HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/18/2001 Regular -' . . MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD ON MONDAY, JUNE 18,2001 The Springfield City Council met in Regular Session at Springfield City Hall, City Council Chambers, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, on Monday, June 18, 2001, at 7:00 p.m., with Mayor Leiken presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Leiken, Councilors Ballew, Fitch, Hatfield, Lundberg, and Simmons. Councilor Ralston absent (excused). Also present were City Manager Mike Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Recorder Kim Krebs, City Attorney Joe Leahy, and members of staff. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Leiken led the Pledge of Allegiance. SPRINGFIELD UPBEAT 1. Mayor Leiken Proclaimed the Week of August 18 - 25,2001 as Square Dance Week. 2. City Manager Mike Kelly recognized Diana Chappell, Fire and Life Safety, for ten years of service to the City of Springfield. . 3. Mr. Kelly recognized Reino Linden, Fire and Life Safety, for thirty years of service to the City of Springfield. CONSENT CALENDAR IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR HATFIELD, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR FITCH TO APPROVE THE CONSENT CALENDAR. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. 1. Claims 2. Minutes a. Apri123, 2001 - Work Session b. May 14,2001- Joint Work Session 3. Resolutions . a. RESOLUTION NO. 01-42 - A RESOLUTION TO ACCPET PROJECT P20156 FROM WILDISH CONSTRUCTION CO.. IN THE AMOUNT OF $469.653.15. b. RESOLUTION NO. 01-43 - A RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT PERMIT PROJECT P30142: SWEETBRIAR VILLA (E STREET EAST OF 61 ST STREET) PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. Minutes of the Springfield City Council Regular Meeting - June 18,2001 Page - 2 . 4. Ordinances 5. Other Routine Matters a. A ward Bid Acceptance to Eugene Sand & Gravel, Inc., in the amount of $60,621.90, for Project P20228: Mill Street overlay from Centennial Boulevard to Fairview Drive; and Fairview Drive from MilIto Water Streets, and Vicinity. b. Approve endorsement of OLCC Liquor License Appliqation for the Village Inn Restaurant and Lounge located at 1875 Mohawk Blvd., Springfield, Oregon. c. Approve endorsement of OLCC Liquor License Application for shakers Bar & Grill, located at 1195 Main Street, Springfield, Oregon. d. Approve the May 2001 Disbursements for Approval. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. McKenzie River Oxbow Natural Area Master Plan Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 01-44 - A RESOLUTION RECOGNIZING THE MCKENZIE RIVER OXBOW NATURAL AREA MASTER PLAN AS THE MANAGEMENT DIRECTIVE FOR CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY OWNED BY THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. . Planner Colin Stephens present for the staff report. He said it is with great pleasure that he is able to present the McKenzie River Oxbow Natural Area Master Plan. He said this was a culmination of over a year's participation and hard work from a wide spectrum of affected agencies, and organizations and site users. He said to prepare this document the Councils vision for the property was refined by Mayors Task Force into a master plan that contains the policies that will enable that vision to become a reality. He said what the Council is asked to do now, is to recognize the Plan as the management directive for the property. He said the resolution directs city staff to make decision that complies with the plan when making future decisions on the site. He said the Plan has already proven to be a catalyst for forming partnerships in the community. He referred to Attachment 3 to the Agenda Item Summary (AIS) a letter from McKenzie River Trust. He said they are interested in partnering with the City in forming some enhancement restoration work on approximately 50 acres of the more environmentally sensitive portions ofthe property. He has also had contact from other members of the community and organizations who are very excited about this project. He said he feels more of these types of partnerships will be developed during the implementation stages of the Plan. Mr. Stephens said after the Council packets went out last Thursday, he received some additional testimony that he would like to incorporate into the record from Pam White who is the Mayor's Task Force representative from Weyerhaeuser. He said he has spoken to City Attorney Joe Leahy and he has indicated that council can move forward on the resolution this evening, with the understanding that those comments will be incorporated into the Plan before it goes for it's final printing. . Councilor Ballew said this represents a park, and said the City is not in the park business. She said she understood we received a grant to perform some master planning for this area, but she Minutes of the Springfield City Council Regular Meeting - June 18, 2001 Page - 3 . also thought when that was done, the City was going to turn this property over to someone like Willamalane, or someone who was in the business of parks. She said she knows the land was gifted to the City, and asked if there was any restriction in our turning the property over to someone else. Mr. Stephens said staff took that directive from the Council and conducted discussions with the Willamalane staff as well as their Board. He said they are very excited about this project. He said there is opportunity to partner with Willamalane. He said he does not think there are policies in the Plan that would preclude the City from turning the property over to someone else. Mr. Kelly said Councilor Ballew is correct, the property was specifically gifted to the City, and does not know of any restrictions. He said the property was gifted to the City in lieu of others because they felt that there would be a community process that would determine the best use of the property. He said the City has jurisdiction over that site now, and once the Master Plan is adopted as proposed, or amended, then the City would be able to seek partnerships with the different interested agencies. He said he would encourage Council as staff seeks those partnerships to have discussions about a performance based agreement with whoever the City sells or donate, or gift to, orhave a long-term lease, regarding their obligations to develop it consistent with the Master Plan elements, including a timeline. He said those discussions have not happened yet. The purpose tonight was to develop a Master Plan, and then at that point seek . long-term relationship with people who wish to lease or own, or develop. He said that would be the next step. . Mr. Leahy said for clarification, this is not a master plan as master plan is defined in the Springfield Development Code. He said this is not a zone, it is simply a plan and direction to staff. He said when he talked to staff about this prior to bringing to Council, it was made very clear to him by Development Service staff that what the purpose of this Plan is Council's direction right now on what to do and where to go, and how to treat it. He said if Council wishes to change it, they can do so next week. If a better idea comes up, staff would bring it back to Council to make the modifications or changes as it directs. He said this is property the City owns. This is a stewardship program. It is not a re~zone, nor is it a master plan that couldn't be changed. As the owner of this property, Council is directing staff how they want this property taken care of now while they still own it. It doesn't preclude changes, nor does it preclude Councilor Ballew's idea and direction staff to make some further changes. Mr. Leahy said there have been some discussions with Weyerhaeuser, they would like to be allowed some input for the development of any permanent naming of the area or park, and in the signage. He said Council is not naming the facility now, nor the signage. Staff will return to Council when that issue needs to be addressed. Councilor Lundberg said she agreed, she said at some point in time we will need to have another discussion as to further discuss what we might do with this property. She understands it is in a stewardship process, but wants to see the bigger picture as to what the future will bring to this property. Councilor Ballew said in terms of staff time, and we don't really have the finances to do the. . Councilor Simmons said the issue is the Forest Service fmanced the grant to the City for financing this portion of the work. He said he thinks the City also has a legal obligation to reference Weyerhaeuser in the naming of the deed. There may be a number of organizations to Minutes of the Springfield City Council Regular Meeting - June 18, 2001 Page - 4 . assist with the funding, and WiUamalane has expressed an Interest to work cooperatively with the City. Also complications of pollution in the area, the well fields, power lines, and the area of wetland litigation that has been just recently identified. Another agency that is willing to take this on needs to look closely at all these issues. We must consider the value that this piece of property has in the storm water management. He commended City staff, the Mayor's Task Force and Satre Associates for the outstanding job they did to accomplish this plan. Mayor Leiken opened the public hearing. 1. George Grier 532 Olive Street, Eugene, said he is the President of the McKenzie River Trust. He said the trust is an ll-year-old land conservancy, and serves aU of Lane and Douglas County. He said their initial focus was in the McKenzie area. He said is speaking in support as a member of the Mayor's Task Force the master plan. He said he appreciates everyone's input into this Plan. He would specifically like to support those recommendations for conservation opportunities on the site. He said the McKenzie River holds the last wild sustainable of spring Chinook salmon in the whole Willamette River, it is the last best hope. He said unlike any other salmon runs; the McKenzie River salmon run is limited not by spawning habitat currently, but by what is known as over-wintering side channel habitat (and provided a definition). He said they have worked with the National Marine Fisheries Service, Oregon Trout, and a number offield biologists, and the McKenzie River Watershed Council, and have identified less than six remaining reaches on the McKenzie River where the side- channel habitat exists. He said this holds the key for sustainability ofthe salmon run. . 2. Dave Rodriguez. 87984 Heather Drive. Springfield. He said he was here to address issues related to this land. This is and that he and others worked hard to acquire the property for the Oregon Rivers Museum. He said that was the original intent of the use ofthis property by the City. He said he still wants to build the Oregon Rivers Museum in this community. He said unfortunate motives poisoned the project and ruined it. He said in this time of salmon and rivers in crisis, the Oregon River Museum was poised to become one of the most notable facilities in the region. He said it still can be and that is why he is here. He still wants to build the museum in the community he lives in, and it belongs to the majestic McKenzie River, where the McKenzie drift-boat was born. He further stated that something evil was at work to prevent him from building the museum. He spoke about the delay of the deed. He said there was fraudulent mediation conducted by City Attorney Tim Harold. He said what he is asking for is that the city takes responsibility for actions that occurred in the past, and it is time everyone comes together. He said the Springfield Police Department was unwilling to pursue those connected with a false police report. He requested council to delay the adoption of the Plan temporarily to consider what he has stated. He said he had affidavits from Nona Norris who entrusted Mr. Blake Hastings, and Roy Gray with her wishes that this land go to the Oregon Rivers Museum in the name of her deceased husband. (Documents given to the City Recorder for the record). He said Mr. Hastings is disregarding the public interest. Mr. Leahy said the document that was circulated that relates to Mr. Gray and Mr. Hastings is referring to property outside, not the subject of the Plan that is before Council. . 3. Vincent Martorello. Satre Associates. 132 E. Broadway. Eugene. Thanked Mayor and City Council for years worth of good work, and extended his gratitude for the ability to serve Springfield in this fashion Minutes of the Springfield City Council Regular Meeting - June 18, 2001 Page - 5 . 4.. Bob Keifer. 200 S. Mill Street. Springfield, Superintendent of Will am alane. Said he is impressed with the Plan as it was developed. He said the Board has reviewed the Plan with city staff, and is supportive of the Plan as written. He said he would look at partnerships with McKenzie River Trust and Willamalane as a favorable idea, and something he looks forward working together on. He said there is an opportunity to educate the community's youth about the function of the river, and the habitats that are next door to Springfield, as one of they key functions of this site. He said if the Mayor and Council agree they would like to see the property in public ownership and Willamalane as their prime provider as their Parks and Recreation in the City, and wish to deed the property in question to Willamalane, he assured them that they would uphold the Cities Management Plan. He said they concur with the designations as developed. He encouraged support of the Plan and approval. Mayor Leiken closed the public hearing. Councilor Lundberg still feels strongly that the City has an obligation to protect open spaces. She said whom ever the city chooses to partner with, the City would not be have the sole responsibility of management, it would not be it's primary function. Councilor Hatfield said there are some very good options that need to be discussed. Not necessarily in favor of deeded the property over. Councilor Ballew asked if we pay property taxes on this property. Mr. Leahy said no. . Councilor Fitch said there are some opportunities that need to be examined in order to determine the benefit to the City and to the community. Recommended staff evaluates the possibility of partnering with Willamalane and the McKenzie River Trust. There was discussion that the City does not have to be in the lead role in the partnering. Mr. Kelly said the City is the property owner. At this time Council is instructing staff on how they want the property administered. Council can simply direct staff, and indicate that they want them to examine for storm water values, and conservation values, explore the potential in partnering in some manner. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR HATFIELD, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR FITCH TO APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. 01-44. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. 2. Fiscal Year 2001/2002 City Budget Adoption. RESOLUTION NO. 01-45 - A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE FISCAL YEAR 2001/02 SPRINGFIELD CITY BUDGET. MAKING APPROPRIATIONS. LEVYING A PROPERTY TAX. AND APPROVING THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD'S PARTICIPATION IN THE STATE REVENUE SHARING PROGRAM. . Finance Direction Bob Duey was present for the staff report. He said the total 2001/02 budget is $126,376,946. He said this is the final step in a seven-month process. He provided Council with a step by step overview of budget process, including the Budget Committee meetings. He said Minutes of the Springfield City Council Regular Meeting - June 18, 2001 Page - 6 . Oregon Budget Law recognizes that there are possible changes between the approved budget and the adopted budget, and they have set up mechanisms to accomplish that. He said those rules and criteria were followed. He said the proposed budget offers very little change from the current year budget. He said staff's focus this year was to stabilize the current services, and work towards enhancing the revenues and holds the line on expenditures in order to stabilize the longer term. He said there may be one exception to that, which relates to the health insurance issue in which they don't have a short term answer to; however staff does have a long term picture of how they want to address the increasing cost of health insurance over the next several years. Mr. Duey highlighted the information in Attachment A - Council Briefing Memorandum. Councilor Hatfield asked for clarification council made on the Transient Room Tax (TRT), and said as he understood it is not part of this budget package, and Council will be seeing a supplemental resolution in the near future. Mr. Duey said there are two options, 1) do nothing next year in accordance with Council's direction; or 2) staff can return with a supplemental budget resolution. He said Council can adopt the budget as it reads tonight. Mayor Leiken opened the public hearing. . 1. Doug Harcleroad. 125 East 8th. Eugene, he introduce the many people from the Child Advocacy Center and Marie Bell who is the founding Board member of the Child Advocacy Center in the audience. He said in October 1994 the doors of the Child Advocacy center were opened for all the children in Lane County who report physical and sexual abuse. He said the sadness part of the story is that there are many cases. He said they are outgrowing their current building and running out of space. He said they have been working on creating a new center. He said funding the new center is in question. He said the County has agreed that a piece of land situated next to the Skipworth Juvenile Detention Center could be used for the new Center. He said they requested funding from the City of Eugene and they pledged a $150,000 with a contingency if the City of Springfield paid half. He said where the Center sits currently is it is $75,000 short of a 1,551,000 Child Advocacy Center. He said the Springfield Police Department last year brought in 21 % of the children to the center. He said he understood that the timing and deadlines have not been met. He requested help from the City, and said they do not need the funding immediately, nor the next years budget dollars. They are requesting a written commitment for $75,000 by October 16th, in order to meet the obligations of a Grant contract. 2. Marie Bell. 1262 Calvin Street. Eugene. She said on Monday nights the Child Advocacy center provides a series of 12 classes for non-offending parents of abused children. the center provides. She said she worked at the center tonight and held an infant who came to the center when he was two days old. She said this child's mother has not missed one class. She said there have been great gains accomplished, however she pleads with Council to make the commitment Mr. Harcleroad is requesting. . 3. Tina Morgan, Program Services Coordinator at the Child Advocacy Center. She said the level of services that are provided through the center to all of Lane County's children who are victims of crime. She knows Council probably has a sense of the level of success. She said the success is also due the active participation by the Springfield Police Department. She said there are 9 major police departments throughout Lane County. She said Minutes of the Springfield City Council Regular Meeting - June 18,2001 Page - 7 . Springfield's Police Department is always involved and present in offering input into services that are happening on behalf Springfield's children. She said this speaks to their professionalism and their interest in assuring and insuring that all of the children receive the help they deserve. She thanked the Mayor and Council for their support on this very worth cause. Mayor Leiken closed the public hearing. Mr. Kelly summarized the staff report by saying because of the timing constraints for the County projects and the late notification that they were successful with the $600,000. He reviewed the steps that the CDAC takes when it reviews and submits its recommendations to the Council. He said the CDAC supports this project, however not in this years funding disbursements in order to respect the process this year. He said it is his understanding that council is being asked at this time to make some pre-commitment of the funds from FY 2002-03, and whether they can count on funding during the next year or two in order for the center to proceed with the grant application and administration. Councilor Ballew said the program is not the issue, the issue is the request for money, and the tardiness in the request. She asked Mr. Harcleroad if he needs the commitment from Council tonight? Mr. Harcleroad said no, but need some type of commitment in writing by October 16th. . Councilor Simmons said he would not support not funding the process. He said if the contribution from Springfield could be split over the next two years, and still meets the requirements. How do accomplish a guarantee of $75,000. Mr. Kelly said there is no legal problem with committing future CDBG funds. Mr. Ko said HUD states we can make prior commitments or forward commitments for future years CDBG funds. He said ifthe Council directed staffto commit $75,000. out of next year's funds, or out of the next two years that can be accomplished. Councilor Lundberg requested information from Mr. Ko about any incomplete projects. Mr. Ko said funds one proj ect was the Street Fund on 21 st Street that came in under budget. He said right now there are no un-committed CDBG funds. Councilor Lundberg said as the Councilor who chairs the Human Services Commission, we have the committees structured for a purpose, there are some times as a Council that we can make choices outside of that. The CDAC has extended support, but it was the timing issue that they were concerned about. She would like to see the Council make some type of commitment. CouncilorFitch said with the CDAC having met to discuss this issue, she would like to see something in two weeks to formally vote on. She doesn't want to see the one upping from the two municipalities, and wants it stopped immediately. This is a worthwhile cause, and don't hold anyone up for ransom with it. . Minutes of the Springfield City Council Regular Meeting - June 18, 2001 Page - 8 . Councilor Hatfield said when the City of Eugene places a condition like this on an issue, it is probably not something he would support. He agrees with the timing issues, this is an important mission that we have towards abused children, and for that reason he is comfortable not circumventing the process, because the process was used. He would like to recommend a pre- commitment of funds for that. After further discussion council consensus to have staff return with a report to Council in two weeks for action, and provide some alternative actions in the staff report. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR HATFIELD, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR FITCH TO APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. 01-45. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. 3. Public Hearing, and Adoption of an Ordinance Amending Development Code Fees. ORDINANCE NO. 5984 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AMENDING APPENDIX 1. DEVELOMENT CODE FEES. AS ESTABLISHED IN THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE. AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. . Mr. Oberst was present for the staff report. He said at the work session on June 4, 2001, the Council was asked to consider the addition of some new fees and increases to some of the existing fees pertaining to the Building Permit fees and Land Use Application fees. At that meeting Council instructed staff to prepare necessary ordinances and resolutions amending the fees and charges as presented. He said they were all brought as a package at that time. He said that was probably a mistake to do that since they are amending three different codes, and difficult to keep them coordinate. He said the sign code fee amends the Municipal Code, the building fees amend the Building Code, and the land use application fees amend the Development Code. He said they are all three different processes. Mr. Oberst said the Development Code was already noticed in the newspaper for a public hearing tonight, and staff felt it prudent to keep the momentum going since the public had been notified. He said the building code fees will return to Council on July 16th. He said it is at Council's discretion how they would like to proceed, either adopt these, or do them separately. Mr. Oberst said staff has not received any adverse comments from the notices, and said what the overall achievement is a full cost recovery for the average processing fees that the Planning Division collects. There was discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of taking all three of the fees forward together, or separate them. There was discussion about the public hearing notice advertised for this meeting was only for the Development Code Fees. Mayor Leiken opened the public hearing. No one appeared to speak. . Mayor Leiken closed the public hearing. Minutes of the Springfield City Council Regular Meeting - June 18, 2001 Page - 9 . IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR HATFIELD, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR FITCH TO APPROVE ORDINANCE NO. 5984. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE No one appeared to speak. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS 1. Correspondence from Dan Curtis, Curtis Restaurant Equipment, 1162 Gateway Loop, Springfield, Oregon, in opposition of the increase in the Transient Room Tax. 2. Correspondence from Kari Westlund, President & CEO, Convention & Visitors Association of Lane County Oregon, 115 West 8th, Suite 190, Regarding the Proposed Transient Room Tax increase. 3. Correspondence from George Grier, President, McKenzi~ River Trust, 532 Olive Street, Eugene, Oregon, expressing appreciation for being included as part of the Task Force on the Oxbow Site Master Plan. . 4. Correspondence from Raymond Broderick Direct, Child Advocacy Center of Lane County, and F. Douglass Harcleroad, President, Friends of the Child Advocacy Center Board of Directors, 2560 Frontier Drive, Eugene, Oregon, Regarding the Child Advocacy Center Lane County. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR HATFIELD, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR FITCH TO ACCEPT THE 4 LISTED ITEMS AND 1 ADDITIONAL ITEM SUBMITTED. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. ORDINANCES 1. Metro Plan Diagram Change: Jo. No. 00-12-254. ORDINANCE NO. 5985 - AN ORDINANCE DENYING APPLICATIONS TO AMEND THE EUGENE - SPRINGFIELD METROPOLITAN AREA GENERAL PLAN AND REZONE CERTAIN PROPERTIES LOCATED NORTH OF MARCOLA ROAD. EAST OF 19TH STREET. WEST OF 31 ST STEET AND SOUTH OF YOLANDA. Planner Sara Summers was present for the staff report. She said this ordinance is to deny the applications to amend the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan and to rezone the properties north of Marcola, east of 19th, west of 31 st Street, and south of Yolanda. She said publlc hearings have been held on these applications, and June 4th took a straw vote and instructed staff with an ordinance denying these applications. She said the ordinance and the findings are included in Council's packet. . Mr. Leahy said the findings are based on the discussion that Council had on June 4th, and on information in the record before them at the time they had that discussion. Minutes of the Springfield City Council Regular Meeting - June 18, 2001 Page - 10 . IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR HATFIELD, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR FITCH TO APPROVE ORDINANCE NO. 5985. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 4 FOR AND 1 AGAINST (BALLEW). BUSINESS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL 1. Committee Appointments a. Review Springfield Chamber of Commerce Nominee to fill a Springfield Business Representative Position on the Lane Workforce Partnership Board of Directors. Mr. Ko was present for the staff report. He said purpose to seek approval of Bob Reeves as the business representative who was nominated by the Springfield Chamber of Commerce to fill this position. Mr. Ko said Mr. Reeves was not able to attend this meeting as he is attending to the needs of an ailing wife. Councilor Ballew asked how many representatives on the Lane Workforce Partnership does Springfield have? Mr. Ko, said he isn't sure, he would make sure Mr. Tamulonisprovides Council with that information. . IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR HATFIELD, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR FITCH TO APPROVE BOB REEVES AS THE SPRINGFIELD BUSINESS REPRESENTATIVE NOMINATED BY THE SPRINGFIELD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TO SERVE A TERM ON THE LANE WORKFORCE PARTNERSHIP BOARD OF DIRECTORS ENDING ON DECEMBER 31,2003. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. b. Citizen Advisory Library Committee. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR HATFIELD, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR FITCH TO APPROVE AL MONCE AS THE LffiRARY BOARD'S DESIGNATED APPOINTEE TO THE CITIZEN ADVISORYLffiRARY COMMITTEE, AND APPOINT ALL SEVEN OTHER APPLICANTS AS MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. c. Business from Council IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR HATFIELD, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR FITCH TO RADIFY THE CONTRACT WITH THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE FIGHTERS LOCAL 1395 TO COMMENCE JULY , 2001, AND EXPIRE JUNE 30, 2003. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. . Councilor Simmons said the Watershed Council conducted took a trip down various areas ofthe river, and said a stream side planning was done at a property located off of Thurston Road. There are some issues there that the Division of State lands and a couple others made some suggestions about we might work to save money to complete a project in that area. Minutes of the Springfield City Council Regular Meeting - June 18, 2001 Page - 11 . Councilor Fitch said BRT did have a meeting, however because of the discussion went forward to say they are wanting to look at the future line along Pioneer Parkway and somehow connect into the Gateway Mall area. She said they are also looking at two other minor sites. Councilor Lundberg said she has been attending ongoing meetings regarding the I-5/Beltline interchange. They have met with some of the affected parties. There are ongoing discussions at many levels. She thanked the staff for all their diligent work. Mayor Leiken thanked those who were able to participate in the Centro Latino dinner. BUSINESS FROM THE CITY MANAGER 1. Public Agency Network. RESOLUTION NO. 01-46 - A RESOLUTION APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT ESTABLISHING A PUBLIC AGENCY NETWORK. Technical Services Manager Len Goodwin present for the staff report. He said with favorable action on this agreement we will have approval of 5 agencies, and that will be enough to make the agreement effective. They expect operations on the network as early as June 28th Councilor Ballew said so much work has gone into the two Fiber Optic Consortiums, she asked if EWEB was going to do all the day to day staff work for the City. . Mr. Goodwin said yes only for this particular intergovernmental network. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR HATFIELD, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR FITCH TO APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. 01-46. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. MayorLeiken asked Mr. Goodwin to send all the Councilors information on Senate Bill 479. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. r Minutes Recorder - Kim Krebs .