HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1989-6-12 .. RESID.T1AL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Spy.ingfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 AODCBoor= Map N 329 North 74th Street 1'1 () J -1;; st/- ~ Ta:r Lot a(JO 10 g Job l.ocation: SUbd1.viDi.on: Clmero: Robert K. White, Addreos: 329 N. 74th Street Phone: 726-5533 City: Springfield OR Zip: 97478 rV1 n n n Np!.) DescPibc fl'o1"l~: Ac'di ticn ----- f"~ Remodel ,'.1obil.e llom~ Date of Applicaticn Contractors General fJ/) }-f(jIj,/ : Plumbing i t'lechanical ~! E].ectrica 1 I Super"J_9ing Elec t r)<: i.HI Value Ifr!~ " .:. RcoeM ~ / l/.-IO'1 Arlrlre~~ ~ " " Signed: lklte: ~' I J-- J )("J Exoir.es Phrmp' LtFlc. tI 'Bldrs Board R~q. ..,..." It is ti:e J'"Boponoibility of tho permit holder- to 866 that all inopsotiona arB mad. at the p~p.1" time. that oaoh cddrllBB is J"B~=aa:e from the streetl and that the permit oard is Zocated at the front 01 the prope~ty. .tBui!ding o-<:ui.::io":". ap?l'ol:cd plan sht.:.ll remain on tha Building Sit$ at an times. P.70CEDUP.E FOR INSPECTION RSOUEST:CALL 726-3769 (reao1'der) state your" City des~gnated job nurr.bBl', Job addiocss, type of in:Jpea~ic'l "1"aqucfJtcd ar:d when you uiLi be r'eady foro inspeotion, Contractors 0,. "tuners J1I:1l'Ie and phone nwnbcr. Requests receiued beforB 7:00 C':'I ;..-ilZ be made the Bame dcy, requests made after 7:00 am L1iZZ b3 made the nc:et tJOrkinu,aay. " . , .. t d J b '.:-b '. .., }(q()sg; Your C'Lty Deo'Lgr.a C 0 lJWf/ t;,. olD: . R(>"!":"'JJ.r T'l.'tn",...tt:c'1"<t O SI'l'E INSPEC'!'ION: To be made after excavation, but prier to set up of forme. D UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL: To be made before any wol"'k is "overed. o FOOTING ~ FOUNDIITION:" To be made after trenches are excavated and forms aJ"e ereatadJ but priol" to pouring ccncret~. U!I'DSRGt?OUND P['UMBINC. SEWER. W.1TER. DRAINAGE: 7'0 be made prior to fil- 7.ir.g trenchee. CJ '=:J I~ UNDERFLOOR PLUl.!BING ~ MECHANICAL: To be mads pl"ior to inota1.lat'Lon of 1100r inautation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installation of ftoor insulation or. decki1'l{;. RD1.:'Cll pr.u.'J.qmc. F:rpCTR!CA!. .~ MEC.q- ANICAL: No worY-" is to vc covered ur.tiL these inspectior.s have beer. made and approve::. FI!~F:PLACE: Prior to plccir.g facing materials and before framing inopec- tior.. FR"J~INr.: ~m~t be requested after approvat of rou&h plumbing. etectroi- cat" & mechanical. AU roOfing bracing & ohimneys, et,:,. 1Tf'.lst be : completed. No work is to be con- . cecled until thia inapcction has . be~n made and approved. [J [J [J D INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPEC'l'ION: To be made aftero all insulation and requ~red vapor barriers are in plaoe but before" any lath~ gypswrf board or " tJaZl covering, is app1.isd~ and before any insulation is conceated. , I DEMOLITION OR /.tOVED BUILDINGS ~ "Sanitary s~~r aap~e~ ~t ~:.opc:rty lir.e =:J SepHa t~k ptmrp.d, and, Ii. ned r.n: th g~a". I ---, Final. ~ lIhen abouB" items are cempleted " -.-J and when demoli.tion is oomp'Lste 01' strll':- tur'! mouf1d ~ prl!77JisBs ,oleaned up. . Mobils Homes =:J Blooki.ng and Set-~p, ~ Plumbing connect~ons -- sCIJs,. and wa~er ::J ElBotl'ioal ConnBotion -'B'LookingJ set-u; and plumbing conneoHons m'.lst 1:s approl.,'ed before ~qus8ting BZeo~rical inspeo~ion , , \' :J 'ACO.sSOl"J Bui~ing , , . , --, Pinal - Aftf!r p;rohBS~ --.J .tc. arB oompleted.. skirt~ng, decks, DRyr'AU~ INSPECTION: To bs made alter all drywall i,a in plaoe, but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel locationJ boTrd' beam3, grouting or verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415, O WOOV$TOVE: After- ins talZation is ccmpletf:d. o o o CURD If APPROACll APRON: Afto'!' forms are oreated but prior to pouring """"rete. SIDEr/llLK .( DRIt'EWJ.Y: POl"" alt con- crete paving within streot right- of-wcYJ to be made after aU e%ca- vating comptete & form work & eub- base ma:te:rial in plaoe. EJ , , 'Atl projeot oonditions, ouch as the installation of " street: troes, c~~lation of tno" " 'required landaccping, etc., trfUs* be satiefiod bofora thB BUILDING FINA4 ~~n:be rsquoat3d. o FI!.'IIL PLUMBIlIC D FIllAL MEr:1/A.'IICAL D FIliAL ELECTHICI.L o o fINAL BUILDINC: The' Pinal Building Inspeotion must bs rsquootBd after the Final Plumbin3. Etcctrical, and Mechar:.ical Inspeoti~,!o "h<:wo been mad,;~and approoved. -......'" - -..,....... ":1 ~ !'ENCE: ''h.r. complete -- Provide " gates or movable Bootions through P.U.E..' , . . ' ~ ~AT.L UANlICU:S AND CLF:ANOUTS HUST DE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST/fEN'!' TO BE }'L~DE AT NO COST TO CITY I PallO of:: JO 6 NO, I Zone: Lot Sq. Ftg, ~ ~f lot CJlJerag< ,! of Storiee Total H.ight Topogl'Oph,Y I I TTF.M I !>lain "SQ.FTG r.rJ"ar.t! Carnort I ACCIMDOr'1J Is.D.c. roTAt VALUE: 1. S 3: ftxu.Z,U:lJ ,:' Building plJl'mi.t .... ,State Suroharg. ,Total Chazog.." IITE:M I Futures IRe.idential (1 bath) I San.i. tary St1LJer I Wc.ter Plumbing P.rrr.i t Stat. SUi"o1-.tUog1J .. 'rota1. ChaNttl8 I!T~I I Ren. S(J. f't(J, I N3UJ/~tend Circuits I Temporary ServicB I E1.eatriaaZ PB~t State Sui"oharus '1'Otal-Ch/JrC1I8 IITSM Purmcl'r 1!'l'U' S E::haus t Hood I Vent Fan '.: I W~dBto;'. . j." ". Permit I1J8_i' "M.chaniaat plJl'mi.'t ;.'C,\' ....:" SOLAR ACCESS REQ,- Occuoancu G" , . 'Wl'T:tP " Interior Comllr Panhandle Cut-de-Gd~ x Va tUB NO. FE:E: CRARGE: , I . NO., I I I . FEE NO. FEE ~'",i'. ' I, I Lot Faces - 'I I P.t, Norttl lEast iSouth I"'eot -- FORs L-COC-l't T.~''Pe/Cor.9t: . BlZdroor.:a: En:lT'f!.1I Sow"r.crf Heat Watm' .'I(>(Jt,.J' Rarl(in rtf'enlace WOOd;3 tot."e T:/I"l! SetbaaktJ House 1 r.ara(1R I i I ACCC.'J8. Building Value & Permit Th1.6 permit io !1t'O.ntcd 011 tho o:cproon condition 1,;/1f1(; till1 fJ~lid COI1:::tt'Uc'Liotl shaLL, in alL roarccto, conform to the Ol'dinw;ca :J(lov(;~.l hy dlfl ci~!J of Springfield. inc!udi.na the ZoninG Ordinancc. r(!ouL(::'LiJl~ eh<1 cCllal.l':l.;ticI1 a11d uce of buildiJ1flG, and m.:::.y bo iJucpandcd'or revoked. at c':y time upon vic- tation of any proviaior.o of oaid 'Ol'dir.ancca. I' I I I. I Plan Chock Cate Paid: IRec&ipt II: I Sian.d: F~~: Plumbing Permit No pereon ohal! CO'lDtt"UCt, ino~L!, aLter 01' chanoe Gny neW Ct' e=istin(J '.ptwnbi"O.or drainage ouot!'..:n in :.lholc or in part, w:le{lG ouch pel'sall iG t.he legal poOlJeanor. of 'a vaLid plumber's liccnae, except tJ:at a pa:03on may do ptwnbing lJol'k to pl'OP(wty which ia owned, l.eaacd 01' opsrated by the appti- . cant. -I '..." ' Stato Surohi.m?e," Total. C'hc1;'(7~n' I -- ENCROACHME:NT -- I scc-.u..itlL DaT?q3it, . :'1 . I :1.. I ,.. N" '-~'llI$"''''''' .. 1 'fWI.''\' ' I.,,,,,, -. "/""1' ,.., Storago I Maintenan~B j pennit I Total Cha'N108 I Curbcu~ I sid_lk I I · I, C' "I '~'I"........" ,,.' I"'" I' I I. I. I I rcn.?9 Etllctl'i.cat l.ab.1. , I Mobil. 'Hame ' ..,.1 ,', 'I , I ;;TAt AIIOUnT DU"';" I CHARGE I I I I I I I 'I CI/ARGE I I I I I I "". 19,00 CJIDD . Electrical 'I Permit WhBr6 Stats La1J requires tl:at tho clectriaaL work be done by Q1I ELeatrical. Cont1'Qctot', the' eLectricaL portion of 'thi:J permi.t ohaLl. r.ot be uali.d untiL the labeL hao be-an oigned by the Electrical ::011 trac tOl'. ... . Mechanical Permit PLan E.rann.I1Cl' uac.e . r HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the compLeted appUcation for permit, ar.d do h6reby certify tJuzf; aH i~fo;omation hel'"o.ol1 is truR and correct, ar..:i I further certify that any ar.d aU 1a)Ork pOl'for:ned ahat!. be do:18 in acoor- danco L1ith the Ordinanceo of tho city of SpringfieLd, and th. La",,}(J of tho State of Oregon p~rta.inin!1 to tho IJOrk described hel's:'I1, c,td that NO occu- PANCY wilt bo made of any otructura'~itho~t p3rmiD3Lon of the Buildina Di- vision. I further certify that O:1ty contractors aj~ e~pLJye€8 w~o are in c~plianco with ORS 701.0SS witL be used on thio project . . ,~ (;;,1 { J9i D.1te (