HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/07/2001 Work Session . MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD ON MONDAY, MAY 7, 2001 The Springfield City Council met in Work Session at Springfield City Hall, Jesse Maine Meeting Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, at 6:00 p.m. with Mayor Leiken presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Leiken, Councilors Ballew, Fitch, Lundberg, Ralston and Simmons. Councilor Hatfield was absent (excused). Also present were City Manager Mike Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Recorder Kim Krebs, City Attorney Joe Leahy, and members of staff. GUESTS Judge Kip Leonard, Chair of the Public Safety Coordinating Council (PSCC), Lane County Commissioner Anna Morrison, Vice Chair, Myra Wall, Project Manager. 1. Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) Between Lane County, The City of Springfield, and The City of Eugene. . City Manager Mike Kelly was present for the staff report. He introduced Judge Kip Leonard, who is the Chair ofPSCC, Lane County Commissioner Anna Morrison, who is Vice-Chair, and Myra Wall who is the Project Manager and staff person for all PSCC activities. He said the issue that has been outlined in the Agenda Item Summary (AIS) is the IGA that has been prepared for review by the City of Springfield, Lane County and the City of Eugene. He said the requested motion tonight is to approve the revised IGA. Judge Kip Leonard said the last time he and Ms. Wall made a presentation to council there was discussion regarding the PSCC having provided the county an opportunity to bring people together and have a more sophisticated understanding of the public safety system. He said there has been a lot of ideas generated as a result of those meetings, and have accomplished a lot of work. He said there was also discussion at the last meeting about what the PSCC was doing and how the city of Springfield benefits from the investment it makes in the PSCC. He said Ms. Wall prepared an information sheet that highlight the PSCC projects associated with the City of Springfield. He said the information in the handout does not speak to the issue of the IGA, however he thought it would be helpful for council see the return it is getting in return for it's investment. . Judge Leonard said approximately one year ago the PSCC created the Governance Committee to look at how the PSCC could offer itself in an effort to bring together the three jurisdictions together to try and jointly decide how to best make some decisions that reach out and effect all three of the jurisdictions. He said after a fairly intense series of meetings, what was decided was the IGA concept, which fIrst came about in 1995, when the City of Springfield, Eugene and Lane County entered into an IGA regarding public safety. He said that IGA has expired and it was decided then that the best approach was to prepare a new proposed IGA for the three jurisdictions to again consider, and to offer the PSCC as the body that would do the work. Judge Leonard said the IGA included in council's packet is offered to them for their consideration. He said both the City of Eugene and Lane County have both approved the IGA, and it is now being presented to the City of Springfield. He referred to Attachment I, Page - 3, item #12, that highlighted the Springfield City Council Work Session - May 7,2001 Page - 2 . responsibilities ofthis proposed IGA. He said the governance Committee in it's work looked at some issues that have been suggested and identified as being issues that call for an examination of the coordination of the bodies; coordination that might bring efficiency to the system, both in service delivery and cost, and structure. He highlighted the items listed a-f: a) By June 30,2001, make recommendations as to whether or not the Lane County District Attorney should handle the municipal prosecutions in the Eugene and/or the Springfield Municipal Courts, and if so, recommend a general policy and preliminary plan for transfer of such municipal court prosecutions to the District Attorney. b) By December 31, 2001 make recommendations as to whether or not any or all ofthe following public safety support activities should be co-located, merged, or otherwise brought into closer coordination; and if so, recommend a general policy and preliminary plan for such co-location, merger, or closer coordination: Call Taking/Dispatch, Records, Property Control, Crime Analysis, Training, and Recruitment and Selection for public safety services. c) By December 31, 2001, make recommendations as to whether or not there should be further co-deployment of police officers within the Eugene-Springfield urban growth boundary, and if so, recommend a general policy and preliminary plan for such co- deployment. . d) By March 30,2002, make recommendations regarding the advisability of co-location and associated building needs for the Cities of Eugene, Springfield Police Departments and the Lane County Sheriff's Office. e) By June 30,2002, make recommendations as to whether or not there should be one adult supervisory authority and a fully integrated adult corrections system including Parole and Probation. If the recommendation(s) is/are affIrmative, recommend a general policy and preliminary plan implementation ofthe recommendation(s). t) By December 31, 2003, make recommendations as to whether or not the three governing bodies should require the component agencies of the criminal justice system within their jurisdictions to participate in a joint budgetary process and submit a combined criminal justice system budget to the budget committees of all three jurisdictions; and if so, recommend a general policy and preliminary plan for development of such a joint budgetary process. Mayor Leiken asked about the proposed merging of the prosecutions, and said he has a concern, as there are distinct differences between the way law enforcement is handled in the Cities of Eugene and Springfield. . Commissioner Morrison said there is a distinct difference in philosophies between the two police agencies. She said how those philosophies are worked through will be a process and worked through with the general policy or preliminary plan. She said in looking at the surrounding rural areas that are close proximity, similar to Junction City to Santa Clara, or Creswell to Eugene. She said those philosophies are probably very similar to the City of Springfield and Lane County Sheriff's Department. She said there are dynamics that must be reviewed. Springfield City Council Work Session - May 7,2001 Page - 3 . Judge Leonard said the items listed are essentially a "to do list". He said in the list there is nothing that looks at the merger of police services. The only thing that would be looked at is the merger or co-location of some of the support services. He said as far as the operation of the law enforcement agencies, at this point there is no call in this document, nor has there been, to look at creating a Metro Police Force. Councilor Ralston said there could be some efficiency and cost saving efforts to be determined if looking at the coordination of some services. Councilor Ballew asked if they were asking for additional funding? Ms. Wall said no, additional funds were not being requested. the City of Springfield as part of it's agreement gave $55,000 was given last year. There was discussion regarding the benefits of proceeding with the IGA, and that it was simply a mechanism to study and report back the PSCC Policy Committee recommendations. There was discussion about the need to stretch dollars and hopefully reducing crime. After further discussion council consensus was to proceed with the IGA, study, look, and return to the council with some pointed issues that would then be considered by the council . Mr. Kelly said even though the work will be done by task teams, they will then make recommendations to the PSCC for comment, and from there will be referred to the 3 agencies in the IGA. Nothing will be-implemented without the council's consent. The ultimate authority rests with the council and commissioners. He said this item would be brought back on the May 21 st agenda for approval under the Consent Calendar. 2. Federal Courthouse Record of Decision. Development Services Director Cynthia Pappas was present for the staff report on this issue. She said there is no formal requirement that we accept the formal record of decision. However, staff thought it was important to bring final closure as it relates to this item. She said she has received many thank you letters stating how great the city staff was to work with. Ms. Pappas highlighted many ofthe points in the record of decision document. She said it was very interesting to see the final record of decision and wanted to make sure council didn't have any additional questions or comments. Ms. Pappas said there was an exempt memorandum included in this item from City Attorney Joe Leahy for council's review. Mr. Kelly said he to thought it was important since the council has had a number of executive session on this issue. He said for historical purposes it is also important when someone years from now is reviewing and trying to trace back to see what actually happened throughout this process. . After further discussion, council consensus was to accept the record of decision. . . . . . Springfield City Council Work Session - May 7,2001 Page" 4 Mayor Leiken commended staff, and thanked them all for their committed efforts. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Kim Krebs ~~ Kim Krebs, City Recorder , ---_.~~ Councilor Tammy Fitch, Presiding Officer