HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Extensions 2006-12-15
(541) 726,3753
FAX (541) 726-3689
December 15, 2006
Roger Dahl
8345 Zangle Road NE
Olympia, W A 98506
RE: 995 South A Street, Springfield, Oregon
Dear Mr. Dahl:
We have received your request ofa plan review extension from you that was not dated.
The envelope it arrived in has a post mark of December I, 2006 so we are using that date
for your permit extension request. The plans submitted for an equipment shelter and
antenna display was originally submitted on October 28,2005. The plan review was
completed and expired on July 20, 2006, therefore an extension cannot be granted. If you
choose to continue with the project at a future date, new plans will need to be submitted
and the appropriate plan review fee paid as established from the value of the project.
If you have any questions, please feel free to phone me at (541)726-3790.
Lisa Hopper
Building Safety Management Analyst
~ which the permit is issued, as well as all ~nish work,
painting, roaA, electrical, plumbin.W1ting, air
conditioning,"~vators, fire extingu~ing systems,
and any other permanent work or permanent equi pment.
Where work for which a permit is required by these
Codes is started o~ proceeded with prior to obtaining
said permit, the fees specified shall be doubled, but
the payment of such double fees shall not relieve any
peTson-fr om-fu-l-ly--c'om pl yin'g'-wHh --t he----req u i'rem'e-Yrts-'-of---- -, .., ----
these C~des in the execution of the work or from
responsi_bil ity for any Ilenalties described therein.,
(b) PLAN REVIEW FEES. When the valuation of the
proposed construction exceeds $1,000.00 and a plan or
other data is submitted under Subsection (c) of Section
302, a plan review fee shall be paid as specified in
Table 3-E.
. (c) EXPIRATION OF PLAN REVIEW. A~plications for
whic,h no permit 'is issued within ISO- days following the
date of application shall expire by limitat~on, and
plans and other data submitted for reV1ew may
thereafter be returned to the applicant or destroyed by
the Buil ding Offici al. The' Buil ding Offici al may
extend the time for action by th~ applicant for a
period not exceeding ISO days ~pon request by the
applicant showing that circumst'ances beyond the control
of the applicant have prevented action from being
taken. No application shall be extended more than
once. In order to renew action on an application after
expiration, th~ applicant shall resubmit plans and pay
a new plan review fee.
Whenever any work for which a permit is required has
been commenc~d without first obtaining said permit, a
special investigation shall be. made before a permit Jay
be issued for such. work.
Whenever there is a proposed change in the use of a
building, structure, or land as defined by the
Structural Specialty Code and Fire and Life Safety
Code, or any change of use under applicable zoning law
which requires additional off-street parking or other
physical upgrading of the development in terms of
paving, drainage, screening, wheel stops, etc., for the
new use, a change of use review and inspe~tion shall be
made before a permit or Certificate of Occupancy shall
be issued for such change in use.
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