HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1984-1-1 . .. . I I I I it;; W~'\OM i..-t (Y\CI.)::i CGJoJC ev,.J1 ; , . . r--Dt" 0.11 ~os+ I eight ~QDI'$ 1}1()LJ~ ow,,:)ec1,a.vou-bv~;A-\v.e.. I po~"A sl10f I 80% PQvJt aNd op."C>K.;;J.6 % I~k+ '(hefa ( (\Qfo.,;"" I sol.& lhI,!::f bL'ls'I.0es-S 4-0 f'\'Ioue ~lc +0 La,.;€. COU~ rOf" ;1\oc~ of' jI'f\.;f Po.,.,.''';! is hev'e :~ I ve:.::t ~Vc.,L;\ l.~k.e ~ite Q.II€a.. . ,The o.otcit'ess !~~:2 &u-tG, A Sf'V'I~fielcR. J ha..,~ I ea.s:<2 ot 40 I~rees+c.b Ii'{;{"" m J4 o.v-fclMot--ilJ-e pa.~t: 6U5 l~e~s;, lie I.Q~ CAfPr'Gved b~~('~ bch-ol, w'\lL be io.. ,.)IC.e. loob.0.5 cleaw shop. IIJ tl-te po.J ;b()51~eSSes Sl)~ 9-s Paf~ fco.,vl. {'o." ove.r S\X !~ea.l'sl Ct 9ChJ ~l'el.0..s rqJ0ge ('0<' .f~ ~~.;'.sl to,uol a. r~o+o delle.fOpl:";~ la.b . The ,ge.A€lwaAJ IW("OvYI OWIV~ t\-te A/Aoto /Q~ oU ~~ dW~ s '~e ,PV"())f(&f::; t w(~i\ +0 '/ea.ce W(~ ii'll~ 1100.....aL-t" ;0. pp-V?L1a...1, O<cV(!l~S it\.o€ stvee-t Q.t--e otkev G.J-tc - !V\'I(l>.{-I~.e ~v~s;,u~~es ~uc.h. as c.. O~.vCl 1-o.ve llJO i~ ""of I 0.. T(2)('~co .s a S'~,{-~o-"" I a Jo...-cIcW '~Vu::..t.-. l,..e..Aa.~ S'-lo..~ I 0. used (!O..... (C* o..tJd. Q.A.J o.u+o ,d~to., I bv.sl.ue~~ ..~.e ~e or ~;1 (;;k,(' ha.< : beet-J a;.;oI.. will r-GZiMa~N +G be C{a~ AlAe Q..""f-<-"", the looks Dr fhe iov;ld,iJ..s 5"c,5.v Qj.;)d c( eaNt I'N~~ il~ Q II re((ed~!o!;t 1t.~ ~~""e. Wi~ ~he J.Jeed~J. ;eCO;.JoMiC gr-owft.-. 1$/ -tt,,'s o..-ec.. I wl~k to be.. : P'?;,4 0(' /f. JOI'JVI~ ~ ).Jeltjl bOll hooJ wi~ n\O~..=1 Dtlt~v o...Ao ~./2o'LJIa..e~ I k>c:?I.e.v~ thc..+ c..Ji~ 1j;\{~ I <000 s~ C--4 bOlld.;..l.5 t'\"~. bU$ L'AJe~c(!;l.J lot b a. Q. ipos ..:f(c) e o.cid ,.1.0....; +0 ~.e buss I~ e$S COI'l1/41U..v j~ . ! . fl,Mk 140"/ 4V ~)dh' i~/1 \( ~D. /f\ ma,~ . r " ry~ 22-~ 22-S- \ I ~ DAItCAIN A>>bE.!!.E~Y. 0'01::.):1 L. eA.,;r.ft, CARY D. IlMl[M and CII",PI.r.~ tL WIlISENI\.NT, dLI' J<j{(.TPJlfGOf{. an O...",on ",rnera! partnersfup. Gr,u.t,lr. rndj Irl.J.; I f Iy .Joel oS. f,attr.u., convaY' to CAllY O. BAItER, Grantea, all rill"l., UtI. and lnluast. 1" an" to III that ....1 propert.y alhlate4.tn -L.ln.~Col,lnty. St"to of.Oreqon.___ dfl"<:I'I1>I''' .. 10110101.1, lI"'Jtloninq at . poitlt South .,. SO' taat, .2 f~Clt frob the No~t~we.t cornet or .lock )9 01 EXTENDED MAP or SPRINGFIELD, .. vlatted and recorded 1n 100_ -1-, Paqa I, tan. county Or.",on 0..4 Reeorda, and runntnq thence South O. 2" Neat, I20 I..t to the alley runn!nq Ea.t and w..t through ..ld Block, thence South .,- 50' ta.l 810n'1 th~ North 11ne at ..id .Iley SO teet, thence Nc,th n- '6' E~.t. 120 feet to the South line of Main Street, thenCe ~orth 89- SO' We.t SO {cot to tne point ot'beqlnnlnQ. !n Lene County, Ore9on. Subject to all lien., encuBhrance.. and condition. of ~.cord And 1..... currently extet1n9. l:16A'U 1611:/114K[C 11.1" "';O~M' . . .,1;;. J .... ..: ,,' 4 ~ 'to ..~ 'I ,:'1" .!;(i . ..~~. ., ,',