HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-4-21 EO-143 . ., RESIDENTIAL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Sprir4fieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 .Job [,oc.:ztian: 329 74th Street As.::::eSOON .\fap 1/ 17-02-35-42 Subdivision: Beanel Acres .J SPRINGF1ELD -. Sprinqfield T<:z Lot # 108 dm-~ 3 ..:JareS3: 895 Country Club Rd. Empire Financial ~prv;rp~_ Tn~ A-200 P};one: 686-8075 ::uner: City: Euaene. Or~q()n Q I,;l n n n .'!o~i L~ .:tome .,....., li;J: 07Lt01 D~8cribe r.'orh: Additicn NEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE WITH ATTACHED GARAGE. R2model Cate of Applica:icn :;ol1t.:rac:;ors March 25, 1983 Address Cene ra Z. Value $61,100.00 U::>""'C'I""'h ,.,..........""+-rll::.ti.....,..., :::>"'~ naun 1 ("'\F""'.........t- ,....omp~n~T Pl~i~ Alert Plumbinq 10 Van Buren Euaene Oreqon El<!ctri.cal. Peter Stoppani 987 Favet'te Eugene, Oregon N/A i: is t.:rtQ resFon~ibi!i:y of ths permit hoLder CO s.. :hae al~ in.::::pe=t.:i~~ ~e ~adu at :he ~rO?2~ time, from th/l street, and :M!: the perrrrit card is l..xated at :he {'!'OI1':. of the pl'operty. "~ui!.di.....g [r;ui:io.'"': :;::rot:ed ;k:n ahct'Z remain on t~ BuiLding $:.~,; <.::t ::ZZ ::i.m..s. P.7CC~DW?E FOR iNSPE~IO" .i'.:QU2ST:CALL 726-3769 (record~r) st.;zt..! ':lour City l.!sigr.:::.ti!d Joe r.:.u::ber. l"~qu.ast:ed a-:-.d when you tJiL l be ready lor inspcct-::on, Contractcl'S ,'1' C"...rne:-s nc.'1Ie ;;:nd phor.e nur:Wcr. :.>-iLl. OQ made the same dcZj. requests mc.de afta 7:00 a7J IJ'iLZ ba r.r1de the n:::=t "..JOrkinq da:;. :.,1oz:::har:ic;;:L COP1stl""'..lcti.::m t.::nder _~"'m/1:T'<'_"'_ ,...._1:'"1>,.[.:1":]1.1 O B ;'?~ !N~P~C':' :';.~': ~o b~ n-ade aft.!]' ~~ava~~on, =ut ?~cr :~ 3et up of ;":Jrr.rs. o U,VDERS[,AB ?!.L'....'3:::/;. ::LZC':'.9[C,~L ~ X::CH.:':/;,:Ai.: .;0 ool r.".adot ~efol'.! :.:.ny work is .:ovcred. [Z] ::,co-::,vG ~ ::;~':ID,ITIC:": To;;e r:K1.c.1 after =renc~es ;1'6 ~c~Jated ~rA f~rms ~e erecc.1d. ~u~ prier :0 pou:-;r~ ccncrece. [K] U.'''D2RG:~OU.\!D '=::':';M3::,"C, S::f.lF:R. :v'.1'!'.:R, ORAi.'lAGE: :'o~.e rr;a;;'e ;;1'-:;"1' to fi l- l ir..g :rench.ee. ~ UNDcR?U)OR ?['U:.~I:/G ;. .~f::CHANIC:'[,: :0 be ~ad.1 ~rior ~v ~n3tcL:a~ion of J~oor insu~:icn o~ deckir.g. rRJ P'}ST AND 3EA:.t: To:,e instal~t~e" 0: J~oor d.eckinq , .'7,acc prior to insL.:l.ation or ~ RO'.'!';?' ?['::~'B[:.'C, ::~EC7.::!C.:l.!, .; X:-:CH- ANICA!.: No ~o~~ is :0 DC ~o~~red L.:r.:il :hese :ns?ec:i~r.s r~~~ ~eer. o made ,=r~ ~pp~~v~i. FIREP~AC~: .~;or t~ plccir4 fecing mc:terials and ;;(;f~re f!,O:;:~..i"5 inspec- tior.. ~ 4!:~~~ l2J PR.4.'~!.'Ir;: .'.fust;;e r-eeuested '2f:2r approvaL 0; rougn pl~~ingJ ~lectri- cal j mec;'.ani.:'cL Al~ rooj:.r..g bracing ~ cnimnc~8. 2t.:'. ~~8t ~e comoletcd. ~o ~or~ is :0 ~e cor.- " cec"L~d Lindl this insDec:ion has 'bc"!n mad~ anc ..:;>proved. lour City. Deaigr.at:!d ./oc ,':umo~r I:;: lRJ INSU[,A'J'IONIVIIPO,'? 3_~.'?.'U~R ::!S?~C"!'!()"/: To be made aft~r aZl :.nsui~ti~n ~~ required vapor };arriers :.:1'e in .' :.ace but cefore ar.y !a:.h, Cl.JC'sum beard ::r- wall covering ~s ~FPl~~d, =nd ae/ere any in.:1u la tion i3 .:::mcca :~d. :. (1)( )'/liJf J [JJ DRY:JAL!- [,'/SP;:CTO,'l; -:':::.:-t.! -::ada after a a drytJa U :'8 ~fl ? w.::e, but prior to c:nZj tapi,~. .~cc.r.=: " 1 o MASONRY: Steel location. bend oeama, grouting or !Jel':i..::d.; :.n accordance with U,3.~. S~~tion 2415. Siqr.ed: dnnJ . t -I-Y - 4-.D / _ X- .~. o l/OODSTO'lE: ccmpleec:d. Ait2r ::r.st"l~:..1:~on ::~ Data: [,i3'::. .'1 Phone 31 . CURB l .4Pp,rICAC.:t-lP.r:rJ'v: ..;....~.?:-. forms are erected OUt ;1'"ivr ~o paur-~ng .::oncrete. :...=:;t.r.:'~ 484-2405 345-3055 688-8720 :.1-:.:::: ~.:::ch ;;:.d.drflB3 i.s rl!a.::!a,:.:", [K] SID=WA{.i{ ,1 DRI:-Z:;,:'[: .;'1)1' dZ ::CP1- CI'et2 paving :JitiL~n 3~1'~"::' l'iq;:t- oj-/X.y, to be made ;:;"':e!' ,:1;: ~xca- uating C01lpZJte .i :',)1,:,;"/ :JO~'k .1 .;uo- base 11lGt...rial in pw.:::e. job ~css, type of i.r.~PQc-:i.crl ~equ~s:a rflcei.~~d cefcre 7:00 ~ -K814ff7 CD.'C[.ITIG,':' ).0. .~:a"::; :'..:JLD:::-;S ~ S,-",..-....., 3-.er _='e-J .... ............-..+-. -r.'!":.. -1 _."-- 0 .~ -" ~ -" "."..., -" . :::J S._,~'... .........::.. .... -~.... ""'-... ~...-r~ ...... .,~'.h -r....."'. "'Y ._ "...-.r, Y'" ':"...... _,_ . ..~~c;.... .-~~ ;; -..... ---, .'"in.:::l - :/1:er. c:,;t:Ol i:e.,,:,;s ~e =:::.-:r::L~=(:d ~ c:r.d. :.:hen .:;,'e.':IC Z:: :ior. i~ com"? i..!:2 O~ s t:-..:,;- ture ~cved ..1'~ ?r~~3JS ~i.e=ned ~~. ,If Oct. l.a ,1'cmes =:J =:J 3locking ~ 5~:-~p P!wmbi.r~ :::or.n...~=:.~r.s ~~r3r" z..::! t..'c::.U' o ?::NCE: Wher. co~pl~c~ -- Prcvide gates or ~ovabl.;! 3ecc:.cr:3 :J:rau.gh P.U.E. ~ ~l~ctric.:::Z C::nr.2ction - B~~ck~r~. s~t-U? --.J end plwncing :::ocr.r.ections .'l'T"..:st ::2 C??.1':J;:ac be/ore reques:::n; e!ec:rical ir.sp.ec=io:; :::J ~ Ac::e:;:;l.J!'";:' 3u.iL.:!:>'l.: F.o:.nai. ~ i:j:;;r =,rci:ils, etc. are =~?ZJ=~d, sk-:'r:-::ng, d..a::ks, o o Atl. pro.f,wt con.d-i,;-:'ons, ..:u.c.:: ::.1 the :'>1a:ai.lo.1cill.'1 0;" .;:r':;!ct :r,us, ~':;'7!a:.i"n ;;;/ c~e required lan.dscc.pir.g, etc., ..m.<5t =e 5at~;JfiQd ~~;"or-e !;he 3Ui[';)J.','Q !'I:,'AL ::::::n ;;8 r2q-~~sc,d. ~ FI,'/;'(. PLUMBING iB FINAl. ,'1E~HA:/ICAL locI F:.'1A{. ~LEC":'R!C,:I.. \=:1 @ PINAL SUILDING: T1:e Fine! 3ld:d:~vJ !n.s;;'tZction ,':':"~B: 003 r-equ€sted c.f~er the Fi"'.al ?:~bi,..; Slectri.cat, and Ntlchar:.i.c.x.L In:;p,J,::c:.onD hcu(! been r:c.d~ c.nd .::.;:pr::::J2:i. '..1.':'::' :.t..J....:HGLES 11'"/;) CL~,lN(}UT:; ,'WST 3F: ..:c:'~~'::"'~?:".'=:. .4:J.iI;S::,'Z::'!' :0 ...~ ,.~,_,: ::') ::"5': ":"? C!-:'Y l;:o."'? o{ ., P:=ga ,;: OA:. L-COC'" B'ildrooms: 3 SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- ~. =-~'T' L.iO/ ' OCCl,(t;anc1/ Grou,,: ~'.,;j r~r- ?:.j.De!C.)r.st: [,at Faces - WcSS 7" I Setbn~ka I p, [,. I ~u;e, r:,u'aac INo:'th ..1ft IEnse I ,ay' s""th I IWest 1'2/' I JOB NO. S~I"I& '/ b,,", ~(., Lot Sq. Peg. ~ .)f l~t Caverag~ .Ii of StOr-i6S Total. .:feight I topogra;:hy IlT~,' I".k:in l=ac2 J r:::J.r~!ir<; j' I ACCCBSOl"'':J Ji <j 21:' /6% ;2. ~"3 ' c::>- ~~ , S~.P'!'C I~~ y5lo TQTA~ yALur Is,v.c. I VC~(.j~J 1;:5 := Bui1.diruj Permit State Surcharge Tota~ Cha.':.g~3 I ITEM I fi--tures I ResidZ71tial. (1 bath) I Sanit;a:ry Se'LJel" I ::Jetel" NO., II PEc..~ IpP/TIOI'iAt.. I a'.TB 13-1 ~- Pliunbing Pam t Statll Surd-.arge Total. Chcraes N:E I :nN ! Res. Sa. fta. I~<e> Nzu/E::teM. Cil"CUits I TempOl"a:ry Servic6 I';' I I I E1.e::tricat pe'!"m'i.t St.=te Sur~harae Total. C11DJ"~es I ;EM IIIC. II F~~ l.:urr..::rce ETU'S I E:;nauBt Hood I / I I I Vent Fan q 13: GO I I~a~;;~~~,. ~ I Permit Issuanc2 M~~J..anic:;! Permit: State Surc:hcrac rota l. CJ..ar~~!J -- Z:IC:::DACH,'.!r:.''!' Se~~r-:t~ DZDOsit Storage 1,~ra~nte7'la'lU''' I Pcrmi t Total Cha1"oCS I C'-.dbcu-; I Sidewalk I.t"en::e I electrical. I-I,g , is;>' [chel LOT TYPE L Int-Briol" Ph II II II Ii I Ix. 1 : I .::'i reo lace Wooa:;tOl,;6 o . <::<..€APAN<C& I "cce.s. 2r!2rG'.J SO:J.rces Yeat 4:i<. E"I7' :.tater 4~(Jt..,. I' Ratil;;a " r..D2 <(,G,. Co:r-ner Pan.haruil.6 Cut-ds-sac x Value /."' 2/' FeeB Building Value & Permit I I I , 6~I<<',-1 I ~/,.s.;-]. 1 I 2/1. ~.. I 8,wl 1<'/9.yyl' I CHARGE I I I :2:5':-1 I I ::;?~.-I. o/,S;--I / . Jjt:> ) Y6'.Sll! . CHARCE "2$. - I I I I :;;s:-I /,40 I 76,-' . CUAReE y,~ 1:<'. -- I I $',-1 /t>."" I 31.S~1 /.:z€> I .32,761. I I I I '1./(. 8.oy This pet~;t io Jranted on the e:press condition that tr~ said.constr~ctiO" s;'.al~# ~n at Z ~'O;?GF~ct:]. conform to the ')rdinai~ce :zdo.r:eed b'y the :::~t'l of Spring/'isLd, ';r.c~:a:i~ng the ':oning Crd~nar.ce, reguLc.tir:g the ccnSt:>:(c:r.-~cn and uoe oj ~uildir~3, and m~y be su:;per4ed or re~eked at cr.y ti~e ~;or. vie- lation oj' ...;,r:y ?r;,vi;;io/':s of 8aid ~rdiY'.ances, l?!.an Check Fu: $63.30 ICcte p.od.. ';"-l,-;.Jn-~ ""> I Recdpsl:. n,u, 00?,-:S \Sigt.'ed, 'iv.i>e>. Plumbing~h,it No person :;hall. CGrIStrttCt, ins:aL!, a!ter 01'" chan:;" G71!f neW C1' e=isting pLumbing or drainage syste.1J in :.Jhol.,z 01'" in pal.e, ~r:Lesa such person is thQ Legal. possessor oj a vaLid plumber's license, except trAt a pe~son ma~ do pLumbing work to ?roperty which is ~~ed, l.~as~d 01" operated by the appLi- cant. Electrical'Permi t Where Stat8 LaJ.J I"equires tr.at ehe electrical work 011 cUm. by an !:Le:::tricaZ Contractor# the eL~ctrical. Fortion of this pel'"mit shaLL r~t be vaLid untiL the label. has been oigrt~d by eh" ELectrical. ~ontractor. r .. Mechanical Permit ,/ J~ 2>~...~ ~c;.;:;Xcm"'!,r.€l' - .; . '1- ,<O-S"S' 1....a'2 I HAVE C.u1EFULLY !XA.'1INED the co,"?Z<1ted application for permit# ::nd do hereby certijy that all. ir:[-':'mlltion iteZ'flon ::8 truoi and correct, an.::i I f'...trther cil:-:ifil :;hat any aY'.d an work per:"or:ned shaLl. be do:18 in ac::or- dance :.rith eni! Ordi.n:;:l.7lces of the City "l SpP";ngficLd# and eh; Ltr..;a of tn" . State of Oreg~n p~rt~ining to the work described here~n, end that NO OCC~. Pt.NCY wizZ be maie of any structure witho:J.~ ?ar~33io~ of the 3ui!d~ng Di- vision. I further ::ertij~ that o~Ly ~onera~tor8 ar~ ~~yees tJr~ are in co~pl.::ance ~;th CRS ?Ol.05~ witL ~e used on this projsct :~~:~~,;~ ~i':i XIl ~~~~ f;)J/tJ Mea.