HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/05/2001 Work Session . . . . ';. MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2001. The Springfield City Council met in Work Session at Springfield City Hall, 225 Fifth Street, Jesse Maine Meeting Room at 6:01 p.m. with Mayor Leiken presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Leiken, Councilors Ballew, Fitch, Hatfield, Ralston and Simmons. Councilor Lundberg was absent (excused). Also present were City Manager Mike Kelly, City Attorney Tim Harold, City Recorder Kim Krebs, Development Services Director Cynthia Pappas, Fire Chief Dennis Murphy, Finance Director Bob Duey, Police Chief Jerry Smith, Public Works Director Dan Brown, City Engineer Al Peroutka, Accounting Manager Valerie Nardo, and members of staff. Guest: Paul Nielson, CPA, for Moss Adams, LLP, Certified Public Accountants. 1. 2000 Annual Financial Report and Management Letter. Accounting Manager Valerie Nardo was present for the staff report. She said in accordance with Oregon statues and the City's Charter, the city is required to complete an annual audit and financial statement. The report is included with the Agenda Item Summary (AIS) and said Mr. Paul Nielson from Moss Adams was present to present the Annual Financial Report and Management Letter. She continued by stating they are the city's independent auditors, and have completed their audit of the city's 1999/2000 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) and have issued their opinion and Management Letter, which is included in the packet. She introduced Mr. Nielson. Mr. Nielson reviewed the audit process and provided a slide presentation in which he discussed the highlights of the CAFR and the Management Letter. . He said as a preliminary summary for the council's information, the auditors found no material weaknesses in the city's internal financial controls and they issued a "clean opinion" on the city annual financial report. What this means is that the city property accounted for the city's financial resources and are using adequate financial controls to help prevent any improper use of those resources. Mr. Nielson said there were two points that were clarified for change 1) accounts receivable, 2) based on what their IT dept stated develop a better disaster recovery plan for their data processing dept. He said Ms. Nardo and staff are doing an outstanding job, and said he enjoys working with the City of Springfield. 2. 2001 - 2006 Capital Improvement Program (CIP). City Engineer Al Peroutka was present for the staff report. He said the purpose of this work session was to review and obtain consensus from council for a recommended five-year CIP. He further stated that the Planning commission reviewed the CIP and recommended approval, and now is being forwarded for council approval. If approved, a public hearing will be held at the regular council meeting on February 20,2001. Mr. Peroutka said the CIP does not carry budget authority, it is however a valuable planning tool used to guide staff, the Budget Committee, and the City Council in creating the annual budget. Springfield City Council Work Session - February 5, 2001 Page - 2 . He said stated another significant aspect ofthe funding situation for this year's CIP is that the sewer drainage capital funds and sewer SDC funds are completely programmed over the 5-year period. The result is that any additions proposed for this fund, would require additional revenues, such as rate increases, or a trade off for other programmed items. Mr. Peroutka highlighted the various maps that were placed on the wall, and referred council to the list of significant projects proposed in the draft CIP in their handout. Those highlighted included the following: . · Development Improvements City participation in Private Projects Debt Service - SLI Infrastructure Debt Service - Sewer Interceptor Future Growth Conduit Master Plan (New Project) · Neighborhood Improvements Street Lighting In-Fill . · Preservation Sidewalk Repairs Signal Detector Repair Street Tree Replacement Guardrail Repair Sanitary Sewer Repair Drainage Repair Minor City Facility Projects Street Light Pole Replacement Catch Basin Filters Wet Weather Peak Flow (New Project) Channel Improvements (New Project) City Building Maintenance Street Seal/Overlays Signal Detector Repair Minor City Facilities Projects · Traffic Safety Signal Interconnect Traffic Control Projects There was discussion regarding the various CIP Projects, and Mr. Peroutka responded to questions of council members. Councilor Ballew asked relative to State and Federal sources, are we seeing any declines, or are we holding steady in our revenues. Mr. Peroutka said SDC's are show consistence over the past 5-year period, and believes they are all pretty consistent. . Springfield City Council Work Session - February 5,2001 Page - 3 . Mayor Leiken asked where the progress is on the roundabout. Mr. Peroutka said they are targeting for April. Technical Services Manager Len Goodwin responded to questions regarding underground utilities while the street is being constructed. He said SUB as a municipal utility may have some concern, and hopes there will be some discussion between the two agencies. He hopes there will be discussions regarding design concepts for utility placement. Councilor Simmons said commented that it might be advantageous if there were a defined plan and install the underground utility on the Franklin Trunk Sewer even though it would not be used initially. He said this would avoid having to tear up and reconstruct for the proposed BRT Station. Mr. Peroutka said that has been done previously in certain street construction projects. Councilor Fitch asked how much if any would be picked up by private funding in the Franklin area. Mr. Peroutka said there is a component in this line that will serve all the way out to the LCC base, there is a cost for upsizing, and that has been a subject of discussions with various agencies. Councilor Ballew asked about the federal law changes that we may be reacting to. . Mr. Peroutka said there are catch basin filters to look at putting some improvements in our parking areas (city owned) and install on a trial basis. He said staff is often challenged by certain requirements that we as a city place on other people and citizens, it is a learning experience and we must also require the same of ourselves. Mr. Peroutka said there might be a much larger list of projects that will be discussed when the sewer and storm rates are brought before council. Councilor Simmons stated in the previous discussions regarding the bike path, west of 421ld Street for construction next year. He said we talked about the proposed vacation is this particular component is not the bike plan, and asked the council to direct staff to work with planning commission to find the funding to include this. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:01 p.m. ~' Minutes Recorder - Kim Krebs .