HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/24/2001 Work Session . MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2001 The Springfield City Council met in Work Session at Springfield City Hall, Jesse Maine Meeting Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, at 5:30 p.m., with Mayor Leiken presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Leiken, and Councilors Ballew, Fitch, Hatfield, Lundberg, Ralston and Simmons. Also present were Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Recorder Kim Krebs, City Attorney Joe Leahy, Police Chief Jerry Smith, and members of staff. I. Arts Commission Application Review. Librarian Barbara Thompson was present for the staff report. She said the Arts Commission has an opening.due to the resignation of William Deskin. She said the vacancy was advertised for and one application was received from Mr. Donald Durland. She said the Commission believes Mr. Durland is well qualified to serve. He has met all the requirements necessary to fulfill this role. After discussion, council consensus was to appoint Mr. Durland at it's next regular meeting on October 1, 200 I. . 2. Downtown Parking Permits. Transportation Manager Nick Amis and Dan Brown, Public Works Director was present for the staff report. Mr. Brown said there are currently 34 apartment buildings in the City that require on street parking for their tenants. He said the purpose of this work session was to consider the concept of a parking permit system, which would exempt residents' vehicles from the 2-hour parking restrictions. He said if council wishes to proceed, and direct staff to prepare a resolution establishing the cost and criteria for such permits and an ordinance amending the Springfield Municipal Code to allow such permits. Mr. Brown said this information has been communicated to the Police Department. Mr. Amis directed staffto an overhead photo that displayed the current parking permits (Downtown Exception Area) and highlighted the different areas. . He higWighted the information in the Council Briefing Memorandum. Councilor Ralston asked where the paid parking lots were located. Mr. Arnis highlighted the where the two parking lots were located on the overhead map. Councilor Ballew said downtown merchants are very concerned about storefront parking for their customers. She said for the few people and tenants in question, she isn't sure this is a pressing issue for them. . Springfield City Council Work Session - September 24,2001 Page - 2 . Councilor Simmons said the concept is noble, but questions how this should be enforced. He said there might be some spaces lost in the BR T phase, and some complications because of street sweeping. He also mentioned developing some options that would have less of an impact on the business owners. Councilor Fitch mentioned the municipal lot located on B Street, and the fact that it is underutilized, and that the parking enforcement is from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. only. Councilor Hatfield said he is supportive, especially when we get to future discussions of nodal development and redevelopment. He said we need to find a way of protecting the small business owner, at the same time finding a solution for resident parking. There was discussion about the fact there are not a lot of resources available. Maybe painting some curbs and marking off some spots for special permits, or implement for a pilot project for a year. They discussed the need to be sympathetic to both the resident, downtown merchants, and the business owners. After further discussion council consensus was that this issue is not a high priority. When time allows, suggest staff meet with some of the downtown business owners, research the possibility of issuance of special permit for a fee, possibly painting some additional curbing. Once that research is done, return to council with some recommendations. 3. Review Lane County HE 2142 Priorities. . Transportation Manager Nick Arnis was present for the staff report. He said the purpose of this work session was to review and discuss the Lane County HE 2142 blended metro and rural city list of project priorities, however, that information is not yet available After discussion, council directed Mr. Arnis to return for a brief work session on October 1 st with the information he would be receiving this week. \ 4. Citizen Advisory Library Committee Report to Council. Library Director Bob Russell was present for the staff report. He introduced the Citizen Advisory Library Committee Chair, Al Monce. He said the committee was appointed on June 18th, and Mr. Monce was appointed as Chair, and Jerry Ritter was appointed as Vice-Chair. Mr. Monce summarized the focus of the Committee, and said the findings of the committee are they feel very strongly that the existing hours of operation of the Springfield Library are critical. He highlighted the information contained in Attachment A of the Agenda Item Summary. Mr. Monce highlighted what a Library District is and how that may work for the City of Springfield. He highlighted the many challenges inherent in forming a district, and said in spite of those challenges, the committee recommends to the City Council to pursue the district idea as a ' long-term solution to providing quality public library service to their citizens. Mr. Monce said the Committee recommendations are listed on Attachment A - Page 5, and highlighted those recommendations. . . . . .. Springfield City Council Work Session - September 24,2001 Page - 3 There was discussion regarding the number of hours the current level of service was for the Springfield Public Library. Mr. Russell said the current level of service is 42 hours, and said the standard for a community the size of Springfield is 65 hours a week, open seven days a week. Councilor Simmons asked what the legal issue associated with improvements funded with bonds that have not yet been paid off, but transferred to a Library District. City Attorney Joe Leahy said he would have to research that answer, and get back to the council. There was discussion regarding whether or not it is an appropriate time to address another levy related to library services. The Council discussed whether or not there is any other mechanism that could be used other than an operating levy. After further discussion, council consensus was to explore the library district option. Council directed staffto evaluate the steps necessary for a metro plan change in order to create a special district. Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi said this is a topic that needs to be evaluated more closely when the budget process begins, and said that process will begin at the same time as the council goal setting session is to be scheduled. Councilor Ballew requested that staff prepare some type of generic timeline that would outline each step necessary to achieve a metro plan change. Mr. Russell said the Boundary Commission has provided him a timeline, and would provide a copy of that to the members of the council. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:35 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Kim Krebs ~ Kim ~bS' City Re order