HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/16/2001 Regular . MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SPRlNGFIELD CITY COUNCIL, HELD ON MONDAY, JULY 16,2001 The Springfield City Council met in Regular Session at Springfield City Hall, City Council Chambers, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, on Monday July 16, 200 I, at 7: 10 p.m., with Mayor Leiken presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Leiken, Councilors Ballew, Fitch, Hatfield (present via conference telephone), Lundberg, Ralston, and Simmons. Also present were City Manager Mike Kelly, City Recorder Kim Krebs, City Attorney Joe Leahy, City Attorney MegKieran, and members of staff. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Leiken. SPRINGFIELD UPBEAT 1. City Manager Mike Kelly recognized Police Chief Jerry Smith for his 30 years of service to the City of Springfield. 2. Mayor Leiken proclaimed the week of August 18 - 25,2001 as Square Dance Week. . CONSENT CALENDAR IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR FITCH WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR BALLEW TO APPROVE THE CONSENT CALENDAR. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND I ABSTAIN (LUNDBERG). 1. Claims a. Approve the June 2001 Disbursements for Approval. 2. Minutes 3. Resolutions a. RESOLUTION NO. 01-49 - A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO A WARD COMPETITIVE BIDS AMOUNTING TO MORE THAN $15.000 DURING THE PERIOD OF AUGUST I. 2001. TO SETPEMBER 9.2001. WHILE THE COUNCIL IS IN RECESS. b. RESOLUTION NO. 01-50 - A RESOLUTION REGARDING ROOM TAX ALLOCATION. 4. Ordinances 5. Other Routine Matters . Minutes of the Springfield City Council Regular Meeting - July 16,2001 Page - 2 . a. Authorize the City Manager to Approve the Purchase of Six Additional Defibrillator Units from Zoll Medical Corporation for $118,722. b. Award Subject Contract, Project P20236, 2001 Slurry Seal Project, Various Locations, to Asphalt Maintenance Associates, Inc., in the Amount of $136,006.77. c. Award Subject Contract, Project P20237, 2001 Crack Seal Project, Various Locations, to Asphalt Maintenance Associates, Inc., in the Amount of$1O,013.76. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Public Hearing and Adoption of an Ordinance and a Resolution Amending Fees. ORDINANCE NO. 5986 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AMENDING ARTICLE L "SPRINGFIELD BUILDING CODE ADMINISTRATNE CODE" OF THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT/ COMMUNITY SERVICES DIVISION "BUILDING SAFETY CODES." AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. RESOLUTION NO. 01-51- A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AMENDING MASTER SCHEDULE OF RATES, PERMITS. LICENSES. AND OTHER FEES AND CHARGES AS ESTABLISHED BY THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE. AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. . Dave Puent was present for the staff report. Mr. Puent said the fee increase before the council tonight is for the mechanical, structural, electrical and plumbing specialty codes that are enforced within the city limits of the City of Springfield, and the urban growth boundary. He said that in late 1999 the City Budget Committee and the City Council directed staff to review all fees and charges for a greater percentage of cost recovery. He said it is the goal of the staff that the increases will provide 100% cost recovery. Councilor Ballew asked if staff was planning to schedule an annual review of these types of fees, in order to avoid such a dramatic increase in the future? Mr. Puent said yes. Mayor Leiken opened the public hearing. No one appeared to speak. Mayor Leiken closed the public hearing. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR FITCH WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR BALLEW TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 5986. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR FITCH WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR BALLEW TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 01-51. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. . Minutes of the Springfield City Council Regular Meeting - July 16,2001 Page - 3 . 2. A Resolution Initiating Annexation of Certain Territory to the City of Springfield and Requesting an Expedited Process before the Boundary Commission. Arlie & Company, Applicant, Journal Number 2001-04-0083. RESOLUTION NO. 01-52 - A RESOLUTION INITIATING ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AND REQUESTING THAT THE LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION APPROVE THE ANNEXATION REQUEST BY EXPEDITED PROCESS. Jim Donovan was present for the staff report. Mr. Donovan said the applicant requests Annexation under the double majority statute. The property owners and the majority ofthe elector's signatures are attached to the proposed resolution. He said the acreage is adjacent to the other 94 acres annexed by the applicant approximately one month ago. Mayor Leiken opened the public hearing. No one appeared to speak. Mayor Leiken closed the public hearing. . IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR FITCH WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR BALLEW TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 01-52. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. 3. Revised Ordinance Provisions for Civil Enforcement of Code Infractions Act. ORDINANCE. NO. 5987 - AN ORDINANCE IMPLEMENTING PROPOSED REVISIONS TO CIVIL ENFORCEMENT OF CODE INFRACTIONS ACT, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. City Attorney Meg Kieran was present for the staff report. She said this ordinance is designed to eliminate a procedure in the old Code Infraction Act that required an informal conference, and was rarely used by the Code Enforcement Officer. It also created a stumbling block for effective enforcement of the city codes and ordinances, and imposed a requirement that the Code Enforcement Officer or the City Manager find a threat to public welfare prior to implementing an enforcement action. The new procedure includes a prior written notice option awarding a citation and then an infraction complaint into the Springfield Municipal Court, which allows for a hearing prior to any violation having been found. This allows the Code Enforcement Officer to act quickly to abate successive and ongoing violations. There is an added section imposition of nuisance liens when there is a conviction for violation of a code infraction. The city would then be allowed to file a lien on the real property in the same manner that it does for the Fire Department for their grass and weed program. She said staff does not anticipate having to use this lien process unless the Municipal Court is unsuccessful in collecting the fine. . Minutes of the Springfield City Council Regular Meeting - July 16,2001 Page - 4 . Councilor Simmons asked for clarification of the legislative intent regarding the wording of the proposed ordinance attachment 4-3, paragraph 3, .. . Additional parts may be inserted for administrative purposes by those charged with the enforcement of the ordinances and code. Ms. Kieran said those additional parts would identify additional violations or information that would be helpful to the alleged violator in cleaning up the nuisance or infraction. Additional parts being inserted, means additional language could be added that could help provide the violator with information to remedy the problem. Councilor Simmons spoke about a violation that had been discussed at a previous meeting related to parking. He said he drove by the property in question, and said it was clearly not anything that is different than any of the other properties do in that area. He said he is concerned about giving a great deal of latitude in the discussion component. Ms. Kieran said the language in question is not a change from the prior ordinance. She said this is not to be read as an expansion of the discretion in terms of the citation or the conduct. City Attorney Joe Leahy said the goal ofthis language must be read in light of the first sentence that relates to the form of the citation, and not the substance of the citation. Mayor Leiken opened the public hearing. No one appeared to speak. . Mayor Leiken closed the public hearing. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR FITCH WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR BALLEW TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 5987. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE 1. Allen Shirk. Jessica & 69th. Springfield. Mr. Shirk said he has properties at 5495 N. A Street, and has been investing in apartments in that area. He said they are in a major drug zone, and wants to propose a drug ordinance similar to what the City of Portland have in force. He said 5495 N. A is one of the worst environments for drugs, and said this type of ordinance would help a lot. Mayor Leiken advised the Council that he met with Mr. and Mrs. Shirk along with Chief Smith approximately 3 weeks ago. He said at that time he and the Chief advised them that a drug free zone in the downtown area is being discussed. However, because there has not been a public hearing process on the proposal, once something is established in the downtown area, and it becomes a goal of the Council to continue the zone to outlying areas of the city. Mayor Leiken thanked Mr. Shirk for coming to speak before the council, and thanked him for his continued hard work in his neighborhood. Councilor Ballew said she at times attends the neighborhood watch meetings, and said these organizations seem to work well, and suggested to Mr. Shirk to look into that also. . Minutes of the Springfield City Council Regular Meeting - July 16, 2001 Page - 5 . Councilor Simmons said he received a letter from the Shirks, and provided his copy to the City Recorder to make copies for the rest of the Council. He said as staff is working on the downtown ordinance, he would like to see some data developed on the activities that have occurred at this site. He said it is important to give priority to the downtown area, however this definitely needs to be visited after the council recess to see if this particular area can be targeted. Councilor Lundberg asked Councilor Simmons as a member of the Police Planning Task Force (PPTF), whether this was a subject that the PPTF is going to address? She said there are particular areas within the city that there are many problems. She said the focus at this time is in the downtown area, but sometimes these problems are in a more concentrated area, and that maybe there is another strategy that can be reviewed. . 2. A. David Rodriguez. 87984 Heather Drive. Springfield. He said he didn't get much response the last time he was here, and said he will just keep coming back. He said before coming down to the Council meeting he was able to observe a couple of otter's corral a bunch of trout against the bank, and said that was an incredible site. He said this is the kind of thing he would like to be able to talk about in the future when he addresses the council. He provided a copy of his written speech to the City Recorder, and said he would not be able to get through everything he wants to say. He said he is the founder of the Oregon Rivers Museum (ORM). Once a thriving multi-million dollar endeavor that easily could have become the most popular visitor and education facility in the Northwest. He said he gave everything to see this wonderful dream occur, and lost everything in the process. So good an idea, that certain community leaders ultimately did what they could to steal or even destroy the dream. While he continues to fight for this dream because ofthe rivers of Oregon deserve such a facility, those who tried to steal the dream can hide in obscurity. As the individual directly responsible for Springfield's Official City symbol, which is the McKenzie drift boat, today he has become ashamed of the city government because of it's prior actions, as well as other actions in the city. He wishes that wasn't the case, he feels reluctant to say all he wants to say on that topic. He said Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi feels that this city has no responsibility for what happened to ORM. He said that is a crock, because City Attorney Tim Harold and his calculated role of conducting a well documented mediation, which ultimately was designed to remove him, was a crucial damaging event to ORM and to himself. He has the documents put in a safe place that proves this. He said that event was well publicized, and he suffered the loss of his reputation. He said the city has seen the results over the last few years. Mr. Rodriguez said he hopes each of the council reads his letter. . 3. Eric Gossler. 1150 Weaver Rd. Springfield. Said he is president of the Rural Thurston Neighborhood Association. The majority of the members live outside the city limits. They have some concerns about some of the proposed development of 66th street to nnd Street area. He said on April 23rd there was a meeting that pertained to development within the flood plain, and Mr. Greg Mott discussed those issues. He said they have had a number of applicants's come in since then. He said they entered a mediated settlement with the City of Springfield pertaining to the Levy Landing housing development. In that agreement, the City signed off and agreed to hold public meetings with the Rural Thurston and or neighborhood groups to discuss the existing policies and potential policies for potential development within the flood plain. He said the agreement was signed on April 23, 2000, and as ofthis date no meetings have taken place. He said Minutes of the Springfield City Council Regular Meeting - July 16, 2001 Page - 6 . within that time there is now another applicant within the same area that is proposing to build another 30 houses within the flood plain. Mr. Gossler said in addition, they had a meeting with the City last week and their response was that they were directed not to meet with them based on Measure 7 passing, and that they would not be able to address that issue. He said they want to see a better response to the mediated settlement agreement signed by Mr. Kelly, and to see ifthe process can be jump-started as it relates to the flood plain development issues. Mr. Gossler said another issue on the council agenda tonight is the Metro Plan Facilities Plan, he is outside the city and said cedar creek flows through their area. He said there are seven projects included in the Metro Plan document that address using cedar creek as a dumping zone for the storm water for most of east Thurston. He said this is fairly new to him, just saw the documents last week said this needs to be examined further in order to allow them an opportunity to provide input. Development Services Director Cynthia Pappas was present for response to Mr. Gossler. Ms. Pappas said the members of the Rural Thurston Neighborhood group did meet with her staff last week, and at the advise of the City Attorney she excused herself from that discussion because she resides within the Rural Thurston Neighborhood. She said Mr. Gossler is correct, the City did execute a mediated settlement agreement on the Levy Landing subdivision, and he is correct, the City has not met with the neighbors during that period of time. She hopes to rectify that very soon, she said there staff has scheduled a time to return to the council with a work program on the flood plain development Issues. . Councilor Hatfield asked Ms. Pappas to make him aware of when the meeting will be scheduled with the Rural Neighborhood group, and said if he is able to he would like to attend. Mr. Leahy said Ms. Pappas' assessment was correct. Mayor Leiken asked that staff provide the council updated with information related to this issue, and asked Mr. Leahy to provide them with information as it relates to Measure 7. Councilor Simmons said it will be important that they look at this carefully because as the Watershed Council deals with those issues, cedar creek will be playing a very important role in the aquatic habitat in that area. He said Mr. Gossler has been kind enough to allow work to be done on his property with the watershed Council's efforts, in addition to work being done down stream. ORDINANCES 1. Article 28 Hospital Support Overlay District as Established in the Springfield Development Code - Journal Number 2001-05-0112. . ORDINANCE NO. 5988 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AMENDING ARTICLE 28 HOSPITAL SUPPORT OVERLAY DISTRICT SECTION 28.040. 28.050 AND 28.060 AS ESTABLISHED IN THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE. Minutes of the Springfield City Council Regular Meeting - July 16,2001 Page - 7 . Mr. Oberst was present for the staff report. He said a public hearing was conducted two weeks ago on this issue, at that time changes were proposed by the council, and are now incorporated in the Ordinance language. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR FITCH WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR BALLEW TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 5988. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. BUSINESS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL 1. Committee Appointments. 2. Business from the Council. a. Councilor Fitch said she received some very good news last week regarding Lane Transit District (LTD) being named in the Senates Appropriation, and will be receiving the 4 million dollars for the Springfield downtown station. We will have our end of the link for the BRT. Councilor Fitch said it was much harder doing the Mayor's job than she thought, and thanked Mayor Leiken for being back and said he was missed. . Councilor Simmons said the PPTF had to complete some minor housekeeping as it relates to their Bylaws. Councilor Simmons said a report from the Watershed Council revealed that the East Lane Soil Water and Conservation District is proposing a tax base which may very well be a part of the total cap under the tax measures. He said information needs to be obtained from them and forwarded to the City Attorney for his review. He reported on the bulge up by the South Sister, they have identified C02 plume, they have done flow analysis of what would happen if it did come down the river. He said the earthquake levels have subsided a little, but there is definitely activity in the area, and is doing water monitoring to determine if there is adverse impact on the fishery in the area. He said he doesn't want to alarm anyone, but wants to make sure the council is aware that there is volcanic activity in the Three Sisters Wilderness Area that may very well impact us at some point in the future. He also said a grant has been submitted for part ofthe Oxbow Natural Area, and it looks like there might be funding available in the process to perform some restoration work in the Natural Area. Councilor Ballew said the Charter Committee continues to meet, and wanted to make the council aware that it may require a meeting of the council some time during their recess to discuss the possibility of forwarding on to the voters for the . November 2001 election. Councilor Hatfield reported he is feeling stronger, and IS being treated very well. . Councilor Lundberg reports that the Human Services Commission met today and they finalized a budget. She said the only item of significance is the state homeless funding Minutes of the Springfield City Council Regular Meeting - July 16, 2001 Page - 8 . formulas are being changed. She said it will make significant changes in human services at some point in time, and said the two counties that are adversely affected the most are Lane and Multnomah County. She said Willamalane received a $150,000 state grant to build the skate park. She said these funds put them half way to building a skate park at Willamalane Park. Councilor Ralston reported on the Lane Regional Air Pollution Authority (LRAPA). He said Monaco is still receiving a lot of complaints about air quality. He said future topics of discussion will include updates on the state nuisance rules, and alternate energy sources. Mayor Leiken said he was on vacation during the week of July 4th. He thanked Councilor Fitch for being a part of the Special Olympic opening ceremony on his behalf. He said he returned to hear the good news about the L TD Station. He said that news brings approximately 5 million dollars of federal monies coming to Springfield. He said this has been a team effort, and said he appreciates all the hard work of the council in addition to his predecessor Mayor Weathers. BUSINESS FROM THE CITY MANAGER 1. Lane County Jail Contract. . Finance Director Bob Duey was present for the staff report. He said the city's current two-year agreement with Lane County for the confinement of City of Springfield prisoners in the Lane County Adult Correction Facility expires on June 30, 2002. The current agreement calls for a cost adjustment in the second year based upon: · Rate for direct personnel costs is to be based on a projected 2% Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA). Adjustment of the COLA to actual to be included when Lane County Peace Officers Association labor contract bargaining is concluded; · Rate for direct material and service costs is to be based on a projected 3% COLA. Adjustment of COLA to actual to be concluded upon FY 02 budget appropriations; and · Direct cost of current cost centers, modifications and/or additions thereto including clothing, personnel, telephone, insurance, information services, County overhead, PC replacement and office supplies. Mr. Duey said the contract continues to reserve five beds for the City's use and identifies a daily rate of $79.25 per bed. He said the current contract for five beds is $118,004.50, and will increase to $114,631.25, which result is an increase of22.5%. There was discussion regarding the amount of the increase. Mayor Leiken said in looking at the increase the County and the Sheriff don't have to continue wondering why they get questioned constantly on their budgets. . Councilor Simmons said while this is probably an equitable agreement, it is more than he thinks the City is obliged to pay, and he will be voting no as a symbolic protest. Minutes of the Springfield City Council Regular Meeting - July 16, 2001 Page - 9 . IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR FITCH WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR BALLEW TO APPROVE THE ADDENUM TO THE INMATE HOUSING AGREEMENT WITH THE LANE COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT, EFFECTNE JUY 1,2001, AND ENDING JUNE 30, 2002. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 1 AGAINST (SIMMONS). 2. Discussion and Decision Regarding Proposed Amendments to the Draft Eugene- Springfield Metropolitan Area Public Facilities and Services Plan and Related Metro Plan Amendments (Jo. No. 2000-12-0243). Mark Metzger was present for the staff report. He introduced Jim Croteau from the City of Eugene, and Jeff Crook from Lane Council of Governments (LCOG). They have been actively involved with the development ofthe Eugene Springfield Public Facilities and Services Plan. Mr. Metzger referred council to Attachment 1-1 Council Briefing Memorandum and highlighted the information contained in the memorandum. He highlighted the six changes that are being recommended. Councilor Ballew asked if the waste water and storm water definitions were consistent with MWMC and also Public Works needs. Mr. Metzger said yes they were approved definitions. . Councilor Simmons said as an observation in the electrical facilities component, there is no mention of the generation facility on South A Street. He asked if that means it doesn't exist, or does it mean he has some lawful authority to go to protest because it isn't on the list? Mr. Metzger said this map and plan were put together before that facility was brought on line, and he was not able to respond as to the status ofthe project. Councilor Simmons said there are the diesel generators plus there are the purchased natural gas generators that are going to be sited there. He said this is a case of a facility that not only generates value for us, helps offset market cost in electricity, and creates air pollution that isn't even noted in the plan. He said if you can get into your vehicle and drive over to the site and there is work being done and permits being granted by the City to install that work, than those kinds of facilities have a significant impact on the environment, and they should be within the plan. Mr. Metzger said the project was brought on line recently, and this plan deals with future facilities, in the same way we talked about storm water facilities, and projects that are 5, 10, and 20 years out. He said the Springfield Utility Board (SUB) did the same kind of process in identifYing their needed future facilities. Having brought this facility on line as kind of an emergency measure, he isn't sure whether that would be appropriate to include in the plan or not. Councilor Simmons said this hasn't been adopted, and asked if Springfield was the last phase in the adoption process? . . Minutes of the Springfield City Council Regular Meeting - July 16, 2001 Page -10 . Mr. Metzger said we are just talking about adopting the changes that are proposed as a follow-up to the April 4th meeting. He said this whole issue will come back to the Council again once Lane County and the City of Eugene have adopted these same changes, and then we will all be on the same page. Councilor Simmons said there is a page missing from the document, and before an affirmative vote is taken in September, this should be included in the plan. Councilor Ralston said the facility in question is a temporary facility. He feels we should address in the plan the potential that the facility might operate longer. There was discussion regarding how long this facility might be operating. There was question whether it was temporary or long term. Mr. Metzger said he will follow up on this issue. Councilor Hatfield said he agrees with Councilor Simmons that the facility on South A needs to be sited as electrical generation, even if it is temporary. . Mr. Croteau City of Eugene said electrical facilities are not under state law a required part of a Public Facility Plan. He said in this area there has been a decision to do that as something that makes good planning sense, because there are two electrical utilities. He said in listening to the discussion, he would also note that there are three other power generation facilities in the metro area that are not on the maps. He does not know why none ofthem are not on the maps, but those include the EWEB steam plan, which also has a natural gas boiler, the University of Oregon plant which has a boiler that generates some electricity, and also the Weyerhaeuser Co generation plant in Springfield. He said if the council would like to have all those facilities shown that can be done, but again there isn't any reason to do it by state law. Councilor Hatfield said if we don't have to have electrical facilities on the plan, then we shouldn't have electrical facilities in the plan. Ifwe are going to put electrical facilities into the plan for planning purposes, he agrees that we should, then we should be at least complete in what we do. Councilor Ballew said she would disagree, if you don't have to list them then don't. Councilor Fitch said there are some very qualified technical staff members that she would suggest take this back under advisement, and either decide to pull all the electrical or include all the electrical, and return in September with a recommendation. She suggested staff debate the merits of both prior to coming back to the council. . Planning Manager Greg Mott said the Development Code does make a distinction in all the districts that there are such things as minor and major incidental and significant public utility facilities. He said we do identify sub-stations and transmission lines, and those are defined. He said if they aren't in the Public Facilities Plan, then they have to go through a Type III review process. He said if we don't continue to include electrical facilities in the PFP we will need to do something with respect to the Development Code, because that process is included and it works. His suggestion would be if we consider them major Minutes of the Springfield City Council Regular Meeting - July 16, 2001 Page - 11 . public utility facilities than we should continue to treat them with the Type III review so that there continues to be a public process. Or we may go through a more formal process and include them in the PFP in which there would be a broader public service and public participation provided in that process. Similar to what Council is doing tonight, they are reviewing requests from staff to amend the PFP, which would be completely consistent for Council to make a further amendment to what is included in the PFP by saying you want these electrical transmission lines, and sub-stations and potential generation plants included in the Plan. If not, then we would process them as a Type III. Mr. Leahy said it makes sense to include the facilities into the plan so you don't have to treat every one as a land use action as it goes through the process, and people can have some idea how things are planned. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR FITCH, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR BALLEW TO APPROVE THE PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE EUGENE- SPRINGFIELD METROPOLITAN AREA PUBLIC FACILITIES AND SERVICES PLAN AS A REFINEMENT PLAN TO THE EUGENE-SPRINGFIELD METROPOLITAN AREA GENERAL PLAN AND RELATED METRO PLAN AMENDMENTS. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. BUSINESS FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY There was none. . ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:27 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Kim Krebs .