HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1983-11-21 . .. RESIDENTIAL" SPRINGFlELD AFFLICA7ION/PE,~,iTT 225 North 5th Street Sp~;r~fieZd~ Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 ,''') ,..-0 Jab !.oc::::i:m: ..-4. \J 0 IV. 7 t(.f.1 .{.f-, AS:Jesoor3 :-!.:rp /I Subdi:.r:.sic": Ta: !;at # C-_'n02r: 6117 /'lie .c ,c/ N;f ;vC- oft. r-'€"L Add.....,S3: /PDV U;./IEY !2IV/(CL Pr.or:e: tf8t(, 2 clo r c:.~: 6Vfefo./ ~ OK. .e Zi?: $___,[ ,t:,.// -;i'''''~i''''r ~OP .I "~~'!l- t<- IC. !StJ :#.1.;\ ~- 7 va!ul t4 ~ n n n n "~.I ACt!'i eiC'l1 R~("=llt .'!oo-:.Z<! .~~~ /)(rt0l of ..tpplicaticn ,::an:r:::c:ors //-?I',f '3 Cernrl"'C% Z. Plumbi,..g i !Z.8ct~cd. _l- ".:;""":c:! J./ /J;(,..J c .v I COJ'Urtr-.icti.:m t.c:ndtZr DesC'r";be rlork: .Jc-j/,e,.,o~ II!... ,< ?>'I"'-e ACd......ess . .,cc.,,:; ~ c'.:+o / ,1 r '0~' \ Siqr.ed: dl:16;'~4J!.- L ,fry /r -', . DaM: /I,~j. lfy fir {/. Lise. .'1 E=oir~s Phon!: '.'/ ['O~" {.e...c ,<iD.-. , / r{L<J /~~L.v' ,e,oA: ~ ,E'-"6>-6#E. [~ is ~h. respcnotbi7..i.ey of thR perr.rie hclde to see that aZ!. inapl1ctio1/.S lZl'e made at :he ;;:ropezo :im&~ tr.at ~ch .:ddres8 is re.......:...,..~. from tM street. end that the perrrri.: caI'd is t..x:2ted ~t the f1"C11t of the property. "Bui!4i.:-.g Jo;:Ji~io:"'. cppl'ot:ed pZcn sr.cn l'eT.1a-::n on er.E Bu~tdi.n? Sit.:; at aU times. ?'?OC~!)UP.E Fon ;,,,'S?EC'!'ItJl1 R!'~lEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state yOUI' City desigr.a.ted J'ol; n",p;:l;e'l'~ job ad..:izocss, type of in::pe:::-:icn 1"~esr;cd a:"".a :J.::en you :Jill. be ready for ir.spcct"':onJ Con'tTactcrs or Ot..'7ters nc::ne end phor.e nu~cr. Reques'Cs receit:ed cejcrtJ 7:00 c:: :.."iU be m:::ae t1u= same dcj, reques::s .'flde efta' ?:()O c:n !JiZZ be made tr.e nc=t wl'kin.; cia:J.. f?3~d-L/7 .=1"""'1":.....rt. T".;'l..~,...ir.7!'''' o o SITE I,'l5PEc:'J).'l: Ta be rrruie after e::cav.::t~.:m~ but pr-iar t: 8e: up of larms. lr.lDr,9sr.A3 ?~L','EI:'C. rL2C':'PIC,lL ~ XECl;'A:II.':AL: 'i'o be made before C11'1 uor.i( is .;ot1c1'ed. o F'C07~.';C ~ ?IJU:!D.1TIr::l: To be ,~c!e after :rencnes erg e=cc.vat~d arA terms ere el'ect.zd. hut p1'i...,r to pourir..g ccncre:.. D !J7!!)r:iC.9Q!r.!D ?~~'M"Jt:J~. S~::R. :J.l~E.~. DRA.I.'JhG2: Io ce r.r:.;.-e ?~or =0 fi~- hr.g =rer.cr.es. o UtlCeR:':.CC."? !'!.u.'.~r.:c .'<fE:c:?A,')[C:'!: ':0 be ff".aC8 pri<;r :c inst.::i.z..::t-::on of fLoor i.r.suk::icn or decKir.g. ??ST ..t.N!J 3f:t.,'{: To be r..adc pl"".:ar ta inataL':'::icn of 1'100r il'tSr.:latior. Qr IUcki",; . o o _~('),-,t;;,' ?':.!./':~r:!G_ '?r.:::~!'!-:;'!. ~ :.r~C.1- ANIt;,J.!..: .'10 'JO";': ia =0 :,C COl.:e!'ec ur.=~l :hcs~ ~r~oec:icr.3 ~~v~ =eer. mcde =r~ =??~?'e~. F:.~E:?!.AC!: ~or:.o ?z.c.::.:."'-1 f'c~r.q mc::eriaL-,a a,....d b~for8 lr~r"1 inspec- tior.. o ::J FP.A.~I.'f";: Mus: be rec-...:J3:ed a{ti!r C?prcu..:!. of r~qh plt.r.-.:,ir.g, .:!ec:ri_ cat & mecr.ar.i.:::zL. At! :'Oaf';1%.] b"~c:'"~r.q .1 chimn~Y3, Jt.;, r.r...:sr; !;e corrroL.z:cd. .':0 '.Xl:'< -:'s ~o b4] ccn- . cei::Z2.d undl :his ins~ec:icn r.as .b~~ mad~ and a?proved. , rour Cif;y' lJesigr.ated Job Numbe..:'" Is: o INSVLATIONIVAPO.q BARRI2R D!SPE:CTION: To be rr.ade after aU insul..::ti.?l1 a:-.a. r(!qu.~red vap07' ta:n"i.el'S are in place but befcre arty !aUt, gyp$1..l1:l beard or z.xzl.l covering is c;;plied, and before any ir.:r~ La tion ~8 concea led. I [)a.:Ol-I'1'ION OR .'.;OV?; BUrl-DIaCS ~ Sani:ard se'.Jer capped =t ~O?&rt:i Zi:r:e' :=J Septic tank p-.J?~d ar.d f-:'ZZaa uith ;r:::-...:a~ ~ Fi7taL - flhen ~cve ite~s are c:::..:rolet&d .. .J ...... -___ ~a wnen ~~l~...~r. ~8 complete or s....~c- tU1'e moved. c.nd pr~'ses clecxrud up. NobiZe Hc:r:es ~ aLacki.ng and S~t-:.lp ~ PLumbing cOl1nec=i~ns 8~er and ~tJl' ---, cZectric~L Ccnr~c~iol1 - Bloaking~ aet-u? .--J and plumbing co:'l.,-:ections nr..:st ~e appra!.:zc before reques-:ir.g ez.ec=7"'~caL ir.s?~c=i~ ~ Ac.:-essor'd 3ui!.:iir"J I Fi,....::zl - ~1ft;;r J~r"~i:es. s1drti,...g, de;::y.s, ~ etc. are c:.mp~e=~a. o ---, FI"" pr'{,.r.r"G ~ ..... ~IJ.'..,... All. prQiect cor.diti~ns, 3UC~ as che {ns~alZct~cn of street :Tees. ~~~!c'C~~n of the required Zcndsccpir4. etc.. .T.Ust be sat~sficd b~rore ~r.e 3UIL=I~G :I~AL ~an be r2quest~d. ~?I"I:" :.!E~P.A:'ICAL :=J Fr::AL !r.z=:RI=~J; ::=J o Pt.-IAL aUI:'DT."'C: The final Euildir..q !'-:'spec:i.on ."::':.lSt be reque:Jtaa -={;er :he Fi~l ?!t/r.ci,...; EZectri~alJ and Necr~~i.c=i Ir.spec=i.cns :~C been ~ade ar~ cpprov.zd. O .DRY-dALE INSP~C1'!C!I: To be made after all Crd'.JaZl. is in place~ but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: St.zeL beam:;, grou.-:ing ac::ordance wi.:h 2415. ~ODSTO~: After instaZZa:ion is t::J ccmple-:c:a. .... location~ bond or vertical.s in V.B.C. Section D Cl/R3 !l AFPRCACP. AF.r::DN: Aft2t' forms are erec~ed out prior to pcu:ring C'01Crete. SID,Al-f( .3 'JRn"E"dA?: For all con- crete paving uithin stroeet rlght- of-r.x;";j~ :0 be ma:.ie a:~t.z1' a!! e:::ca- vatir..a ccmril.Bte & f"o~ work & <=u.b- base .m:ter1:aL in place. .A~': .'.!J.."JP.G:'2S I.ND CLSANOV':'3 .'[VB':' 3e ,~CCESS:;r.2. .~~.Ii.'S'i'.'!!:,'':' :0 3S :.~1CE /':' ..,'0 ::ST 7'J (;1':'"1 '";)":.2 1 of 2 o o ~NCE: When ~omplGte -- Provide gates or movable sectians tr.rougr. P.U,E. o I JO B Nof~d-;) 1/7 !:7~= l.:ot Sq. F:';. I: ~, 1..._ C"N"re.--~ I ,-- - - -,' ~ of .::.n~,e3 I :o:al. J.r;qh: Topcgrcr; hot I::~.'.f 1.'1:;" I.:(;.::c ~.-:,:,~ ....::1"-..1'.. 1.~~~~:3~~~ I I ~r.~~ VA!.I.:E I"D,C, 1.; = l;:CI.;,U;J 8u.i ldir.g Pe:r:rr"; t $t.::.ta Sr.ao:;'Sf'qe Tot.:t ~.a:"ge3 I ~~~~es I Resid.zntiat (1 bath) 1 Sc:r.it.=r! Str..Je1' I :.ceo?:> I Pl.:mt1r:ng Perr.':i t Etc.tQ Su:rcr~e T~tat auz:..~eB I ::~.'.f I.~es. Sa. f~a. I NaJ/E--t~ eire-oli. ts I Terrr;;ct'~ Service E1.a:tM.caZ Permit st.::.t4J Sla'~;..a::-aB !'ot3l O.c:r-::es I Z;;.~f ?l.u-"::::C'€ ?!,'l'S E::h::z:Jst Hoed J VO?1t F::n I"'~dsto~e Pe!'rTi.t I3su.::nca ,I,{s::r.anic:;l Peme Sta~e Sur:hc~€ '!'o~~r C"rar-"!,,!J ~.'lCF.:;AC.:J:E.:::' -- Se~~:~~ DZ:03it Storz:s ~~l"teeT'.o-'-:l! Pe..~t To':~l. cr..c!''!cs I C'..u-bc-.l: !Sideo:al< I :e1'!::e I n.tc:z-:.cc! i:...;:,O!l , ~ .'ofoCi:03 i{xs I :"rAt ,l..'.!OU.'I'!' CUE: It 1,','0. I r~. I I'" I I""' I I I I SOLA.CCES S ':'C::,".(:c:r.c-.. .;:,'7'..1.:::'= LC': :!'?: !r::encr CaMe:- Panr..c;nd Ie Cut.-da-sGc x ?aluo:! :;0. I I I. I I I I. C;::.A.~:;E I I. I I I I 1 , I. ,:.:;;_='Ci: .::..:. ;'t':" C,t!A;:?~E 1/5: dV I I ,&0 1/ ,<-;: 0 U I. I I I I I I ! I I I I /5:bo ?-::.::a 2 . L-COC;;' R EQ,- ;::.'::eICcl".s:::: 3~i.:"~C~3: Cot f'':1.Ce3 - I =.",,:er~".J Scr...r::tr!f =:ea: 1:;:-8 '''0"' ~ dit ~c.s;: ISo"....-::i1 IWest .5.:?~l.:,..,,!...s i::~~c;e I I I ilc:<;a'!' ;Jt'-::~:n" .~anq:: 2:.reok::e {/ooo.:;;Ql;e I Aocess. I I Ii I II I II ? [. \ 20\<s.; r2€.'t Building Value & Permit Thi.s pe~t i.:J gran~ed on the express condi.tion that tr.e said.. ::onstruction s~~Zl, in ~Zl res~ccts, conform to the Ordinar.ce ~?eed cy the :it~ of Sp"r'i..,...gf'ield, -';nc!ud:.ng :r.e :on-';ng C'rd:.nar.ce. reguk::.r:g ;:he ccr.SC?"'..lC;;iCI1 ar.d uc€ of ~l.4~;tdi.ngs. ar.d m:::~ b, sl.4o?err.ded or r'6uckd at ~y time u;:,ar. uic- lation of any pr~vi3ions of said Ordi,..~nces. IPlan Check Fee: lcate Pai.d: IRec,":pt n, ISi,r:ed, Plumbing Permit No perean ahaZl cO?".stro..lct, ins:.:::Z:Z, aZter cr changs c;ny "..ew cr e--{,stir.g plu.mi:Jing or drainage SY8tiP'l in :Jhole 01" in part, ur.lctss such ;:er8an is tr.e legal possessor of a valid plumber's License, e=cept tr.c:t a pe:os07'f. rr.a;j do plur.:bing work to prOpel't"d which i.s otJned, ~a3ed 01" operated !'Jy tns appti- cant, Electrical Permit Where State lAZJ requires tr.at ths eleot't"ical work be dcne by an: S1.setrical Contractor. the electrical. portion of thw pel"':':'lit sr.aL't ",et be val.U until tIts Zabel has b"en. sit;ned by 10M E1.ectr-icaL ~ontractor. . Mechanical Permit , P t.an G:cm1.ne1' J,Jc,:a I SA VE' CAREFULLY EXAJ.!I:-lED ths cOmr:Jli!ted atloLication for ='lif!'t'1'ti~, ard dc hereby certify that aLZ: i~fo~.ati'ort hereon. is true a~ correct, ::md I t.aothel' certify that any ar.d. alt r.,;ork fe'l'fomred ahaLz: be do......e irt ac~ar- darr..ce :Ji:h tna 01'din:znces of the city of Springficl,d., and the: tc:.:s of t~3 .. State of 01"ea.:)11 p.zr-:.::inina to the work CSSCI"':'bcd iterei1\, 0"4 tr-c,:: .'/0 acc;}. Pl~'ICY :.riZ~ b~ :ra.:1e of .:n1J~ atruct'.u-Z withe:..: :J~SJion ~f the 3uiZdina Di- visio11. I !U:r<;haro t:~1'ti.i4".1. ~;'...:It o:-:Zy contra~~rs a;-.d ~l..;yee3 '..:;'.0 ar~ it:: ~Liance with CRS 101405& wiLL ae used on this projzot I -t~d,7Sr~ II. ~ (. r). Data