HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1983-8-8 . .. RESIDENTIAL" A:?~r~A7ION/PSR!~T 225 Horth 5ta Street S?~~ngfieZdJ Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 SPRINGFIELD 1 Job !..o(!:;~i.~l1: ~2.a. lr\ f""\ L\~ AS.1essol'= .'1ap II Stlbdi.:)~Si.C11:d~ 3 Ta:: =.0:: II ,~noQ \ 94(\1\ 0 n ~"er'\ \t\C\JU\t'~ ~mm. \\",t'hml Add.-...: ~9:li:'J \l('~~11/( i.U, t\r.pr.or..: City: ~, vl~ Zi?, ~'14(,)\ n n n n 'hrJ Add:' den Remocel .'.!obi. Ze .~o.~;j Date of Applicaticn :.:on:rac::ol'S Cen.ra!Jl ,~MX"" PZumDing EldctJ-;caZ .'1echar:ic.::. L COl'l.Stl"'..lC'ti~ L~nd~r ,~- DesCT"':'be fl'erk.: Value ~ '2eo 00 . [o\c:,\1.:\ Adii....SS3 _~.::::.e~:;:: ~ ~ Lise. .'1 Siqr.ed:d(~ ~ [)ate',.~ It') , ~ ~~ () ) E=:;il't:s Pr.oYlt: Ie iif :;',4 responsibi.t.i:y of the pe~:; hold.ar to see that aZt. iY'.tJpections aJ"e r.u:ufe at the proper tUnE:, tr.;::t &::.::Cn =.ddres8 fror.r eM strest, end that the permit; card is l..xated.:.t the lrcn't of eM property. ~Btl.i.!di.!'".g rr:vi::io:-.. C?Prot:ed pZcn sr.c.ZZ rmai.n on the Bui.Uiing Si.t;; at all times. ?!JOCSDlIP'g FOR INSP'EC'!.'IDrr .;'!"~U!'ST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state yOUI' City desigr..:zted joe 1t:,q;:ber~ 1":!qtJ.estcd cr.d :J::en iOU :.Jil.l be ready for ::/'".spca~':on~ Cont1'cc:crs 01' Ot.,;ne:'s ftC'I6 end p}u:me 7tUr.lba. :--iZL be made the SI::m(J dc-:/I reques:s mcde efta 7:~O a:n :JiZZ be made the nc.:::t :JOrki"G da:;. ~~\4l<rl 30'-'GF. ?~~:~!:.!C. ~':.~~.t?::~~: 1 .'EC."1- A8IC)~: 10 'JO~~ i3 ~o be aove~ed ~=~L ;r.es4 ~~~?ec:icr.s ~~~€ =€er. ma.C.a ::1"'c ==??r?"Je.::. FI::::::?!.~CE: ~;or:o ?Zc::.r:; .~c:ir.q ~~~~~aio a".d b.jare jr=i""l >n'F'C~- ~QJ' rw:' ~. ~ CE: Wher. aompl.~te -- ?ro'lJida ~.__~_.d: !'~3::;~ reCf.t~~t8d ar=21' . gates or :no'lJabLa secti.cns through c:;:n'ou~;, ~! ~auqll pLur.':)'L1tIJ~..~wec:'r"~- P. a.E. eaL & r.:ectUnt..:'.:::zZ. At!. -:"Oo:"'/'"4 br~r;r;.,..g ~ ci:imn:;ys~ at.:'. .':':"..lSl: ~e 0 corrroLa:ad. .~'o :J.?r< ';3 ~o be ccn- . cea'Zad unt::l tJ:i:; ins~ec:-::C1t r.as . blisn ma.d~ and G?proL'ed. ~~~:~t~A T~y~~~~~~~~ o o SIT; n;SPEC':J'J.~': To be rrc.de ercaval:::~r., but pricr ~ se: forms. a[';er up of U!ID!:~S:'A.3 ?!.l'.~f3I.'lG. ~LE:C-:.t?I';,lL ~ :€Ci:'.J.:II~A[.: :'0 be ma.tie oefore :::.ny lJOr,ic is .;ouc.:oed. o POOTI?/C ~ FOa:lD,~TI~,'I: To.;e ~de aj'ter :::rencnes c.rg e=~at..?d ar.d f:rm:; ar€ eree:Jd~ but ~1"i~r :0 po:.trir.g ccncre:.:. . [J U".fDi!3C:~IJ!J.'.ID ?:'l.:.'.f'2I."~. Su~R. ;"'T~'!.1 O:~AI.'!M.t;~: To ce r:n.:e pMo:o :;0 .-~ii.- iir.g :;rer.cr..-1S. o UNDERF!.CC.tl p!.:),',sr.'c ~ :'.fEC!!.:','J[t;,:.:.: To :,s :~.aC..8 jricr :;0 :.n3~1.Z,at"'on ol f7.c0r insuk::-::cn ~r deekir.g. PQST .~,v!J 3eA....f: To be r.".aec pt"'";or to i1t.nalZ,at:ian of' floor ir.s:.:l.a:ion or deckin,;, D o o o Your' City' Cesigr.ated Jab :Vwnb6.1' I3: o I!ISl/LA'1'IO.V/VIlPO.l? EARRI~R I.'!SPE:CTION: To be rT't2dd' -:r.f";er aU ':nsul.::t:i.::l1t a:"'..::1 required uapor t~Brs are in pLace Cut eejere any Zath~ gypS'".u:I beard or wU covering is applied, and before ar.yiM~wtwn ~s ~01tc~l~. is l'e~~ ~~ JOO ~ess~ type of ir~pec~icn Requ€s:;s recei~ed c~;cr€ 7:00 ~ iJE:::OL.iTIO.V OR :,:av=:; 2UILDI:iCS :J Sani'tarJ se"..Je1" ::c:ppec =: ~OPO;!'-:-;:i U..-:.e :J Se?:;L~ tank p-.i."?i:d c:.-.d f~ZZei. ui:h ;r-::..:ei. I Pina~ - :.'her. 6c~e i;e:::s are c=-~Zetcd ~ ar.d when i~Z~:LOr. is ~omptete or s:~~~- ture r.:oued cr.c pl'..m.3es clear.s::i U? I f.!ob~Zi1 Hc....:es ::J 3locking and S~t-~p ::J Plumbing connec:::cns 3C:Jer ar.d wa";a~ ::J ElectricaZ Ccnr.2~t~On ~ Blockir4~ 8e~-U? and 'O~wnbir.a can1:ec'tions nr..:.st =e c;:)~r:::"2d before reques~~r~ eZec:rical ~r.S?6C=~v~ ~ Acce8so~' 3uiz..:~l"..g ] ?i~..:J.l - ,1ft;:r~;~!"~i-.e8. etc. are c~~~~~d. sk.ir:';n.;~ de::.;..8, o DR~"ALL INSP!:CTT()!I: .rc be made aft2r' a Z L dr-j'!Ja L L ..3 in p lace ~ but prior to a:rty :apil".g. MASONRY: Seeel l.ocation, bone. beam3~ grou";i1"4 or ~er=iccZ3 in ac~ordance !.Ji:h a. 3. C. Section 242;. ;';OODSTOV!: Aft21" in.stallation is cc:npl.e:i:d. ... o AU r;raiec:; ~or.,:::~:;"'~ns. ,;:..:.:h. cs ~he :'-ns=a.!.Zc:t~on oj S~I'8er; ::r2e5, _.::....?!a::~"r: al ;~ riu~uil'ed Z,cnC3capLr.q, ~:c. J :r.ust: ::e sal::.s,:-"iad b~jore ~r.8 3UIL=I::C :1.'!A[' 'Z.::r: :;e 1":!q-J.3se.:d. o FI,'lA!:- ?!.UX!J!.':C =::J FI,'/AL NE::HA:lr.:AL c==J ,I~AL ILIC72IIAL ':::J 0- .~I.'/AL BUI!.D!;','C: The Find Euildir..g I~3?a~don ,~.J.St be reque::H:~d :::-";2:" :;r.e ::-~.,...::z. ?~u.::,:bi.,...; Elect;!"i.::al. and .'.feci:ar:.~c::.Z Ir.sp>Jc::i:J1t3 :u:;va =een ,"1lC.ae a.r.d '::p;:rOlJ2'::. o o o CURS ~ ..tI'PFiCACH ,4?PCl/: Afte:, [orms ::re ere:: ;ed au t prior to pouri.ng .::on..."'1'ete. -A':': ,'.!/".'IP'C!.=S t.ND crSANCU":'S .'~us': BE AC:ZS:;:E{.~~ .4t.n:$?:~!:.'7 :0 3~ .~~1CE' /::' ::0 ::"5; ':'1) t;I~'! I ~-'~e 0/:; o SID!f:....A.&X ,i JRI'.r,.,'.4"!: For aU con- crete pcx-.;ing wi:::i:in street righ=- of-wey, :0 be mads a...~tel' at.! a:ca- llatir.g .::onoZet:a & :"~Or:':'l work & zt.W- base mater1:aZ in ,?"~e. I JOB NO, , ; :.::-"':c: l:.at Sq. F~. !:: jf' ~~ C.7'.J'1rc:.:;~ I ! -~ at Se"r"i.es I.. ':.:" 1 .~:c::. _o":.glt: i... . l-cpo!:.-G.~r.1 I I --.:-~, I,:~:~ i=002 ! I :-":r:,.=l'"~ $;.F':'C i, 1."'IL."::CS;3;,:","/ :"':iT.~!. ;tA!::"!' I.;,D,C. 1.5 ;: i :.:C~:':C) Ett":'Uir.q ?e~t Se.::d Sur::;..arge :'ot.:L C1-.a..'"'ges I !':'Z.\f I :i--:ures IReaidzntiaL (Z ba:h) I Sar:i.~~ Sr..Hz", ;icte!" Pl:.mbir.g Ped t S:at~ Surcr..':L",,;e ?'~ta!. crJZ:'':J6S I ::E:,' 1.=!l?so Sa. r~a. l,vaJ/E-.-ttmd CirC"'.4i:8 1:;0'1 Temperxry Ser-on.C9 E!8::rned Pe~t; Sta:6 Sur=r~ae '1'0 to.:: Z O.cr~e s 1~'i'D~ ?:d....:=Cil '?:'l'S !:=itt.:ust Hood. ! V.m. ?=n 1 i/:Jocstc"Je I Parmi:; !3SUOtCa Me::r~nic=t ?e~;; Stat2 Surc~c "..,~~ l ,':'''~~~!J ~:iC.::-;AC.~'.~!E:r: I. ' " ' I ..4C"..r:Z"'".~J ;..<<l':::'C3t.t Stcr-:::lJ ,'k:....:n-:.,?r...=r~q P::..~: :'C":<:! C'r,C!"'7CS I CUr'::C"..l: ! Si.::!e:.)al< I I ?<;,~=e ! -... '" 1.:..Jc,,;r-:.c.::. z..~q!. ; .\foci ~J .1~e J :-:nu. .:"\'CU::T :!J!:. :!O'I '", I ..t,. I SOLA.CESS . c::".J=ar:c:J ';:'~J.::: :..:: .-'.!?! Sr::er-icr' ';al'""'%e~ ?zr.hcndle ::.oz.-d.e-sac x ~'.::::rUtl C;::A.~S2 ::':":;~='GC: ;"r':;> CH;.R';; I i I I I I I ! \~ro I I I I \~~ P-:=;a 2 . L -CO C" REQ,- , 7'~',?e/Ccr:s<;: 3.ec...-ocr::s: I [at ?~ces . I I ? G. I House 11lo~1;h I fEes;,; /Sat.::;h IWest ;"!:=~c."'-s I I ~~er~~ Sour~es I I .,:ea: II II II : I T".J:";t 1 '7a::;ce i I Access. ;1c<;2r .v"'~':;o'!" .~an.q2 ::.r-eotcce. ;.tooa:;;;ot.'lJ Fam'l I I I I I I I I. , I I I Building Value & Permit This pernr::t i~ granted on the express condition tr.at :he s~id_constr"..tetion shalZ, ~n all r-es?cets, eor.jcMm to the ordinar.ee =doF:ed by the ~~:y of SD~;r~~ield, :.r~!ud:.na ;he :or:~na Crdinar.ee, r~aulc:~rA ;;r.e ccr.st~~~t:.cn ~ U~~ of =u:.:ding~,war.d m=y ~ewsu~pended or r~uok2d at any tir::e ~;cr. vio- lation of any ?r~Vi3ior.3 of said Ordir.ances. I PZan Check Ca't~ Paid: /Receipt #: ISi,r-ed: Plumbing Permit Pnp.: No per-con chall cons~ct, instal!, a!ter or ehange GnY r~W cr e-~stir.g plumbing or drainage syst~ in ~hole or in part~ unZess such ~ersan is tr~ legaZ possessor of a valid plumber's license, ezcept ;r~t a pe~son ~~~ do pltu:':bing work to propert;':i /Jhich is OtJned, leased or operated !Jy the a;;;,Z.i- cant. / . Electrical Permit W'here. State [,a:,J r-equires tr.at the el.eetl"":'caL work be dene 'by an Electrical COJ'ttmctor, the electrical por-tion of thi3 pe:-mit shaLl r.ot be valid until the ZabeL has o€en 3igned by the el.sctr":'cal Contractor. I. I I I I I I I I I I. Mechanical Permit ~ PU:::n E::rt:m"Lrler ua:a I I. I I r HAVE CARE:'ULLY EXA."!r;'l~D t.lte c~~.Jted o:;lticatu,n ~or ='6!'mi~, end do hereoy certify that all i~ro~4=ion hereon- is true a~4 ccrree:, and I f'.A,~tJ:er cer-:ify ;r.cr; .my ar.d aZZ z.;ork Fer!~oro:-ned 3haZZ be Co7:S in accor- dance :Ji.th :he Ordin--nces of tr.e City of" S'9~:'nqficl.d. an.:! ;::h& Lc:...;s ot th~ St:Jte of Or-egon p~!"-=-=ining to the work cescribed herr:'n, ao.d :;..at .VO QCCU- PJ.:1Cl :JiZZ be :rade OT~ anu st:-uet"'..tre '.Jitho...r; ve1'T.'tisJion ;)1" :hs 3u:.Zdina !r:'- vision. I fu:r<;her c~r-::.f:i tr.at only con:r~':ors w.d e.~l.;yees ;.:;'.0 Q"g in ccr.:pl:.ance w-:.;,;h QtiS 701.05& wiLl be used on. this ;:rojzct J-f{() ~j Sigr:..;d (j Da:a