HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1985-7-3 " .. . PAGE 1. MINUTES CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT COORDINATION BOARD DOW CORNING CORP, - OFFICE/LAB & LUNCHROOM/SHOWER BUILDINGS PROJECT: 1800 SOUTH "A". STREET D, C . fI R~- ~ DATE: JULY 3. 1985 Meeting Information A. Staff Members: LORNE PLFGFR_ RIITI nTNG nTV.: GRHUJDTT- PI ANNTNG: nAVFRRmm, TRAFnf nT\I . I F<:: fRATr.:MTI F ENGTNEERTNG nTV.: MTKF HllnMAN_ FTRF t:1IlliSJ:lAI : fHllfK nAJLlS <:: II R I,IATFR FNr::TNFFRTNr.:....DFPT . VTRGTI I ANr::1 FY. S II R. FI FrTRTf FNGTNFFRTNG nFPT B. Applicants Present: 1, Owner (8): TOM FRFFMAN ,'OWNFR I S RFPRFSFNTATlVF 2. Agent (s) : RICH t1ARRIS. ARCHITECT 3, Others Present: D,C.jf 85-5 is ( ) (X) ( ) Approved Approved with conditions (see Section 18.02, Springfield Zoning Code). Denied - you may appeal this decision to the Planning Conunission. Reason for Denial <- ) <- ) Continued until more information is necessary. Referred to the Planning Conunission Reason: APPEALS A decision by the Board may be appealed to the Planning Conunission, The appeal may be filed in writing with the Planning Department within ten days of the Board's decision, The decision of the Planning Conunission shall be final. REVOCATION Development Coordination approval or approval with conditions shall be auto- matically revoked if any development and/or construction is not conunenced within 2 years from the date of approval. Conditions of Development Coordination Board Approval: 1- Sanitary Sewer connection will be made to an existing sewer lateral which is connected to a manhole near the northeast property corner. . 2- Storm Sewer connection will be made to an existing 12" City main on the north side of the South "A" Street right-of-way. This line will be crossing two sanitary sewer lines and a 16" water main prior to reaching its point of connection.' Your Engineer shall verify depth and location of the existing ~tilities and design the new crossing accordingly, 3- ~Jater Service is via an existing 16" water main in South "A" (Aster) Street which has an average pressure of 55 psi, Due to the combination of , domestic and fire protection demand, it is recommended that a new fire hydrant by installed along the street frontage of this property to provide additional fire flow capability. Please coordinate this requirement with both the City Fire Marshal and S.U,B. I .. -2- .. .. "" -. 4- The portion of South"A" (Aster) Street along the frontage of this property is not improved at this time, In the interest of initiating an improvement project for the street, the City requires that an Improvement Agreement be signed by Dow Corning prior to issuance of a Building Permit for the proposed construction. Also, the Gity has agreed to improve their portion of the street frontage immediately west Df the subject property in conjunction with improvement of the Dow Corning frontage. See the letter to Mike Kelly, Director of Public Works from Tom Freeman, Plant Engineer dated July 1 1985 regarding this subject. 5- Electrical service to the proposed structures should be coordinated with S.U.B, Electric Engineering Dept. They will' need specific Electrical demand information to finalize their design for service. When street improvements occur, power poles along the street frontage will require relocation. This will need to be coordinated in the design of the public improvements prior to construction. 6- Submit plans for landscaping and irrigation with the working drawings for building permit purposes. 7- Storm drainage from the site improvements shall be connected to a J box at the North property line prior to making the street crossing. Coordinate this requirement with the City Engineering Division. 8- In compliance with the local fire sprinkler ordinance, both proposed buildings will be provided with fire sprinkler systems. 9- Coordinate specific requirements for identity signs with the City Sign Inspector. 10- Refuse will be periodically colle~ted by a janiorial service. These minutes were transcribed by Lorne Pleger, Board member.