HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1983-8-8 . .. RESIDENTIAL" APPI.lcA7'ION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 9?4?? Building Division ?26-3?53 SPRINGFlEl.C ' "l Job !.oCa.:iOl1: ~59 ("\ f\4~h br ASDeSDorz :!ap II StdJdi:1";sict1.d~ Ta;: Lot # ':!::I:J . bl'\ll 00 \ <;)1\(\ J\ 0.0 ~,m.r:\ O:1C\lll\.t'h ~ffictn \\J.' hCill ~.ss:W{'f) \\rl~~~"" ~r. C.01;: ~.\ J.~. Pr.oT:e: Zip: Q. "\ 4() \ n n n n DesC1""~be ilorl<.: 'I...., AdCi ticn Remodel .'-100"':Ze ao"~a ~ '2.~ 00 Dat2 of A?pticati~n ~;on:Z'ac::or8 GeneraLJ "1 \. "'lC\S:lX"'" PlwniJing Electrical Mechar:ic::l C07l8t1"'..lcti~ r.::Mtll" Va!u.e Add....ess . lJ/1.c::,\4 _~.::::~r:'::; ~ ~ ~ siqr.ed:~l~ ..) Date:~ ~ If). ~~::z. (\ ) - Lise. ,,, Phon!; E::::r;ir:;fs / !~ is ~he respanoibil.i:y of eh8 pe~t hold,ar to see that al;! i,..tJpectic1'l8 ar'9 r.:adtZ at the proper time~ tr.at ;:c.cit :;&fresa is re~:a from eM street. end that ths pe:t'11Tit: ea:rd is t..xated at the Jrcn.t of eha property. .tBui!dir-.g :J{.1Ji=io~ C?pror.:ed pl.an s;..c.ZZ rena-:.n on :he Su"':Winq Sit,; at aU tinU28. ?'?OCEDl.I,r~E FOR IN$PECTIQl/ R;~lZST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) stcte you.r City desigr.ated joe It'.m:bel'~ job ad.C..."'C8S~ type of i7'.3p8c-:icn l'sqt.testcd 1V"'.d W.':en you ;Jill be ready loro ir.spcction~ Cont:2"ac'tCros oro Q..'ne:"S name av1 phone nu.~cr. Requ€s~s receir;ed before 7:00 c-:: :.:.iZZ be made t1u; sama deb requests mcd.e afta' 7:()O a:7l :.JiZL be made the ~t :JOl'Jd:n; 00:/. _~::!t'T1J1:,,:.,A T1""_~"'p,,~(r.,.,..>~ O SIT~ IN5.Prc:pJN: ~o be rrr:de ercavat:..,:m~ .?ut pz-t-O'l" tc set j'":Jrms. row- City. Desigr.ated Job Numbu 10: ajter" u? of o INSl/LATION/VAPOR 8A.9RIEF? I,'!SPE:CTION: To be rr.ad.e after all. insul.-.=ti.:m a:".a rcqui'l"ed 1.IapO'l" ba!"'2'"'iers aI'e in place Cut befere any tath~ gypsum board 01' wU c:overing is c:ppZied~ and before any insulation ~s concealed. o UNDt.9S!.A.3 ?!L','.fBI.'1C. :LE~5?lC,1!. j I'.fECH.J.;1JCAL: ':0 013 mace before any tJOrk i6 .::otl~red. o FCOT:DiC ~ ?OU:!D,1TI0.'1: To be made after ;;;renc.1SS arg e:::cClJated and forms are erected, but prior to pourir.g ccncret::,;::. U!!D::::;G.~:J.~'[) ?~r.;,\f:JJNG_ s::;-",,::.t:? ;';.l~.:P, DR~.'lA.G~: To 06 r.n.:::e pr:.or ;;0 fi,~- Zir.g :rer..cr.ee. o DRY".lALL I!IS?::CTIO."l: Tc be made. after aZZ Cr<:/wlZ is in place, but prior to any -capiTlfl. MASONRY: Steel. Zocation~ bomJ. beams~ arou:i~~ Or' ver~icaZs in accora..c;.ce IJith U.B.C. Section 241S. WOODSTO"l2: After ins tal Zation is cc.7rpl.et.;d. ,., o o o o UNr;~.!:!PWCH P~':J,'.!Er.'G ~ ,',f:;~A.'l[t;A.!'.. To be :roee prior' :0 ..n3~at.~t':,.On of flaor insuZaticn 01' decking. POST AND 3Et..,'.{: To be f!".aCt: pr-:.or to inst:a!z..:::tion of j100r i7".s:.:latior. or tkcki.ng. CURB !1 APPROACH AP_~tl: After' forms :zre 2rear;ed. but prior to p01.J.r'f;1'lIJ ~n....--r€te. [J o [J 3(}TJ(;H ?:.u~~r::c. ?:!.Z~T?:C:': {.'.f!C1- D SlDE;.JALZ d ,)RI'.-TdA"!: For aU con- ANICAL: :"10 'JO~k i.s :0 :,C cot.'e::-oed crete pcr.Jing within street right- :u:::il. :hcsoi' ~~.soec:ior.s ;'..:::tJ~ ~eer.. Of-WC"'d~ :0 be made a;""ter an e:rca- made arr.ti =??l'?'.Je.::, vatint} ~cmpZet2 j jom work & zua- FIP.E:PL),CE: Proior;o ?,Zc:::r.g .~ccing base .':"IC:terial. in ?la::s. ::0 4,.r~Ir.' . . ~ ~. ~~. ~. ENCF:: When compl.o:te . -- Provids ~:~:~~~. ::~_b:;O::~::r.::4a~~::€C- gates or movable 3ect.cns through C?pro1J~':' ~f ~augi'1 pI.ur..ot.ng,..aLec:rt.- P.(j.E. caL & r.:ecflam..':al.. AU ':'OoJ:"7UJ bracing ~ ch0rn~ys, et~. ,~..cst be 0 comvLetcd. ~o ~r~ ~s ~o oe con- - cec'led t./:ntiL thi.:; insoect"icn ;..aa 'been made and approved. o D R~ \ 4\.n\.o DE:l:OLITIO;'! OR .~:o~; BUlLDliies =.J Sarti =arrJ seJel' ~apped :::t r:.oP&!'t-~. ~ Se?ti~ tank F~~d ~~ fitted uith z..i~e ~~:"'e: =:J Pinal. - ,{hen. a..bcve ite~s are c~";rolet€d . -l ..... . . .. and whe~ ~emel.~w~on ~s comp~ete 01' s~~~~- tu.re moved and. pI'~3eS cZeaned u.p. I Nobi. Ze Hc-r::es ~ 3Lecking ~ PLumbi", ---, Elec~caz.. Ccnr.ec~~on - BLockir.g, se=-u~ ----1 and ol..umbina caro:ect:ions nr...st :;e c::Jorct:e::: before l'equ~8~::~..g e!ec:rical.. ir.8pec::io:-: and Set-up connec:;icns sc:.;er ar.d wa:ar ~ =:J Accesso~' 3ui~i~~ Fir~Z - Aft~r ~crcr.es, etc. are c~l~;~d. skir:ir.g, dec."-s, o ..l.Zl. pro;;ect ~or.di:iDnsJ .;:...c,l: as r;he ~'.n8:a~Zc:.t-:..on of s::reec trees, ~c..?!a~:."1'! ol tits required 'Z.andscc.pi.....q, .;"tc. ~ must :;e satis/-:..ad before !:r..e 3UlI.:Jl:;C ?I.'!),L -::'ar. !;e !'3q-..cgstcd. o Fn.'A[, PW:.$!::G =:J Fl:IAL .~fE:.:!A:i!':)'l ..... c=J FnlAL ~:.EC":RIC:"[' .=:1 00. 2'I,VAl BUILD!NG: The i'ind 5uii.d.ing In3?t!c:ion .~st be !'eque::Jted =.:"~-:er :1:2 P~r..az.. ?!~:,in.; 2!..accr1..caL, r:otd Hecha.."'::.c::.i... Ir.spec:i:m::J ;:ava been mede ar.d ~:::::!'o:J2i. fA~~ :.!A..'IP.Cr.2S AND CLEANCU'!'5 .'!US"!' =F: A.C=~SS;=c.~. .4C,j~'5'~.'~:::.'~ :0 S~ :.~1':;.: ,;:." ::0 :-:sr T'J ':I':''! \ ?=-;e of 2 JOB NO, :::-:~: l:.ot ~q. F':.;. i~ jf ~~ C~er~:. I . \,,; of $t"~A13 ! :'c-:aL ;:!.r:'ch: ; . I :opo~hy ,....:-.., I."k:~" I ' 1~~==-2 .;~;. .:-:~ I :".:r:-cr-: i , I ......:=cs/Jj~.J ::':':."'.~!. Z4!.~'!" !',o,c. 1. S ;: ; :,;=';':"~J ;uiZd.~r4 Pe~t St.:~.e Su.....~i-:..zrge ::'0=-=1. cr.a..-ge3 I"II.~ .' ~ t-.-:tJ"es Residzntial. [1 ba::h) S<P:i.~! Se..J8'l" I.c=€,. I ?l:.ombir.g Pe~ t !:ate Surr:;.~-;e '!'=ta~ C'r~~es I ::DI :iO. I I.~l?s. ~a. f~a. I ,VGlJ/E--eorr.d Cir~J.i::8 1',....;-'.... __:! Ser.Jic6 ..".': E!d=tr{ea! Pe~t S~te Sur=r.a:rce Tot:zl Or::r-::es I :T~.'1 I.., I I"C. I Pur.....::e<2 ?!lj'3 E=bs t Hood. I Vent ::::11 I 1 iloodstc"Je I ?a~;t I:;su.::r.ca .\fe::r-=r.i.c=! Pe~: Sta~2 SW"=~C 'T'.,-:.-:::! '7'''~~i?!J , I 10 ' I ~eC"J.:""#~ I Stcr~6 ~:iC.;.';AC.~'.\r:::.": !J2::C3it "11Z";nt~...,...:'~ Pa.~:: I Tc=~l /..."';-"c:!'-,cs I Cur~C"'J.: I S'~ ., I U:::e:.Ja:l..( !. , :"'''.::e I I r7.ec-;r-tc.=! {,.;:.bq!. \ .\fobi:.a H::;M9 I-....,"'.r ".II':U'~ "'u:-.. ...1.............."..1 ,....... SOLA.CCESS ..=~...I.:;c:r.'~J ;:0':"...1.:;: :..;-; .~??~ :r:,:C?ZO-::eI" ';Cl""!€':' ;"::n;..c~ZC? ...ilL-d.C?-sac x :.;:;UC? ,':0. . ,:;::...t~:;z ~'.~;'_='C~ I I I I I I C,~!':.P: ~ I i I I I I I ! \'h CO I I I I \~~~ .":J=.-::e 2 . L-COG~ R EQ,- :~'p€iCcr;s~: =.aZ:JCr.:3: I E.ot E'a.ces - I 5~':cacks I ? c. I h'oti.se ':~::.C€ I A~cess.' ltio!'t"i'l. IEr::s:; lSO',..:r;h jrr'est =~e'('~"'l 50ur-::€s .1'ea:; T:r::! ;{c.t<1!' .::"'.-::':;?!' .~Qnq2 ?-:.reDic.ce /looa:;r;..?t:e :2eS Building Value & Permit This per.7r;t i3 grcnted on the express condition tr~t the said.co~str~ctio~ $hn~:, ~n eZZ ~e$?ccts, cor.jC~ to the Ordirtar~e =do~ted cy the :~:~ of SPl'"';r.IJ/i.eZd, -:.n.c!u.d-:.ng :r.e Zonin.g Crd-:.nar.ce, rtJqu.k::-:.r:g -;;..e ccr.s;;:!"".<cc';cn ~.d ~$e of ~uiZdings, and m=y be su.3pended or r~vokec ~r; cr.y ti~e ~;cr. vie- lation of =ny ?!'~uisior.s 0; said Ordir~nces. . I PZa.n Check Ca:::e Paid: IRecoipt #: ISir-ed: Fee: Plumbing Permit No percon ahan conSt:l"!~ct, instal.!, alter or change any r.ew er e:::istir:g pLumbing or drainage sY$r;~ ~n whoLe or in part~ ur.~esa such person is tr~ Legal. possessor of a ualid pLumber's License~ e=cept tr~t a pe~son ma~ do pZ~bing work to proper~~ which is owned, Leased or operated ~y the ap?Zi- ~t. I I I. I Electrical Permi t Where State La:JJ requires that the eZectrical work be dcne by an S!e::tricaZ Controctor, th6 el.ectr:.cal. portion of thi3 pe~t sr.alt roOt be val.u: until the l.abel. has b€Bn. signed by the Elecf:r-l;cal. Contractor. I I , I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I ! I Mechanical Permit ~ Pkm =X::::m1-r1er !....a::e I HAVE' CAREFULLY EX.4.'-!I;'18D t.1.:e cOrrr:Jl.eted a::mEcation for :'er-mi-:, end do hereby certify that all i~fo~~tiOn hereon'ia true a~ c;r~cct, and I f:n'ther certify that .:my ar.d aLl L,;ork ;:erforned shaZZ be Cone in -;:cc.?r- dance ~th the Ordin~ce8 of the City of Sp~:ngfi~2d, and ch~ L~~s of t~3 State of Oreg.:m p$t'-:.:zining t.:J the work. cescr"";bad here-=:n, and :h.at ,VO ~CC~}- PANCY ~ZL be ma~e of any 3truc~~a witheut permisaio~ .?f the 3uiZding !r~- vision. I !\wthC?r cert~fy t~~t o~ly contractors ar~ ~l~yee3 wr~ ere in c~Z.iance ~th CRS ?Ol.0St wiZZ. be used on this proj~ct tfo 15!.ir.2d ( .' Ca:a