HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1996-7-16
r~[!\MIT AI'I'L1CATIOl'.
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JOU_1!lI'11 q ~o~B2o
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SPljll~Jlj(:I(j, on 97477
Inspectioll Line: 72G.37G9
Office: 726,3759
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I~U~;INE:;S NAME, FIIIM toTC.: C ,-I- E 'l2ef\t-z..,\
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{)E~cr\IPTIO[IJ OF PF\OPO~r:D SIGN(S}: {pleilsc check ilnd complete all :lppropri<Jtc infofrllalioll}
W;lll ~ frCl~standino ProjectillQ f100f
SII'[Ile FOLe l Double Face Billboard Otller
Squ;ltC FI)ot."3U!~ ~-':L~____ TotJI Height above GrJde: 20 {
Vt:rlic;d Dirnension of sinn or enclosure: 9\( 1-I0fl1.on1.:11 Width of sIgn or enclosure:
I)i",,,"s;,," 1[()l1l ",,"1i; \ Eft>Llneal IIlSlOlIalll"" 0cs No .
It! 1)()ltOlll 01 SiUn: \ 2 (If yes Lldultlor1;J1 pc~~qulredl VALUE: L" l., 00
M;lt.:ri;d SiUrl i~; constlllcted of:
kxa() , c;\umd'\V<Y\
List f,LL (,;xi~;[iI1U Si(JIl:10C (IJ1d ;:lttacll a photograph of cnch sign:
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IIlI Type. ~\ G.\ \. Sq. Fig. . 32
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ADDm:~;~;.'?JO ()A'(....(JATC\J, vz..D
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PHONE: L19-S- '5"5'1(,r----
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ZIP: Ci7LJ cS '2.
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CIT'IIJOSINI:SS LICENSE NUMIlEl1: ____..:i:::,\)_~5...'l__._,___
SrUII DiSliiCI:_~ry)I'l:'Y tlJy
lOflinu: CC
SIIIII 1",,~-::~:--~7-6-, 00
l.and Use: 5300 Ouad A""" 2C'S /AI
Code Suclion Cf - 7 - /4 (l ,1-
Approved By: &,a;d oC ~pLQ/~ 7-q-%J! lit_DATE: 7 -IS -1&
.,-'f-.-. Sile
\(1 b(: 111;ldc prior
to SIUI1.pl~lCCl1lellt.
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JHiJ;~u pl,lccrm:lll
of concrele
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Jlt(lr last{lnerS aru
inSl;JllcCl/plior to cover
prior to encroizino
)( Final
ct~etlon of sign
^lIdillllllal Cornlllt:nts ;JrllJ/or Conditions:
... ..._._.~_._.__. .......__.._...___._n .~____~_._______,_________..
By si~1I1,JtUfl:, I SIDle :lI'1d ,lgre!;, tllJt Ill:lVC c;:Hclully examined tile cornpluted applic<llioJl ,JrlU do Illlreby certify tl1.1t :III inforrn;Jt;on IlCru;1l
I~ tr\J(~ :Illt! correct, ;lI1(J I lurtt"H:r certify lhat <.lIlY ;md ,III W{J(k perfurmed stlOlll1c done in accordLlllcc with the Ordinances of tile City af
Sprillullldd, (Jlld tIll) L,IWS 01 the Slilte of Oregol1, perwininu to tl1(~ work described herein. I further certify tllat only contr<lctors. and
(~lllJlloy(:es who ;Ir(: in compliill\cr. witli ORS 701.055 will be used on ttlis project.
1 luf\lw( .J[Jrl:e to t:nsure th'::ll all required inspections ,Ire requested '::It the proper time, tl\;Jt project address is readable from the streel, lflat
tilt; pcrrllil C:lfU is loc.ncd .11 tIle front of lhe property, ;mu the <Ipproved set of plans will refTlJin on the site at Jll times during the inst(l(lation
of tile SiOIl{SI.~ _. )
Si[lll;IlLJle . .~m _ C/.LYIM. ..,(~ Date 1/ Cf I q~
AmoullI lli:celved: ~~} ~ Date Paid:
Hcceipt Number: ~ I \ Received l3y:
". \\o.q(n
Tilt: ilpplic;llioll Oil Llw raverse side needs to.lle completed entiruly. If you arc the sign contrLlc;(Qr!installcr, or if you ufe
t\lrino (j COlltrilctor, you neeu to llltlkc sure 111<11 batll ltlC City 01 Springfield Business License Number and the Registration
~UllllJCI lrom tile. State oj Oregon Construction Contractors BOJrd me listed on the application along with the expiration
. dll Ie of e~Jcl'1"
lIthe 5igll you are proposing is iJJurnlllLlted, an electrical permit <lppJicLllion also needs to bc'corriplctcd and signed by either
oJ .supervising .uluctrici.Hl, limited siun clcClrici.l1 COlllftlclor, or 11 you oro the business owner who L11so owns tllO bulle.Jlno In
which you <lrc occupying, and you will be performing the electrical installation yourself, you may sign the electrical
If. thc:rc are cxistino wall and/or freestnndinu sigr.ls, a photogrnph(sJ of each existing sign noods to be attached to tho
application. Tl1l~ Si,lC of CJch existing sian also needs to ue listed on'the application.
To sulllnit lor .J sign permit, you need to prepJre two complete sets of drawings showing all dimensions, total height, and
:) plot pj,HI indici.Jtillg wlwre tilL: Ij(Uposctl sian ....vjJl be located. If you ",e ,instul!ing 0 !reest::!ndir.g zion which exceeds 20
fe(;t in lellal height. tile f.DolinO del<lil needs to be prepJred anti stamped by a registered engineer. After the plan review
pr'oc'e~;s is cOli\pletcd, Dnel, if your sigrl(s) is <lpproved, one set will be returned to you. The approved' set of drawings need
tu IJC <ll llll: site WIWll ,Hl inspection is requested for tile inspectors reference.
Oc;pendinu ,on your siUJl(sl. you rTlLlY be required to reQu'cst one or all of the following inspections during tile inswllntion
ut your SiUI1:
To be requested after illtJic':ltinu UIl the lot where the propased sign will be located but priar to any work
being performed lar tile instJlIation of the sign. This inspection is requircd .if therc is n question on the
locaLion of the proposed sign.
Tu l)(! requested nfter excavation Clnd the lorms are installed, but prior to pouring concrete. If there 'will be
elc:ctric.:l1 conduit placed in the looting, it must nlso be in plnee prior to requesting this inspection.
AIIJchlnC:l1l: To 118 requested when all fasteners .:He inst.:lllcd but priar to cover..
To be requested after the electrical connection to the sign is madel, but prior to energizing.
After all required inspections are conducted and Jpprovcd and the sign installation is complete.
The inspections '.t'lat [lrc required for your specific siun will be indicated on the npplication during the plan revie~ process.
railure to request ANY of the required inspections could result in sign removal in order to inspect the sign at the required
inturvals 01 work.
To request ~ln inspection, phone 726-3769. TIlis is a 24 hour recording. On the recording you will need to lenvc your City
D(;siUn,ltcu Job Number, location of where tile siun is being inSt.:llled, ttle type of inspection you are requesting, nnd when
you will be ready for the inspection, All inspections c<Jllcd ill to ttle recorder prior to 7:00 a.m. will be mJde thc same
workinu dilY, ,III inspeclions phoned in after 7:00 ':UTI. wid be made the following work day.
If you h,we Jny questions regnrdino the <lp'plicJtion, required plans or inspections, pleJse feel free to 'phone the Building
S~II(ny Divisioi-l.,lt 726-3759.
City of Springfield
. Bllildiug Saf('ly Division
225 FiJ'th Slreet
Springfield, OR 97477