HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1997-10-27 . ...... "BUILWINGPERMIT CI-IJt:IG1TSl ... .............. ..' /l~ildhICl'ermil#~::~) '.' .' Address: ",0,.1 i 'fU[t ec;: Asscsw'sMapir'::c Lot~/!~~?: :Y~'~ 4"'_ -()0,/ CO *rJiit@iWMWiiMiMMWlImMil?i;;IJB!i!l!!X!W2XT{Mg:[l!!l.HY!fjYY;!2Xa{<tl~'3ZZQ/Y%fTfffilAfii1U@"@i!Wldl;ili!lffili;'WPiWN!;!LWWnm ,t~~iS~_~~t~ !Jl~ ..-... -.. .~tMimlift~1~{;J?n1t.?l~M1~ffg:fMim~~l&gl~t~?J~ilir&i4t~l?!k!vl&Jhwiiii~;~i#MW}}t.i~jm!fm1tlM1fanj[ff~Hi!tmfjJ~Itrt}ifJ;Thn:r.t@Rlj[{li.~f@} PlanlZone ConOid Y _ NX_ [fl'r_'i. a 'Tn./rl' rhallP-~/nlall nmt"lIrf~"(,II( is r~nu~~~1 n~~~~t~..n.~~iJ~~II~.~~.~~~~.~~. ~suollr,. _ _tiW@~1%F~~@~ii~Mtt[ff~rJJ[%t.1~!~~~i~*~f:j!t@t1)~:Iljli~f~qD:!R!?Zgr42~l{1:g21~tr(~yp~t{!liBf~W~~Xili~@~ffi@%tf[H~J~iB~gtIT!:~~~1:~~~fii~t~(~flt~1titffJr ';'1~il;~~;~~;t~i;.~~~~~;ft@'ili~~m:l;rm;@dmlkt~it~[~~;~~i!tQi~i;j~f*[Mm;Mjtmmfi!liJiitWill;&f,jMiWM1iYJWttw&\mr@ Willamene Greenway " N J Hillsid~ Development Y NY Floodplain " _ NY Hospital Support ,,= Nk' UF-IO ,,= N]I Historic Y_ NI Special Requirements/Additional Reviews for Overlay Districts.J!!iQufJ flllildiup Prrmif ;CWffllcr: (see below for Floodplain rcq.) Annexation Agreement Y _ NY Future Development Plan ,,_ N_Y Discretionary Use "_ N% Hillside Dev. reports ,,_ NL .=~""m' ill'!&clfW~' '''']50......................'... w-.,,",""" ~'""'..,""'''''''''"....,w..."w.....,...,,."..,,.<......w..''mm''''.'''.."lliIi"'""/;'..,.,,."'.'.I....'.......,<<.._,..., .@,N;..........@",...._,...'-w.","".,.".,",""<<.w.',.. ~~~m::::xx:~..<:::"!:#t'<~~%$-~-?M:~-::::&*:$;f::;}~;-i."**,*,;;~~m,*~,iht~W:{.<>>':'~~~;...':?-!.1'",~~,.!.li'Jtrr~~1.*,. .," .::::.mWt:<<$" ~.<<#..,m. . ..~::~:_.,.__,._"~:::~,-~~~~::::~~-::::l=W~*<::::M:K I()O Year Floodplain"_ N k ..., .. . ml'loodway . ... Y_ N g NFIP Elevat;on Certificate Y _ NJ The NFIP Elevation Certificate must be received.with the correct elevation prior to occupancy ~4Jf!A(il{ifLY!1lfEr{(jlllJtti?Jtlitm<tf1Ni)lfjilt'J.l'i~1fiRflJ;;{fPkl?W(j'tl~f!JfffJ.P'g1.Wt!,Q'fi:q1~?7fl!l4.l;Jii:,f;!ff:YG:ff,$,lWI . (Including but not limited to Site Plan Reviews. Partitions. Subdivisions, and Discrctionary Usc approvals): . r -rru.o /)).D().f/lA<1- lI-l ~Cl C-IYYLXYUA/yI-V11.1 Urrvm.vrUoJJ. /h0 ~ . IV~I'- -~~ -tD oJ.LiMJ ~IW (!.mG-n(\lAj)..A1D,-- 6fJ 0.-- /00V'. J ~~~ ~, ll~~n ~t)f~~~~~ct~ '5 6b ~ Ornu:!J'P . ..... . ;m~~%W$Wl\:!%W,;r~4#"",:':,'.'i:mJ..1t.!f1li.'iilfJ_1'~,'WatW$"'L, '~,,1J;;;:;;;;;;;'(~A""ki-'\'W.'t HydricSoils Map Y _ NJi Draft Wetlands (nvento')' Y _ N % .....'..N~ii~~-;;i Wetlands InvcnL Map Y _ N1 Wetland Land Use Notification'Fonn to DSL Y_ NJr If yes, date sent . If yes. t"~ wetland issu~ must b~ rcsalv~d prior to t"~ issuanc~ of a Building Permit. Dale returned from DSL Dil.. i'i..' .....J!tr-:-li!r....rmllt""*.5.:tm:4Thf.$jh.lXPW4X1J"'1lJjB.t.Jt4JI.4W!J,'l!t:.~f!Jf:t!lJf;!:.iff!t.1iJflt.~uiilA~.$ELlffkWii:Maj A lAnd and Drainag~ Alteration Permit if r~quired priar to t(/~ issuanu of a Building Permit. TIle pennit is applicable within the city limits of Springfield and thc UGI3 - I) In the noodplain the penn it is required for any alteration; 2) Everywhere else, the permit is required when there is an alteration of 50 cu(yds. or more. See the l3uilding Plans Examiner and/or Engineer Tech IV to determine if the 50 cu. yd. tl>rcshold applies. Pennit required Y_ N_ f- -, r-r c..:lMdJTI.: ,.'''JW!%Jl!~;pptf.WJl!1{ifl0~~FY!!ifffi.Jt!lfl!.~fi!.iil!.f!.i.;f!/#.i1!l!.k.~t~?ET-'m. L ..... ::mlftl~Wfu. A (r~~fdling permit is uquired prior to tltc if.fuauu of a Building I'ermit, TIle pennit is applicable within the city limits of Springfield and tlle UGU on lol~ 10,000 sq. fl. or larger when morc than 5 trces are proposed to be cuI. Permit required Y _ N_ ~]JI[ .....".:.:.'...;-':~~"G41i@@fj@mfjm;1g9g%j~r:t;Wfr:::~;.:;~:;:;~:::;~,:~i&ii.f{4TfJ.1J}/!X!jJf{Z~fftY&:::;i:~{tlif.t.&t.j~ftlfW&m~.~.t~!~!::::~~j*1i.t]nl~:1 .......-...,.............- ...,..........,..- I Site Plan Review Hisloric Commission Y N'I ,,__ Nt" ChCCkCdUY*:" . ......~A~1iL 10~_ ........-. ..............ll:tte: /(J~;~q? . ()lease inHial (he approi;',-iate informal'i-on arc:';-:H sOI-I~eonc other tl~"an the Planner- must sign off. DSD PIa"t",ingOiv;Slon l 2196