct. and I further certify that any and all work nerformed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Soringfield and the Laws of the State of Oref)on pertaining to the work described herein, and that UO OCCUrAIKY \...i11 be made of any structure without the permission of the Ouilding Division. I further certify that my re~istration with the Builder's fioard is in full force and effect as required by Or.S 701.055, that if ex t the basis for exemntion is noted hereon. and that only subcontractors ~A-mpl/oYee;:;h/O a~~~comOliance with Or.S 7nl. '~~~h:S, n.'o~~ IIA:\Elplease print) -fA- !75 /=-/( r /dLc-- ~I OP.TE.w 1ft 9 Zone L L Fire 70ne Flood Plain FO~ Off ICE USE Tyne/Cons t. Units S~. Ftg. Oed rooms Ocey Load SQ. Ft!]. Stories Occ,V c'roup Sq. Ftg. f1ain , Value Access x Value Other#e~-=""'R Value 101AL VAlUAllotl -:::?? ~ , BUILOIIIG PERI,IIT Charl]es an~ Surcharges == ~ Plan Ck. ::;> C> .........,,2:) 65t:/Bldo ------7"i;~ ~6~~B;~~ Conrn/lnd Ppr Fpf' Res Per Fee Systems Developn~nt Charoe (1.5<) PLU'1B IIIG PERMIT C~~rges and Surcha rges Fence Df.mo , ELECTRIUL rERI~1T CharQes and Surcharges I1ECIlAIIICAL PEP./1IT Charges and Surcharqes Sidewalk I A/e Pavinq I Curb Cut I Total (omb. rermit TOTAL '~.~ , . .. " ...., J COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT (CAP) PERMIT VALIDATION .t t. Applicant to furn1sh A. Job Address B. le9~1 Oescription 1. examJ.lle~ Tax lol lOO. lane County Map Reference 17 03 43 2. eXJml11e~ lot 1. Glock 3. ZIId Addition to ~prlngtield [states C. Name. etc. of owner and construction lender O. Energy Sources 1. exam.ple- heat/electrical cCilin<Jlor forced air qdS 2. eXdmple- w,llerheater/elecU"lCill/or solar E. Square rootage or valuation. etc. ----- 1. examole- 1250 SQ. foot house. 500 sq. (oat gdrage 2. example- 1Triew project, check----new - if addition. Check add. etc. F. Building permit information: 1. example - construct sinyle family 'louse with an a ttached garage 2. eXdmDle - remodel existing garage into family room 3. examole - cOfwerl single fond ly residence into restaurant (change of use) G. Value of l'iOr/.;. as defined in Section 303 (a) of the Structural Specialty Code H. DESIGN TEAM AND COIlTRACTORS To avoid design or construction delays, Ouilding Division Staff must be able to contact appropriate persons regarding design information or job site corrections. etc. II. Abbreviated Plumbing. Nechanical. & Electrical Schedules A. Except \'/here blank spaces occur in the description portion of the Mechanical and Electrical Schedules, the applicant need fl11~in only the No. Boxes adjacent to the appropriate item(s) to be instdlled B. full Plumbing, Nechanical, and Electrical Schedules are available at the Building Division 1. To conserve space on the permit form the schedules have been abbreviated 2. If the item(s) to be installed are not covered on the abbreviated schedules you should consult the full schedules. C. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES ArID CHARGES 011 TIlE SCHEDULES O. As noted on the CAP. the label must be delivered to the electrical contractor for signature by his electrical supervisor. The general contractor is !!9J. autlloriled to sign the electrical label. Ill. Applicant to sign and date Whenever possible. the initial application will be used as a worksheet only. Where possible. Building Oivision Staff will prepare a type written copy and return it to the applicant at the time the actual permit 15 'issued for his signature. IV. Fees and Charges Plan check fees are due and payable at the time of the application. and no plans. w\11 be processed until these fees are paid. All other fees and charges are due and payable when the permit is issued. s- <-f--81 d,~,~~ 13758 ~ V. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Permit, Clerk k",.r., . 'fT- -:ll: PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPAtICY: Permit applicant exempt from registration with the Builder's Board because: Add i ti ona 1 Project Informat i on: .. PLANS REVIEWED BY: name ~/7#6'"~:e::-.k' Signatur~~~____date 9 </- &:"7 . v y' i. ..", ,. ~:.," 1ft:;.; ''';''' , :..;:.::. rt~~, :.I!";'-o:~-. r...Y:'S.:'::'~1i;tf.~%[~'t'J.~:~~f1'i':Ut~;~X!. :'~ll!f"l\. ~~;4~vl.t~~1~1,>r:11t:-:'1~~~;;'.r. f' . . CONT NO. 53087 tlroposal PERFORMANCE PLUS ROOFING, INC. 1430 WI LLAMETTE NO. 578, EUGENE, OR 97401 PHONE (503) 345-0749 926,5379 ALBANY 747,3208 WAREHOUSE '. PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO Bob U<l.m.i.f,.tan STREET PHONE 746-8534 I DATE 4/72/89 JOB NAME f!o<le. ' <I V~nek, Spk~ng6~e..ed CITY. STATE AND ZIP coer:: JOB LOCATION ARCHITECT I DATE OF PLANS EMPLOYED BY JOB PHON E WE HEREBY SUBMIT SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES FOR ~emove all exi6.tlng koo~lng. Uaul away all wa6te. mateklal<l. Zn<ltall ~3 ply hot ~~be.kgla<l<l bilet up /[006 eon<l~<lt~ng 06 Cta<l<l A FIRE Olll!. pClf of! 28# f,.tbe./[gfaJ.d ba6e <lhee.t. Two r.>,{'y on 1117 {,.i.1.l(~![gCI.t<l-~' p.Cy 6he.r.t mopped .to baM. <lheet w~th hot a<lphalt. Fa/[ a ~l"~<lh, ln~tall pea g~auel <le.t ~n hot a<lphalt. In~tal.(' 7811 mine~a.(' ~uk~aee cap <lheet on pakapet waif<l. In<l:(;((.O' Hel(/ "1:',<:aJ~ '0/1 bae!, edge 06 ko06. Reu~e all Oth!k metal. S Ilr.ak .f'abo~ ~aJlk[[Y!:i.II. * 1 ~~ YO!'. wOIL.fd )Lat!L(~}L' ?LettJe ({ m.tJHULa.f. gkavel' {~dd I RATE4 ! $2,730.00 <lUk~aee ~~nl<lh ~n<lt~ad 06 $270.00 make. to above ~~gu.te . We propose hereby to furnish material and labor-complete in accordance with above specifications, for the sum of ~FF ^'WVF PAYMENT TO BE MADE AS FOL.LOWS: [IJ 011 ('1)MPIEnOIl OF JOB Hi FUll dollars ($ ) i I GUARANTEE."Scid rooF corries a gucrantee for 5 yeelrs eg.inst leoks only. We , ue not liable for any foot traffiC, wind damage, o~of God, or dllomag8 resu t ting I :rom work performed by other trod!;s. All material, is guarllnteed to be ilS sgecified. I \11 work to b. completed in :I workmanlike manner .!lccording to standard practices. i \ny ",Iteration or deviation From ab0Ve speciFications involving ~J(t:rll costs will be I ucocuted on Iy upon wriHen orders, and will become on extra charge over t.lnd IIQove I :he estimate. All IIgreements contingent upon strikes, accident. or delays beyond ~ )ur control. Owner to corry fire, tori'\C1do ond otner necessary insurance. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE /) UKo-(} / ) i --r-:' .1/ Udl(/;(~, NOTE: THIS PROPOSA.L MA.Y BE WITHDRAWN BY US IF NOT A.CCEPTED WITHIN 1 V DAYS. If payment i;, not received within 3 days after the time set in paragraph I, we reserve the right to place A lein on the property above as per proposal agreement. ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL The ebove prices, specific.\tJOns, end conditions Clre setisFllctory end .re hereby o::c~pted. You ore outhctriz~d to do the work as speci. Fied. payment will be mode as outlined above. In the event tnis Clgreem'!nt is not poid SIGNATURe as agreed, then reasonable attorney's fees and collection costs even though no suitor eoction is Filed will be paid, if a suit or action is Filed, the eomount of such reCllonable SIGNATURI: Clttorney's fees sha J1 be Fixed by t:,e Court of couns in which the suit or action, including any appeeol. therein, is tri<Jd heard or decided. IF propos,,1 is ceoncelled by home- owner aFter acceptance, a 250/0 ch'lrge will be mode of this contract prices. DATI: OF ACCEPTANCE