HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/16/2001 Regular . MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD ON MONDAY, APRIL 16,2001. The Springfield City Council met in Regular Session at Springfield City Hall, Council Meeting Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, at 7:05 p.m., with Mayor Leiken presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Leiken, Councilors Ballew, Fitch, Hatfield, Lundberg, Ralston and Simmons. Also present were City Manager Mike Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Recorder Kim Krebs, City Attorney Joe Leahy, and members of staff. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Leiken led the Pledge of Allegiance. SPRINGFIELD UPBEAT . Development Services Director Cynthia Pappas was present and said it was her pleasure to share some late breaking news regarding the Springfield Renaissance Development Corporation (SRDC) Board. She said they were informed earlier in the day that they have been awarded a $500,000. Grant to fund the Cultural District. She said that funding will be distributed to two projects, 1) McKenzie Theatre renovation, and 2) a pass through to the Emerald Empire Art Association for the renovation to the Gerlach building. She said the SRDC is very grateful for the award, and said it speaks very strongly that the Governor's Community Solutions Team recognizes the importance of art in downtown revitalization. She said hopefully within the next three to five years there will be a Downtown Cultural District in the City of Springfield that will feature multiple theatre and performance spaces, related restaurants and retail spaces, galleries and a renewed attention to the river front. She said this is the fIrst piece of the process. CONSENT CALENDAR IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR HATFIELD, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR FITCH TO APPRQVE THE CONSENT CALENDAR, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF ITEM 2-B (MARCH 19 REGULAR MINUTES). THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. 1. Claims 2. Minutes a. March 19,2001 - Work Session b. March 26,2001 - Work Session c. April 2, 2001 - Regular Meeting 3. Resolutions . a. RESOLUTION NO. 01-20 - A RESOLUTION IN THE MATTER OF AMENDING THE PIC/LEO AGREEMENT WITH REGARD TO ALL CONTRACTS WITH THE STATE OF OREGON. Springfield City Council Regular Meeting - April 16, 2001 Page - 2 . b. RESOLUTION NO. 01-21 - A RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT PERMIT PROJECT P30189: LEVI LANDING FIRST ADDITION PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. c. RESOLUTION NO. 01-22 - A RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO CONSTRUCT WATER STREET. F-G AND M TO APPROXIMATELY 55 FEET NORTH OF N STREET. AND WEST F STREET. KELLY TO WATER STREETS. AND VICINITY. 4. Ordinances 5. Other Routine Matters a. Approve the March 2001 Disbursements for Approval. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Liquor License Endorsements for the Renewal Period of 2000 - 2001. . Community Services Manager Dave Puent was present for the staff report. He said there are 119 businesses that will be applying to the city over the next several months for their annual 2001- 2002 liquor license renewals. He said liquor licenses are issued for a ont~"year period, July 1 - June 30 of each year. He said at the conclusion of this pubic hearing, council is asked to provide one of four recommendations to the Oregon Liquor Control Commission (OLCC). To either 1) Grant, 2) Grant only if certain conditions are met, 3) Deny; or 4) Make no recommendation on the establishment. He said he has received no written testimony to date. Mayor Leiken opened the public hearing. No one appeared to speak. Mayor Leiken closed the public hearing. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR HATFIELD WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR FITCH TO APPROVE THE LIST OF LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICANTS TO THE OLCC. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 IN FOR AND 0 AGAINST. 2. Public Hearing for Project P20100, Water Street, F-G and M..N Streets and West F Street, Water to Kelly Boulevard, and Vicinity. ORDINANCE NO. 5981. - AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE REPORT OF THE CITY ENGINEER FOR THE INSTALLATION OF PAVING. CURBS. SIDEWALKS. DRAINAGE. LIGHTING AND STREET TREES FOR WATER ~TREET. F-G AND M..N STREETS AND WEST F STREET. WATER TO KELLY BOULEVARD. AND VICINITY (PROJECT P20100). AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. . City Engineer Al Peroutka was present for the staff report. He said on March 19th council initiated and adopted the City Engineer report for the Water Street Project F-G and M-N, combining those two segments of street projects. He said they were both Block Grant funded. He reported at that meeting that there was a petition received to add the F Street segment between Springfield City Council Regular Meeting - April 16, 2001 Page - 3 . Kelly and Water Street to this project. He said at that time staff did not know the extent of the property owner's support, or whether the Block Grant funding could be secured for this project; however staff told council they would bring the item back when those questions were answered. He said staff then approached the Community Development Advisory Committee (CDAC) and requested that the excess funds of approximately $40,000.00 which were not used in the J Street project that was done near Maple Elementary School be put towards the F Street project, and that was endorsed by them. He said the staff recommendation now is to proceed with the public hearing and adopting the engineer's report with the addition of the F Street project. Councilor Simmons asked Mr. Peroutka for clarification regarding the number of property owners that would be included. Mr. Peroutka responded 5. Mayor Leiken opened the public hearing. 1. Al Greichus, 220 W. F. Street, Springfield, said his concern is that he would like West F. Street paved. He said it is a gravel street, and when cars drive by there are pebbles bouncing off the house and car, and the dust is in excess. When it rains there are mud and potholes to be concerned with. He said he is a property owner and is trying to help develop the City of Springfield, and feels paving this road would be a great addition. . 2. Richard Davis, 1605 Cal Young Rd., Eugene, said he lived in the southern corner of Kelly and F Street several years ago, and said his concern is the width of the street would be 32 feet face to face on the curb, and the alignment of the street. He said if there were some way to agree on these two issues, he would be in favor of doing the project. He also said that he understands that if one boundary of your property has already been improved with streets, that there is a 20% discount, and wondered that would be available to a non-occupant owner. Mr. Peroutka said as part of the standard assessment policy if a property owner is improving the second side of their corner street, and it is a single-family house as opposed to a duplex, they would receive a 20% reduction on their assessment. He said past councils have expressed an interest in extending that reduction. He said regarding Mr. Davis' design concerns, he will schedule a time to meet with him and discuss. Councilor Ballew asked that if the paving was done and CDBG funds were used on the fIrst side of the improvement, would we provide a 20% discount on the second side? Mr. Peroutka said i~ the past it has not been the policy to review how the fIrst side was funded prior to giving the 20% discount. City Manager Mike Kelly said Mr. Peroutka is correct that this has not been a policy in the past, however if council would like to develop a policy using this case as an example that can be done. Councilor Ballew said she would like staff to review and provide a report regarding the pros and con's of this idea. . Mayor Leiken closed the public hearing. Springfield City Council Regular Meeting - April 16, 2001 Page - 4 . IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR HATFIELD WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR FITCH TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 5981. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 IN FOR AND 0 AGAINST. 3. Pioneer Parkway Extension (PPE) Northern Link. A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE ALIGNMENT AND RIGHT -OF- WAY WIDTH FOR THE PIONEER P ARKW A Y EXTENSION NORTHERN LINK. Transportation Planning Engineer Masood Mirza was present for the staff report. He said staff is requesting- council adopt a resolution based on one of six alignment options, which will connect the future Pioneer Parkway to the Deadmond Ferry Road. He said in 1998 when council adopted the PPE in the Gateway Refinement Plan it was understood that this extension needed to be adopted by the Lane County Board of Commissioners also. He said staff explored six different options; these six options were presented to the public at an open house on April 4th. Staff recommends Option #3 because it was favored at the open house; it improves traffic operations, safety, and connectivity in the area at a more reasonable cost. Mayor Leiken opened the public hearing. . 1. Commissioner Bill Dwyer, 5558 Thurston Rd., Springfield, said his goal was to minimize the impact on the neighborhood, and to protect the integrity of the neighborhood from overbuilding, and big jug handles. He said to get traffic off of Gateway to protect the residents of the Patrician Mobile Home Park and to have a minimum impact on businesses and houses as this moves forward. He said he is looking for the perfect fIx, he still hasn't found it. He said he wants to be able to have an understanding that there is a need for a northern connection. He said the City of Eugene has committed to him to put a road from Game Farm to Chad Drive so folks won't have to get on to 1-5, or go around. He said it is important to recognize that Symantec is going to create a lot more traffic. He doesn't want to see a fIx for the southern part of Game Farm Rd., and negatively impacts the portions between Gateway and the Patrician Mobile Home Park. He said there is 2 million for Pioneer Parkway in the CIP that is about to be adopted. He said he managed to reserve 1.9 million for Game Farm Rd., but moved that out to 2006 because there may be additional fixes needed. He said there needs to be a fIx that maintains the integrity of the road system, which plans for the future, and speaks to the common good, not the special good, but the common good. He asks that council adopt a solution that works. 2. Sue Kline, 3530 Game Farm Rd., # 11, Springfield, said she and her husband are the Managers of the Patrician Mobile Home Park. She wants to go on record in speaking for most of the people in the Park that there are 81 spaces and 1 house and approximately 130 residents, and most of them favor Option #3 because it is the lease invasive. . 3. Bonnie Ullman. 3350 Oriole St., Springfield, said she is currently President of the Game Farm Neighbors. She said seeing the different dispJays, which show peoples homes being eliminated, have scared a lot of people. She said they couldn't say they are happy about anyone losing their homes. She said there is another issue that needs to be addressed which is access, and hoped that issue would be addressed in order to work properly. She said this all happened very quickly, and hoped a backwater analysis would be done because of the history of flooding in the area. She said based on the options presented Option #3 is favored. Springfield City Council Regular Meeting - April 16, 2001 Page - 5 . 4. Rod Beach. 81006 Beach Rd., Creswell, said he grew up in this area in 1960. He said the city spent a lot of money on the existing road, and now they want to build another road. He said it seems all that is being done is slicing and dicing. He said council needs to make a decision to do things right. 5. Paul MaIm. 3530 E. Game Farm Rd., #10, Springfield, said any members of the Mayor our Council are welcome to be their guest at any time. He said at the open house of the 55 people present, 23 opted for option #3, and he happened to be one of them. He said before he made that decision he visited with Mr. Mirza and asked him to explain all of this. He said he was a college professor, but that doesn't mean he understood the engineer reports. He said Mr. Mirza willingly explained each of the options with clarity, and said he was most concerned by Mr. Mirza's concern regarding all the people who might be affected by all of the changes being recommended. He said the residents in Patrician Park are concerned about the displacement, and said each of those residents consider it "HOME". Most of the residents are elderly and some have lived many years in their homes in this park. He said Option #3 would be the most t.:easonable. 6. Ron Olson. 273 Deadmond Ferry Rd., Springfield, said this property has been in his family since 1939. He said for the record he is in favor of Option #3. He said Option #4 impacts his property in most of its entirety. He said no matter what option is chosen it will impact families. . 7. Marion Beach, 3535 Game Farm Rd., Springfield, said her property would be eliminated by Option #3. She read a letter she had written and provided a copy of the letter for the record. She said she has lived in this property for 40 years. When her husband passed away in 1970, she knew she would have to use the property for her retirement. . She was in real estate and knew what she had when she purchased the property. She said what began as 4.5 acres is now barely over 2 acres because of all of the cities improvements. She said what the city proposes now is all she has left. She has had less than ten days to figure out what to do with her future regarding this property, and she asked the council for an extension of the time in order to determine a better solution. 8. Nathan Durry. 487 pinedale Ave., Springfield, said he is a relatively new owner for approximately two years. He said whatever option council decides on to please use as much discretion as possible to protect the integrity of the neighborhood itself. He said the reason he chose to move to this neighborhood is because of it's rural, country setting, and most of the neighbors have been long time residents. He said by adopting new roads that improve traffic flow, would also increase the numbers as well. He said by doing this in the center 0'( neighborhoods, it would entice more traffic in the area. He said he is in favor of Option #2, with the possibility of widening. 9. Ethelvn Hutchins. 3521 Game Farm Rd., Springfield, said Option #3 would take her property out. 'She said the last thing her husband told her before he passed away, was to take care of the place. She wants to know why she is the only house that would be eliminated. She is all alone, and has no one to help fight for her. She said she is very much against Option #3. . 10. Mike Olson, 1715 Monterey Ln., said he is part owner of the property at 273 Deadmond Ferry Rd., said he is opposed to Option #4. He said others have shared that exact same concern with Option #3. He said Option #5 doesn't impact any residence or homes, and wonders if this option could be less invasive. If the council chooses Option #3 tonight, will the rest of the Springfield City Council . Regular Meeting - April 16, 2001 Page - 6 . property owners later receive notice that there may be other plans, and asked if this was the end, or is this just the beginning? 11. Jim Owens, 3522 Game Farm Rd., Springfield, said he rents and has assumed the responsibility of watching over Mrs. Hutchins who spoke earlier. He said this has been very short notice, and wonders why this is happening so fast. He said there is a no truck sign posted on the corner of Gateway Street and Beltline, and said that has not been enforced. He said there is continuous truck traffic each and every day. He said in his opinion this is happening far too fast for the residence of this area. He said Option #2 is the most effective option. 12. Tim Beckett. 261 Deadmond Ferry Rd., Springfield, said Game Farm Rd has been built up so nicely and wondered if it would be possible to route truck traffic on the north side of Gateway, and Game Farm Rd., using Option #2. He said this option would eliminate the impact on any residences. Mayor Leiken closed the public hearing. . Transportation Manager Nick Arnis said there are a lot of questions that have been raised as to process, access, drainage issues, and truck route issues. He said regarding the process is that council made a decision to take the alignment to the Lane County Board of Commissioners for their approval, which is a step that must be taken as part of the Gateway Refinement Plan. He said the Lane County Board of Commissioners reviewed it and said they liked it except they wanted to see a Northern Link of the Pioneer Parkway Extension (PPE). He said staff returned to council and proceeded forward with their direction. He said because a deadline needs to be met to take this forward to the Lane County Board of COnimissioners during their CIP hearing, because staff would like them to transfer funds over for the PPE, and we wanted them to at least approve the PPE before they made that monitory decision. He said it might seem a bit fast, however the ideas have been out there for some time. Mr. Arnis said regarding whether there would be more options in the future. He said there are plans out in the area that have been approved by council including the Gateway Refinement Plan, as well as specific development plans. He said the ideas for roads in the vacant area, are included in those documents. He said there would be additional road connections as the parcels are developed. Mr. Arnis said questions were raised regarding access, and drainage. He said any road that is designed would take into account the access and drainage. Mr. Arnis said there are posted truck routes in the area. He said certainly as truck traffic increases in the area it will be necessary to re-evaluate the truck route policy. He said he would be available for additional questions if needed. Councilor Ballew said if council selected Option #3, would the existing southern most Game Farm Road is closed. Mr. Arnis said yes. . Councilor Fitch asked about the timeline, and asked whether the northern extension would be built at the same time as the PPE. Springfield City Council Regular Meeting - April 16, 2001 Page - 7 . Mr. Amis said 2004 is the targeted time for the building of the PPE. He said the most optimal idea would be to build Option #3 at the same time. He said there is phasing that nt(eds to be evaluated. Councilor Lundberg asked if there could be a trigger mechanism in this case. Mr. Amis said yes, these projections that council has looked at are buih on a 20-year time frame. Councilor Hatfield asked if there had been any discussions with the residents of the Patrician Mobile Home Park regarding moving their entrance and egress, so the ease and access for the residents could be maintained. Mr. Arnis said no, there has not been any formal discussion. Councilor Fitch said she supports the alternative leaving in the ability to look at Option #2 or #3 for a number of reasons. It would meet our commitment to the Lane County Board of Commissioners to put forth something that they can agree that we are looking at the Northern Extension so we can get on their CIP. This would allow us time to work with the neighbors and have discussions. In three years there should be a way to come up with a reasonable solution. It also prov~des council some time to determine whether Option #2, or #3 is better. The water and flooding concerns would be addressed. . Councilor Lundberg agreed that forwarding more than one alternative would be the best recommendation at this time. She said she has visited many people in person and on the telephone that are willing to sit down and discuss what works for the good. She would like to honor that, and would like to allow staff to work with each of the residence to develop a good solution. Councilor Ballew said she would like to reserve options. She said bottom line there is a lot of people to move transportation wise. She said council needs to be sensitive to each and every person who spoke tonight, however council does have a job to do. She said she hoped that whatever the final option is, that after the citizens have dealt with the city that they fmd they have been treated fairly, people have listened and when you walk away you feel the same. Councilor Simmons agreed going forward with looking at Options #2 and #3. He said council needs to be sensitive to peoples needs. He said they to be realistic, that the traffic in the 21 st century is here. He said while Option #3 creates a painful process for Mrs. Hutchins, and it will make some changes in the dynamics, if the PPE were built without looking at the northern leg, a bottle neck would be created at the intersection that would eventually create more problems. He said looking at both options in a clear and sensitive way is an appropriate course of action. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR HATFIELD, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR FITCH, TO FORWARD ALIGNMENTS TWO AND THREE, CONCEPTUALLY, TO THE LANE COUNTY COMMISSION, AND DIRECT STAFF TO CONTINUE DISCUSSION AND NEGOTIATIONS WITH NEIGHBORS TO DETERMINE A SPECIFIC ALIGNMENThWITHIN THREE YEARS. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. . Springfield City Council Regular Meeting - April 16, 2001 Page - 8 . Mayor Leiken thanked everyone that testified this evening. He also thanked Councilor Lundberg for her leadership. 4. Fiscal Year 2001- 2002 Community Development Block Grant and Home Investment Partnership Recommended Funding Allocations. Housing Program Specialist Kevin Ko was present for the staff report. He said the recommendations went before the Community Development Advisory Committee (CDAC) on April 4th. In addition to those recommendations, there is an informational item that relates to the F Street allocation, and the CDAC recommended that they reallocate $40,000 in excess over to the Water Street project, assuming that the F Street project can be combined in with the Water Street project. He $aid that could be done administratively because it is less than a 30% change in budget. He said this is an information item. Mr. Ko said last week the City Manager received an inquiry as to whether CDBG funds can be used for the Child Advocacy Center. He provided a handout that highlighted this project. He said in the short time he has had to study the project it has been determined that this would be a CDBG eligible project. He said the county does not need a commitment right away, however they need a commitment of either yes or no within 60 days, because they need to submit a grant proposal, and because their other commitment is based on whether the City of Springfield is able to commit. Mr. Ko said as part ofthis public hearing council is being asked to amend the fiscal year 2000-2001 Consolidated Action Plan. He said staff and the CDAC is recommending that $6,900.00 be reallocated to the Oregon State Parole and Probation office to do some renovations to their Meadow Park Auxiliary Office. . Councilor Ballew asked about the Emerald Arts funding listed for electrical is still needed since it was announced tonight they received funding through a grant. Mr. Ko said his understanding is yes. The funding they received tonight is just a portion of the funding they need. Councilor Fitch asked for clarification. On the new request for the Child Advocacy Center, the funding would have to be taken out the money that was already recommended? She also asked where the requesting agency was during the process when these were being evaluated. Mr. Ko said the way the request' was formatted, is they would like to see some type of commitment from the city, and their plan for construction will be in the years 2002 - 2003. It would need partial commitment from the 2001-02 funds, and possibly a partial allocation from the next year's CDBG funds. Mr. Ko said he couldn't answer her questions as to where they were while these were being evaluated. Mr. Ko explained the requested amount for the funding for the Child Advocacy Center, and the projected s~hare for the City of Springfield would be $67,500.00 over a two-year period. Mayor Leiken opened the public hearing. . 1. Joe Mathieu, 841 Diamond St., Springfield, said in response to Councilor Fiche's inquiry this request was not mentioned during the CDAC review. He said the recommended funding allocations were a result of long and thoughtful deliberations by all the CDAC committee members. He said this is eight and fmal year on the CDAC, and said thank you to all his fellow CDAC members. Th~e deliberations are very meaningful, they save the council quite a lot of I . . . Springfield City Council Regular Meeting - April 16, 2001 Page - 9 time and said he has enjoyed his time. He thanked the council for their leadership and support for the Block Grant and the Community. He thanked Kevin Ko and his staff. 2. Elaine Phillips, 1445 Willamette St., Eugene, said she appreciates the CDAC process and the fact that the committee decided to commit some funds to the program that she runs. She said the Lane Micro Business program began in 1998, and it was the brainchild of the Saturday Market, OUR Federal Credit Union, and Lane Community Colleges Business Development Center. She said each one of those organizations is interested in helping low income small businesses for different reasons. She said the goal is to help low income people thrive, and help their businesses grow. The program has been typically funded for the last three years, through private foundation funding, as well as CDBG funding from the City of Eugene. She said when she came to the City of Springfield what she was looking for was an opportunity to provide a share of attention and priority. She asked council for their support and recommendation. 3. Greg Hyde, 200 So. Mill St., Springfield, representing Willamalane Parks and Recreation District. He said on behalf ofWillamalane he briefly thanked the council and the CDAC for considering helping to fund the Meadow Park lighting and street tree-planting project. He said this is a very good example of multiple agencies combining their efforts and resources to achieve positive outcomes on the ground, and very much in keeping with the spirit of TEAM Springfield. He said this improvement would make a big difference in the neighborhood pride, livability, and public safety of the Meadow Park neighborhood. Mayor Leiken closed the public hearing. /' Councilor Fitch asked that the SRDC be removed, as she was unable to vote on that portion of the funding due to a conflict of interest. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR HATFIELD, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR FITCH TO ADOPT THE FISCAL YEAR 2001 - 2002 FUNDING ALLOCATIONS WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE SPRINGFIELD RENAISSANCE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGINST. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR HATFIELD WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR LUNDBERG TO ADOPT THE FISCAL YEAR 2001 - 2002 FUNDING ALLOCATION FOR THE SPRINGFIELD RENAISSANCE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FORAND 0 AGAINST 1 ABSTAIN (FITCH). Mr. Kelly said Mr. Ko spoke to the fmancial side of the request from the county, and asked Police Chief Jerry Smith speak about what th~ Child Advocacy Center does. Chief Smith said the Advocacy Center is currently located on Coburg Rd, as a product of a great deal of work by District Attorney Doug Harcleroad. He said from a law enforcement prospective the center is used to conduct interviews and further the investigation in child abuse cases, whether they are sexual, physical or otherwise. He said it is also used in domestic violence cases where there are children involved. He said one of the problems that has risen over time, is that there are so many cases it has outgrown its space availability. He said Grand Jury is run through there also in order to soften the impact on children. There are rooms to conduct interviews, as well as specially trained individuals that are conducting these interviews. He said there are also some medical exam rooms. He does not know if there are medical exams being conducted there, as he . Ii" . . . Springfield City Council Regular Meeting - April 16, 2001 Page -10 has not participated in one of those. He said this is a necessary tool for law enforcement because of court decisions and case law that have been ruled upon that restricts the means and the way that investigations are conducted in children. He said this center is very worthwhile to law enforcement. Councilor Ballew asked who owns and operates the center. Chief Smith said it was initially purchased with grant funds by Lane County. He said the District Attorney oversees the operation ofthat center, and confrrmed that it is a county facility. Mr. Ko responded to questions regarding the possible funding. There was discussion regarding the CDAC convene to look at this specific issue, and how funding could be provided. Councilor Lundberg said human services are always a difficult process. She recommends the CDAC meet and provide recommendations to council of how to handle the funding as it relates to this specific request. Councilor Simmons agreed with Councilor Lundberg. He said he would favor funding be taken from the 2002 - 2003 dollars rather than imperiling all the work that has been done to date. Council consensus to refer this topic back to the CDAC for recommendations. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILQR HATFIELD WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR FITCH TO REALLOCATE $6,900. FROM FUNDS ALLOCATED LAST YEAR FROM SPRINGFIELD SOUP KITCHEN TO THE PAROLE AND PROBATION OFFICE FOR THE MEADOW PARK FACILITY. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 IN FAVOR AND 1 AGAINST (BALLEW). BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS 1. Correspondence from Lee Beyer, President of the Board of Directors of McKenzie Willamette Hospital, 1460 G. Street, Springfield, Regarding Springfield Declaring a Smoke-free Community. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR HATFIELD WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR FITCH TO ACCEPT THE CORRESONDENCE FILED. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 IN FAVOR AND 0 AGAINST. BUSINESS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL 1. Committee Appointments a. Planning Commission Appointments. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR HATFIELD WITH A SECQND BY COUNCILOR FITCH TO APPOINT MARYL YN PIDLLIPS TO THE SPRINGFIELD PLANNING COMMISSION . ~ J . . . . Springfield City Council Regular Meeting - April 16, 2001 Page - 11 FOR A FOUR-YEAR TERM EXPIRING MAY 6, 2005; AND APPOINT LEE BEYER TO THE SPRINGFIELD PLANNlNG COMMISSION TO FILL THE VACANT POSITION OF DAVE RALSTON FOR A TERM EXPIRING SEPTEMBER 21, 2002. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 IN FAVOR AND 0 AGAINST. b. Budget Committee Appointment and Ratification. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR HATFIELD WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR FITCH TO APPOINT ROXIE CUELLAR TO THE BUDGET COMMITTEE TO SERVE A THREE- YEAR TERM EXPIRING DECEMBER 31,2003. 2, Business from Council a. Committee Reports Councilor Lundberg reported that the Human Services Commission is going through their yearly review process and said included is a budget for a Latino OutreachW orker that would be housed in Springfield. She said this would be nice in light of our ever-increasing Latino population. Councilor Hatfield spoke about some of the issues still facing MPC on Trans Plan. Councilor Simmons said the Watershed Council has completed a storm-monitoring project that has been ongoing for many years. There are some issues included regarding Springfield's contributions that may be helpful in terms of grant submissions to help remedy the problem. Councilor Fitch said she would be attending one day of the Oregon Downtown Development Conference in AsQIand. She hopes to bring back some good information to share. Mayor Leiken thanked Councilor's Hatfield and Ballew for their comm;tment at MPC on Trans Plan. BUSINESS FROM THE CITY MANAGER 1. Discussion of Metropolitan Policy Committee (MPC) Recommendations to Resolve Trans Plan Policy Issues. Planning Manager Greg Mott was present for the staff report. He said the status regarding the conflict resolution for Trans Plan is that the final issues that were proposed for resolution by the Subcommittee and endorsed by MPC are before council in Attachment 1, He said L TD, City of Eugene, and Lane County have already reviewed and endorsed these issues. He said staffs recoinmenda,tion would be to accept the MPC recommendation and adopt. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR HATFIELD WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR FITCH TO SUPPORT THE RECOMMENDATION OF MPC. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 IN FAVOR AND 1 AGAINST (SIMMONS). Councilor Simmons said there are components within the Trans Plan that he philosophically disagrees with. He supports the work that Councilor's Hatfield and Ballew have done. He said a lot of work has gone into this, and he said he feels it is appropriate to adopt the Trans Plan as it is, . . . . . Springfield City Council Regular Meeting - April 16, 2001 Page - 12 but he will stand on his no vote. Mr. Mott said staff will have to return to council one more time because of a proposal of bicycle funding as an actually item in Trans Plan. He said the BRT language would also need to be reviewed. ADJOURNMENT The Meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Kim Krebs r ~~/ Kim Krebs, City Recorder