HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/17/2001 Work Session , # . MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2001 The Springfield City Council met in work session at Springfield City Hall, Jesse Maine Meeting' Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, on Monday, September 17,2001, at 6:15 p.m., with Mayor Leiken presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Leiken, Councilors Ballew, Fitch, Hatfield, Lundberg, Ralston, and Simmons. Also present were City Manager Mike Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Attorney Tim Harold, City Recorder Kim Krebs, Police Chief Jerry Smith, Finance Director Bob Duey, and members of staff. I. Asset Forfeiture Ordinance. Police ChiefJerry Smith was present for the staff report. He said the purpose of this work session is to provide the council with background information related to the proposed ordinance. He said a public hearing and first reading of the ordinance is scheduled for the regular session later in the evening. . Chief Smith said that the State Legislature passed Ballot Measure 3 in November 2000, which became effective for all asset forfeiture cases adjudicated after December 7, 2000. He said the measure changed the rules affecting the management of funds received from civil forfeiture. Specifically, assets may notbe forfeited until the owner of the property is convicted and the property is found by clear and convincing evidence to be instrumental in committing or facilitating the crime. He said proceeds from forfeitures shall not be used for law enforcement purposes after liens are paid, up to 25% of remainder in each case may be paid for actual and reasonable cost of the forfeiture proceeding to include attorney's fees, storage, maintenance, and disposition of the property. After costs, 7% ofthe forfeited assets must be paid to the State Department of Environmental Quality and 3% of the forfeited assets must be paid to the State Asset Oversight Committee. He said the balance of forfeited assets after costs must be used for drug treatment unless the law provides another disposition. Chief Smith said Measure 3 specifically prohibits the use of these proceeds by law enforcement. As a result of this legislation, $76,000 of general fund monies is currently budgeted for Springfield's share of the Inter Agency Narcotics Enforcement Team (INET) operations in FY 01-02. He said civil forfeiture assets from !NET would be distributed to the member agencies on a periodic basis. He said that the Springfield Police Department is also involved in Civil Asset Forfeiture independent ofINET activities. Chief Smith provided some historical information, and highlighted information outlined in the Council Briefmg Memorandum attached to the Agenda Item Summary. The Council asked Finance Director Bob Duey what the level and degree of segregation of the INET funds have been in the past. Mr. Duey said INET funds have not been tracked separately in the past, and said in order to track them more efficiently; he would suggest adding a separate revenue fund. . Springfield City Council Work Session - September 17,2001 Page - 2 . 2. Grant Writing Proposal. Finance Director Bob Duey was present for the staff report. He said the purpose of this work session was to seek guidance from council regarding whether or not to maintain the current level of grant activity at the city, or whether to pursue committing additional resources towards the effort of increasing grants awarded. Mr. Duey said a potential element in the development of a long-term financial plan for the city is the inclusion of a grant-writing program. He said the city's future involvement in being awarded grants could range from the acceptance of entitlement grants only, to a more aggressive approach supported by a fully funded in-house position or through an outside contract. Mr. Duey highlighted the information contained in Attachment I - Council Briefing Memorandum, which included three separate options: · Option I - Continue the current level of grant research and writing as currently done. · Option 2 - Increase the resources committed to grant research and writing that would allow the city staff to more aggressively pursue the government and private foundation competitive grants. · Option 3 - Increase the resources committed to grant research and writing by contracting with an outside firm that specializes in this area. Mr. Duey responded to questions of the council related to the three options presented. . After further discussion council consensus was to have staff contact Lane Council of Governments (LCOG), to determine what grant writing research and assistance they could provide. Once that information is obtained, return to council with the information and look at Option 2 or 3. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:59 p.m. , Minutes Recorder - Kim Krebs ~ Kim Kreb;~ .