HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/16/2001 Work Session ", . . ,.. MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD ON MONDAY, JANUARY 16,2001 The Springfield City Council met in Work Session at Springfield City Hall, Jesse Maine Meeting Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, at 6:31 p.m. with Mayor Leiken presiding. ATTENDANCE: Present were Mayor Leiken, and Councilors Ballew, Fitch, Hatfield, Lundberg, Ralston and Simmons. Also present were City Manager Mike Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Recorder Kim Krebs, City Attorney Tim Harold, Police Chief Jerry Smith, Public Works Director Dan Brown, Fire Chief Dennis Murphy, Library Director Bob Russell, Planning Manager Greg Mott, Project Manager Len Goodwin Traffic, Manager Nick Arnis, City Engineer Al Peroutka, Management Analyst Eileen Stein, and members of staff. 1. Pioneer Parkway Extension Update. Traffic Manager Nick Amis and City Engineer Al Peroutka were present for the staff report. Mr. Peroutka said the purpose of the work session was to provide council with an update on the investigation to date by staff regarding potential funding sources for the Pioneer Parkway Extension (PPE). He said staff recommends proceeding with the funding strategies listed in the Council Briefmg Memorandum (CBM), except for the Tax Increment Financing Strategy. Mr. Peroutka said council would see several funding sources highlighted in the CBM, and highlighted three of those sources for council consideration. a. Developer Contribution of Right-of-Way. Mr. Peroutka said in early 1999, city staff negotiated with the major owners ofthe vacant MDR property regarding an agreement to extend sanitary sewer to serve those properties. At that the those negotiations were dropped, it seemed possible that the property owners would be willing to dedicate the right-of-way necessary for the PPE, depending on how the city would respond to requests for annexation and development of their properties, in light of traffic concerns in the area. The years past they have had conversation with the major landowners in the MDR area. He said the negotiations were stopped approximately one year ago, at the time the negotiations were dropped, it seemed possible that the property owners would be willing to dedicate the right-of- way necessary for the PPE, depending on how the city would respond to requests for annexation and development of their properties, in light of traffic concerns in the area. b. Lane County Contribution from Game Farm Road Proiect. Mr. Amis said the city held meetings with Lane County Commissioner Dwyer and Councilor Lundberg about shifting funds from the Game Farm Road South project to the PPE. They directed City staff to proceed with testifying at the County Roads Advisory CIP hearing in February to amend the CIP to move the funds to PPE. The Game Farm Road project is estimated at #2.1 million for 2004. In addition, city and county staff in late January and early February will present to the Board the council approved alignment of the PPE. The possibility for the Game Farm project funds is high. ;. ~. City of Springfield Work Session - January 16,2001 Page - 2 fill' c. ODOT and Metro Funds: Right of Way Purchase and Federal Metro Funds. Mr. Arnis said there is $1.25 million for the I-5/Beltline Right of Way Purchase in 2002. Through the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) there may be a possibility to allocate the funds to the PPE. This action would take acceptance by metro agencies and ODOT and could involve positioning the funds to 2003 or 2004. He said it is important for the city to be in a position to talk with ODOT to possibly get some funding for the PPE. Mr. Amis said because funds are very tight and each agency is in the process of looking at funding issues, it is very important to try and keep funding in the Metro area. That is why we need to get PPE in a position to use those funds if they become available. Councilor Hatfield said there are two issues, impact on traffic, what kind of modeling have we seen, if we are only able to do the PPE, what kind of capacity does that give Springfield in order to develop this area with the existing Beltline Gateway. He said he understood that it would not solve the problem, but it does move us into a position where we will be able to develop the area. Mr. Amis said it helps quite a bit from the interchange Environmental Assessment that is being conducted, what they are fmding is with the PPE it prolongs the life of the Gateway/Beltline intersection. . Councilor Lundberg asked what staff considers to be the best strategies in terms in order of priority, considering what we want to accomplish right now, and were are the 1-5 Beltline right of way dollars, and how can they be allocated. Mr. Amis said they have not been prioritized yet, except for the fact they don't like Tax Increment Financing. He said the loans are to SDC revenues, and it is important to be cautious of those. He said "staff would need to begin looking at the federal funding issues. He said it would be largely dependent on how difficult the process is. He said some funding issues are more complicated than others to achieve, and staff will have to determine which avenue to take. He said the Demonstration Project from the Federal Government and STIP Process, those are project funds, and are strategies he thinks we should consider. He said with the demonstration project there is a 20% match if it stands alone, but if it is part of the 1-5 Beltline project the match would probably come from the state. He said we might want to consider partnering with them for the coordination ofthose funds. He said the projects are beginning to get closer and closer to being linked because of the benefits of PPE and the Gateway/Beltline intersection. Councilor Fitch said over the past couple of years there have been discussions regarding partnering with other agencies as well as property owners who want to develop in that area, and said that would probably be the key to it's success. She said is now time to explore that process, which will make the case much stronger at the state and federal level. She said it is important to continue that theme. Councilor Simmons asked if right of way funds are used to purchase right of way, and then offset that with direct reflection with contribution with adjacent property owners, is a permitted process. . Mr. Peroutka said whatever we do will be outside the normal assessment of policy. These property owners are outside of the city limits; there are many creative things that can be accomplished. . ; City of Springfield Work Session - January 16,2001 Page - 3 " Mr. Arnis said the Gateway/Beltline interchange is much further ahead. He said the PPE is a small project in comparison to the big picture. Councilor Fitch asked for clarification purposes, will it be 4-lane, and do we need all the easement we have there. Mr. Peroutka said yes 4 lanes, but no we do not need all the easement. There was discussion of how BR T fits into the big scheme. Councilor Fitch said we need to look at other partners to help with funding. Mayor Leiken asked if there had been any discussion with U. S. Representative Peter Defazio regarding the 1-5 end of the PPE. Mr. Arnis said he has not spoken to Representative DeFazio on this project. He said he understood that the 1-5 Beltline item was going to added to the United Front Agenda. Ms. Stein confIrmed that this would be included in the United Front Agenda this year. . After discussion, consensus was to see how much outside agency monies staff is able to attract. Either FederaVState or a combination of both. It was agreed that obtaining loans are a lower priority and will have to be obtained at a later date. Council stressed it would be important to stay open to options. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:01 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Kim Krebs ATTEST: ~ ~ . ~Recorder .