HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/18/2001 Work Session . . . i MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD ON MONDAY, JUNE 18,2001 The Springfield City Council met in Work Session at Springfield City Hall, Jesse Maine Meeting Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, on Monday, June 18,2001, at 5:30 p.m., with Mayor Leiken presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Leiken, Councilors Ballew, Fitch, Hatfield, Lundberg, and Simmons. Councilor Ralston was absent, (excused). Also present were City Manager Mike Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Recorder Kim Krebs, Police Chief Jerry Smith, and members of staff. 1. Citizen Advisory Library Committee. Library Director Bob Russell was present for the staff report on this item. He said on April 23, 200 I, Council approved the creation of a Citizen Advisory Library Committee to review and evaluate options for improving library services, including the idea of a possible Library District, and return to council with some recommendations. He said after that approval, and working with the City Manager and Finance Director, staff has designed a charge for the committee, an application, and have a recruiting period of approximately 3 weeks, which closed June 12th. He said they were disappointed that more applications were not received. He said there was some good press coverage, and conducted a special Friends of the Library meeting in order to make people aware of the creation of this committee. Mr. Russell said eight applications were received. H referred council to Attachment A of the Agenda Item Summary (AIS), which included copies of the applications. He said staff was originally looking at a 7 member committee, and because 8 applications were received. He said there are two options, either to appoint all eight, with the addition of one council member; or eliminating one of the 8 candidates. Councilor Hatfield suggested all eight be appointed. Councilor Ballew said she would like to have seen more people from outside the city limits. . Mr. Russell said hetoo was disappointed. He said the other disappointment was no one from Ward 5 applied. Councilor Lundberg said Dan Egan lives in Ward 2, not in Ward 1. City Manager Mike Kelly said attached to the AIS is a profile of the applicants for Council's reView. Mr. Russell said staff would anticipate holding a few meetings, and then returning back to the City Council with a report in early fall. Councilor Hatfield said in reviewing a few of the applications there isn't anyone outside the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) which is within School District 19. He said what staff may want . . . ; J' Minutes of the Springfield City Council Work Session - June 18,2001 Page - 2 to do after the committee meets is to possibly perform some outreach to Walterville and possibly Marcola. He said some neighborhood feedback from those areas is very important. Mr. Russell said he agreed that public input would be necessary, particularly in the areas mentioned. He said that is an issue that he will address in an early committee meeting; He said he originally was thinking 6 - 8 meetings, however he doesn't think that many will be necessary, unless the committee needs the additional time. Councilor Hatfield said ifhe is available, he is willing to go out to Walterville and Marcola. Councilor Lundberg said Goshen would benefit from the outreach also. Councilor Fitch asked if there would be a Council representative on the committee, and if not each councilor needs to make themselves available for networking and outreach out in the community. 2. Mixed-Use and Nodal Development Overlay Zoning Districts. Mark Metzger was present for the staff report. He provided some handouts, which included a presentation outline; a Draft Mixed-Use Zoning and Nodal Development Overlay Districts Overview Notes (green); and General Development Standards for Mixed-Use Districts (yellow). He said Council received in their packets draft copies of the Mixed-Use Development ordinance and Nodal Development Overlay ordinance. Mr. Metzger said the purpose of this work session was to provide him an opportunity to present a general introduction and overview on this issue, as staff will be coming back to Council over the next few months to discuss this issue in more detail. Mark provided some history on Mixed-Use and Nodal Development Overlay Zoning Districts. He referred to the green handout and provided an overview of that handout. He said the key objectives of the Mixed Use commercial district includes: o Encourage higher density residential uses in conjunction with commercial and industrial activities in order to enhance the vitality of businesses and reduce vehicular traffic. o Provide an opportunity for mixed-use development to occur that is consistent with the Metro Plan for a full range of neighborhood and community oriented retail sales, services, professional offices, and other commercial uses. o Establish design and development standards to define commercial and residential uses in a development that are compatible with each other. o Work to harmonize the appearance and effects of buildings and uses with the character of the area in which they are located. o Strengthen the City's economic base, and provide employment opportunities close to home for local residents. o Provide a transition area where low-density residential and commercial land use designations about. . There was discussion regarding the different areas in the city that could be considered for the Mixed Use Commercial District. . . . l Minutes of the Springfield City Council Work Session - June 18,2001 Page - 3 Councilor Fitch asked if we looked at the use of mixed-use where there is public buildings. Mr. Metzger said we would probably see in the development of the mixed use is apartments over the buildings. He said he isn't sure that the transportation concerns will all be addressed in the use of mixed-use implementation. He said the goal in the community is to reduce by 5%. Mixed- use is used as a tool is to create great development. There was discussion about the "work to live" or live to work" environment. Mixed Use Residential (MUR) is established to increase housing opportunities in close proximity to designated commercial zones. The MUR district may be used to implement the Medium or High Density Residential designations shown on the Metro Plan Diagram and or Refinement Plan designations calling for mixed-use development. The district is intended primarily for development of multi-family housing at densities high enough to support the retain/service uses of the adjacent commercial zone. The close proximity'ofresidents to commercial establishments may encourage walking or riding a bike to the store more appealing. Mixed Use Employment (MUE). This district introduces some commercial and residential uses into areas with industrial designations on the Comprehensive Plan Map, while maintaining the city's supply of industrially designated lands. It is intended to provide a variety of employment uses, including limited industrial uses and commercial, civic, and residential uses at a scale appropriate to surrounding employment areas. He said the key objectives ofMUE District include: o Expand employment opportunities by allowing businesses to locate in a variety of locations. o Provide services for employees In close proximity to their work place; o Provide options for living, working, and shopping environments; o Facilitating more intensive use of land while minimizing potentially adverse impacts; and o Providing options for pedestrian-oriented lifestyles. The Nodal Development Overlay District (INDO) is established to work ill conjunction with underlying zoning districts to implement strict transportation related land use policies found in the Eugene-Springfield Area Transportation Plan (TransPlan) and in the Eugene-Springfield Metro Area General Plan. The INDO District also supports "pedestrian-friendly, mixed-use development" as outlined in the State Transportation Planning Rule. He said the Nodal Development has the same development standards as mixed-use and adds minimum residential densities and prohibits some uses. Councilor Hatfield said he does not want to see it more restrictive than what TransPlan is currently. Mr. Metzger said mixed-use zone districts require special attention to building design because of the intermixing of land uses in such areas. There was a discussion regarding ADA requirements. . . . Ii Minutes of the Springfield City Council Work Session - June 18,2001 Page - 4 Mr. Metzger said he does not think that ADA requirements will prevent the use of benches and trees. He said those areas will have a special draw and dimension. He said design questions have come from different developers discussions. He highlighted Building Orientation and Maximum Setbacks, weather protection, landscaping and screening, street connectivity and internal circulation, and neighborhood compatibility. Councilor Simmons said when you attempt to visualize this approach, it seems like we are trying to undo what we have done in the past like the Gateway Mall, and Valley River Center. He said it is important to focus on specific areas and work with developers to create a market of success. He said we don't have a mature concept. How do we get from where we are today? He referred to downtown as a classic example. Councilor Hatfield said it would be important to review and identify the nodes in TransPlan, so they will that process does not have to be repeated. Councilor Simmons said that would be too late, we will already have some development by then. Mr. Metzger said if we are able to adopt a mixed~use ordinance, we would then have a tool in hand that would be valuable in working with the development community, and educate them. He said that would result in more return on the dollar. Councilor Simmons said it is important to keep in mind the environmental issues, run off, etc. Mr. Metzger said the City has applied for a $200,000 grant to look at potential nodal sites. He briefly described how that process would work. He said it is his hope that if viable nodes are established, people will then see they are in a node, and then develop at a higher rate of intensity. He said for the most part mixed-use allows for more choice. There was discussion about how mixed-use properties are developed. Mayor Leiken concluded the discussion by cautioning staff not to create a grand utopia. He believes staff is on the right track. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:35 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Kim Krebs \