HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1997-1-10 /. A/" ' /Z ..,. 7 . P_ 4 . . -- - _.....:.. -- -~.,? ~i.7~....L., .Y ~ .? fi' ,.,/t~. e /~ '~% , . - p~/", '" 9.&.ti""""" ..' ~ _~ .~ A.,....".;.-...- ~ "",,",,//s ... Po<::. '" /'2" ILl ~ ~L. . Z/!1.# So n ~7~# .-- 375" ..... -- - --. -- " .11 p~ t:,ds : " .. # ..1'7__,' & A.S '*-N . /Z - T 7'>'V~. ~ P~.v~ C.2S-;<#.~~~ ~Ii" /I!.~' ~ ....,.<t./e At.'. .. "'<Z l!P.f<O",~ ..3/.57 ~ /I.~ / ,,"'. , , ./ <!:I.h /.:r3 /.'.,~ ~..,/ ..4 /"z><t:./e".st!e/~"""c ~., . >C ~...!JK_~'~/,__'=v-" ~ ,. /'-...e.. 1',$3-<IZ.,f$<4.3. ... S;", r I" -::.<!!~ ~~!J.. /:p.I~'<. fJI.' .. /Po,. ,Z.-/D%j:" ~/-i''' J. z-/o~1 ....e"',.~ ,,43,1( 12,Q .< ~.z - 5.?~ /. . 'I -- 'I'~ . /. L2' ~x. IZ31t1': ~~/~ /Q.,..i",,';;: /2~i)'Z- ""42.."". ~.s tit. /';:;I/~ . . J.h.dg (;r..'7~7-5") Kf, /,PI/-" '" /;:2.... ~,....4Iot ;1:1:31<. T,So H Z,2.,i1s'? -3./.9 ~1"'/1W-1 /. 3:J1'( t.s,;", b.9..-:=. ,;t?.z- ./1--.-/ /.3:3 '" .7:5.4'< .oJl..r ...~. -.:1.0. ,v~// ~~,w =< p" ~kL ~~ II' ~/_... tI.. /-' -k , . ". .,". /.0 '0 z. 7!> x ~,Z ..,./~. ,.: z.,t':1p ,6/~ 2.~7-,< :r:.~,/~ . r). $.if' '~".b~ /.;?4"'''Z.7SxP2"B~-=C.-I-?-'~,-,- . I /~. /.3$</Z.?S"K.. ".3- ... $./ ..-?..""-G. /..~.</Z,7$< D.9" .... 1"$.11 ~~/~/' /.:I,;J "" /2./,-: /..5""- "C. 21t!.1 , . . .' //?".(#~ r/_,. p~ ... 1/ 7..f //e.rs..~. -~..z. .p/.,rt:....,.- '.C'"'_.~_._.. .- ~-J- j -I-.~ -+f-j." . ,. .._,_'"'A,'" .,.... ~ I : . i ~ Poat-it" Fax NoIIl 7671 D'~JY'71~~,I:- ~ NY~D- ....... S. ,.~_~ Co..1S'~M/ ~"'. ~14t-1'Z/S'" -...~<<-I.I~ IF"'7'4-96~'? :OX. 4,.f'S--r..l'"t . - "i>// ~ -/~.a"'L~",C Si6-~,l-u~ ~.L. ~:-~ ._,Q'-~' . . .. ~ "e"'/~,. r:;;-~~/I'7JZ :T':;' .;...",'e. /~ -:A ~ CA.e-..::-~ t::J/.3&:: 4-',,:/,I.V ~,<' ;nvl!; 7"5 iV~ " 7 ' 7,;1 ~... /5"8// o-P ~ ----------, . .. ,t:/&>~I- ?0';.$r ;,{.t-5~ ...... p,- r :; ? Ir ~ 11'4/1 p~ . -I._~-'!':.. t. .:"--:-""; ,;. - ,... i... ....~..-: "'~.-'-i . .-l,....:... ., Schaudt, Stemm~Wnd, i eEET NO. --' ,. -,- - PROJEC'r NO.V -=4t;';; 7.:,.-/2/' . OATe:#f!2BV ~ .~,., ,-::} ~-::-, ~.:- #Jre 6"eJ~"- ~/~I!!f? /"."",rlc;. +- A-c rVA~ ~CA.17 &:.-DA-~ 11 -'6 l \ \) , .- .-- , 1'. .~.41''''~. ~''';'9 ~,~s /.) &1'''- ,,, /" Z) Pi:-.... ~,c ~L. gJ. t:;7~... .e-~'?? ,. t!>.,L'~c::~ rtt',tlPY ~~ . ~ =/;t.,v.A" rz:r "_"~iYA::S ~ ..;::;::~ ~..,"k- --'" ""h"'.r-~"" V ,v _tC' __ -::;....._ .//_;,~ ~ /7~ 6'-N?I'#~.r~A;) . . .pL t9h1/ ~, PAf"~ : .E~NO.~..~,---"~_... &17-~7-0/ PlQOJI!:CT NO.'z'. ... OATE/I/{/~ BV . rJ~ f , , , /4r ! ,C?L. -,,&~ ~~ p";.,,. ,,' 7" r;..; lIt' I ~. \/P4' J. .NT/ ~.. I. K20/ -;41? 1" 4,.~ -- ~2~x/.5"/fS-~;';S _ 5N~. //52 H I:z.P?Ft? X/./S' .. (?UI~ ....e~~ ~~ "..._k,,, IS.S'? //7 <. ~ ~ """') 7.5" ~ #1 .,e='~",,. ;=;&'A.,.,,,.v.. ..s-YS ~ tIt'~ ,;iZ'.><,d: .,;,p"sr..s-- :P"...~,.&> 4S> H Ill/.C, . dU/A-I- .S'u.-:<l1P..c::o- ~_4"""#:",&:> ~p...,p .e'r A-erp4.~ PotiF""D ~,.,.p.s J ..etPt:JP' ~/vc!F .u?,A-P. (~4l'AI) ..A--NQ . ar-,./ce" ~t?~e.- ~t?,,"h::~/A/6 t2 Gt::' At$~, , , ...;... CONSULTING [NGINURS. SURVeYORS AND PLANNERS 1205 OAI< SlIIIT IUGENI'. OREGON 97'01 TABl.E l6-A-UNIFOAM AND CONCENTRATED LOADS -- LClAD' 1_.... _..I0oI) _GMiiiD; .- SO 100 1)0 SO 100 125 60' '00 100 1994 UNIFORM IIUIlD1NG CODe USE OR OCCUPANCY 19. SI.... 20. Pcdc:scrilD bridces and waJtways I lSeeSoc1io.l606lOrlivctoadrc:duaioM. . ~Sct Sed.iOD 160U. fits1 panppb, for.arca of load .pphcat.ioo. lAue.-bl)' _as indodesac:b~_"r__:_.&Sdance halls.. drill rooms, ,ymnui1lms,pla)'grouftds. plual. iCrncesand similaroccupancie' wbkh IR. scneraJ1)' attessibk 10 the ~ltc, 4wttca JQOW toedIoocurlhal art.inelloCltSSoIlhede.ignc:ornliIPOas,lhe IlfUCCU~ shall bcde.signed to,~ the loads I due 10 Ibe 'nc~ lotdl caasccl by drifl buildup or a. JJUlu snow desip os deftnnintd by the blIildi., official. See Sc<li... 1605.4. For spociaI._ roof&, ... Sea... 1605.5. . SE.~t fadliriea .hIIl indudB .ucb1llC.aiconickn ServUt&M occup&JU loed of 10 or more pttSOIMi.ex1eriorQ;' balco- nica. dlinttays,ltre eselpC-l and limU.. aIeL: .' . 6lodividuol_ _1loiii be derlped '0 ruppon a1oo.pollOld (1.31 kN) '......'...cd 10ad p1ued in a "",ilion wtaicb would.cute muimunt Iln:a. Stlit llr1IIIiIen mey bB desiped lot' the lIniform IClad tel ionh in the lable. 'SoeSeccion 1604.3, sceond .,., .1. '" ) for .." _.. -....-bd load.. Soe Tabk 16.8 for vc.hicle berrien. sResidenliaJ . ...,. ,.._ ~',,,, int1ude private dwcUinp,aputmc:nts and holt1 pull'OOAU. 9Jleswoom_ .hrU... be ....1llanIll.I.... f<< II>< occupancy "'1Il _ ""1 '"" a.lClC'acoct. blIt need... uoccd 50 poundo per "1- (oeM (2.6 _,). I. 2. l. 4. S e 6. 7. S. .,.,...., Atcrs~ Root s)'stems ~ Assembly .reas3 and &uditornnn~ aDd bak:on;ellherewilh Cornices ..II marqeces E"itf...ilirie.s' 0...... H..p.ulr Librwl 9. Manuraehtc'ina ~~. OflIce. 11. Prialiua planu 12. Jtqidenlial8 11. RestmOmS'lI 1". Il<viewiaJ"-C'rnds, ~aodro rad - relcocopi.. -S IS. Roof clod. - 16. Scbool, 17. Sjclc:waJk. and ... . '.' IS. Slon>p I Off~. urc UrtlCrllMlClIl Com~use Fixed .sta'ins BIUS MowbIe se.uinllnd (Jlber areal SlaIe areas .nd eoclOKd plaLfomu OeJ1CfllI IIOrap: aodlor I"qurir Privale orpJeasureolYpe motor vehicle .....,. _and"""", ReDdina rooms I SlKk rooms Liaht . Heavy SO 40 60 125 7S l25 ill 11lI 100 40 60' 40' Pressrooms I C., ",..,~..,_.ud.linol1]Jerooml Basic Iloar area &Ir:e'ior belcOAies De<kl 100 Same as ilia .uved or rot lhe Iyt)e ar , ".'''.'. lICCIlO1l1lOdated Ql$sroorm PbbJiclCCll:$6 Li&hl I Hervy 40 250 125 250 100 1110 16-A g_~J COlCEtrl. 1MTee LClAD - ".O.llll4". ...'" 2.000" I 2.oaY I c I c I 0 I 0 I 0 II rf> , I , 1.000' 1.000' 1..lCO' 2.000z 3.000' 1~ 2.100'" 2.000' l1' 0 0 o 1.000' , 3,OOOl I I 2-29 . - . .-.--,~''''- "'==~='-["~'.':':>>~L-==r><1 --~/!~xI~~--~' e:::':.1=~=-:/ >" .. /' J/ 'J__~..o::.---::. - r-'_____~ ,~ -----/"~~ ./' 2X4 WAll SlllDS ON 16" WI[RS NOll WAil SlUOS flOOR AND CEILING .miS All LINE UP I\1TH lACH OiH(R - lX4 BOnrn AND TOP PlATE -----. [3/4" PARTICLE BOARD \\_ Ic'---_________=__-_--~~_= 1SJ/4' - _.--- ---------=- I ~' IORMW OJlRIG(ERS 1 1/8" fORM[[IOU1RIGr.[R' ~ , --. -----.- -. - -- 12" I-BEAMS --'.--- --- - -.-, ~ 1-2X6 flOOR J(lSl AND ENIl ~A[ - ~ ,&_ N' --;;..- /' iX2IAMINATED ~ j/' BEAM~Y _~7 '\..11/2"PlY'lOOD <<h // TYPICAL ROOf JIll 4# ~"".... /;;;if h //~1.~ / /;;-:,., #.-v -'-~[ .--,.?' ,'<" .-/ .- ,:' // !I_,_:;;~,:J;-';"./ ~.-~ r 1291 South A Street. Springfield, OR 97477 (541) 744-1215. Fax (541) 744.9277