HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/26/2001 Work Session . . . , MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 2001 The Springfield City Council met in Work Session at Springfield City Hall, Jesse Maine Meeting Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, at 5:30 p.m. with Mayor Leiken presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Leiken, and Councilors Ballew, Fitch, Hatfield, Lundberg, Ralston, and Simmons. Also present were City Manager Gino Grimaldi, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Attorney Joe Leahy, City Recorder Kim Krebs, and members of staff. Commissioner Bill Dwyer attended to present a check to Mayor Leiken in the amount of $485,678.71 for the funding of the Road Partnerships. 1. Budget Committee Interviews. Finance Director Bob Duey was present for the staff report. He said the Budget Committee has a vacancy in Ward 1 due to the term expiration ofTeny Beyer. He said the person appointed would serve a three-year term, which would expire on December 31,2004. The Committee also has a vacancy in Ward 2 due to the term expiration of Alisa Carrillo. The person appointed would serve a three-year term, which would expire on December 31,2004. Mr. Duey said in response to a news release on November 1, 2001, no applications were received for the Ward 1 position, and three applications were received for the Ward 2 position. Applications were received from Mary Ausmus, Maureen Sicotte (no longer in Ward 2 by the new ward boundary map), and Hillary Anita Larsen-Wylie. He said the council is requested to interview the three Ward 2 applicants, and appoint the candidate selected. The appointment is scheduled for ratification at the regular session meeting on December 3, 2001. He said the appointing of Budget Committee members by Ward is strictly a Council Operating Policy. He said it is at Council discretion whether the new ward boundaries would apply prior to the ordinance being adopted sometime after the first of the year. He said based on the lack of applications and the renewed interest in applying, he would recommend re-advertising for the Ward 1 position. Councilor Simmons said as long as the Ward boundaries are not going to change with the County adoption, he would favor appointing candidates from the Springfield approved boundaries. He would suggest that the Ward 1 position be re-advertised. City Attorney Joe Leahy said this is not a legal question, staff felt that since the budget process would not begin until after the ward boundaries have been adopted, it is clearly council policy and rules and necessity. After further discussion, council consensus was to interview tonight the Ward 2 applicants, and to not accept Ms. Sicotte application because she is now in Ward 3. They recommended the Ward 1 position be re-advertised and filled the first part of 2002. The council discussed the interview questions and decided on the following: . . . . Springfield City Council Work Session - November 26,2001 Page - 2 · Please discuss why you are interested I n serving on the City's Budget Committee? · What do you feel are the most crucial service priorities for the City of Springfield? What municipal services are the least crucial? . Measure 50 has resulted in less funding for services. As a Budget Committee member, what steps would you favor for helping the City respond to a decrease in funding while there is an increase in demand for service? · Measure 20-40, the City's serial levy for service enhancements based upon citizen surveys, was defeated at the polls in November of 2000. As a Budget Committee member, what would your suggestion be for how the City should respond to the measure being defeated. · When we are working on the budget some things are brought forward that people feel are important, not everything can be paid for, how hard is it for you to say no, and at prioritizing issues, and could you be fair? The Council interviewed Mary Ausmus. The Council interviewed Hillary Anita Larsen-Wylie. Ms. Larsen-Wylie said being on the L TD Board, she is accustomed to wearing many hats, she said if selected for this position she would bring her loyalty and creativity to whatever committee she would be appointed to. After the applicants left the meeting the council discussed both candidates. Councilor Ballew said both candidates have a lot of investment in the city. She said of the two she would recommend Ms. Ausmus. Councilor Ralston said he would recommend Ms. Larsen-Wylie. Councilor Fitch said both are excellent candidates, but because of where we are at the stages in our balancing of the budget, Ms. Larsen-Wylie has the budget background that she feels is necessary to fulfill the role. Councilor Simmons said technically energy wise Ms. Larsen-Wylie has a lot of value with her financial and technical background, but there is still an issue of citizen participation that is important to the Budget Committee, and said Ms. Ausmus would bring that to the Committee. He would recommend Ms. Ausmus be appointed. Councilor Lundberg said because of where we are in the financial picture, having a citizen representative is important, and feedback she would support Ms. Ausmus. Councilor Hatfield said Ms. Larsen-Wylie brings a tremendous amount of knowledge, she loves Springfield, and would be a tremendous asset to the Budget Committee. He said Ms. Ausmus is a big part of Springfield, her intelligence, knowledge and common sense would be an asset, but because of the financial picture he would recommend Ms. Larsen-Wylie at this time. Mayor Leiken because the Council is split on it's decision he will offer the final vote. He said both are excellent candidates, however based on the reasons earlier stated, he would recommend Springfield City Council Work Session - November 26,2001 Page - 3 . Ms. Larsen-Wylie to serve on the Budget Committee. He said it is an extremely difficult choice. He told Mr. Duey that he would make contact with the applicants and inform them ofthe City Council decision. Mr. Duey said he would prepare the necessary paperwork for ratification of this appointment at the December 3,2001 City Council meeting. He said he would also prepare to re-advertise for the Ward I position after the first of the year. 2. Eugene - Springfield Metropolitan Natural Resources Study. This item was removed from the agenda, and will be brought back to council at it's December 10, 2001 work session. 3. Engineering Design Manual. City Engineer AI Peroutka was present for the staff report. He said a City of Springfield Engineering Design Manual was a customer service need identified from a survey of developers and engineers, developed and administered by the Engineering Division two years ago, and through feedback from a panel of developers organized by Development Services to discuss the development review process. They felt that a written design manual would cut down on the need to go through multiple submittals in order to meet the City's requirements. Development of an Engineering Design Manual has also been a desire of City Engineering staff for a number of years. . Mr. Peroutka said much ofthe manual would be non-controversial, spelling out details of the existing minimum design expectations for street, sewer and drainage infrastructure. However, some ofthe Manual imposes new standards, such as for erosion control planning and design, interim stormwater quality standards, and electronic drafting and as-built acceptance standards, which may generate, some questions and comments during the review by the development community. Mr. Peroutka said staff intends to put this draft out for review within the next week and, depending on the number and type of comments received, may develop drafts for further review. He said ultimately, staff intends to hold a public hearing, and request that the city Council adopt the new standards. Councilor Hatfield said when this is put onto the website, maybe the addition of an executive summary. Mr. Peroutka responded to questions ofthe Council. Mayor Leiken commended staff for their efforts on this issue, hopes that the development community sees this as a good tool and feedback from the developers. Managing projects and providing better service. 4. Bus Rapid Transit (ERT): Pioneer Parkway Work Plan. . Traffic Manager Nick Arnis was present for the staff report. He introduced Graham Carey from LTD. He said the purpose of this work session was to discuss, and provide staff direction for the BRT Pioneer Parkway work plan. . . . I Springfield City Council Work Session - November 26,2001 Page - 4 Mr. Amis said the BRT Steering Committee recommended at it's September 4,2001 meeting to plan for BRT on Pioneer Parkway in Springfield. He said council provided direction to staff on November 5, 2001 to initiate the planning process for Pioneer Parkway and study in the plans a link to Eugene from the Gateway area, connect BRT from the Pioneer Parkway Extension (PPE) to International Way, and install fiber optic conduit on PPE. Staff also recommended that the city work more closely with L TD during the Pioneer Parkway planning process by instituting a management team and a public participation strategy. City and LTD staffhas created a draft Management Plan that includes a Project Management Team and a Public Participation Strategy. A sub group ofthe Project Team will be the Technical Team. The Public participation Strategy involves three main objectives: · One-on-one contact with property owners and businesses by L TD; · Stakeholder working groups; and . Open houses He said the other major pieces of the work plan would come up in the more detailed work plan that would be determined by the Project Management Team. Mayor Leiken commended Councilor Lundberg's leadership in this project. Mr. Arnis responded to questions of the council. Councilor Fitch said she likes the idea of breaking off the stakeholder groups, it makes sense as it asks for a shorter time commitment from members. There was discussion regarding the Game Farm neighbors, and the need for them to be named in the stakeholder groups. Councilor Simmons said the problem he has with the BRT is that we already have a Gateway Refinement Plan, and the need to remain consistent with that Plan City Attorney Joe Leahy responded to questions of the council related to the house purchased by the City on Harlow Road. 5. 11th Street Pilot Proiect. City Engineer Al Peroutka and ChuckGodfried were present for the staff report. Mr. Peroutka said the purpose of this work session was to review the street design concepts, and provide staff with preliminary approvals and direction to work with the 11 th Street neighbors and move forward with the alternate standards improvement (Attachment A - Page 7 - Option 2) as a pilot project. Funding was received in this year's budget out the block grant funding. There was discussion about the criteria used for deciding where the block grant funding would be used. Mr. Peroutka highlighted the information outlined in the Council Briefing Memorandum (Attachment A). Councilor Hatfield said he doesn't object to bump outs at the intersections, but cautioned not to make the streets too narrow. Springfield City Council Work Session - November 26,2001 Page - 5 . Councilor Simmons said the issue of the street width, need to design in a way that meets the water quality needs also. It will increase the traffic flow once it is improved. Councilor Ballew said ifthe street were improved it would be used a lot more. Councilor Ralston asked what would happen if you had parking on only one side of the street? Mr. Peroutka said that would be a discussion that staff would have with the neighborhoods. Mr. Godfried said this is a good pilot project in the water quality issue. He highlighted the Pros and Cons of Option #2: PROS . . . . . . . . . CONS . . . . . . . Provides stormwater infiltration Provides storm water detention Improves stormwater quality by reducing sediments and associated pollutants and oil and grease by biofiltration Reduces impervious blacktop area, thus reducing stormwater flows, heat generation, and pavement construction and maintenance costs Provides traffic calming through narrow street design Potentially an attractive landscape opportunity Perceived increase in traffic safety through calming Potential increased city maintenance costs if property owners do not maintain swale areas Code changes would be needed and risk management issues considered if property owners are encouraged or required to maintain swale areas May become a trash collecting environment and unattractive if not regularly maintained Neighborhood acceptance may be a stumbling block to the project Potential cost to modifY or retrofit the surface drainage part of the project if not successful Some inconvenience to drivers while passing due to yielding behavior required by narrow width street (but this is what causes the pro of traffic calming effect) Perceived reduction in traffic safety from the narrow street width and required yielding. In conclusion a lot of research has been done, he said again this is being proposed as a pilot project. He thanked the council for their review and guidance. He said narrow streets are statistically safer based on per vehicle miles traveled. Q Councilor Ballew asked how deep the swale was? Mr. Godfried said typically they are very subtle. . Councilor Fitch said she likes the concept and idea, but as we begin looking at nodes, neighborhood participation needs to be encouraged. Councilor Ralston asked a technical question related to how the water would drain into the swale. . . . II Springfield City Council Work Session - November 26,2001 Page - 6 Mr. Peroutka and Mr. Godfried responded to the technical questions of the council. Mr. Peroutka said staff is considering some different design concepts to be incorporated into the design of the 1 I th Street Project. He said experience with these concepts may be useful to the city for future infrastructure development, but are non consistent with present design standards. He said some of the design proposals; particularly the proposals to manage road drainage in surface swales and to build a narrower street pavement section will require council approval as an exception to our standards. Councilor Simmons said he has some concerns about the standing water hazard, and does not want to design a system that stands the test, a toddler drowning is an issue of concern. Council Consensus was to proceed with the 11th Street Pilot Project, and make sure there is good neighborhood discussion. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7: 25 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Kim Krebs