HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/22/2001 Work Session . MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 22, 200 I The Springfield City Council met in Work Session at Springfield City Hall, Jesse Maine Meeting Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, on Monday, October 22,2001 at 5:36 p.m. with Council President Hatfield presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Councilor Ballew, Fitch, Hatfield, Lundberg, Ralston, and Simmons. Mayor Leiken was absent, (excused). Also present were City Manager Mike Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Attorney Joe Leahy, City Recorder Kim Krebs, Police Chief Jerry Smith, and members of staff. . I. Historic Commission Application Interviews. Planner II Kitti Gale was present for the staff report. She said the purpose of this work session was conduct interviews of candidates who have applied to fill the vacancy on the Historic Commission, and to select an appointee. She said the Historic Commission has one opening on its seven-member committee due to the resignation of Phillip Garcia, whose term expires on April 30, 2003. She said included in the Council's packet are copies of four candidate applications, however, she received notification on Friday, October 19th, that the fourth applicant Maureen Sicotte has withdrawn her application. She said there are sample interview questions included in the packet. . The council discussed the interview questions, and decided that the following questions would be asked of each applicant: · Why are you interested in serving on the Springfield Historic Commission? · What specialty or skill do you have that would benefit the Springfield Historic Commission? (Knowledge of local history, construction or architecture experience, design skills, real estate experience, planning, archaeology, or others)? · One of the jobs of Historic Commission is to review plans relative to restoration and preservation, what reasonable expectations should the Commission have of property owners regarding restoration of their home? · What role do you think the Historic Commission should play in the community? · If chosen for this position, what would be your top priority or task? · What is the most important obstacle in historic preservation facing Springfield today? The Council interviewed Carol Lee Berger. Councilor Hatfield asked Ms. Berger if she had any questions ofthe Council, Ms. Berger replied no. . Springfield City Council Work Session - October 22,2001 Page - 2 . The Council interviewed Anita Russell. Councilor Hatfield asked Ms. Russell if she had any questions of the Council. Ms. Russell replied no. The Council interviewed John Tuttle. Councilor Hatfield asked Mr. Tuttle ifhe had any questions ofthe Council. Mr. Tuttle said yes, and asked what the Council expected of the selected or chosen candidate. The Council responded to Mr. Tuttle's question. After concluding the applicant interviews, the Council discussed the three candidates, and their responses to the various questions. The Council concurred that all three are excellent candidates, however had some concern related to the balance of Eugene and Springfield residents. After further discussion, the general consensus of the Council was to appoint John Tuttle to the Historic Commission, and said the appointment would be ratified at the November 5th City Council ' meeting. 2. Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Phase I Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA). . Traffic Manager Nick Amis was present for the staff report. Mr. Amis introduced Stefano Viggiano who was in the audience from LTD. He said the City Council and the Lane Transit District (L TD) Board met on May 14, 200 I in a joint work session to identify City issues and concerns related to the Phase 1 project in Springfield, including Glenwood. He said council approved the conceptual design at the May meeting and requested staff create an IGA and bring it to Council for review. He said the proposed IGA is attached to the Agenda Item Summary (AIS), and highlighted the major elements: · Incorporated City Council Objectives based on past work session discussions · Project Issues · Design Coordination . City Review and Approval · Development of Future BR T Corridors Mr. Arnis said Phase 1 ofBRT will be implemented in the City according to accepted City standards and practices generally applied to privately engineered projects. Staff recognizes that BR T is a new transportation concept, and will require more attention to designs, and traffic operations and safety. He said given that this IGA is acceptable, Phase II ofBRT would be presented to council at it's November 5,2001. The council discussed the different elements of the IGA, The Council told Mr. Viggiano how much they appreciated the professional working relationship By concensus council moved forward with the IGA, and looked forward to discussion regarding the Phase II. . Springfield City Council Work Session - October 22, 2001 Page - 3 . 3. League of Oregon Cities Conference - Voting Delegate Designation. City Manager Mike Kelly was present for the staff report. He said the annual League of Oregon Cities (LOC) conference will be held on Sunday, November 11, 2001, at the Eugene Hilton. He said each city is entitled to cast one vote at the business meeting. Therefore, a voting delegate is needed to represent Springfield. The council discussed who would be attending the annual business meeting, and by consensus appointed Councilor Hatfield to be the voting delegate representing the City of Springfield. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:32 pm. Of" Minutes Recorder - Kim Krebs a~ Kim Krebs, CIty Recorder . .