HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 1984-10-23 . RESIDENTIAL.' , , ~",r .,' SPRINGFlELD j AFPLICA'I'ION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Spr-:r4fieLd, Oregon BuiLding Division 726-3753 97477 Job !.oc::.:i::m: " ;}./ijS- ~~1!, \10'?J~vA2. ./f ' nt O<(;(YJ < As.aesool"S :-!:rp /I Subdi"':'8icl1: Ta:: Lot # <<Q.4kJJ ?f~/ ~So9 ~/IZ"V\' I ,-r;ljJ~ ()h C"_"11.er: Add.-.gS3: C:'~:f: n n n n (t, PI-or.", -7C/0-d''1J/ Zip' 97Y 7 7 '1",..., I~b~ joh ~ &<:.i ~::::::'LjrM7' OuA-.A!jI ~~~~~? Plumbing 1fJ. . 1"\ oj R.... 'r;; , ."::;;;- (/ ( Eltictr-;cd .tdCi ticn _R.emoceZ "!ob~!e ,9or.!3' DaT.~ of AppZicaticn ,'111:Ju:u:iC.=Z CaJ1Rt1""'...Ic~."'" t.~el" Value . _oc:e;::' b '3> 7 <,I Y' Pel /0'3/ J>-((' c::H/ Siq;:2d: Date: ~~~/JV Li:;c. .'1 E=oi!'z~ "/d(Jlf</ ( I ' Phon.:; 7&.?- 7/l..{, 9<..// 1: is ths respon:sibiZity of' the pernrit iuJld.u- to see that alZ. i7Wpections a1'e r.'.ad€ at :he proper timt:, t1:.a.t ec:ch .::.dd:zoes8 is re""":"':':,,- from tM stre6t. end that the permit card is z.x~ted at the front of the -property. .Eu.i.!.di.":"'.g :>il.}'i=io~ cp;:rot-'ed pl.cn s;'.cr.Z rena.o::n on tr.2 au'iZding $its at aU times. P.'?OCEDU?~ 'FOr? r....SPEC':'I:Jr/ RE'::'UE'S7':CALL 726-3769 (rccorder) state YOUI' City .:iesigr.ated job nur,:ber, l':3qUesr;cd a:..d. .:J.~en you :.Jill. oe ready for ir..spcction, Ccmtractcrs or ~.:'ners nc:ne end fhor.e nu.wcr. :..'iZZ be rrcde the sema dc-:h requests .'1Icde c.jte:r 7.:00 a::n tJizt. 0$ made the n.:::zt :,;erkinq da:t.. , ' Your City Desigr.ated Job Numb..,. Is, )((j() 7?;,' Y ?""'1'11:...otj T""'l;lr",..t.1:~.'1. o o SI';'E "'JSP:;C:IJ.'I: To be "rule ajter exCG'v4t"::,:m, but prier tc set u? of JC1rmS. fJ?ID=RSr.A.3 ?~l'''8I,'1C. ELZC79lC,g -: l-!EC,t.:'..J_:l[CAL: ';'0 be made before cny ,t.1Ori<: is ';olJcred. o FCOTTIG ~ F'iJu:m,1T[CNo' To b9 r.r:zc.e after :rencnes ere a=ccvat~d ar~ ferms ere erecr;.;za, but pri.:;r to pourir.g c!;;ncret;~. [] !E!D~G:-?:Jr.r..'O P~~','.f3D'G, s::;..~p, ;.r.l~!.~. D.'?A:.-.'J;.r;zo' To be r.a.:.:e ?l'iar :;0 ;"i~- Ur..;; :re-r:cr..es. o mlCEPP~.CC,~ t'!,ij,'.~ r,!C 1 .'EC'EA.'lIt;-:.!..: To be rr.ad6 prier ~ iI'l3t"ai.Z-adon of [toOl'. ~r~~T;~cn or d2cking. pl)ST .J.ND 3F:A:1o' To be rr.a.c.'c pr-~r to inst"al':"'::t"icn 0/ [100'1" ir"stoZ.atior. or <kckin;; . o o ,,::{O~'Gf! ?':.&~~r:!c. =.r~:':":'.o~-:;..~ " :EC.'1- ANI-:~~o' Yo ~~~ ia ~o DC ~ove~~c ur.~-::l thcs~ -:.r..soec:icr.s ft..;lV€ ::eer. 1Mfi2 z.d =??r?v:o..:::. Fr?E?!...J.C~: ~;O'l' ~ ?~r.q ;c.::inq mc.eeria.i..il ar.d o~lore lr=r.nr.q inspec- tior.. o o FPJt~I~r.o' j~3~ be re~~z3ted af=zr C??ro!)~.;. of l'ouqh ?l.t.r..hir..g, eZec:r-::_ caL & r.:ecr.an.i.:al. At! :'00[-:'11..] bra~r4 & Chimn~Y3t et~. ~~se be como !a:cd. ;~IO wr< i3 to Oot ccn- - cec.'!..:u1 undl this insveC'~cn ;'.aa ~ been made aru:! at'pl":?'!-'ed. ~ o INsr;LA'!'ION/VAFO.9 BA.RRIER I.'.'SPE'CTION: To be "..ade after all. insul.::twn CC'.d: required VcWOl' b~ers are in pZaae l:ut before any Za"Ch.. gypS".un board or !.XIn colJeriYlg is appUed, and bejore any ir~~lation ~s concealed. job ad6-css, -type of in.:;pe:::=icn Requ€s~s received befcre 1:00 ~ !JE!.ICLI7'IO!! OR .~:O~] 3{.,'ILDIiiCS ~ Sanitar'd SI!',Jer :::a:pped ~t ~opc;rt':i , - :J Septi~ tan~ ~~:-;:d ~.d fi.~Ze~ uith Zi:-:e' D DR":'''/AU, INSP::CTIDNo' To be !i7ade after an Crd'..Jal.l. is in p1.a~e.. but prior to any taping. MASON!?Y: SteeZ location.. boiui beam3.. grouting or ver~icals in acco~..ance !Ji~h U. B. C. Section 241&. ;';OODSTOVE:o' After instalZation is ccmpletcd. ~ ;rd-,;eZ -U Pinal - [then ch.;'Ve ite~s are ac::rpleted 1 ~ ar~ when i~l~tior. is complete or s~~- t~e moved and prems€s :::learnd up. NODi Ze Hc:r:es ~ ~ ~ Blocking and Szt-~p Plumbi~ ~onneations sc::wer and water o D D CURB ~ APPROACH AP.'=!ON: After forms are arear;ed out prior to. pouring >:01'U:rete. EZectricaZ Ccnr.ection - Blocki~4~ set-u? and plumbing c:onr:ections fri..:.st ::e appr:n;ac beforc request~r.g elec:rical ir.spec=io~ :J Accessol"";i 3uit.iiru; --, Final - ~1ft.;;rJ~r-::r.gs, ---1 etc. are ~~~8~~d. skirting, decY..s~ D SIDE'HALK & DRI'.-'F'"dA:!o' For aU con- crete paving within street right- of-ux;;y,- to 00: made after at.!. exca- vating ccmp Zete ;$ fom work & .::w- base ma:tezoial in pZa::e. o AtZ project cor.di=io7!s.. Juch as the {ns=allcticn of s:ree~ =rees, ~c~!at"~or. of the required ZandJcc?ir4~ ~tc,.. must be sa~isjied Q~Jore the 3UI[~IRC :I~AL ~an be r2~~estcd. :=J Fr:.'A~ P!U....'BI,'lG ==:1 Fl,'l;'l ,'.fE':H.A,'IICAl .==:1 ?D'Al =:'ZC':.r:I::"l :=J o ?!:IAL aUILDI.'1G: The Final Suitdir.g Ir:svection .~4t be !'eaue3t2d ::::-'-:er the Fina.Z ?!~J;in; ~L2ccrical, and Mecr~:-:ic~~ Ir.spec=~Qn3 ;~e been-made ar~'approv2d~ o ?ENCEo' When compZ~te --' Provide gates or movabZe sections through P.U,E. -A':': ,'.[;".'lP.G!..~S J.ND CLEANCU-:; NUS'!' BE A.C:::ES~:'3[E. A.E.li.!S7'.'~::': :9 BE ,'.f.1CE /::' !,'O C'']sr T'J CI":r I :>~:~2.1 of 2 , D I JOB NO. 'Xli 076 Y !;::>':.!: l;.at Sq. F~. II $ ~f r.:.t: C.:;verc.q: .~ of StOf""~e3 I. . , , . . 1..0..C:1. ...r...9r.:: I I Topogra;;r~ I l:c~"1 j 5',:':'C I I .~.t:-::n ~t:~s I ..:'.=1':'c'1'-: 1..~C:C3S':):--.1 ~!",g VALUE Is.D.c. I:;C(.UCJ 1.5 = eu.iZd::.r.g ?er:rd. t Stat., Sur::narqe Tote! ~o...-ge3 I IT~.. ..:0., , !'i-.--t"I.a'es I Re;;id;mtiat (1 ba:hJ I I sani t.:::zoo... Seo..Je-r f I ;;'(:::'te.!' LlO",u ~~_ PI.:0Jbi Perr.:i t State Surcr..roge T::ta t cnC~es lITE:" I Res. Sa. (":0. I Na;IE--terd Cil"C".li ts Temporary Serrn.C8 I :iO. I I I I I I I I I Ete:tl"icat Permit St:t8 Sur~narae '!ot:1.l. c;.a>~es I ~'I':-\I l~~ce ?TV'S I "'~'I I E=hc:J.st Hood Vent F::n I il~dsto:Je pe?"r.Tit I3$1.l.Z11.C3 .Iofe.:;..an-:.c:::l Pa~ t St'a.'te Sur~hczo"u: ...,.,~~ t Cl-m"~p~ -- c;iC.~CACH.~!~::'!' t 5ecr.a-"~t".J !)z=o3it I StorZ:Q 1_. . .._~I1~er'..!:r~.l;' ,p(!....~: " I ''i.-. , t C".a-,;c-..4: I SL.::e.:a.Z< I.~e.,..::e To":::! w..c'!'''Jcs 1- '. 1~(.~c:l"AZ~~ L~.;~t . \"CiZ", il~8 . : l~ uA' f(;;rv.-/ I...,,"'... .......U.~ "U".. _.....~... .....'v '" ... ... SOLA.CESS ':-c:::-...I=a7!~.J ';:--::-A=': lCT :'!P~ x r~:;. :Or;"':" !r.rericr Corne:" Panr..c:r:ci L~ CuL-d2-sac i'alu.e C,:;'4RGE I I I I I ~ . ~1t.1 )1'\ <.inl. ::.::;'_=-CE C.I!)J?~ E (!{.rrv ~8','10 ?_=:;a 2 - L-COC";' I -~ : '-+ I REQ.- -:::.--:eIC;;r:s:-: 3.a=.....:;Or.:3: ::'0(; ?~C"'3 ~ ! I E....er"'f'.J So-..lr~es ! I "ea= Ii TJ~$ .:J<'1':=-::'CY-S ?!.. I....O!"~i1 lEes;; !Soo..=h jWest I HO'..:u I I I :.Ic;oa:;;or;e I A~~ess. 1 I I ';~c.~e ;'/(:'<;:1"1' :J:-O-:1-:;>r' :~aru;2 :--:':'eD~c.c~ Fees I I I I I I I /. , I I I. Building Value & Permit This permit: i.3 ~ted on the express condition that the sa.id. constl'"Uct~or. shall. in "Zl. r-es?ccts. conform to the Ordinance ::.dt;~f;ed o'y the C:';'i of SDrtng,;"'ieLd. :.n.cZud"':na :he Zonina Crdinar:ce. l'eau.k~ir:a the ccr.stl'""Ac:icn ~~ use of ~ui~dings.war~ m~? b€wsu~pended or r~vok3c ~t cr.y t:.~e u;cr. vie' Zction of any provisions of said ~rdir~es. I Pian Check I Ca". Pa-i.d: IRec~ipt #: IS;g,:ed: Fee: Plumbing Permit No person chan C0n8'tt>o...:ct. instcl.!. a!ter 01' Cnang6 c;ny r.eLJ or e--istir..g plumbing or dr~inag6 system in ~hoLe or in part~ unless such ~erson is tr~ legal possessor oj a valid plumber's Zicense~ ezcept er.a't a p8:'Son rr.a~ do plumbing work to proper't':f which is owned. Zsased 01' operated !Jy the a;;pt.i- """.. I I I I I I I I. Electrical Permit W'here State LaLJ requires tr.at: the el.sctr-ica1, work 06 dene by an. Etecrnca1. Contractor. the eLectrical. portion of this permit shaZl. r.at be val.id until th6 Label has b€en sigruui by the E1.eorncaL ~ontractor. Mechanical Permit '- ~ p"iAzn Ezcm1,nel' VC.~2 I HAVE CAREFrJ['['Y EXA."!I;'I~D t.w conroZ.zead arJpLicatic,. tor ::<e1"'mi-;. and de h2reoy certify that all. i:-:fo~.at:ion hereon' is true ~ correc:. and I f'.I.l"tr.er certif;; that any ar.d al.Z u:ork perfomted 3hal.Z be do~8 in aa:zor- dance :Jith the Ordin:mces of' the City oj" Sprirr.gj"icZd. and -chz [.(:,";8 oj t.':a Seate of Oreg~n p$r~in~ng to the work desCT";ocd herein. ar~ :r~: YO occ~. Fl:lct ~ZZ 02 .-:n.::.e of aty 3t:-ucr..L1'a withc:..t p3rnris.3ion ~f the 3ui.Zdin.g Di.- triswn. I further certifY tr.::zt O:7.Zy :Jontr~ators ar.d ~l..;yees wr.o c;rg i;: et:r.ipLiance :.ri;;h ()RS .701. OS.: wil.l be used on this ;rojzct I I. I I I I I : A~M.(?~' I -'-r.-a- A ""'!.:;:"_ V . . L~/d-31 iLl