HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1989-7-13 ~ ~ ~ \ ,- . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Development Services Department DATE OF Lr.llU\ July 13, 1989 APPLICANT City of Springfield Development Services 225 Fit th S tree t Springfield, OR 97477 Attn: Cynthia Pappas Department SUBJECT CITY JOURNAL NUMBER 89-06-111. Type I Site Plan requesting approval of the relocation of the Springfield Depot to be rehabilitated for use as an office, visitor information_centecand. .public meeting space to include a parking lot. The si te is located at 129 South A Street, (Assessor's Map 17-03-35-32; Tax Lot 6800 and 6900). The property~ is' zoned Community Commercial (CC); the Metro Plan Designation is Community Commercial Mixed Use. This property is designated Downtown Mixed Use in the Downtown Refinement Plan. There was a Pre-Application Conference in November, 1988 (Jo. No. 88-10-171). Staff reviewed this application on July 11, 1989. ACTION PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN APPROVAL subject to: Requirements under Site Plan Review Criteria of Approval (See Attachment A). VHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE TO OBTAIN FINAL SITE PLAN APPROVAL? 1. A Final Site Plan drawn to scale is required within 90 days of the date of this letter, 2. A signed Development Agreement. This agreement will be prepared by staff upon approval of your Final Site Plan. APPEAL If you wish to appeal this Type I Site Plan Review decision, you must do days of the date of this letter. Your appeal must be in accordance Development Code, Article 15, APPEALS. so within 10 Springfield QUESTIONS Please call the Development Services Department at (503) 726-3759 if you have any questions regarding this process. PREPARED B~ / J:: ~ Associate Planner /' ,-\ . . ATTACBKENT A FINDINGS CRITERIA OF APPROVAL (Ref. SDC 31. 060). [X] DEMONSTRATED COMPLIANCE VITO APPLICABLE STANDARDS OF TOIS CODE. When the applicable Development Standards below have been met, this application will have demonstrated compliance with the applicable standards of this Code. [X] PARKING AREAS AND INGRESS-EGRESS POINTS DAVE BEEN DESIGNED SO AS TO FACILITATE TRAFFIC AND PEDESTRIAN SAPETY, TO AVOID CONGESTION AND TO MINIMIZE CURB CUTS ON ARTERIAL AND COLLECTOR STREETS. When the applicable Development Standards below have been met, this criterium will be met. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS TO BE MET [X] TDE DEVELOPMENT HUST CONNECT TO PUBLIC UTILITIES. The site has public utilities available. Storm sewer is available in South 2nd Street; sanitary sewer is available in South Aster Street (when the street is vacated, an easement will be required to be placed over the sanitary sewer or any other utility in the right-of-way. The utility connections need to be shown on the Final Site Plan. See also the attached letter from SUB. [X] TDE DEVELOPMENT HUST COMPLY VITH THE SPRINGFIELD BUILDING SAPETY CODES. Demolition of any existing buildings, removal of existing gas tanks, moving the depot, rehabilitation of the depot and paving the parking area will require Building Permits. Contact Lorne Pleger of the Building Safety Division at 726-3759, [X] PARKING AND CIRCULATION AREAS HUST BE PAVED AND STRIPED, AND VDEEL STOPS HUST BE INSTALLED. A breakdown of the depot's internal areas is: lobby - 625 sq.ft.; office - 1650 sq.ft.; waiting room - 350 sq.ft.; public meeting space/gallery - 1300 sq.ft. The lobby, office and meting room can be combined and considered "office". At one space for every 300 sq.ft., 9 parking spaces will be required. The public meeting space will be considered a "primary assembly area". At one space for every 100 sq.ft., 13 parking spaces will be required for a total of 22 parking spaces. One space needs to be designated "handicapped". Access to the building to the south needs to be provided; there are overhead doors and a fenced storage area. These access points need to be shown on the Final Site Plan. Perimeter (5 foot) landscaping for the parking area needs to be shown (to include the plant names and irrigation). ~, . . Page 2 City of Springfield Findings This parking area is dependent upon the vacation of South Aster Street. Yhen a vacation occurs, the right-of-way reverts to the abutting property. The property to the south of the depot site is owned by Lamarc Inc., 200 S. Mill Street Springfield, OR 97477. A joint-use/access agreement will have to be entered into with the property owner for the proposed parking area. [X] CURB CUTS \/BICH EXCEED THE STANDARDS OF THIS CODE MUST BE CLOSED AND REPLACED VITH STANDARD CURB AND GUTTER, AND SIDEVALK IIBERE NECESSARY. There are existing curb cuts on South A Street which will need to be closed and replaced with sidewalk (along the frontage of Tax Lot 6900); there are also curb cuts along South 2nd Street which need to be closed. The closures and replacement with curb and sidewalk needs to be shown on the Final Site Plan. [X] SIDEVALKS MUST BE INSTALLED \/BEN THE SITE ABUTS A CURB AND GUTTER. A PUBLIC IHPROVEIIENT AGREEIIENT MUST BE REQUIRED \/BEN THE SITE DOES NOT ABUT CURB AND GUTTER . A sidewalk needs to be installed along the frontage of Tax Lot 6800 (South A Street) to match the recently constructed sidewalk along the frontage of Tax Lot 6900. There is an existing sidewalk on South 2nd Street. There is no sidewalk on South Mill Street - Yillamalane Park and Recreation District has signed a Development Agreement with the City that requires the park district to improve South Hill Street between South A and Aster Streets before September 9, 1991. Contact Yillamalane to cooperate in the completion of this project prior to the' scheduled deadline. [X] A 5 FOOT VIDE LANDSCAPED PLANTER STRIP VITH PERMANENT IRRIGATION MUST BE INSTALLED B",...M.d THE STREET-SIDE PROPERTY LINES AND PARKING AREAS OR STRUCTURES. IF STREET TREES DO NOT EXIST, THEY MUST BE INSTALLED IN THIS PLANTER STRIP. The plan submitted shows a future flower garden on the west portion of the site. This area contains more than the required landscape area than if only a five foot landscape strip were utilized. Until plans are formalized, grass needs to be planted and an irrigation system installed, Required street trees along South A Street and South Mill Street can be clustered in this area. [X] STREET LIGHTS MUST BE INSTALLED. No additional street lighting is required. [X] TRASH RECEPTACLES AND OUTDOOR STORAGE AREAS MUST BE SCREENED. [X] Auu.l.uONAL COHHENTS. 1. The alley and South A Street need to be vacated (Jo. No. 89-06-115). 2. The existing fuel tanks must be removed. 3. The plan shows a right turn only lane; this is on State right-of-way and needs to be discussed both with the State Highway Division and the City'S Transportation Division. . ,~ . . . Page 3 City of Springfield Findings 4. Incorporate any comments from the Historical Committee review. VHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE? 1. You need to submit a Final Site Plan drawn to scale which shows the additional items listed under STANDARDS TO BE MET and ADDITIONAL COMMENTS on your plan. 2. Upon approval of the Final Site Plan, staff will prepare a Development Agreement which also have. to be signed by the property owner. 3. Once the Development Agreement is signed, the Site Plan Review process will be complete.