HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Board of Appeals 2001-7-6 ~~ l-""_'k~l'~.')"i. \) ~ ~ I ' '.~.., ',". ,,"C. 4;1f;:;.li^ ' ""':' .~,~< : ^,. ' DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEf'ARTMENr 225 FIFTH STREET ~;PRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726.3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 . July 6, 2001 Springfield Utility Board Attention Keith Lockhart PO Box 300 Springfield,cnegon'97477 RE: Sign Variance, Springfield Utility Board This letter is to selVe as your notice of the appeal hearing you applied for in regards to the location of a proposed sign to be located at 223 A Street, Springfield, Oregon, also known as Lane County Reference Number 17033532, Tax Lot 03000, . As required in Section 205 (I) (2) of the Springfield Building Safety Code Administrative Code, "You are hereby notified that a hearing will be held before the Building Board of Appeals at Springfield City Hall, Meeting Rooms 615 & 616, on the 12th day of July, 2001. at the hour of 11:00 a,m.. upon the notice and order selVed upon you, You may be present at the hearing, You may be. but need not be. represented by counsel. You may present any relevant evidence and will be given full opportunity to cross examine all witnesses testifYing against you, You may request the issuance of subpoenas to compellhe attendance of witnesses and the production of books, documents or other things by filing an affidavit therefor with the Board," !fyou have any questions, please feel free to phone me at 726-3790, Sincerely, L~~ Building Safety Supervisor cc: Kate McGee Landscape Architect 343 High Street, Suite 200 Eugene, Oregon 97402 Fax: 302-576& . . . . " . . Snrinefield Utilitv Board Located at 223 A Street, also known as Assessor's Map 17033532, Tax Lot 03000, Springfield, Oregon, Annlicant's Reauest The applicant is requesting a variance from Chapter 8, Article 2 of the Springfield City Code, More specifically, they are requesting a variance from Section 8,210 relative to the location and setbacks for sign placements, The y>vy,ni is zoned Community Commercial, Downtown District ,BacklrrOund The Springfield City Council adopted the current Sign Code in November of 1997, The Code establishes the allowable location and setbacks for the placement of signs for all districts, All sign districts in the City of Springfield and the City's Uman Growth area have the same requirements for setbacks and location, 8,210 Location and Setbacks, Location and Setbacks, No sign or sign structure shall be installed within a public utility easement No sign shall be installed within a 5 foot setback from the y.vy'ni line, The y.vy'ni liue must set back a minimum of 15 feet in order to be considered for an exemption from the 5 foot sethack from any y,.}'uni line, No sign shall be located withiu the 25 foot vision clearance triangle or located any closer than 10 feet from any driveway, All signs shall be located entirely on private y>vy,ni unless they are located iu the downtown sign district where projection over the right-of-way is permitted with the ul'I'.v}'.;ate insurance requirements, Discussion The applicant proposes to install a freestanding sign within the 25 foot vision clearance area ou the corner of Pioneer Parkway West and A Streets, Pioneer PaIkway West is a one way southbound street, A Street is a two way east and west running street This sign is approximately 4' 6" in height and 10' across, The sign is }'.v}'u...J to be located I '8" from the rear diagonal line of the 25 foot vision clearance triangle, As discussed above, the Sign Code specifically prohibits any signage beiug placed in the vision clearance triaugle, The Sign Code does not have any area in the vision clearance triangle where signage is allowed, The Springfield Development Code identifies a Vision Clearance Area as a triangular shaped portion of land established at street intersections in which nothing over 2 Y, feet is erected, placed, planted, or allowed to grow in such a manner as to obstruct the sight distance of motorists entering or leaving the intersection unless specifically exempted by the Code, The Springfield Development Code further addresses Vision Clearance requirements in Article 32, Sectiou 070, which includes exemptions for placement of items in the vision clearance item as being items associated with utilities or poblicly owned structures such as poles and signs (stop signs, yield signs, etc,), and existing street trees, no screen or other physical obstruction shall be permitted between 2 y, and 8 feet above the established height of the curb in the triangular area, . . . Springfield Utility Board . Staff Report 223 A Street Page 2, . Before the Board of Appeals can approve a variance request, the following criteria must be met Following each criteria, staff has described their findings on each item: (a) There are unusual conditions associated with the property or structure, Staff could find no unusual conditions associated with this ~"~.. ,j, It is a corner lot located on Pioneer Parkway West and A Streets, This lot has a west property line which abuts a one way street which is for southbound traffic, The north property line abuts a two way street which runs both east and west This lot configuration is quite common within the City, (b) Granting of the variance would have no significant adverse affects on the public welfare or neighboring properties. Although the Traffic Engineer in support of the variance request has written a memorandum, staff feels that his support of the request addresses the possible public right of way vision obstructions, With the sign being located in the vision clearance triangle, a vehicle in the first parking stall would have their vision impaired while backing out of the space which could place in danger a pedestrian or a car entering the parking lot After receiving this request, staff measured at eye level in many vehicles and found that in a sedan, eye level is at 45 y,"; in a mid-size pick up truck, eye level is at 55"; and, in a passenger van, eye level is at 62", With the most easterly height of the sign at 4'6" (54"), staff felt that this could present a hazard for public welfare, Staff also met with Planning staff to discuss placement of any items in the vision clearance area within the Development Codes prohibited 2 Y, and 8 foot "c1ear" area, Planning staff would not support the placement of any type of structure in that area, (c) The need for the variance has not arisen solely from a previous code violation and the hardship is not self imposed. This request has not arisen from a code violation and is not self imposed, (d) There are no other practical alternatives available that would better meet the provisions of the Springfield Sign Code. A site inspection by staff identified that the placement of the sign could be located out of the vision clearance area, By locating the sign approximately I '8" to the southeast, the sign would be in compliance with the current sign code and would support the intent of the Code not to allow any signage in that area, Staff feels that by locating the sign out of the vision clearance triangle, the sign would be visible for vehicular traffic on Pioneer Parkway, Recommendation L Staff recommends denial of the placement of the sign in the vision clearance triangle, Staff could find no unusual conditions with the property to support this request, and found there were other alternatives available that would better meet the provisions of the Springfield Sign Code, Staff also feels that approval of this request could set precedence for placement of signs in the vision clearance area,