HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2002-9-12
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8weRlroverfDgineeriilg P.C.
P.O. Box 2956
Eugene, Oregon 97402
(54]) 688-3020
Septemb"," J 2, 2002
P.O. Box 300
Sprin~icld. Oregon 97477
~,e: Covered Rntrv Ili! 2S0 A Street. Sorinl!ficld
Job # 02276
A~ you requested I perfomled a site inspection on September 10,2002 :ll the above noted location. During.
that inspcction 1 made the fqllowing observations.
The cxisti'ng covered entry althe main entrance to lhe olTices is constructed of wood fTaming. There are <)
main frames Ioc.~tcd along the south elevation of lhe building. Each frame is CO'1structed with 2 - 4x4
pOMs spaced 6 teet apart with double 2x 14 ties conn.ected to lhc posts with 2 - Y, inch diameter bolts and
ar~ covered with 2x T&G decking. The rrames are centered at 8 feet o/c. The conncction b<:tween the 4x4
posts and the foundation is minimal. I nOled no laleral reslraint lor the structure during my inspection. I
noted Ihe following damage during my inspection.
The rrame located at lhe SW comer of the structure was 2 - 'h inches out of plumb. The frame located at
the SE corner was 2 inches oul of plumb. The decking has been lifted olT from the frames al several
locations along the vestibule. The employees of the building noted this damage after Ihe wind~10rm of
February 9; 2002. Based on my observations roade during this inspection. 1 believe that the damage to the
li-aming is a dir<:(.1 result of this structure being subjected of a very SIrong windstorm. The pal tern of
damage is consistent with lhe superstructure being lit\ed during a high wind event. Rlepair for the building
is as attached. The repair will bring the entry. back to a condition that is better its current condition,
however, this rcpaic is not in compliance with current code because lhe eumenl slructure wiD nol
withslaRd Ihe minimum accelerations required for seismic zone 3 as specified by the State of Oregon. If a
code compliant design is required lOr the building, I re,:ommend that the entire superstructure be replaced
with a ncw system.
Very tntly yours
Thanl.; you tor this opportunity to be of service. If you have any questions please don't hesilale ~~~~e
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