HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1983-8-8 . .. RESIDENTIAL" SPRINGFlEl.D ~ . 10 '\ S\ ~ APFr.I~A~ION/PERMJT 225 North 5th Street Sp~:ngfierd, O~egon 97477 Building Division 728-5755 Job !.oc::t;ian: ~o~ fl4~ .~c:;!e:~-; Lise.;' Siqr.ed:~ [~ ./ Date:,,~ Ii'). ~.~~ (\ I . E:roir:::s Phon.e l l\ !~ ie ~he responaibi~it;y of the pe~: hoLder eo see ~= aZr ir~pections are ~~s at the proper ;im~1 tr~t ~h ~ess is re~~~ from ehs stl'eet~ c:.nd that the permit ca:rd. is z.x~ted .=t the ji>cnt of eha property. "~ui!di!'".g J{.vi::io!":. ~rot:ed plan s;..cZZ rer.-.ain on th;;; EuiZd~ $i;.; at all times. 2.,?OC::DUP;E FO!? [,"lSP~t:TI:JlJ .;'E"Qu.:ST:CAlL 726-3769 (recorder) stc;te your City desigr.a.ted job 7t'...o::bel'.. job adCocss.. type of irr,.:;pe:::-:icn za!Uj'Uestcd cr'.a :.1.':.en you. ;.;iZ-l be ready {01' ir.spcct-i.on.. Con'traC''Xl'S ::Jr 01.,'716:'8 ncms and phone nu:~bc:r. Reques':s l'ecei::;ed bOZJ-"Cl'9 ?:OO .:: ;..'izt be rr.ade th€ same dt:;b requests meae after 7:1)0 a:rr ZJizt Ot;; made t.l:.e 7'I.=t :.JOt'kin.; day. o D o o o o o =:J =:J [] =J AsaeS80N Yap II StdJdi:J~Sic":d~.~ Tc:::: :,at #. ,~oO <1: \ cAN O,D ~."er:\ ~(\)U\\\\\ \'mctn \\..t- h(jl\ Md.-oss: ~ W'J:) \\C'~~~~ '), t\ r . C~;;y: ~\ ~ P1-.or.e: Zi?: c\ fj4[) \ n n n n Descr:"be fl'ork.: 'l?] Ac!di ticn 'ir~' Ramocel !.!ob";Ze ,'fo.-n$ c\ 2.~ 00 DtIte of Application :::01"1"::raC:01"8 VaZue Add....es3 Ger.eraLJ) l ")('\QX'"" Plumbing Electrical Mechar.ic.:l Constl""...lcti.:m !.;:nd~r .~p'(7Uir~"(L !..srpq~1:.c71~ O "1""1:' 1',~""-""",,,,,,,,~!, T ~ d ~ ..:_ _: ~!'"'::'''''.~'..I... .0 i.l8 rrr: e e.:rcavat:..:m, aut pncr" to set jOzoms. lour Ciqr Desigr.ated Job Numbco I:;: af':.er up of D I!lSi.JLA'!'IONIVAPO.I? BA.'?RI?Fl ntSPSCTIOfJ: To be ma..:ie after aU ir.suL::ti.:m WA raqu~red vapor c~ers are in placs but befere any lath, gypswn board or wz.z. covering is applied, and before any inauZation ~s concealed. o WlDr:~S:A3 ?r.L'M3I:IC, ?~2C':'.f?IC',1r. I'.!ECP..J.;lIc)'~: ';'0 be made oe,lore c:ny wrk is ::07Jc!'ed. FOOTING ~ FOU:JD,1TIO:I: To be .md.e after ::::-en.cn.es :;.rg e::~r::vat.Jd ar.d ICrm3 are 8recr;td~ but pM..:J1' to pourir~ ecncret~. U.'!D:::::'C.~'J.'.'O ?!.W-r.;:N$. Sz:.,::R. :l.1::E'& DRAD'AG2: To ae r.xz.=e pMo:- ;0 /i;'- l.i.r.g ;rer.c;.,.Js. D DR'!'I'IALL I;'I$P::CT:!Q.'I: Tc be made after a~~ dr:f'.JJa/./. ...8 in place, but prior to any ~aping. MASONRY: Stes 7- ~ocation, bond beams, grou;ir~ or 'er~iccl8 in accordance 1JJ'irh U. 8. C. Section 241E. :JOODSTOV"i:: Afts:- installation is ccmplet.;:d. ... o Uf/DERP'!-CCR P!.U,'.!3r.:C -3 !.f'E;C!!ANIC;.!.: To :,e ff'.aa8 prier :::0 ir.3'Cai.~t~on of nOOl' -::nsuZa::i.cn or deckir.g. P'JST AND 3t~-,'.f: To be r.".aC~ pr-:."l' to il"..s::;al~!:icn o[ ll.oor ir..s:.olatior. OJ" deckinq , o o CURB & -U'P.t((]ACE .:'P.C!ClI: Afte:o forms :::re erea:;ed but ?rior to Pou:r!.n.g ::on.::rete. ':?f1l.1GH ?:.U':~T".rC. ~:.2~.t?!:::A;. 1 :EC'"-!- 0 SID'EWA[,i< j 'RI!"'E::1:!..:: For all con- ANIC).L: 10 ~~k is ~o be cove~ed crete pavi~ wi::;hin street right- :u:::::l. :itcs4 :r.s=,ecticr.s ;....::v~ ::€er. of-!iJCY, to be made a:~:er a.l! ezca- mafia :zr.d =??l',.Je.:. vatir.g ccmpZete 3 ...o~ work & zub- E'I:~E:P!.Acr: .?!-.:or;o pZc:::.r.g .~c.cing base .':".ate1"'~aZ in pl.a~e. ,:,pj..r'Ir.. , ..::. . ~..... _~... ~.F:NCE: When compZ.te .-- Provide. ~~~::--~~. :~:_b:~O::c~:~:~a~~::ec- gates or movabLe 3ect<cns thrcugr. G??~CU~~ ar r~~ p~~~~r~~ eZect~r- P U E cal & ~echani~al. AlZ :'Oojing . . . br~e"';r.q j chimn::ysJ 8t~o .':7'..tSt !Je 0 COmtl Zer:cd. :.'0 :Ja1''< is to O~ ~cn- -ceciad unt~l ~r.iD insoecticn ~~8 "been mad~ and c?proved. <6~? ()~ VEt:Or..iTIOH OR :.,'OV;: 3UILDIiiGS =:l Sani :ar';;/ seuer ~?ed =t ~OPo;r't:i t.i."':a =:J Septi~ tank ~~.d ar~ fiZZ~a ui:h ;r~~e~ I FinaZ - ;~7Jr.en chcve ite.":!s are c~.'9~€ted ~ ar~ when demolition is compLete Or' st~~~- ture moved a:n.C. pN:~;ses :;lean2d up. Nobi.?e i!c:',;':es =:J 3ZockirllJ =:J PZumbing --, Electrical Ccnr.ecr:-::on - B1.ockir4~ se-:-t/.? .--l and. D~i1'ta c~r.ec"t;ions lT1"...st !:e c;:I,:)!'~;';2d before requ;s;~r.g eZec=naal ::r.s?6c;ic~ and Set-up connec::icns sc:.Jer c:r.d wa::al' ~ Accesso~' auiz..;:.r.g --, fir.:::.Z - ,1ft;;r~;~!'cr..es~ ~ etc. .are c~:.e::c;d" ski!'ti,..g~ de~.;....s~ D FI,~'AL P!.U,'.$D:C AZt pro.jeer: cor.di=icns, .;:.wh. as !:he ~'.ns:;aLLa~ion of streee =rses. :':>'7!a=~.:Jn ot :ite l'!!Cf.tired :.a:nd3ccpir.;~ etc. ~ .7:Ust =6 satisfied bejor'e :::.:':s 3UIU:I:,'C ?D'AL ~.:m ;;e !'~Cj..tgst.:d. Fl:llIL ,'.r::=.ttA.'IICAL o .':'r:IAL EUILDINC: '!'he 2-:..nal 5uil.dir.g .!r.s?,;]:!tion .~.J8t be :-equ.eaua ::[':er :he P-:..r..::.l ?!~bi.r.; ~Zectrical~ and Heci1ar.ie::.Z Ir:spec:;:.:m.:J :U:;UG teen mcde ~.d. .=.??!'ouozi. PI:1AL :'~::"---!:' r.""o r --'.........~"... .A':~ :.!A:/p.eLES AND CLEA:','CU-:S .'!U$'!' EE .~C=ESSI3!.E~ .4;:.l~'S?:!E:.'':' :0 3E :.~1::'E :;:- ::0 :-:57' '1'1) CI':'Y I ~""'~2 of I I JOB NO, ! ::--:a: l:.ot Sq. F":.;. I,: jf 1...... r-,)Dr"'''. j' ....... ~.J . _::,"' ! ,. OJ" 5t()r-~e3 I, ..,........1 :J~~' ""h- . ...........l. _..~:1 .. , I :OPOgrc; hy I ....:"~, I;~:~ I 1~:~::='2 i;'..:"=-~ l :::r=-~!'",: i, 1...r::Cf:33.1'!'" :"':;7.~~ ?A!.;.'!, I"D,C, 1.5 : i::'::':';.I(;1 E:J.itd~r.:; Per':'l":i.t S~t. Su......ch.arqe :'o:aL Cl-.a.-ge3 I:::,v l.rL-;ures IReaidzntiaZ (1 bath) I Sani~ Se'.J~r Net.:!'!" ?l:Jmbir.g Pe~;t !:attl Surc;'...:J.r:;e Tata! cr~"jes 1::Dt '.I:?es. Sa. 'td. I :;D. I I I I .vaJ/E--tend Cir~...i:3 '!empor~ Ser.JicB !'!.eotrical Pl!~t St.::.te Sur::;..a:rce. '!'otat cr.cr-::es I :;:,V ?!a-..::c~ ?:''l' S I E=~Bt Hood I Vent :Z11 I I ;/:)oc.stc"Je I ::c. ?arrrr;t 13~z ."fecr.anic=l. Pe~t Statz Surc}u=,,"1t:: I "'..,~,:,t ~_.....,.. I =:lCR'.:'ACH,'.!E:.':' -- 10 . ^ ' l~e~"':-i~J ~Z=03~t IStcr':1:tl I ,~~nten.......,.~q I Pc....".,:. I TC'-:-~Z. C"".c!'"''1ClJ { Cur~C"...:: Is" ., I l.Ce.Ia...< I I :~"~e , I ~ec~rica t Zo,=.be Z. , ! .\foct.~.;! Han8 I ~:JTA!. .!".'.~U:.'T :UE:. SOLAR.CES 5 :C::'.c;c.r.C7J ';:v::'J.:;: :.c-: :yp~ Ir:=.eZO-::c1' ,;er"!e:, ?zr:;..a~li! C:...l-de-saa x ~.:::lue I :iO, I I FEE: C.'::..J.P;:JE :.;.:';'_=,c~ :'t"::' C.I!;'J?':S I i I I I I I I \'h0C> I I I I \~~ ?=-;::! 2 . L-COG~ R EQ,- .?:;=eIC.:;r..s<;: 3>?c......OCr.:3: I [et FaC2S - I ~."'.2r~'"J SC".a''::es T".J':;;J I 5P.t':':lCK3 I :tea:: I 2. L. I HO!4se I ';c::rt:.ce Access. I :.k:.';2'" Y,,!-::.,,:pro lNo!'trt I I :~Qnq2 lEast I I I I .;'-:'r>!a'vtc.ce jSouth I I I. '.1ooa;;c"ve JWes't I I -- Fees Building Value & Permit This 'Cermit "':0 g1"a1tted on the express condition tr.a.t the said constr'J.ation s;.~lZ: in ~ZZ !'es~cats. cor.jcrm to the Ordinar~e :::do~c-ed ~y the ~~ty of S9~;r~:ield. -:.r.~!ud-:.r.g :r.e Zoning Crdinar.ae. requZc,;-:.r.g ~~e CCr.3~~A~c-:.cn ~~ use of ~U-:.;cing3. end m~y ~e su;;pended or r~)okei ~e cr.y ti~e ~;cr. uic- .lation of .:=ny ?r:;lvi3ior.s or said. Ordir.a:nces. . IPZan Check Fee: I Cate Paid: I Recdpt H, IS,*-ed: Plumbing Permit No pereon ahaZZ ConS't'rt4Ct. ins td. !.. aZter or c:haru;e any new cr e::istir.g plumbing or drainage systam in ~hole or in part. ur.less such ;erson is the legal possessor of a vaLid plWTlber's license. exaept tr.at a pe:'son ma;;; do plumbing ~ork to proper~~ ~hich is owned. leased Or operated ~y the ap~Zi- cant. / I I. . Electrical Permit Where State La:.J requires tr.at the eLectr"":'caL work be dene "by an SZe~tricaL Contractor. tM eLectr;caL portion of :chia permit sJ...aU r.ot be valid until the ZabeL has been signed !;y ehe ElectricaL ~ontraatar. I I I. Mechanical Permit ~ P lan ~:;;ar.'/7..ner !..'a;;e I I ,. I I I I HAVE: CAREFULlY EXA.'1I;'IED the como!.eted ap~Zication f'or =ermi=. old do hereby certify that aLZ in;o~a=ion hereo~' ia true a~~ ccrrcc=. and I f'.J.rther cer,:ifii thae .:my ar.d aU r.:ol'k Fer;?oMed shatz be do"le in ac~or- dance :.lith the Ordin:::nces of the City of Spr"":'r!f1fid.d.. and -=hz La-..;a ol tt:3 State of Oreg"n psr-=:.::ining t" the work d.escri"bcd herein.. c..,..d :r-.at .va ;;CC.J- pI-He? :Jizz. ba rrrr..:."e of c:nu 3t:"Ucture withcut oermis.Jicm. of the 3ui!dina Di- vision. r fUr~her c~rt~fY tr~t ~Ly ~ontractors ~~ ~!~yeea ~r~ cr~ in compliance with CRS ?Ol.0St wiLZ be used on this proj~ct Jko /j; Siqr.2a (J Da:e